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1. Chc nng chinh cua ng tiu hoa la pha huy

1. The major functions of the gastrointestinal tract are the

thc n

mechanical and chemical breakdown of food and the

c hoc va hoa hoc va hp thu cac cht dinh

absorption of digested nutrients.


2. The gastrointestinal tract is a hollow tube that extends

2. ng tiu hoa la 1 ng rng keo dai t ming


ti hu mn

the mouth to the anus.

3. Thanh ng tiu hoa gm nhiu lp : lp nim

3. The walls of the gastrointestinal tract have several layers:

mac, ao c nim mac,

mucosa, muscularis mucosa, submucosa, muscularis

di nim mac, ao c ( c vong va c doc) va

(circular muscle and longitudinal muscle), and serosa

thanh mac

(adventitia in the esophagus).

4. Ngoai tr nut va i ngoai c kim soat theo

4. Except for swallowing and defecation, which are

y mun,


cac chc nng cua ng tiu hoa c kim soat

voluntarily, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are



thn kinh t chu bn ngoai rut ( tk ph vi, tk pho

by extrinsic autonomic nerves (vagus, parasympathetic

giao cam va giao cam) va

splanchnic, and sympathetic nerves) and intrinsic autonomic thn kinh t tri ni tai ( h thn kinh rut) va cac
nerves (enteric nervous system) and intestinal hormones.

hormon tiu hoa.

5. Digestion

5. S tiu hoa bt u t ming : nhai va tit

begins in the mouth, with chewing and salivation.The

nc bot: Thanh phn tiu hoa


cua tuyn nc bot la a-amylase... tiu hoa

component of saliva is -amylase, which


initiates carbohydrate digestion.

6. Thc quan la 1 ng c co chc nng vn

6. The esophagus is a muscular tube that transports food from chuyn thc n t ming
the mouth to the stomach. The muscularis in the upper part

ti da day. Ao c phia trn thc quan la c vn,

of the esophagus is striated muscle, and that in the lower

phn di la c trn

part is smooth muscle.

7. Swallowing is controlled by the swallowing center in the

7. Nut c iu khin bi trung tm nut

reticular formation of the brain. The two phases of

th li cua nao.


Co 2 pha la pha hu hong ( nut co y thc)

are the oropharyngeal phase (voluntary swallowing)

va pha thc quan ( nut khng co y thc).

and the esophageal phase (involuntary swallowing).

8. Thc n c y trong ng tiu hoa nh

8. Food is propelled through the gastrointestinal tract by

nhu ng : song co bop va gian ra tun t lin



waves of sequential relaxations and contractions of

9. C tht tm vi m ra cho phep nut thc n

the muscularis.


9. The lower esophageal sphincter opens to admit swallowed

da day va ong vao ngn chn trao ngc thc

food into the stomach and then closes to prevent regurgitation n ln thc quan
of food back into the esophagus.

10. Da day la cu truc dang tui co chc nng bai

10. The stomach is a baglike structure that secretes digestive

tit dich tiu hoa,

juices, mixes and stores food, and propels partially digested

nhao trn va d tr thc n, y thc n a c

food (chyme) into the duodenum. The smooth muscles of

tiu hoa vao ta trang.

the stomach include the outer longitudinal, middle circular,

C da day bao gm : c doc ngoai, vong

and internal oblique.

gia, cheo trong ( ngoai-> trong : doc , vong,

11. The vagus nerve stimulates gastric (stomach) secretion



11. Thn kinh ph vi kich thich da day bai tit


va vn ng ( co bop)

12. The hormones gastrin and motilin stimulate gastric

12. Hormon Gastrin va motilin kich thich lam


rng da day,

the hormones secretin and cholecystokinin delay gastric

hormon secretin va cholecystokinin lam chm s


rng da day

13. Gastric glands in the fundus and body of the stomach

13. Tuyn gastric ay va thn vi bai tit yu t


ni, cn cho hp thu

intrinsic factor, which is needed for vitamin B12

vitamin B12, acid Hcl, tiu hoa cht x, dit vi

absorption, and hydrochloric acid, which dissolves food

sinh vt va kich hoat enzym pepsin

fibers, kills
microorganisms, and activates the enzyme pepsin.

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