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(10 marks)
(Time suggested: 15 minutes)
Answer all questions in this paper.
The text below is about a writers passion for cooking.
Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined for you.
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct
word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

I love to cook. Indeed, it is my one and only hobby. When I was young, I love e.g. loved
watching his mother cook. I cook every day, not only because I enjoy it but also (a) _________
because eat home-cooked food is healthier than eating out. Although I work from (b) _________
nine to five, I still make time to cook nutritious meals of my family. I am able to (c) _________
do this because I planned all my meals and prepare the ingredients during the (d) _________
weekends. For instance, I cuts the meat, fish and vegetables and store them neat in (e) _________
plastic containers in the fridge. In addition, I also blend all the ingredients for (f) _________
sauces and sambal in large quantities so that she can save time where I prepare (g) _________
my meals. As a result of my hard work during the weekends, I was able to relax (h) _________
during the weekdays. In conclusion, my family loves my cooking and I love (i) _________
watching them enjoy our meals.

(j) _________

(10 marks)

(30 marks)
(Time suggested : 40 minutes)
Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

The Great Race

Put on your running shoes this 7 December everyone!
Sprint across seven shopping zones in Golden Leisure Mall.
While you are doing that, do not forget to collect a gold coin at each zone.
Sign up today at the information counter
located at the ground floor of the mall.
Just pay RM10 as registration fee before
24 November.
This race is limited to 100 people aged
between 18 and 30.
Be prepared at the main entrance as early
as 10.30 a.m.
Do so in the fastest time and become the
grand prize winner.


Valuable prizes
up for grabs!

RM20 000 plus attractive gifts


RM1 500 plus shopping vouchers
for each winner

For more information, surf or talk to our customer service

officers stationed at the information counter.
This event is proudly brought to you by:
~ Golden Leisure Mall ~
~ Golden Leisure Corporation ~

Questions (a) (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.


Date and place:

(i) _____________________

(a) _____________________

(j) _____________________

(b) _____________________

The Great

Ways to get information:

Tasks to perform in the race:

(g) _____________________

(c) _____________________

(h) _____________________

(d) _____________________

Prizes given:
(e) _____________________
(f) _____________________

(10 marks)

Question 3
Read the brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

Lets Visit Penang!

The Penang Bridge, which links Penang Island and the mainland, was officially opened on
15th September 1988. This spectacular bridge spans 13.5 km across Selat Melaka, offering
a beautiful view of the open sea and the sprawling coastline. Brightly lit at night, it can be
seen from kilometres away.

Malaysias first hill station, Penang Hill is situated 380 metres above sea level. Visitors can
ascend to the top either by hiking up or by taking the funicular. Apart from the cool,
refreshing breeze and the fantastic view at the summit, it abounds with exotic flora and
fauna, which have always been a lure to nature lovers.

Gurney Drive is a popular seafront walkway in Georgetown. Well-known for its local
delicacies, Gurney Drive has become synonymous with good food at cheap prices, drawing
both tourists and locals in droves every night. In short, it is a foodies paradise.

The Chingay Procession is an annual event held in Georgetown in conjunction with the
Pesta Pulau Pinang. Flag carriers skilfully balance gigantic flag poles on their heads. The
Chingay Parade has grown to become a massive street parade, boasting a stunning array of
dancers, street floats, jugglers, percussionists as well as lion and dragon dancers.

Questions (a) (d): Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are

The Penang Bridge connects Penang island and the mainland.


(1 mark)


There are two ways to get to the top of Penang Hill.


(1 mark)


Penang Hill is open only to nature lovers.


(1 mark)


The Chingay Procession is held once every two years.


(1 mark)

Questions (e) (i): Read the brochure carefully and answer the questions below.

Where is the Chingay Procession held?

(1 mark)


Why should tourists go to Gurney Drive?

(1 mark)


Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the brochure.



i. unusual plants and animals

(1 mark)

ii. happen every year

(1 mark)


Why do you think Gurney Drive is described as a foodies paradise?

