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SOL Practice:
Narrative Non-Fiction

SOL Practice: Narrative NF

Name: ______________________________________________________

Directions: Read the article and answer the

questions that follow.


1. What is the main reason the author wrote this


!! !
Trudy decided to enter the world of competitive swimming

soon after she joined the WSA. She quickly became known
as a skilled athlete. In the early 1920s, she set 29 national
and world records! She also won a gold medal at the 1924
Summer Olympics.

Page 1 of 3

2. How did joining the Womens Swimming

Association (WSA) affect Trudy as a swimmer?

A. Teachers at the WSA taught Trudy how to swim.

B. Trudy swam at the WSAs pool during family
C. Coaches at the WSA helped Trudy become a better
D. The WSA awarded Trudy a gold medal for
swimming in 1924.
Al yssa Teac hes

Gertrude Ederle grew up in New York City in the early

1900s. She learned to swim as a young child during her
familys vacations in New Jersey. She developed a passion
for swimming, often swimming at a nearby public pool in
the city. When she was twelve, Gertrude, also known as
Trudy, joined the Womens Swimming Association (WSA).
Through this organization, she worked with coaches to
improve her swimming techniques.

A. to inform the reader about the first woman to

swim across the English Channel
B. to teach the reader how to swim long distances
C. to entertain the reader with a story about a
D. to persuade the reader to try outdoor swimming


A Record at Sea

SOL Practice: Narrative NF

entered the water at Cape Gris-Nez, France. She put on

motorcycle googles to protect her eyes from the salty
seawater. She coated her body with grease, which would
help protect her from the cold temperatures. Trudy was
ready. She began the long swim, resting every now and
again. A tugboat, filled with her family members, followed
her in case she needed help. For hours, Trudy fought her
way across the Channel through the rough waves. Fast
winds made the current strong, pulling her in different
directions and forcing her to swim a much longer distance
that she had planned. But she did not give up. Finally, 14
hours and 31 minutes after she began, she came out of the
water at Kingsdown, England. She had made it!

Page 2 of 3


Further, Trudy knew that this feat had only been

accomplished by five men.

What is the meaning of the word feat as it is used

in this sentence?



4. According to the article, what problem did Trudy

face during her swim across the Channel?

A. The freezing water gave her frostbite, forcing her

to stop swimming.
B. She swam in the wrong direction when the tugboat
led her off course.
C. The strong current caused her to swim a longer
D. She felt discouraged because some people thought
she couldnt succeed.
Al yssa Teac hes

3. Read this sentence from the article.

Trudy set her sights on a different kind of victory.

! InShe1925,
wanted to be the first woman to swim across the
!! English
Channel. Trudy knew this would not be easy. The
!! English Channel is the body of water that separates
England from northern France. The shortest
! southern
across the Channel is about 21 miles - a long way
! distance
swim! Swimming from one shore to the other is also
! todifficult
because of the strong current and cold temperature
!! of the water. Further, Trudy knew that this feat had only
!! been accomplished by five men. Some people thought that
!! she couldnt swim across the Channel. They believed it was
!! too dangerous and too difficult for a woman. However,
!! Trudy was up to the challenge, and she began training for
!! the swim.
!! !
! On the morning of August 6, 1926, twenty-year-old Trudy

Name: ______________________________________________________

SOL Practice: Narrative NF

only was Trudy the first woman to successfully swim
! Not
English Channel, she also beat the fastest record by
!! the
almost two hours! She proved that female swimmers could
!! achieve anything that males could. When she returned
to New York City, a crowd of over two million people
! home
for her.
! cheered
! !Though Trudy stopped competing after her Channel swim,

Name: ______________________________________________________

5. Paragraph 2 is mainly about -

swimming was always her first love. She even taught

swimming lessons to hearing-impaired children. Nicknamed
the Queen of the Waves by reporters, Trudy will always be
known for her historic swim across the sea.

A. Trudy joining the WSA

B. Trudy winning a gold medal in 1924
C. the different medals and awards she won in
D. Trudy becoming a successful athlete and

6. Select the 3 statements most important to include

in a summary of this article. (Highlight or write a
check mark next to them.)
Trudy learned how to swim when she was a
young child.
Trudy coated her body with grease to protect
herself from the cold water.
Trudy often swam at a nearby public pool.
Trudy swam across the English Channel in about
fourteen-and-a-half hours.

Page 3 of 3

Al yssa Teac hes

Trudy wanted to be the first female to swim

across the English Channel.

SOL Practice: Narrative NF

Name: ______________________________________________________

7. How did Trudy probably feel after completing her

swim across the Channel?



