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Einstein and The

Theory Of
Course Name:- Technical and Business communication
Submitted by:- Gaurav Kumar
Roll No:- 733/IT/13

Einstein and The Theory Of Everything

Humans have always made attempts to understand the world around them. Since the
beginning of civilization, we have been fascinated by the cosmos and the laws governing the
physical world. There has been an active hunt for an idea or an equation which could describe
all the physical forces in our universe. Such an equation is more popularly known as "The Face
of God", "The God Formula" , "The Master Equation" or "The Theory of Everything". It is a
hope that with this theory we will be able to describe all natural phenomenon ranging from
the scales of atoms to that of the Galaxies. One such crusader who set out on a journey to find
this theory is Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein resolved to unite all the fundamental forces
known, in the format of a theory to simplify our universe. The goal was so farfetched that even
today millions of researchers with the state of the art technology are struggling to achieve. It is
a hope that the day this theory is discovered, we will be able to predict the outcomes of
events with a greater accuracy, describe how the world was created, find out the origins of life
and how everything will all come to an end.


Table of Contents
1. Introduction.....................................................................................1
2. Unification........................................................................................2
3. Fundamental Forces......................................................................... 3
3.1 Gravity........................................................................................3
3.2 Electromagnetism.......................................................................3
3.3 Strong Nuclear Force...................................................................4
3.4 Weak Nuclear Force....................................................................4
4. Newton and Gravity..........................................................................5
4.1 Drawback of Newton's Theory.....................................................5
5. Einstein and General Relativity.........................................................6
6. Quantum Mechanics.........................................................................7
6.1 Accuracy of Quantum Mechanics.................................................7
7. Modern Accomplishments and String Theory....................................8
8. Conclusion.........................................................................................9
9. Bibliography.....................................................................................10
10. References......................................................................................10




Researchers in physics believe they are on the cusp of finding an ultimate equation that will
unite all of the worlds comprehension of methodological study or science under one
framework of mathematics and theory. More specifically this theory would unite the two
biggest fields of our modern physics of 1900's-2000's General relativity and Quantum
mechanics. General relativity which is used to describe the phenomenon at very large scales,
events of cosmos, the universe's structure, quantum mechanics which formulates the small
microscopic phenomenon, subatomic particles and structures of them, if these theories are
combined into a single unit, it would explain both the large scale events and the very small
scale events. This theory is called commonly as a "God Equation". More accurately such a
equation would unite our comprehension of all the forces of the world in fundamental form in
our universe. There are four forces of basic form that we know of: Gravitation (which is
responsible to keep planets in orbit along the stars or moon around earth, and it oversees the
formation of galaxies and stars), the EM(electro-magnetic) force (It oversees all the
phenomena related to light, heat, electricity, and magnetism and these are also responsible
for combining atoms together), weak nuclear force (It acts inside of atomic nuclei, and it is
responsible for a sort of radioactive decay or radioactivity), the strong nuclear force (it is
responsible for holding together the protons and neutrons in atomic nucleus, and is therefore
pivotal in the stability of things or matter and objects). Currently, researchers in physics have
different theories for all of these basic forces, but they desperately need to have one unified
equation of all four forces . That target or aim has been achieved in partial form in that they
now have a theory which combines two forces - the EM(electo-magnetic) and weak nuclear
forces - but combining all four basic forces is proving to be a really difficult task. But, most
Theory of Everything researchers are hope positively this target will be hit in the next few
years. Theoretical physicist, S Weinberg calls an equation of all four basic forces "A final
equation" When this theory will be found by researchers , he and other formidable physicists
have concluded, that then it would make physics achieve its conclusion. Then physical universe
or world entirely would be numerically expressed as a set of equations - or it might be just one
equation we don't know yet. But there would still be a query in our minds, what would that
theory mean? It could make us wonder about the notion of God or the concept of a creator.



