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Formula sheet-Final Exam

Physics Equations
Straight line motion with constant acceleration (ax is constant):
= 0 + 0 + 2 2 ,

2 = 0
+ 2 ( 0 ), 0 = 2 (0 + )
Work: W= = , Kinetic energy: K=1/2mv2,
The law of conservation of energy: K + U = 0

Chapter 17
Electrical force: F = k|qq|/r2 = (1/4 0)|qq|/r2 (the force on test charge q by a point charge q),
= (the force on test charge q in a uniform electric field)
Electric field: E=F/q (definition, force per charge), E = k|q|/r2 (the electric field by a point
charge q)

E A 4 kQencl
Flux: = , Gausss law: = (in vacuum),

Chapter 18
The Work done by the electric force: = =

Electric Potential Energy: = ,

Electric potential (voltage) = = (energy per charge)

E=- , E =V/d (for uniform electrical field, i.e., inside parallel plates)
Capacitance: C=Q/Vab

= 0 (only for parallel plates, in vacuum), = 0 = (only for parallel plates, with
= =1 ( ), = =1 ( )

The potential energy stored in a capacitor: U=2 2 = 2 = 2


Energy density: u=U/volume, u=2 0 2 (for parallel plate capacitor, k=1 in vacuum )
Chapter 19
Current: I = Q/t,
Resistance: R = L/A ( , resistivity)
=1 ( ), = =1 ( )

Ohms law: V = IR
Vab= Ir, I = /(R+r) (, emf, r, internal resistance)
R-C circuit, charging /discharging current, I=I0e-t/RC, RC, time constant
Power, P = IV=I2R = V2/R
Chapter 20
Magnetic force magnitude on a moving charge: = ||, right hand rule for direction
Magnetic force magnitude on a current-carrying conductor: = , right hand rule for

Magnetic field of a long straight line with current I: B = 0I/2r
Force between two parallel wires with current I and I: F= 0II L/2r
Magnetic field of a circular current loop with radius R: Bx = 0I/2R (center of circular loop)
Magnetic field of a coil of N circular current loop with radius R: Bx = 0NI/2R (center of circular
Magnetic field of a long solenoid with (in the center): B = 0nI (n=N/L, number of turns per
unit length)
Magnetic field of a toroidal solenoid: B = 0NI/2r
Ampere law: = 0
Chapter 21
Magnetic flux, = =
Faradays law: =N | B/t| (for a coil with N identical turns)
Lens law: determine the direction of induced current or emf, oppose the change, follow right
hand rule
Motional electromotive force (emf): = (conductor with length L)
Inductor: Mutual inductance: = 1 = 2 ; 2 = | | = | |

Self-inductance: = ; = | |; Vab=Li/t
Transformer: V2/V1=N2/N1
The energy stored in an inductor: UL = 1/2 LI2;
The energy density in a magnetic field: uB = B2/2 0 (in vacuum)
Chapter 23: v = f, refractive index, n=c/v (v, light speed in media), n= 0/ ( 0 is the
wavelength in vacuum and is the wavelength in media), Law of refraction: =
, total internal reflection: = / , Maluss law(for polarization): I = Imaxcos2
Chapter 24:
Lateral magnification: m=-s/s=y/y; for spherical mirror (concave and convex), + = ,

1 1

f=R/2; for thin lens(diverging and converging lens), + = , = ( 1)( ) (lens maker


Chapter 25: Angular magnification: M=/, for magnifier, M=25cm/f; for compound
microscope, magnification M=m1M2, (m1 is the angular magnification of the objective lens and
M2 is the angular magnification of the eyepiece).
Chapter 26: Constructive interference: light path difference r2-r1=m (m, integer number);
destructive interference r2-r1=(m+1/2);
Two slits interference(R, distance between slits and screen; d, distance between two slits):
dsin=m (constructive), dsin=(m+1/2) (destructive), bright fringe position on the screen:
ym=Rm/d; dark fringe position on the screen, ym=R(m+1/2)/d
Interference in thin film (thickness t, refractive index n), you need to judge constructive or
destructive based on refection conditions and film thickness, 2t=m or 2t=(m+1/2)

Geometry and Trigonometry

Volume: V=r2L, surface area: S=2rL+2r2
Sphere (solid):
Volume: V=3r3, surface area: S=4r2
Units and Constants
electron charge magnitude, |e|=1.6x10-19C, electron mass: me=9.11x10-31kg
proton mass: mp=1.67x10-27kg
Vacuum permittivity, 0=8.854x10-12C2/Nm2, Coulombs law constant, k=1/40=9x109 Nm2/C2
Vacuum permeability: 0=4 x10-7NS2/C2, light speed in vacuum or air: c=3x108 m/s
Near point for the average of average adult eye, 25cm

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