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ISI 456 : 2000

(1) what is chractristic lode?

Ans:- the principle once can be classifieds as dead lode and wind lode, as deascribed below.
In some cases structure may be subjected to other loads, such as those due to earthquqkes
or pressures from retained metrials. The expected max. magnitude of each is refferd to as
the characteristic loads.
(2) define segregation and bleeding?
Ans:- segregation in concrete is a case of particale segregation in concrete application, in
which particulate solids tend to segregate by virtue of diff. in the size, density, shape and
othe prop. Of particles of which they are composed. bleeding is a form of segregation where
some of the water in the concrete tends to rise to the surface of the freshly placed matrials.
(3) what are alkli aggregates reaction?
Ans:-alkali aggregates reactions is a term mainly referring to a reaction which occurs over
time in concrete b/w the highly alkaline cement past and non-crystalline silicon dioxide,
which found in many common aggregates.
(4) what is the function of accelerators in concrete?
Ans:- a concrete accelratore in a admixture for the use in cement, morter,rendering or
screeds. The additions of aaccelerator speeds the setting time and thus cure time start
earlier. This allows concrete to be placed in witer with reducedrisk of frostdamage. Typical
chemical used for acceleration today are calcium chloride has been varied popular, but due
to its corroding behavior for reinforcement bars its use is according CAA ATS4 not
recommended and in many counties actually prohibited. sodium comp.Might compromise
the long term compressive strenghth.
(5) what is cellure concrete?
Ans:- it is low density concrete used in geotechnical application. The light weight cellure
concrete is made by injection/pee bleeding of a performed stable foam into a cement based
(6) list of various type of cements.
Ans:- type of cements:1.Pledinary Portland cement 2. Pozzolona Portland cement. 3. Rapid hardening cement.
4. gutia rapide hardening cement. 5. Sulphate resistance cemente 6. Portland slag cement.
(7) what do you understand by gap graded aggregates ?
Ans: - gap grading is a kind of grading which lacks one or more intermediate size. Gap
graded aggregates can make good concrete when the reqired workability low. Advantage of
gap grading are more economical concrete, use of less cement and lower w/c ratio. When
they are used in high workability mixes, segregation may become a problem. The resulting

concrete is very stiff and low workability. An extreme case is no-fines concretye. This
concrete is difficulte to handle and compact; developing low strength and high permeability.

(8) name the various mix proportioning methods of concrete.

Ans:- the various mix proportioning methods of concrete :1 arbitrary methods. 2. F.m methods. 3. Min. voide methods. 4. Max. density methods. 5.
Water cement ratio methods.
(9)What is the mixing time of concrete?
Ans:-mixing concrete is simply defined as the complete bleeding of the materials which are
required for the productions of a homogeneous (young, 267). This can very from hand to
machine mixing, with machine mixing being the most common.
Mixing time:Once the oppropriate mixer has been chosen, it is necessary to mixing time. This is the
durations of time it taken to mix concrete, once the mixture is fully charged with all the
materials. Charging is an..
(10) explain creep of concrete.
Ans:- creep is the permanent movement or deformation of a matrial in order to relieve
stresses within the materialConcrete that is subjectedto long duration force is prone to
creep. Short durations forces do not cause creep. Creep can somethings reduce the amount
of cracking that occurs in a concrete structure or element, but it also must be controlled.
(11) why bleeding of concrete occurs?
Ans:- bleeding is a form of segregation where some of the water in the concrete tends to rise
to the surface of the freshly placed matrials. This arises due to the inability of the solid
component of the concrete to hold all the mixing water when they settle downwards (water
being the lightest of all the mix constituents). Bleeding of the water continues until the
cement paste has stiffened enough to end the sedimentation process. If the bleeds water is
remixed during the finishing of the top surface a weak top surfacewill results.
(12) distinguish b/w plain and reinforced concrete.
Ans:- PCC is a concrete made up of cement, sand and aggeregate along with water. It is not
used for important work.
RCC:- it is a concrete made up of cement, sand, aggregates and reinforcement in the from
of steel bars. PCC is strong in compression but weak in tention. So steel bars are provided in
tention low to increase the tensile strength of concret. It is used for important civil works.
(13) different type of cements.
Ans:- the diff type of cement used in the construction industry:

1 ordinary Portland cement 2. Rapide hardening Portland cement. 3. Low heat Portland
cement. 4. Sulphate resisting cement. 5. Blast furnance slag cement. 6. Masonary cement.
7. White and coloured Portland cement. 8.air entraining cement. 9. Portland pozzolana
cement. 10. High alumina cement.