Unification or Combining would be the making of a equation or a law that completely

expresses everything in the realm of our world from one idea, One God equation and we tend
to comprehend that there will be a God equation because throughout our journey as a
civilization in the last two centuries or so, our comprehension of the world around us has
provided us with a plethora of descriptions that are all indication to one place or location,
they tend to be focusing on one pure form of a thought or idea which we are continuously
making attempts to discover.
Combination/Unification is the foremost target of researchers and scientists. The complete
meaning of Theoretical or Basic Physics is to visualize a larger and larger set of worlds events
in terms of a set of smaller and simpler concepts. It is considered by researchers and scientists
that if we can explain a large number of events in a very naive or easy manner then it is a sign
of development. So far the combinations which unified physics were regarded as golden
moments in history. There is an emotional side in which the great hypothesis of physics
describe the nature and this whole concept that we need to combine our understanding of the
world is pivotal to progress of physics.


Fundamental Forces

These are the basic forces which govern and describe all events in our universe. These are
Gravity, (EM)Electromagnetism, Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force. The world in which
we live is an interplay of these forces. Gravity is behind keeping objects to the ground,
electromagnetism consists of electricity and magnetism, Weak and Strong Nuclear Forces act
on very small scales but their effect on our daily lives is very much significant.



Gravitation is the inherent property of mass or matter, it is by its virtue that mass attracts or
aggregates with objects containing mass, including heavenly objects like stars, planets,
galaxies etc and even objects with insignificant mass like light or constituents of atoms. Gravity
is accountable to the variety of phenomenon in the universe and its complex nature, Hydrogen
balls aggregate because of it, it is gravity which sets them on fire and it does this because of
the pressure it creates and it converges stars into galaxies. Had gravity not been there, our
universe's complexity would have been reduced dramatically, our world wouldn't have any
heat energy and all the matter would have been spaced evenly throughout it. The effect of
gravity on earth can be seen by our weights and creation of tides. Gravitation acts across any
known distance, and its effects cannot be diminished, cannot be converted, cannot be


Our daily life is majorly described by the electromagnetic force, with the exception of
gravitational force. Approximately speaking, all the forces involving in inter atomic
interactions can be explained and theorized by the Electromagnetic(EM) force acting on the
positively charged nucleus of atoms consisting of protons and neutrons and electrons which
revolve around the atom, how do momentum is created by particles by virtue of their
movement. This also includes everyday forces like pushing and pulling things, those come from
the intermolecular interactions between the single molecules in our bodies and those in the
objects. It also majorly describes all forms of chemical phenomenon.


Strong Nuclear Force

As its definition would signify, the strong nuclear force is the strongest force of the four
fundamental/basic forces . It is responsible for gluing together or acting as a binding agent to
assist the creation fundamental particles of matter to form aggregation of larger particles.
Stability and non disintegration of matter can be explained by Strong Nuclear Force, it also is
responsible for the formation of hadron particles from quark ones, such as the formation of
proton and neutron, the lion's share of ordinary matter is consisted by these particles.


Weak Nuclear Force

In theoretical physics, the weak nuclear force is the force responsible for variety of
phenomena it is also one of the four known fundamental forces of nature. The weak nuclear
force is responsible for the radioactive decay of subatomic particles, and it plays an essential
role in nuclear fission. The weak force is described best in terms of electro-weak theory.


Newton and Gravity

The struggle to combine the theories of physics started long before Einstein with the most
marvelous incident in the history of world. In the 1600's sitting under an apple tree Isaac
Newton looked at a falling apple and just by the fall of the apple, Newton painted a completely
new picture of our universe. With a hypothesis way ahead of its time, Newton proposed that
the force which fell the apple to the ground and the force that makes moon revolve around
the earth are more or less identical. Newton called this new hypothesis to look at universe as
"Gravity" aimed to combine the heavens and the earth. With gravity Newton concluded that
the same principles governing the motions of heavenly bodies describe the tides in seas,
waves, and falling of Apple. It was called Unification of earth and heavens.
The Newton's theorem for gravitation states that two objects in the universe exert a force
which tends to bring them close to each other which is directly proportional to the product of
the their masses and it gets reduced by a factor or the squared times of the distance between

Newton's Law about gravity gave clear cut results that engineers and rocket scientists required
no other theorem except Newton's gravity principle to make the Apollo moon landings.

