Daily Market Update: Equities

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06 May 2010

Switzerland USA
• Swiss Re (RUKN VX)
Swiss Re reported net income of USD 158 million for the first Future Current Chg Pct 1d Trend
quarter of 2010, compared to an income of USD 130 million in DJIA . Jun ’10 10810 -0.14% 
the same period of the previous year. Earnings per share S&P 500 Jun ’10 1161.7 -0.16% 
were CHF 0.49 (USD 0.46), compared to CHF 0.45 Nasdaq 100 Jun ‘10 1953.25 -0.15% 
(USD 0.39) for the first quarter of 2009.

• Zurich Financial Services AG (ZURN VX)

Switzerland’s largest insurer, said Q1 profit increased 76% U.S. market news
after it sold more life products. Net income rose to $935
million from a restated $532 million a year earlier. That beat Freddie Mac, the second-largest provider of U.S. residential
the $887 million average estimate of nine analysts surveyed mortgage funds, asked for an additional $10.6 billion in federal aid
by Bloomberg. after it lost $8 billion in the first quarter. Goldman Sachs Group
fell 0.8 percent to $148.19. The firm’s credit rating outlook was cut
• Adecco SA (ADEN VX) to “negative” from “stable” by Fitch Ratings, which said legal
The largest supplier of temporary workers, said first-quarter actions and regulatory changes could hurt the firm’s reputation
profit more than doubled, helped by acquisitions. Net income and ability to earn money. Employees at more than 150 U.S.
gained to 57 million euros ($73 million) from 23 million euros financial companies that received U.S. government aid when
a year earlier, the company said today. That beat the 45.1 bailouts began will have their compensation scrutinized as part of
million- euro average estimate of five analysts surveyed by a widening review by Obama administration pay supervisor
Bloomberg. Kenneth Feinberg, it was reported. Broadcasting company CBS
said that its first-quarter loss shrank by half as its revenue rose on
Europe the back of a recovery in advertising. Its net loss in January
• BNP Paribas SA through March fell to $26.2 million, or 4 cents per share. That's a
France’s largest bank, said Q1 profit increased 47%, helped smaller loss than the $55.3 million, or 8 cents per share, it posted
by the acquisition of Fortis assets and lower provisions for a year earlier. JDS saw a fiscal third-quarter loss of $11.9 million
bad loans. Net income advanced to EUR 2.28 billion ($2.93 or 5 cents per share, which compares with a year-ago loss of
billion) from EUR 1.56 billion a year earlier, the Paris-based $101.7 million or 47 cents a share. Revenue rose 19% to $332.3
bank said in an e-mailed statement today. million, up from year-ago sales of $280.6 million, while gross
margin improved to 40%, from 36%. Prudential Financial
• JCDecaux SA (DEC FP) reported better than expected first-quarter results. The company
The world’s second-largest seller of outdoor advertising said said profit rose to $536 million or $1.15 a share, which compares
first-quarter sales climbed 15 percent to 487.2 million euros with a year-ago loss of $5 million.
as the ad market started to recover and new assets in
Germany, Turkey and U.K. added to earnings.

• Total SA (FP FP)

Europe’s biggest oil company said it will permanently close a
crude-distillation unit at its French Gonfreville plant, several
months ahead of schedule, after it idled the unit in August as
the economic slowdown cut fuel demand.

Crude oil fell to a seven-week low as the euro dropped against the on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. It was the
dollar on concern that Greece’s bailout may have to be extended to lowest settlement since March 30.
other indebted nations. Oil slipped 3.3 percent in New York as the
common currency tumbled to its lowest level against the dollar since Gold
March 2009, curbing the appeal of commodities to investors. U.S. Gold futures rebounded from the biggest decline in two weeks as
stockpiles of crude oil rose 2.76 million barrels last week to the investors bought the precious metal as a haven against financial
highest level since June, an Energy Department report showed turmoil in Europe. Gold has climbed 30 percent in the past year.
today. Crude oil for June delivery fell $2.77 to $79.97 a barrel on the Gold futures for June delivery rose $5.80, or 0.5 percent, to $1,175
New York Mercantile Exchange, the lowest settlement since March an ounce on the Comex in New York. The metal fell 1.2 percent
15. Prices slumped 7.2 percent yesterday and today, the biggest yesterday, the biggest decline since April 16, after touching
two-day drop since Feb. 4 and 5. Brent oil for June settlement $1,192.80, the highest level for a most-active contract since Dec. 4.
declined $3.06, or 3.6 percent, to end the session at $82.61 a barrel
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Soft Commodities
Corn and wheat rose on speculation that adverse weather will harm concern that the Greek debt crisis will spread in Europe,
crops in the U.S. and elsewhere. Corn futures for July delivery rose undermining the global economic recovery and reducing commodity
4 cents, or 1.1 percent, to $3.73 a bushel on the Chicago Board of demand. Soybean futures for July delivery dropped 9 cents, or 0.9
Trade, after earlier falling 1.8 percent. The most-active contract percent, to $9.78 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade.
climbed 8.8 percent last month on speculation that China, the Yesterday, the price touched $9.74, the lowest level for a most-
second-biggest consumer, would buy U.S. grain. Soybeans fell on active contract since April 15. The oilseed has dropped 6.7 percent
this year.