(14) what is the resions of unsound of cement ?

Ans:- following resions of unsoundness of cement:
*if there is an excess of limr present in the cement. * if the cement would have undergone
inadequante burning.
*insufficiency in fineness of grinding or non-uniform mixing of row materials.
* if these is too high a proportion of magnesium content in the cement. * if these too high
calcium sulphate in the cement.
(15) discuss grading of fine and corse aggregate.
Ans:-the particale size distribution of a aggregates as determind by sieve analysis is termed
as grading of aggregate
The grading of an aggregate is expressed in terms of percentages by weight retained on
or passing through a series of sieves taken in order. Foe fine aggregate sieves of size 4.75
mm ,2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron , 150 micron for fine aggregate and for
corse aggregates, 80mm 40mm, 20mm, 10mm and 4.75mm. the sieves are arreanged in
such and order that thus square openings are half for each succeeding smaller size.
(16) define characteristic strength of concrete and how it is evaluated ?
Ans:- characteristic strength of concrete is define as the specific strength of concrete below
which not more than a small percentage of the test result may be expressedto fall.
The strength of concrete mix is specificed as chractristic strength of concrete and is
denoted by fck. The characteristic strength of concrete mix defined as the compressive
strength of 150mm cube at 28 days expressed in N/mm2 below which not more than 5% of
the test result are expected to a fall . the characteristic strength of a concrete mix may be
obtained as under:
Characteristic strength = ( arithmetic mean strength-1.64) times standerd deviations for
(17) what is the diff processes of manufacture of a cement?
Ans;- the manufacture of ordinary Portland current involves three processes:1 a mixing of row material: the row matrial can be mixed in suitable proportion in dry or wet
2.burning: it is carried out in rotary kiln at temp. ranges between 1500 -1700c.

3. grinding: the process of grinding or pulverization is carried out in ball mills and tube mills.
(18) discuss the rate of hydration of different cement compounds.
Ans:- the relicates and aluminates of cement react with water to from a binding medium,
which solidifice into hardened mass. This reaction is termed is hydration which is exothermic
with approximately 120 cal/g being liberated.
The different cement compound hydrate at diff rate and liberate diff. quanlities of heats.

(19) define fineness modulus(f.m) and how is it calculated for aggregates (fine
and corse aggregate)?
Ans:- the F.M is a numerical indexs fineness, giving some idea of the mean size of the
particles presents in the entire body of the aggregates, the determination of F.M consist in
dividing a sample of aggregate into fraction of fraction of different size by sieving through a
set of standerd text sievestaking in order.
(20) Abrams law:- the water cement ratio is the ratio of the weight water to the weight of
cement use in a concrete mix and has an important influence on the quality of concrete
produce. A lower water cement ratio leaves to higher strength and durability , but may make
the mix more difficult to place. Placement difficult can be resolved by using plasticizers or
super plasticizer. In civil engineering Abrans law state that in CONCRETE MATRIAL, for a
mixture of workable consitancy the strength of concrete is determine by the ratio of water to
cement. As the water contained increase the strength decrese. The concept of water cement
ratio was develop by duff A. Abrems and first puplished 1918.
(21) How is durability of concrete takene into account in IS CODE method of mix
designe ?
Ans:- the durability of concrete is its resistance to the aggressive environmental condition.
High strength concrete is generally more durable than low strength concrete. In the situation
when the high strength is not necessary but the condition of exposure are such that high
durability is vital, the durabilitry requirement will determine the water cement ratio to be
used. The requirement of durability are achive by restricting min. cement cotaint and max.
water cement ratio.
(22)manufacturing of portaland cement?
Ans:- * the raw matrial required for manufacture of Portland cement are calcareous matrials
such as lime,stone or chalks and argillaceous matrial such as shales, slates or clays.

