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Topic 12: Differential Amplifier

Objectives of this Chapter

Having completed this chapter we will be able to:
Determine by measurement the offset null voltage in a differential
amplifier circuit.
Calculate voltage gain from voltage measurements.
Determine quiescent voltages for a differential amplifier circuit.
Recognize differential circuit action for a BJT pair.
Diagnose a fault in a differential amplifier circuit.

Equipment Required for this Chapter

Circuit #4 of D3000 - 2.2 Semiconductors-2 Module.

Shorting links and connecting leads.
Signal Generator.
Analog Multimeter with a 10V DC range.
Digital Multimeter with 200mV DC and 20V AC ranges.

Exercise 4.1: DC and Quiescent Conditions

Both transistors share a common emitter circuit. The current in this branch is fixed. Any increase in
current in one of the transistors must be matched by a reduction in the other.
An increase of current in one transistor will cause its collector voltage to fall, due to the voltage
dropped across its collector load resistor. The current in the other transistor must fall, causing its
collector voltage to rise by a similar amount.
The output can be taken either differentially between the two collectors or from only one of the
collectors to ground. If the output is taken differentially then the voltage difference will be twice that
measured between one of the collectors and ground.

Shorting links between sockets 4.7 & 4.8, 4.11 & 4.12, 4.14 & 4.15 and 4.20 & 4.21 was
The digital multimeter, switched to the 200mV DC range to sockets 4.4 (positive) and 4.6
(common) was connected
The analog multimeter, switched to the 10V DC range to sockets 4.9 (positive) and 4.22
(common) connected
The module power supplies was switch ON.
The setting of VR3 was varied and the analog multimeter was watched as VR3 is turned
clockwise the meter pointer moves counterclockwise.
The positive connection of the analog multimeter was transferred to socket 4.16. Repeat the
variation of VR3 and note that this time the pointer moves clockwise in the same direction as
VR3 was readjusted to give 7V indicated on the analog multimeter, then the common
terminal of this meter was transfered from socket 4.22 to the other collector at socket 4.9 to
measure the differential output voltage. The reading of about +2V.
VR3 was adjusted again to reduce this to zero, changing to a more sensitive range as the
circuit approaches null balance.
The analog multimeter was removeed from the circuit.

The digital multimeter was used to read and record the voltages with respect to ground at the
points indicated in Table 4.1, changing the range as required in order to obtain accurate








Junction of









Table 4.1

Note: The offset null voltage is the difference between TR6 and TR7 base voltages. With the base
of TR7 grounded, the offset null voltage is equal to the base voltage of TR6.

Enter your value of offset null voltage in mV.


Note that the offset null voltage may be appreciable, because of differences between the
characteristics of the two transistors.

Exercise 4.2: Alternating Signal Drive

An alternating signal needs to be applied to the base of only one of the transistors. Signal currents
will be coupled to the other transistor via the common emitter circuit.
Stage gain will be low because of the lack of decoupling of the emitter resistors. The differential
nature of the two outputs allows signals of either polarity to be available, or twice the output voltage
if taken differentially between the two collectors.

shorting links between sockets 4.4 & 4.5, 4.7 & 4.8, 4.11 & 4.12, 4.14 & 4.15 and 4.20 &
4.21 were connected.
The signal generator was set to 1kHz sinewave, minimum amplitude setting.
The oscilloscope was set up as follows:
Timebase to 0.2ms/div, trigger selector to AC, dual trace operation.
The CH.1 located trace two divisions down from the top of the display.
The CH.2 located trace two divisions up from the bottom of the display.
CH.1 Y amplifier gain to 2V/div, AC input.
CH.2 Y amplifier gain to 2V/div, AC input.
2mm connecting leads was used to connect CH.1 of the oscilloscope to socket 4.2 to monitor
the input to TR6, and CH.2 to socket 4.9 to monitor its output.
The module power supplies was switch ON.
The input (signal generator amplitude control) was increased to give 8Vp-p output (CH.2).
The waveforms of the input and output voltages was sketched on the graticule provided
below, labeling each waveform (for example, "TR6 base", etc).
The CH.2 2mm connecting leads was transferred from socket 4.9 to socket 4.10 to monitor
the emitter signal waveform and add this to your sketch in Waveform Sketch 4.1, labeling it
as before.
The CH.2 2mm connecting leads was transferred to socket 4.16 to monitor TR7 collector
signal waveform and add this to your sketch in Waveform Sketch 4.1, labeling it as before.

Note: You cannot inspect the differential output waveform between the two collectors because of
the ground connections of the oscilloscope.

