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In designing of Engine cylinder, following parameters have to be determined
1. Bore (D) and length of cylinder (Lc )
2. Thickness of cylinder liner (t)
3. Thickness of cylinder head (t h )
4. Size (d) , number (z) of studs
1.1 Bore (D) and length of cylinder ( ):
The dimensions of cylinder are calculated by using the following equations:

= Mechanical Efficiency;

. =

B.P = Brake Power i.e. power available at crankshaft

I.P = Indicated Power i.e. power produced inside the cylinder;
= Mean effective pressure;
L = stroke length;
N = Engine speed in rpm
n = no. of working stroke per minute = N for 2 stroke engine
= N/2 for 4 stroke engine

If mechanical efficiency is not given, assume as 80 %.

For an IC Engine, stroke to bore ratio ( ) lies between 0.9 to1.9. (From Mahadevan

DDB, page no. 364, table 18.2) In design problem its avg. value can be assumed i.e. 1.4.
Length of cylinder is taken as 15 % more than the stroke length due to clearance provided
on both sides i.e.

Lc = 1.15 L

1.2 Thickness of cylinder liner (t):

The engine cylinder liner is assumed as thin cylinder and its thickness is calculated by the
following equation


p max D

+ C

C = Reboring allowance (to compensate for reboring at intervals during the lifetime of
c = Permissible Hoop stress = Allowable tensile stress for the cylinder material ( )
pmax = Maximum gas pressure inside the cylinder

If pmax is not given, it is assumed as 10 times of mean effective pressure.
The cylinder liner is made of brittle material (generally Grey cast Iron). If FOS and
material is specified then permissible hoop stress is calculated as below

Otherwise select suitable value for allowable tensile stress from Design data book (page
no 359, after equation number 18.14)
1.3 Thickness of cylinder head (t h ):
A separate cylinder head (or cover) is provided in most of the IC engines to accommodate
following parts:
Inlet and exhaust valves
Spark plug / injector
Air and gas ports
The thickness of cylinder head is obtained it by the following relation assuming it as flat
circular plate
( ) =

= .

( From DDB , page no 359, equation no 18.14)

The cylinder head is made of brittle material. If FOS and material is specified then
Permissible tensile stress ( ) is calculated as below

Otherwise select suitable value for allowable tensile stress from Design data book (page no
359, after equation number 18.14)
1.4 Design of Studs:
Studs are used to make the leak proof assembly of cylinder, cylinder head and gasket.
In design of studs, following parameters are important
Number of studs (Z):
Z = 0.015 D + 4
(From Design Data book, page no 359, equation no 18.15)
Size of studs:
Let the core diameter = dc
Nominal diameter = d
Core (or root ) diameter is obtained by equating the gas force on cylinder head to
the resisting force offered by all studs.

Gas Force = 2
; Resisting force = 2

After equating the above two expressions

(From DDB, page no 358, equation no 18.8)

Relation between core diameter and nominal diameter is = .

Pitch of studs: Pitch circle diameter Dp is expressed as [ = D + 3d]
Pitch of studs =

The studs are made of ductile material. If FOS and material is specified then
Permissible tensile stress ( ) is calculated as below

Otherwise it is taken as 35 to 70 MPa. Its avg. value 50 MPa (approximate) can be used
in design problems.

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