manufacture of cement is consist of following step:grinding, mixing and burnig of row matrial at a temp. of 1400-1500c . 2. Clinker
production in clean in the from of dark greenish-blue balls. 3. Grinding of clinker by
adding gypsum about 3-5% 4. Packing and storage of product.
The product obtained is the commercial Portland cement commonly used is
construction projects.

There are to type of process of manufacturing os cement: - 1. Wet process 2. Dry


(23) comparison between dry and wet process :

Wet process
Mixing and grinding of materials in the wet
state by using water.
It required more fuel to dry the material
which are in slurry from containing about
30-40% water.
3 It is economical as required less fuel.
It is uneconomical as more fuel is required.
4 Production rate is high in dry process.
Production rate is less in wet process.
5 Air pollution is more as compare to wet
Air pollution is less as compare to dry
6 The amount of coal required to
The amount of coal required to
manufacturing one tone of cement is 100
manufacturing one tone of cement is
approximately 350 kg.
(24) test of cement:- testing on cement are two type : 1. Field test 2. Laboratory test

Dry process
Mixing and grinding of row materials in
dry state by means of compressed air.
It required much less fuel as the material
are already in dry state.

1. field test of cement :- the quality of cement can be judged by adopting some field test.
* the colour of cement should be uniform. * a pitch of cement, throw on surface of water in
bucket should float.
* it should not feel oily for touch. * when cement is heated in pan, should not exhibit diff.
colours. ***..
2. laboratory test of cement:
Following are the laboratory test :- 1. Fineness test 2. Setting time test or consistency test.
3. Strength test
4. soundness test 5. Chemical test 6. Heat of hydration test.
(25) setting time of cement : setting is the change of cement past from a plastic stage to
a stiff solid state:1. initial setting time: 1. Take about 500 gm cement and mix it with 0.85 p percent of
water where p is the water percentage required consistency to make a smooth past. 2. Fill
and shake the vacate mould with the past within 3-5 minutes after adding water. 3. Lower
the initial setting time needale till it touches the surface of the cement past in the mould. time is known as the initial setting
2. final setting time : 1. Max. final setting time of cement for ordinary Portland cement is
limited to 10 hours .
2. remove the initial setting time needal and attach the final setting time needle, which is
very simi8lar to the initial setting time needle, only it has a collar with a rim attached to it.
The central needle projects 0.5 mm more than the rim. The collar has a hold known as air-

vent through which trapped air in the rim can escape so that it does not interfere with the
3..45. when the impression of the rim starts becoming faint, take reading at
very short time intervals.
(26) admixture:- 1. Admixture as the material used in the cement to modify one or more of
its properties in the plastic or harden state of concrete. 2. It is generally used in high
strength concrete for tall building and long spanes bridge. 34.5..6. sometime
many admixture affect more than one property of concrete as well as adversely affect the
desirable properties also.
(27) function of admixture: admixture are used in the concrete for following reasons:1 to increase slump and workability. 2. To reduce segregation. 3. To retard or acceleration
initial setting.
4. to reduce or prevent shrinkage. 5. To increase the strength. 6. Decrease permeability of
7. to acceleration the rate of strength development at early stage. 8. To improve pumpability
and finish ability.
9. to produce colored concrete . 10. To improve the impact and abrasion resistance.
(28) type of cement admixture:
Ans:- following are more common type of admixture used in cement concrete :1 accelerators:- * acceleratore are used in concrete to reduce the setting time to
accelerators hardening of concrete. * it increases the rate of early strength development and
hence permits early removal of fromwork.
*. It also hence in emergency repair work. * calcium chloride as an admixture is commonly
used in plain concrete work about 1-2% by weight of cement. * it is normally used in cold
weather concreting.
* it does not increase resistanse to alkali-aggregate reaction.
2. Retarders:- * retarders increase the setting of concrete and reduced the water cement
*. It slow down the chemical process of hydration so that concrete remains plastic and
workable for longer time than the concrete without retarder. *. It is more useful in hot
weather concreting which tends to reduce setting time due to high temperature and may not
allow completion of concrete compaction and finishing work before initial set of cement. * it
is also used in ready mix concrete in whi8ch time is required to transport the concrete mix to
the construction site.
3. water-reducers plasticizers:- *.*..**.**