Drawback of Newton's Theory

Although Newton's laws described the strength of Gravity accurately , Newton had no idea of
inner workings and principle of gravity, Newton considered gravity to be infinitely fast force
that acts between objects.


Einstein and General Relativity

Einstein theorized spacetime as the interleaving of the three dimensional space and the single
dimensional time in a unique four dimensional fabric. General Relativity was a
theory of gravitation that was developed by Einstein between the late 1900's . According to
general relativity by Einstein, gravity is the result of curving of spacetime between objects.
By the beginning of the 1900s, The most accepted model to describe gravitation was Newton's
law. In Newton's law, gravity is the result of a force which tends to brings them together and
acts between massive objects or two objects possessing mass. The unknown nature of the
force of gravitation made Newton dumbfounded, although his framework which indeed was
very basic but was really successful in numerically expressing it.
Verified experimentally Einstein's theory of relativity was able to explain certain nuances to
the force of gravity which were not explained by Newton, some of these included minor
differences in the predicted and observed orbits of mercury and other planets in the solar
system. Einstein's theory predicted certain advanced effects of gravity like gravitational lensing
in which light gets bent around massive objects, time dilation in which the clocks slow down
under the effect of gravity. Major part of Einstein's theory is experimentally verified, many
predictions haven't been verified but are a subject of research like for instance there is indirect
evidence for waves of gravity, but direct evidence of their existence is still being searched by
several teams of scientists.


Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics is known as the science of the microscopic. It explains the behavior of
matter and energy when they interact with each other, and the scale at which it deals is that
of the atoms and subatomic particles, and at that scale uncertainty is a major component of all
the processes taking place, In quantum mechanics even atoms can behave like waves and
light can behave like particles. Some predictions of quantum mechanics appear counter
intuitive or even logical fallacies. Even the most experienced physicists have a hard time
understanding the Laws of Quantum Mechanics.

Accuracy of Quantum Mechanics

The accuracy of quantum mechanics is very high, the result of experimentation has never
contradicted the prediction of the theory.


Modern Accomplishments and String Theory

Researchers have come on the cusp of finding the ''Theory of Everything" or master equation
and it can be done once we have united General Relativity(Einstein's Theory) with Quantum
Mechanics(Microscopic theory), but when put together these hypothesis do not validate each
other correctly. They both give incorrect predictions. Researchers are having a hard time
explaining the universe with two sets of conflicting theories. The most modern advancement
in the realm of "Theory of everything" is String Theory which most scientist consider to be
master formula or final theory.
String theory is a theory of particles of matter. All the basic particles were first considered
point like but in this theory they are one dimensional string like. And all particles in the
universe consist of one ingredient i.e.(strings).The wide variety of fundamental particles come
from the different ways in which the string vibrates or resonates.

energetic tubes like structures called strings.



With the advent of theory of everything we would be able to describe all the phenomenon in
the universe at all the scales, we would be able to describe seemingly unsolved problems and
answer the questions involving the origins of life, creation of our universe and earth, also we
will be able to understand what will be the fate of our universe (predict future events). There
also is a possibility that tiny universes might be created in labs on earth. The hindrances to this
progress only seem the lack of advanced mathematical tools which are used to formulate a
unified theory and the lack of advanced instruments and experimental data to confirm the
theory's prediction, both of which are being reduced by the relentless pursuits of modern



Retrieved on 1 Nov 2015 from

Retrieved on 1 Nov 2015 from
Retrieved on 1 Nov 2015 from


The Elegant Universe by Dr. Brian Greene

The Theory of Everything by Dr. Stephen Hawking
Hyperspace by Dr. Michio Kaku


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