The euro declined against the dollar and the yen. The 16-nation yen on speculation a U.K. index of service companies rose in
currency weakened 0.4 percent to $1.2765 as of 7:23 a.m. in April. The euro halted a three-day decline after a technical chart
London, trading below $1.28 for the first time since March 2009. signaled its slump was overdone. New Zealand’s dollar surged
The euro dropped 0.3 percent to 119.83 yen. The pound traded after the nation’s jobless rate fell the most since at least 1986 and
near a nine-month high against the euro on concern Greece’s central bank Governor Alan Bollard said the nation’s economy
debt crisis will spread through the 16-nation region after Moody’s was “less fragile.”
Investors Service said Portugal’s credit rating may be cut. The
U.K. currency gained for the first time in three days versus the

Treasury 10-year note yields touched the lowest level in more since May 2007. The 10-year yield fell as much as 10 basis points
than four months as concern that a rescue plan for Greece hasn’t and touched 3.49 percent, the lowest level since Dec. 18, before
contained Europe’s debt crisis boosted demand for the safest trading at 3.55 percent at 4:13 p.m. in New York, down 4 basis
assets. Yields on U.S. two-year notes dropped to a two-month low points, according to BGCantor Market Data. A basis point is 0.01
as Treasuries rose even after a report showed companies added percentage point. The 3.625 percent note due in February 2020
more jobs last month than forecast. Portugal may have its credit rose 11/32, or $3.44 per $1,000 face amount, to 100 20/32. The
rating cut by Moody’s Investors Service as the country struggles two-year note yield tumbled 7 basis points to 0.87 percent and
to reduce its budget deficit. The U.S. said it will sell $78 billion in touched 0.80 percent, the lowest since March 4.
notes and bonds next week in the first reduction in coupon sizes


US-Date Event Survey Actual Prior
03.05.2010 Personal Income 0.3% 0.3% 0.0%
03.05.2010 ISM Manufacturing 60.0 60.4 59.6

EU-Date Event Survey Actual Prior

03.05.2010 PMI Manufacturing 57.5 57.6 57.5
04.05.2010 Euro-Zone PPI (YOY) 0.9% 0.9% -0.4%

EFG Financial Products 2

Daily Market Update, 06 May 2010

Equities Commodities
Index Current Change % Change % YTD Index Current Change % Change % YTD
MSCI World 1'158 -1.16% -0.91% S&P GSCI ER 425.99 -2.59% -3.39%
SPX 1'166 -0.66% 4.55% S&P GSCI Agriculture ER 50.35 0.20% -15.87%
INDU 10'868 -0.54% 4.22% S&P GSCI Livestock ER 218.76 -0.56% 9.84%
NDX 1'958 -0.54% 5.27% S&P GSCI Precious Metal ER 171.76 0.26% 6.58%
SX5E 2'679 -1.06% -9.63% S&P GSCI Industrial Metal ER 234.89 -2.77% -6.59%
DAX 5'958 -0.81% 0.02% S&P GSCI Energy ER 269.75 -3.31% -1.71%
SMI 6'448 -0.62% -1.49% DJAIG ER 130.18 -1.44% -6.47%
UKX 5'342 -1.28% -1.31% WTI 80.11 0.18% -1.81%
CAC 3'636 -1.44% -7.63% Brent 82.61 -3.57% 2.51%
NKY 10'696 -3.27% 1.42% Natural Gas 3.98 -0.38% -29.19%
HSI 20'106 -1.09% -8.08% Gold 1'175.80 0.07% 7.01%
IBOV 64'914 0.07% -5.36% Silver 17.51 -0.17% 3.67%
KOSPI 1'682 -2.14% -0.05% Aluminium 2'089.00 -1.96% -4.92%
SENSEX BSE 30 16'968 -0.70% -2.84% Copper 6'801.00 -5.22% -7.42%
RTSI 1'477 -0.38% 2.24% Zinc 2'097.00 -1.03% -18.52%
Tin 17'510.00 -1.55% 3.19%
Volatility Nickel 21'868.00 -11.11% 17.80%
Current Net Change Net Change 1m Lead 1'913.00 -5.94% -21.69%
WTD Corn 372.00 -0.27% -14.09%
VIX 24.91 2.86 8.68
Wheat 510.50 -0.29% -9.81%
VSTOXX 33.25 4.36 12.62
Soybean 978.00 0.00% -7.67%
VDAX 27.02 3.72 8.69
Sugar 14.41 -0.69% -37.40%
VSMI 23.25 3.46 9.10
Cocoa 3'203.00 0.98% -3.14%
Coffee 137.30 -0.15% -1.26%
Cotton 81.90 -0.22% 6.39%
Current Change % Change % YTD
Live Cattle 96.90 0.21% 10.46%
USD/CHF 1.1185 -0.04% 7.45%
Feed Cattle 116.78 0.09% 17.07%
USD/JPY 93.8500 -0.04% 0.88%
Lean Hogs 84.53 0.06% 9.38%
CHF/JPY 83.9000 0.00% -7.10%
EUR/USD 1.2815 -0.01% -11.75%
EUR/CHF 1.4333 -0.04% -3.51%
iTraxx Europe IG 5yr 85.64 11.99% 41.04%
GBP/CHF 1.6867 0.11% 0.76%
iTraxx Europe Crossover 5yr 445.73 6.73% 3.31%
USD/BRL 1.7951 -1.69% 2.82%

Libor Rates Swap Rates

1M 0.29 0.38 0.08 0.56 0.16 1Y 0.70 1.10 0.40 1.13 0.47
3M 0.36 0.62 0.24 0.68 0.24 2Y 1.19 1.31 0.68 1.61 0.47
6M 0.56 0.93 0.32 0.93 0.45 5Y 2.56 2.21 1.43 2.87 0.69
12M 1.05 1.22 0.62 1.37 0.67 10Y 3.58 3.09 2.15 3.74 1.34

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sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice.
This paper has been prepared solely for information purposes and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy. Products mentioned
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the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA) and are therefore neither registered nor supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.Investors
should be aware that they are exposed to the credit risk of the issuer and the guarantor, respectively. Charts and market data provided by Reuters.

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Daily Market Update, 06 May 2010

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