4. super plasticizers or high range water reducer(HRWR):

(29) Enlist the various type of cement:- following are the type of cement based on
chemical composition :
1. ordinary Portland cement. 2. Rapid hardening cement 3. Blast furnance slag cement. 4.
Portland pozzolana cement. 5. Solphate resisting Portland cement. 6. Low-heat Portland
cement. 7. White cement.
(30) what are type of cement and situations:Situations
All construction work which are free from sulphate attack.
Urgent road or airfield work urgent removal of formworks.
Marine structures, dockyards, drainage system, foundations
in high sul. Soil
4 Low heat cement
Mass concrete structure such as dams, retaining wall and
(30) initial setting time:- the initial setting time of cement past is define as the time
periode b/w the time water is added to cement and time of standerd needal fails to
penetrate in test block by 5-7mm .

Type of cement
Rapid hardening cement
Sulphate resisting

(31) what are the various type of chemical admixture.

Ans:- following are more common type of chemical admixture use in cement concrete:1.accelerators 2. Retarders 3. Water-reducing admixture. 4. Super plasticizer 5. Airentraining admixture.
(32) physical property of aggregate:- 1. Shap of aggregate 2. Texture 3. Roughness 4.
Specific gravity.
5. bulk density 6. Porosity and absorption of aggregate 7. Moisture contain . 8. Bulking of
fine aggregate.
(33) define the gradin of aggregate:1. the particle size distribution of an aggregate as determine by sieves analysis is termed as
grading of aggregate.
2. the particles size distribution of mass of aggregate should be such that the smaller
particles fill the gaps between the large. 3. The proper grading of an aggregate produce
dense concrete which reduces the amount of sand and cement paste.
(34) Uniform grading :- * in uniform grading, all particles are of the same size. * it
produces large volume of voids irrespective of particle size. More cement paste is required.

Gap grading :- * gap grading is define as a grading in which one or more intermediate size
fractions are absent.
*. On a grading curve it is represented by a horizontal line over the range of sizes which are
(35) what do you mean by max aggregate size and state IS 456 specification for
it ?
Ans:- *the max size of coarse aggregate is defined as the smallest sieve opening through
which entire sample passes. *. As per IS 456: 2000, for structural concrete the maximum
size of aggregate is 20-40mm. it should not exceed of the min thickness of the concrete
member and about 5mm less than min clear cover to reinficement.
*. In mass concrete work, the use of large size aggregate is beneficial due to lesser
consumption of cement, reduced heat of hydrogen, thermal stresses and shrinkage cracks,
hence in dam construction , max permissible size of aggregates is 40 mm.
(36) classification of aggregates:
Ans:- a) based on grain size: 1. Fine aggregate 2. Corse aggregate.
b) based on unit weight:- 1. Light weight aggregate 2. Normal weight aggr 3. Heavy
weight aggregate.
c) based on geological origin:- 1. Natural aggregate 2. Artificial aggregate
d) based on shape :- 1. Rounded 2. Irregular 3. Angular 4. Flaky and alongated
(37) mechanical property of aggregate :- 1. Strength of aggregate 2. Hardness. 3.
Toughness. 4. Modulus of elastic
(38) physical property of aggregate :- 1. Shape of aggregate 2. Texture 3. Roughness 4.
Specific gravity. 5. Bulk density 6. Porosity and absorption of aggregate 7. Moisture content
8. Bulking of fine aggregate
(39) water absorption of aggregates:- * the water absorption of coarse aggregate is
measured by the percent increase in weight of an over dry sample after immersion in water
for 24 hours.
*. But did not give the true picture and many times, the absorption for a periode equal to
final setting time of cement is measured. * water absorption will decrease the water
content in concrete and the concrete will required higher water/cement ratio .
(40) specific gravity :- it is the ratio of dry weight of aggregate to the weight of equal
volume of water. The specific gravity of aggregate is determined along with the water
absorption as specific in IS2386 part III 1963.
The procedure of the test is given below :-