The oscilloscope 2mm connecting leads was removed from the circuit.
the digital multimeter was switched to read 20V AC and connected to read the base input
voltage at sockets 4.2 & 4.6. This time it is reading signal voltage and not the DC (quiescent)
conditions. Note the value in Table 4.2.

Input Signal

TR6 Output


TR7 Output

Table 4.2

The meter positive terminal was transferred to socket 4.9 to read TR6 output and enter this in
Table 4.2.
TR7 output was repeated at socket 4.16.
The common connection of the meter was transferred from socket 4.6 to 4.9, to read the
differential output signal between the two collectors, and was entered in Table 4.2 as before.

Note: This can be done since, unlike the oscilloscope, the meter is battery operated and has no
ground connection.

The stage gain Output Input for TR6, TR7 and differentially from both was calculated and
entered in Table 4.3:

Table 4.3

TR6 Stage Gain

TR7 Stage Gain

Differential Stage Gain

your value of TR6 Stage Gain.

Enter your value of TR7 Stage Gain.


Enter your value of Differential Stage Gain.

Worksheet W4
The Management Computer has inserted a fault into Circuit #4.

the circuit of Fig 4.1was connected and the module power supplies was switch ON.
VR3 was adjustedas in Exercise 4.1, then the circuit voltages as before without signal
applied (no shorting link between sockets 4.4 & 4.5) was measured and recorded.








Junction of









Table 4.4

The shorting link between sockets 4.4 & 4.5 was connected to inject the signal as previously
instructed (1kHz 8V p-p at the output).

The output waveforms at both collectors (4.9 and 4.16) was sketched on the graticule
From comparison of the voltages against those previously recorded in Table 4.1, and from
observation of the circuit waveforms, the fault was deduced.
A further test or tests (resistance measurement or characteristic test with the oscilloscope)
was carried out to confirm your diagnosis.
Diagnosis was recorded and entered below:



Nature of

Reason for Diagnosis

Fault Response: Enter the fault which you have diagnosed.


Record your reason for your own later benefit.

Now that you have completed the fault exercise, the fault has been removed by the
Management Computer.

Student Assessment 4
1. In a differential amplifier the quiescent collector voltages of the two transistors should be:
a) of opposite polarity.
b) the same.
c) one

and the other of the supply. d) at ground potential.

2. In a differential amplifier with two transistors TR1 & TR2, if the collector current of TR1
a) collector current of TR2 also increases.
b) TR1 collector voltage increases.
c) TR2 collector voltage falls.
d) collector current of TR2 is reduced.
3. If both inputs of a differential amplifier are grounded then theoretically there should be no
difference between the two collector voltages. Which of the following is not a likely cause of an
offset voltage being present?
a) incorrect value of supply voltage.
b) spreads of parameters of transistors.
c) tolerance of resistor values.
d) a faulty component.
4. If a positive signal is applied to TR1 input only (TR2 input grounded) then:
a) TR1 collector voltage only will go positive.
b) TR1 collector voltage will go positive and TR2 negative.
c) TR2 collector voltage only will go negative.
d) TR1 collector voltage will go negative and TR2 positive.
5. In full differential operation the signals will be:
a) applied to both bases in opposite polarity, and taken out between both collectors.
b) applied to one base only, and taken out between both collectors.
c) applied to both bases in opposite polarity, and taken out from only one collector.
d) applied to one base only, and taken out from only one collector.

6. Refering to the circuit of Fig 4.3, the quiescent voltages are given in rectangular boxes marked
V1, V2, V3, V4. If V1=+5.5V and V3=0V, then:
a) V2 = -5.5V, V4 = 0V
b) V2 = +5.5V, V4 = 0V
c) V2 = +5.5V, V4 = -0.6V
d) V2 = -5.5V, V4 = -0.6V

7. Refering to the circuit of Fig 4.3, the 1kvariable resistor VR1 is adjusted for circuit balance so
a) both emitter voltages are identical. b) both base voltages are identical.
c) both collector voltages are identical. d) both input signals are identical.
8. Refering to the circuit of Fig 4.3, the signal voltages are given in circles marked S1, S2, S3.
Which of the following statements is true?
S2 S3
and S2 is the same as S3 and of the same polarity.
S2 S3
b) Differential gain =
and S2 is the same as S3 and of the same polarity.
S2 S3
c) Differential gain =
and S2 is the same as S3 but of opposite polarity.
S2 S3
d) Differential gain =
and S2 is the same as S3 but of opposite polarity.

a) Differential gain =

Department of Electronic Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

KNL 1262
Analog and Digital Electronic Applications
Semiconductor II
Laboratory Manual
Topic 12: Differential Amplifier


Matric No

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