8. Read the sentence below.

In what word does -ly mean the same as it does in



Al yssa Teac hes

Not only was Trudy the first woman to successfully

swim the English Channel, she also beat the fastest
record by almost two hours!

Name: ______________________________________________________

9. Read these sentences from the article.


The English Channel is the body of water that

separates southern England from northern France.
The shortest distance across the Channel is about
21 miles - a long way to swim! Swimming from one
shore to the other is also difficult because of the
strong current and cold temperature of the water.
The author includes this information to show A. the reasons that Trudy wanted to swim across the
B. the challenges of swimming across the Channel
C. what happened when Trudy tried to swim across
the Channel
D. the reasons Trudys family members were afraid
she would not succeed

Al yssa Teac hes

SOL Practice: Narrative NF

SOL Practice: Narrative NF

A Record at Sea

Directions: Read the article and answer the

questions that follow.


1. What is the main reason the author wrote this


!! !
Trudy decided to enter the world of competitive swimming

soon after she joined the WSA. She quickly became known
as a skilled athlete. In the early 1920s, she set 29 national
and world records! She also won a gold medal at the 1924
Summer Olympics.

Page 1 of 3

2. How did joining the Womens Swimming

Association (WSA) affect Trudy as a swimmer?

A. Teachers at the WSA taught Trudy how to swim.

B. Trudy swam at the WSAs pool during family
C. Coaches at the WSA helped Trudy become a better
D. The WSA awarded Trudy a gold medal for
swimming in 1924.
Al yssa Teac hes

Gertrude Ederle grew up in New York City in the early

1900s. She learned to swim as a young child during her
familys vacations in New Jersey. She developed a passion
for swimming, often swimming at a nearby public pool in
the city. When she was twelve, Gertrude, also known as
Trudy, joined the Womens Swimming Association (WSA).
Through this organization, she worked with coaches to
improve her swimming techniques.

A. to inform the reader about the first woman to

swim across the English Channel
B. to teach the reader how to swim long distances
C. to entertain the reader with a story about a
D. to persuade the reader to try outdoor swimming

! !


Name: ______________________________________________________

entered the water at Cape Gris-Nez, France. She put on

motorcycle googles to protect her eyes from the salty
seawater. She coated her body with grease, which would
help protect her from the cold temperatures. Trudy was
ready. She began the long swim, resting every now and
again. A tugboat, filled with her family members, followed
her in case she needed help. For hours, Trudy fought her
way across the Channel through the rough waves. Fast
winds made the current strong, pulling her in different
directions and forcing her to swim a much longer distance
that she had planned. But she did not give up. Finally, 14
hours and 31 minutes after she began, she came out of the
water at Kingsdown, England. She had made it!

Page 2 of 3

3. Read this sentence from the article.


Further, Trudy knew that this feat had only been

accomplished by five men.

What is the meaning of the word feat as it is used

in this sentence?



4. According to the article, what problem did Trudy

face during her swim across the Channel?

A. The freezing water gave her frostbite, forcing her

to stop swimming.
B. She swam in the wrong direction when the tugboat
led her off course.
C. The strong current caused her to swim a longer
D. She felt discouraged because some people thought
she couldnt succeed.
Al yssa Teac hes

Trudy set her sights on a different kind of victory.

! InShe1925,
wanted to be the first woman to swim across the
!! English
Channel. Trudy knew this would not be easy. The
!! English Channel is the body of water that separates
England from northern France. The shortest
! southern
across the Channel is about 21 miles - a long way
! distance
swim! Swimming from one shore to the other is also
! todifficult
because of the strong current and cold temperature
!! of the water. Further, Trudy knew that this feat had only
!! been accomplished by five men. Some people thought that
!! she couldnt swim across the Channel. They believed it was
!! too dangerous and too difficult for a woman. However,
!! Trudy was up to the challenge, and she began training for
!! the swim.
!! !
! On the morning of August 6, 1926, twenty-year-old Trudy


Name: ______________________________________________________

SOL Practice: Narrative NF


SOL Practice: Narrative NF

Name: ______________________________________________________

only was Trudy the first woman to successfully swim
! Not
English Channel, she also beat the fastest record by
!! the
almost two hours! She proved that female swimmers could
!! achieve anything that males could. When she returned
to New York City, a crowd of over two million people
! home
for her.
! cheered
! !Though Trudy stopped competing after her Channel swim,

5. Paragraph 2 is mainly about -

A. Trudy joining the WSA

B. Trudy winning a gold medal in 1924
C. the different medals and awards she won in
D. Trudy becoming a successful athlete and

swimming was always her first love. She even taught

swimming lessons to hearing-impaired children. Nicknamed
the Queen of the Waves by reporters, Trudy will always be
known for her historic swim across the sea.