1 take aggregate not less than 2 kg in a wire basket. 2. Dip the basket in water and
ammerse to the bottom.
3. lift it and drop it 25 times to release entrapped air and adhering particles. 4. Lift and
weight aggregate plus basket when steel immersed in water(weight A1). 4. Weight the
aggregate in air (weight B).
(41) factors affecting of bulk density :
as follows :

the various factors affecting bulk density are

1. degree of compaction : greater compaction gives greater bulk density.

2. shape :- rounded particles has greater bulk density, due to less void. 3. Grading:
(42) segregation : segregation can be define as the separation of the constituent matrials
of concrete. A good concrete is one which shows uniform distribution of the constituent.
There are three type of segregation:- 1. The coarse aggregate settles down in the
matrix. 2. The matrix past seperates from the coarse aggregate. 3. Water separates out from
the rest of the ingredients.
(43) bleeding:- * bleeding is a particular from of segregation in which water comes out to
the surface of the concrete. * bleeding is also called water gain and is particularly more
problematic in wet mixes.
(44) cohesiveness :- cohesiveness is not consider a separate property of fresh concrete. It
is the lack of segregation. The concrete show cohesiveness when segregation is min. the aim
should be to achieve a max cohesive concrete showing min segregation.
(45) what do you mean by design mix.
Ans:- the most rational approach of mix proportioning is to select the proportion with
specific matrials and parameter from trial mixes conducted in laboratory is called as design
(46) what are the object of concrete mix ?
Ans:- 1. To achieve a specified compressive strength for a specific grade. 2. For ensuring
required workability.
3. for achieving durability. 4. To make economical the concrete production. 5. To avoid honey
combing and bleeding. 6. To comply with various standerds.
(47) define characteristic strength :- the characteristic strength of concrete is the value
below which is not more than 5% of the test, results are expected to fails.
(48) characteristic load :- it is define as the load at which is not expected to be exceeded
with more than 5% probability, during the life span of a structure. Hence, the characteristic
load will not be exceeded by 95% of the time.

(49) write down the laboratory test for checking the quality of cement.
Ans:- 1. Fineness of cement 2. Compressive strength test. 3. Consistency test. 4. Initial and
final setting time.5. soundness test.
(50) different b/w rounded and irregular aggregates .
Rounded aggregate

Irregular aggregate

1 These type of aggre require more

cement past

Becz of more surface area they require more

cement past

2 They have 33 to 35 % voids

they have 35-37% voide

3 Workability of concrete is very high.

Workability of concrete is less

(51) what is different b/w quick setting cement and rapid dardering cement.
Ans:- quick setting cement is generally use when concrete has to be laid under running or
static water. The setting action of this cement satate with in 5 minuts and it become stone
hard in less than one hour on other hand in cares of rapid harding cement the strength
attained in 3 days is almost same as that attained by ordinary cement in 7 day. The main
advantage of the cement is that, it attineds high strtength is less time and thus enable
removable of from work at the earliest. The setting rate of quick setting cement it quit high
than of rapide hardinary cement.
(52) write the harmfull constituents of cement /
Ans:- alkalies and magnesium oxide are the ingrdiant which adversely affect the qulity of
cement. If amount of alkalies exceed 1 % it caused soundness. If magnesium oxide exceed
say 5 % it cause cracks in hardned morter or concrete.
(53) what is the diffrents b/w high alumuna cement and blast furnace cement?
Ans:- high alumina cemente:- it is manufactured by cursening a mixture of lime and
bauxite. It is more resistant to sulphat and acide attack. It develop almost full strength
within 24 hour of adding water. It is used for under water work.
Blast furnace cement :- in manufacture of pig iron, slag comes out as a west product.
By garlanding clinker of cement with about 60-65 % of slag, the cement is produce. The
properties of the cement are more or less same as ordinary cement, but it is cheap, sance
it uthleast wast product. The cement is durable but it gains the strength slowly and hence
needs longer periode of curing.
(54) what do you mean by bulking of sand ? what is its importantce.

