Communicative Activity Hi-BegIntermediate-Present Perfect

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Instructors Page

Present Perfect
Discoveries and Adventures
Activity type: Student Interview
Level: Low-Intermediate
Purpose: Students practice asking and
answering questions using the present
perfect. This activity provides an
opportunity for speaking and writing, and
it encourages students to use correct
verb forms in questions and statements.

Set-up: Pairs
Time: 5 minutes to prepare / 25 minutes
to do the activity

Materials Preparation:
1. Make one copy of the Students Page
for each student.
2. Be sure each student has a pen or

1. Give each student a copy of the
Students Page.
2. As a warm-up, go over any unfamiliar
vocabulary in the chart. Possibly
unfamiliar words may be extreme
sports, shooting star, and roller coaster.
3. Explain to students that they will ask
each other questions about adventures
and discoveries in their lives. They will
walk around and ask classmates
questions based on the information in
the chart. When they find someone who
gives an affirmative response, they
should write that students name in the
chart. Later, they will write sentences
about these students.
4. To model the activity, have two
students volunteer to play Student A
and Student B. Ask them to read the
example dialogue on the Students

Grammar and Beyond Communicative Activities

Page. Then draw students attention to

the chart, and point out that number 1
has been filled out with correct name.
Remind students that they will not write
sentences about their answers until after
they have interviewed all of their
5. Instruct the students to stand and
begin interviewing their classmates.
They should only fill out the Name
column now. Circulate and offer help as
needed. Give students approximately
ten minutes, then call time.
6. Ask the students to return to their
seats and write sentences about the
classmates they talked to. They can
write these sentences in the right-hand
column of the chart. Again, point out that
number one has been completed as an

1. Conduct a quick class survey by
asking a few students to read the
sentences in their charts. Then
encourage students to ask each other
questions to find out more information
about each item. For example, What
new skill have you taught? / Why have
you never liked adventure? / Which
country have you visited alone?
2. Put students in pairs. Ask each pair to
interview each other in more depth
about one of the questions on the
Students Page. Ask volunteers to share
what they found out about their partner
with the class.

Cambridge University Press 2012 Photocopiable

Students Page

Present Perfect | Student Interview

Discoveries and Adventures
1 Talk to your classmates about adventures and discoveries in their lives. Write their
names in the chart.
2 Write sentences about your classmates answers.
Student A: Lucy, have you ever been to Australia?
Student B: No, I havent. Ive never been to Australia.

Find a student who . . .

1. has never been to




Lucy has never been to


2. has taught someone a

new skill
3. has always been
interested in extreme sports
4. has seen a shooting star
5. has recently returned
from a trip
6. has eaten something very
7. has never liked adventure
8. has ridden a roller
9. has visited another
country alone
10. has had an unusual
11. has never done
anything dangerous
12. has decided to try
something adventurous this

Grammar and Beyond Communicative Activities

Cambridge University Press 2012 Photocopiable

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