(1 mark)


Why do you think Penang Hill is an attraction to nature lovers?

(1 mark)
(10 marks)


You plan to visit Penang and the various interesting places there and would like your friend to
come along. In about 50 words, write a message to your friend.
In your message:
encourage him/her to join you
give reasons to support your choice
add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Dear _____________________,

(10 marks)

(20 marks)
(Time suggested : 20 minutes)
Question 4
Read the article.

Hamsters make wonderful pets. These furry lovable animals are easy and inexpensive to keep.
With proper attention and care, hamsters can live up to five years.
When getting a hamster from a pet shop, you need to know which hamster to choose. An ideal
hamster is between 4 and 7 weeks old. Hamsters are easier to tame when they are young. Choose
a hamster that is in good physical condition as they are more likely to be healthy.
Next, place the cage in a location away from direct sunlight. A hamster is a nocturnal animal.
They need to sleep and rest during the day. You should also pick a spot in the house where you
will frequently visit your hamster. Fill the cage with a 4-cm layer of pine chips. Keep the pine
chips dry. If the chips get wet, they may rot and cause your hamster to get sick.
Keep a filled, clean water bottle attached to the cage at a height where the spout is reachable by
the hamster. Wash and refill the water bottle daily. Hamsters eat a variety of food. However, it is
recommended that you feed your hamster seeds prepared with the vitamins and minerals they
need to stay healthy.
Do not bathe your hamster. Hamsters clean themselves. If you think your hamster smells bad,
the odour is probably coming from dirty bedding. This means that you need to clean the cage
more often.
Hamsters need plenty of exercise. Put an exercise wheel in your hamsters cage. Close the
doors to your bedroom, take your hamster out of its cage and let it run around. Hamsters are
curious animals and like to explore their surroundings.
Finally, do not put two hamsters in a cage together. They will either breed immediately or fight,
which often leads to death.

Read the article carefully and answer questions (a) (i).

(a) With proper care, how long can hamsters live?
(1 mark)

(b) Why should we choose hamsters that are between 4 to 7 weeks old?
(1 mark)
(c) List two reasons from the text why hamsters make good pets.
i. ____________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
ii. ____________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
(d) Where should a hamsters cage be placed?
(1 mark)
(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the article.


i. cheap


ii.animals that are active at night


iii. unpleasant smell


iv. inquisitive

(4 marks)

(f) Why should the pine chips be kept dry?

(1 mark)
(g) How should one attach a water bottle to a hamsters cage?
(1 mark)
(h) Why is it not a good idea to keep two hamsters in a cage? Give two reasons.
i. ____________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
ii. ____________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
(i) Give two other ways to be a responsible pet owner. (Your own idea, not from the text)
i. ____________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
(15 marks)

Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) (d).
I Wonder
I wonder why the grass is green,
And why the wind is never seen?

Who lights the stars, when they blow out,

And makes the lightning flash about?

Who taught the birds to build a nest,

And told the trees to take a rest?

Who paints the rainbow in the sky,

And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

O, when the moon is not quite round,

Where can the missing bit be found?

What is it now, do you suppose,

That Dad wont tell me, if he knows?
Jeannie Kirby


What is the persona wondering about the grass?

(1 mark)


What time of day does Stanza 4 refer to?

(1 mark)


What can we learn from the poem?

(1 mark)


Write two things about the wind that the persona is interested in.
i. _________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________

(5 marks)

(40 marks)
(Time suggested: 45 minutes)
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Write a letter to your friend giving her/him the tips and advice on how to study effectively.
Use these notes to help you write the letter.

Listen or read actively

Make short notes
Draw mind maps
Follow a study schedule
Study in a quiet place
Prepare early for the examination

When writing the letter, you should:

use appropriate greeting
write between 120 to 150 words

(30 marks)


Question 7
You should spend 15 minutes on this question.
Write a short essay about yourself. It should be between 60 to 100 words. Include the following points:

where do you live?
Where do you study?
Best friends

(10 marks)


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