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REWIRE : Reaper as master, Sibelius as slave

I owed this since my very first post, so Ill put here some instructions regarding the rewire between
Reaper as master and Sibelius as slave that is, to have a wonderful playback mixer for Sibelius
scoring - . I hope it will be clear enough, since english is not my native tongue...
These instructions are based on Sibelius 7. You need LoopBe30 installed for this (or LoopBe1, if thats
enough for your needs), by the way. At least with LoopBe30, I strongly suggest to disable the "Shortcut
detection" option, because it creates a lot of troubles.
Excuse me if I post some obvious images and instructions, but Id like to address this to a wide range
of users, including the newbies.
In Reaper :
1) Create a track and choose "ReWire : Sibelius" in the FX Chain. Generally, it doesnt start Sibelius
automatically in rewire mode, but after doing some mess with my setup, it has been doing it recently. If
not, as in most cases, youll have to start it manually...
In Sibelius
2) First of all, make sure that when the transport bar is visible, you see the Rewire icon in it, just like
this :

3) To avoid any possibility of an infinite loop, go to File Preferences and disable your active LoopBe
ports as input devices (unticking the boxes, of course). These instructions are meant to send midi only
from Sibelius to Reaper - the most useful way, IMHO -.

4) When you have all the instruments laid out in the score, click in the "Play" tab. In the lowest portion
of the ribbon, youll see "Setup" with a little arrow. Here is the image, for the newbies :

Click in the arrow and youll enter in the Playback Devices window :

Once there, you have to create a "Configuration", that is, a setup for the playback of your score. I called
it "Piano", because Im explaining this with the excellent Piano One in Reaper as my instrument.
In "Available devices", youll see listed the LoopBe30/1 ports. Double click in the one you wish to use,
in my case its "01. Internal MIDI". Youll see it appears in the "Active devices" section, just like this :

[continued on next page]

5) Now, go to "Manual Sound Sets". If its not already selected, choose the port you have just added.
Make sure that the Sound set option is set to none, and define the number of midi channels that you
want to work with. I created only one, just for the piano. Choose the channel that you want, and go to
"Sound ID". Type the name of the instrument (in this case, "piano") and apply. Take a look at the
image, youll see something like this :

6) Close the Playback Device window and save what you just did. Now open the mixer with
shortcut "M". Expand it with the bar icon at the left :

Youll see three rectangles or boxes with green characters in each mixer strip (Our piano has
two strips, of course, one for each stave). In the middle box, click and choose the LoopBe port
that you configured. In the lowest box, choose the name of your instrument. Reapeat this for the
second piano strip or, in any case, for each instrument strip that you have-. The mouse pointer
behaves strangely in Sibeliuss mixer; sometimes you have to click outside of it to be able to do
this properly. If you did it as we intended, you should see something like this :

Back in Reaper :
7) Now, the best part. Create a track for the piano, put your instrument in the FX Chain and
choose your input. In this case, it will be "Input : MIDI" "01. Internal MIDI" Channel 1.
Arm the track for recording and turn monitoring in, as in this image :

And finally, forget about Sibelius doubtful VST implementation, and play back as you write in
a serious way. I hope this is clear enough and I didnt miss anything; if you have any doubt, just


I have been testing the midi send from Reaper to Sibelius - that is, the opposite of what I described
above -, taking into account Hopis suggestion. With a rather complex piano part I couldnt get any
reasonable result, so I would say that if anyone is interested in viewing the score of an improvised
performance, is definitely better to do it with the Flexi-time input feature of Sibelius, rewired to
Reaper. You can easily enter the notes in Sibelius and listen to the audio in Reaper, even while you
record the midi output of its track.
There is one more thing I have been researching lately : there are some timing issues that have to be
solved if you want to rewire Sibelius as slave and have a tight sync. This can be summarized in the
following way :
- Export a midi item from Reaper with the tempo you are going to set embedded - dont forget to put
at least a note at the beginning; I put one also at the end.
- Import that track in Sibelius and prepare the layout of your score from there.
- Go to Play - Interpretation - Performance - Rewire and check "Tempo track" - this is very
important!! In Play - Interpretation - Performance - Style, I also set "Espressivo" and "Rubato" to
Meccanico and "Rythmic feel" to Straight. You can then take care of the rythmic and expressive
subtleties in Reaper, when you finally export the midi from Sibelius and and work in our DAW with
much better resources...
- Follow the steps described in the post above for the rewire setup and enjoy writing!
Well, thats it! I will be posting any other thing that I consider important to clarify this topic.
These are copied from this post on the Reaper forum, contact the author there, PM or Email:
All the credit for this tutorial is thanks to Soli Deo Gloria:

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