Ans:- the increase in volume of sand due to presence of surface moisture of to certain
extent is know as bulking of sand. Bulking is cosed by films of water pushing the sand
particles a part due to surface tention.
(55) differentiate b/w apparent specific gravity and bulk specific garavity .
Ans:- apparent specific gravity:- it is defined as the ratio of weight of aggregate deride
in oven at 100.c to 110c for 24 hours to the weight of water ocuping the volume equal to
that of solid of aggregates is cluding pores in aggregates. the apprents specific gravity is
merenly determine the laboratory and is of no specific use in the field.
Bulk specific gravity:- it is defined as the ration of weight of aggregates dried in oven at
b100-110c for 24 hour to the weights of water of occupying the volume equil to that of solid
of aggregate incliding porse in aggregates. it is commonly know as specific gravity and used
to design a concrete mix and to calculate voide ratio for a given concrete.
(56) bulk density:- bulk density is the weight of aggregate required to fill the container of
unit volume. It is expressed in kg/lit. type :- 1. Looses bulk density 2. Rodded bulk
(57) give the specification of standard sand.
Ans:- following are the specification of standard sand:1 the standard sand shall be of light grey or whitish variety and shall be free from silt. 2. The
sand grains shall be angular with shap approximating to spherical froms. 3. It shall pass
100% through 2 mm IS sieve and retained 100% on 90 micron IS sieve with the following
particle size distribution. 4. It shall be free from silt and orgainic impurities.
(58) how the size of aggregate are classified on the basis of aggregate impact
value ?
Ans:- the size of aggregate greatly influence the quantity of cement paste required and
henc the economy of concrete. Larger the size of coarse aggregate , lesser is the quantity
and of cement required.
The aggregate is designated by max size of an individual particle in a heap. Size of
any particle is determine by means of sieves(80mm, 63mm, 50mm, 40mm, 20mm, 16mm,
12mm, 10mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600 micron, 300 micron, 150 micron and75 micron). An
individual particles is said to be of 40 mm size, when it passes through a 40 mm sieves and
is retained on the next lowere sieve in the series i.e, 20 mm sieve.
(59) define consistency. How do you differentiate it from homogeneity ?
Ans:- consistency means ability of the concrete to flow or is the degree of wetness ans is
measured by slump test, flow test and resistance to penetration for neat cement paste while
homogeneity means the uniform distribution of the cement I n the concrete mix and it
cannot be measured by any satandardized tests, thus, for optimum performance the
consistency and homogeneity must be balanced.

(60) what are the various limitation of slump test /

Ans:- following are the various limitation of slump test :1 it is not suitable for concrete in which aggregates of size less than 19mm and more than
38 mm is used.
2. it is not suitable for very wet and dry concretes as the wet concrete produces a collapse
slump while dry concrete produced no slimp at all. 3. The slump can take any shape so
difficult to decide the correct value of slump. 4. It is only suitable for concrete for high or
medium workability.
(61) how to improve the workability of concrete ?
Ans:- workability of concrete can be improved by the following factors:
1 increase water / cement ratio. 2. Increase size of aggregate. 3. Use well rounded and
smooth aggregate instead of irregular shape. 4. Increase the mixing time. 5. Increase the
mixing temp. 6. Use non-porouse and saturated aggregate. 7. With addition of airentraining mixture.
(62) durability of concrete :- durability of concrete is the ability of withstand the harmful
effects of environment to which it will be subjected to , during its service life, without
undergoing into deterioration beyond acceptable limits.
Durability can be assured keeping in view the environment exposure of structure,
certain min cement binder content , max limit on w/c ratio and a certain min grade of
concrete for that particular exposure.

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