6. Select the 3 statements most important to include

in a summary of this article. (Highlight or write a
check mark next to them.)

Trudy learned how to swim when she was a

young child.
Trudy coated her body with grease to protect
herself from the cold water.

Trudy swam across the English Channel in about

fourteen-and-a-half hours.

Trudy wanted to be the first female to swim

across the English Channel.

Page 3 of 3

Al yssa Teac hes

Trudy often swam at a nearby public pool.


SOL Practice: Narrative NF

Name: ______________________________________________________

7. How did Trudy probably feel after completing her

swim across the Channel?



8. Read the sentence below.

In what word does -ly mean the same as it does in



Al yssa Teac hes

Not only was Trudy the first woman to successfully

swim the English Channel, she also beat the fastest
record by almost two hours!


SOL Practice: Narrative NF

Name: ______________________________________________________

9. Read these sentences from the article.

The author includes this information to show A. the reasons that Trudy wanted to swim across the
B. the challenges of swimming across the Channel
C. what happened when Trudy tried to swim across
the Channel
D. the reasons Trudys family members were afraid
she would not succeed

Al yssa Teac hes


The English Channel is the body of water that

separates southern England from northern France.
The shortest distance across the Channel is about
21 miles - a long way to swim! Swimming from one
shore to the other is also difficult because of the
strong current and cold temperature of the water.

In 1925, Trudy set her sights on a different kind of victory. She wanted to be the first
woman to swim across the English Channel. Trudy knew this would not be easy. The
English Channel is the body of water that separates southern England from northern
France. The shortest distance across the Channel is about 21 miles - a long way to
swim! Swimming from one shore to the other is also difficult because of the strong
current and cold temperature of the water. Further, Trudy knew that this feat had only
been accomplished by five men. Some people thought that she couldnt swim across
the Channel. They believed it was too dangerous and too difficult for a woman.
However, Trudy was up to the challenge, and she began training for the swim.

Directions: Read the article and answer the questions that follow.
A Record at Sea
Ederle grew up in New York City in the early 1900s. She learned to swim as
!! Gertrude
a young child during her familys vacations in New Jersey. She developed a passion
swimming, often swimming at a nearby public pool in the city. When she was
!! for
twelve, Gertrude, also known as Trudy, joined the Womens Swimming Association
!! (WSA). Through this organization, she worked with coaches to improve her swimming
! techniques.
! !
decided to enter the world of competitive swimming soon after she joined the
!! Trudy
WSA. She quickly became known as a skilled athlete. In the early 1920s, she set 29
!! national and world records! She also won a gold medal at the 1924 Summer
!! Olympics.

SOL Practice: Narrative Non-Fiction

Name: _____________________________________________!

Al yssa Te ac hes


SOL Practice: Narrative Non-Fiction


Though Trudy stopped competing after her Channel swim, swimming was always her
first love. She even taught swimming lessons to hearing-impaired children. Nicknamed
the Queen of the Waves by reporters, Trudy will always be known for her historic
swim across the sea.

the morning of August 6, 1926, twenty-year-old Trudy entered the water at Cape
!! On
Gris-Nez, France. She put on motorcycle googles to protect her eyes from the salty
She coated her body with grease, which would help protect her from the
!! seawater.
cold temperatures. Trudy was ready. She began the long swim, resting every now and
!! again. A tugboat, filled with her family members, followed her in case she needed
For hours, Trudy fought her way across the Channel through the rough waves.
! help.
!! Fast winds made the current strong, pulling her in different directions and forcing her
swim a much longer distance that she had planned. But she did not give up.
!! toFinally,
14 hours and 31 minutes after she began, she came out of the water at
!! Kingsdown, England. She had made it!
! !Not only was Trudy the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel, she
!! also beat the fastest record by almost two hours! She proved that female swimmers
achieve anything that males could. When she returned home to New York City,
!! could
!! a! crowd of over two million people cheered for her.


Name: _____________________________________________!

Al yssa Te ac hes

SOL Practice: Narrative Non-Fiction


inform the reader about the first woman to swim across the English Channel
teach the reader how to swim long distances
entertain the reader with a story about a swimmer
persuade the reader to try outdoor swimming

Teachers at the WSA taught Trudy how to swim.

Trudy swam at the WSAs pool during family vacations.
Coaches at the WSA helped Trudy become a better swimmer.
The WSA awarded Trudy a gold medal for swimming in 1924.

C. race
D. chore


The freezing water gave her frostbite, forcing her to stop swimming.
She swam in the wrong direction when the tugboat led her off course.
The strong current caused her to swim a longer distance.
She felt discouraged because some people thought she couldnt succeed.


