Lecture 12 Sample Problem Answers

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Biosc 1000

Lecture 12 Sample Problems

1. Fluoroacetate (FCH2COO-) is a potent poison of the citric acid cycle although it has no effect
on the activity of isolated enzymes in vitro. Fluoroacetate readily crosses cellular and
mitochondrial membranes, and is converted into fluoroacetyl CoA by acetyl CoA synthase.
a. How does fluoroacetyl CoA interfere with the citric acid cycle?
It substitutes for acetylCoA in the citrate synthase reaction, producing
fluorocitrate, which inhibits aconitase.
b. What intermediates build up as a result of fluoroacetate inhibition?
Only acetyl CoA, since the citrate synthetase enzyme still works but produces a
non-productive intermediate.
c. Why is it that fluoroacetate can inhibit the pathway without reducing the activity of an
individual enzyme?
Because it doesnt affect the enzymes, it affects the coupling of the reactions. The
aconitase reaction cant proceed not because it cant catalyze the reaction, it
cant bind the substrate.

Beriberi is a nutritional deficiency disease resulting from inadequate thiamine in the diet.
Individuals lacking thiamine accumulate 2 metabolites as a consequence of eating sugar
what are they?
Pyruvate and -ketoglutarate.


The majority of glucose synthesized by a ewe is used by the udder to make lactose and fats.
During the winter, when grazing is poor, milk production decreases. One remedy is to supply
propionate (an odd chain fatty acid that can be converted to succinyl-CoA. Why does this
restore milk supply?
Succinyl CoA can be use to make oxaloacetate, which can be converted to glucose in

4. Cyanide inhibits Complex IV, blocking the reduction of O2 to water. Methylene blue
can be reduced by components of the electron transport chain and can, when reduced,
reduce O2 to water. Why then, are massive doses of methylene blue an effective
antidote for cyanide poisoning?
Cyanide blocks the reduction of oxygen by cytochrome c oxidase (Complex
IV). Electrons from cytochrome c cannot be transferred to oxygen in Complex
IV. Methylene blue can be reduced by cytochrome c and then reduce oxygen

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Biosc 1000

in turn. Its an effective antidote because it can replace cytochrome c oxidase

in the pathway and allows ATP synthesis to proceed.
5. A newly discovered compound called U is isolated from mitochondria. The following
observations were recorded when U was incubated with a suspension of
submitochondrial particles.

Adding NADH causes a rapid reduction of coenzyme U

Reduced U caused a rapid reduction of added cytochrome c
In the presence of antimycin (inhibits Complex III), the reduction of U by added
NADH took place as rapidly as in the absence of antimycin but cytochrome c
reduction by U was blocked.
Addition of succinate caused a rapid reduction of U.
Assign a tentative position for coenzyme U in the electron transport chain.
U is equivalent to Complex II.

6. Yeast can grow both anaerobically and aerobically on glucose. How do you explain
Louis Pasteurs observation that glucose consumption decreases when yeast that have
been growing anaerobically are exposed to oxygen.
The energy yield from glucose oxidized aerobically is about 15 times that of yeast
grown anaerobically (30 ATP/2 ATP = 15). The yeast need less glucose to
maintain a comparable growth rate.

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