Trudy joining the WSA

Trudy winning a gold medal in 1924
the different medals and awards she won in competitions
Trudy becoming a successful athlete and competitor

Paragraph 2 is mainly about -


4. According to the article, what problem did Trudy face during her swim across
the Channel?

A. lesson
B. achievement

What is the meaning of the word feat as it is used in this sentence?

Further, Trudy knew that this feat had only been accomplished by five men.

3. Read this sentence from the article.


2. How did joining the Womens Swimming Association (WSA) affect Trudy as a


Name: _____________________________________________!

1. What is the main reason the author wrote this article?



Al yssa Te ac hes





C. carefully
D. jelly


the reasons that Trudy wanted to swim across the Channel

the challenges of swimming across the Channel
what happened when Trudy tried to swim across the Channel
the reasons Trudys family members were afraid she would not succeed

The author includes this information to show -

The English Channel is the body of water that separates southern England from
northern France. The shortest distance across the Channel is about 21 miles - a
long way to swim! Swimming from one shore to the other is also difficult because
of the strong current and cold temperature of the water.

Read these sentences from the article.

A. dragonfly
B. rally

In what word does -ly mean the same as it does in successfully?

C. thrilled
D. lonely

Not only was Trudy the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel, she
also beat the fastest record by almost two hours!

Read the sentence below.

A. embarrassed
B. frustrated

How did Trudy probably feel after completing her swim across the Channel?

Trudy wanted to be the first female to swim across the English Channel.

Trudy swam across the English Channel in about fourteen-and-a-half hours.

Trudy often swam at a nearby public pool.

Trudy coated her body with grease to protect herself from the cold water.

Trudy learned how to swim when she was a young child.

6. Select the 3 statements most important to include in a summary of this

article. (Highlight or write a check mark next to them.)

Al yssa Te ac hes


SOL Practice: Narrative Non-Fiction



inform the reader about the first woman to swim across the English Channel
teach the reader how to swim long distances
entertain the reader with a story about a swimmer
persuade the reader to try outdoor swimming

Teachers at the WSA taught Trudy how to swim.

Trudy swam at the WSAs pool during family vacations.
Coaches at the WSA helped Trudy become a better swimmer.
The WSA awarded Trudy a gold medal for swimming in 1924.

C. race
D. chore


The freezing water gave her frostbite, forcing her to stop swimming.
She swam in the wrong direction when the tugboat led her off course.
The strong current caused her to swim a longer distance.
She felt discouraged because some people thought she couldnt succeed.


Trudy joining the WSA

Trudy winning a gold medal in 1924
the different medals and awards she won in competitions
Trudy becoming a successful athlete and competitor

Paragraph 2 is mainly about -


4. According to the article, what problem did Trudy face during her swim across
the Channel?

A. lesson
B. achievement

What is the meaning of the word feat as it is used in this sentence?

Further, Trudy knew that this feat had only been accomplished by five men.

3. Read this sentence from the article.


2. How did joining the Womens Swimming Association (WSA) affect Trudy as a


Name: _____________________________________________!

1. What is the main reason the author wrote this article?



Al yssa Te ac hes




C. carefully
D. jelly


the reasons that Trudy wanted to swim across the Channel

the challenges of swimming across the Channel
what happened when Trudy tried to swim across the Channel
the reasons Trudys family members were afraid she would not succeed

The author includes this information to show -

The English Channel is the body of water that separates southern England from
northern France. The shortest distance across the Channel is about 21 miles - a
long way to swim! Swimming from one shore to the other is also difficult because
of the strong current and cold temperature of the water.

Read these sentences from the article.

A. dragonfly
B. rally

In what word does -ly mean the same as it does in successfully?

C. thrilled
D. lonely

Not only was Trudy the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel, she
also beat the fastest record by almost two hours!

Read the sentence below.

A. embarrassed
B. frustrated

! Trudy learned how to swim when she was a young child.
! Trudy coated her body with grease to protect herself from the cold water.
! Trudy often swam at a nearby public pool.
! Trudy swam across the English Channel in about fourteen-and-a-half hours.
! Trudy wanted to be the first female to swim across the English Channel.
7. How did Trudy probably feel after completing her swim across the Channel?

6. Select the 3 statements most important to include in a summary of this

article. (Highlight or write a check mark next to them.)

Al yssa Te ac hes


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Images By:

Sonya DeHart Design, Creative Clips by Krista Wallden,

Ederle Photo by Aktuelle-Bilder-Centrale, Georg Pahl

Fonts By:
The Learning Tree, Kimberly Geswein

Happy Teaching!

Alyssa Teaches, 2015

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