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Palemonatis Dynasty

Life of Cirulis, uniting of lithuania.

Zivinbudas's successful kingship, obtaining Lithuania, Poland, parts of
pomerania. Reformation (importance of Cirulis and Saule)
Valarius, Creation of Slavic Empire. Alliance with Khans of Khazaria/Carpathia.
Tovtivilas. Creation of Pomerania. Conflict between him and Saule. Offensive
approach towards other pagans. Annexation of Finland. Red Empire. Dynastic

Zivinbudas' invsion of Poland
Valarius Born
Aim to Feudal Government Type
812AD - War to Subjugate Silesnia
815AD - War to conquer 2 counties
Sending Son Cirulis to convert the Slavs to Romuvan Faith
Arrests a Catholic Priest (Euric Roding) executes him 817AD
(Peaceful time, no raids, no hosts)

821AD start of EP
Gives out duchy titles to family (Dynastic Administration)
822-823: conquests of Sacz, Kujawv and Gniezno. France borders at
(counties of ) Duchy of Lesser poland given to Valarius (future heir)
(counties of) Duchy of Greater Poland given to Cirulis the Younger (the
Element of Jealousy by Zivinbudas towards the Catholic french way of
government. (Shared by Saule and Valarius in future, but not my Tovtivilas)
Due to elective, has to ceed duchy of Vitbesk (Russia) to Cirulis, who takes

the land graciously and leads his own personal 'crusade' to conquer Bryansk
(Holy Site)
Small war vs Estonia leads to defeat at battle of Liivimaa, leads to the raising
of Tribes by The Marshall Gleb
830AD victory in Liivimaa.
July 831AD - War for Bryansk, Independence revolt by dukes of Silesnia,
Pruthenia and Chief of Semba (Discontent towards reconquest of Romuvan
holy site and future Reformation)
New holy text written and published by Saule, High priestess of Bryansk in
832AD. Leads to one minor peasant revolt in Minsk. The Feudal system is
adopted. Cirulis The Younger Pledges to convert the peoples of Lithuania to
the new faith. (Speech of Zivinbudas)
The Chosen of Perkunas, the Romuvan Holy Order, stand to protect their faith
against the vast Catholic Armies.

Holy war for Pomeralia AD836 - Raise the Holy order
Holy war for Bohemia AD839
Counties given to Dannila of Gostautas
14th June 844, Prince Cirulis II Dies
The 7 Trials of Perkunas - 7 wars/revolts called in succession
Lithuanian Conquest for Pomerania - 844
2nd independance war by Silesnia - Feburary 845
(Khagan Khudbard II) Carpathian War for Cieszyn - April 845
Belo Ozero's Conquest for Pskov - July 845
Narvan Host invasion of Lithuania - July 845
Norse invasion of Lithuania by Gudfrid - December 845
The Chosen of Perkunas, the holy order, led by Nemsis von Memel, is asked
by Saule to defend the lithuanian people.
Liivimaaian revolt - May 846
Khazaria takes Carpathia, Khagan Barsbek sends an emissary to Zivinbudas

offering peace and trade - Sept 847

Zivinbudas dies on the 9th June 848, only the revolt is left. Valarius is King of
Lithuania. Karijotas (Cirulis II's Firstborn) King of Poland.

Valarius must stop the Revolt Succeeds in November 848, imprinsoning Chief
Pelka of Silesnia
Barsbek seceeds from Khazaria, and creates the Empire of Carpathia - Feb
De Jure conquest of Litomerice for Archpriestess Dannila - May 849
Prince Valarius (2nd son) is married to High Priestess Saule - November 849
Audre (Valarius' eldest Daughter) is returned home to allow for a war with
Poland, this is hidden under the pretense that Karijotas' wife beat her. - 850
Denmark is under the Catholic religion - 850AD
War for Poland declared August 851AD
Battle of Oliva - September 851 - Major Lithuanian Victory
Ormr's Host declares invasion 1st July 853
Victory over Poland 30th October 853
Host defeated in Dec 853
Empire Formed (25th December 853) - Orb of Duty, Septre of Humility, Crown
of Supremacy and Oil of Perkunas
Holy wars for Pomerania 854-855
Death of Valarius 1st May 855, Tovtilivilas becomes Emperor. Poland falls to
Zivinbudas (Tovtivilas' half brother)
Finishes the wars his father started
Marries the daughter of the Khagan of Khazaria, thus obtaining marriage
alliances with both Khanates - August 857
Forms the Kingdom of Pomerania, grants it to Ramgaila is Osterode - Nov 857

The coming of Tovtivilas brings about a redoubling effort from the Cathics to
convert the Pagans

Start of Tovtivilas' expeditions into Russia/Finland - Dec 857AD
Saule is strongly against this expedition, wants attack on catholics.
864AD - Carpathia is Catholic, Barsbek is Catholic.
Estonia and Livonia are taken 866AD

Rejection of Saule December 869, after declaration against Karelia
Speech by Tovtivilas to the High Priesthood of Perkunas.
Conversion of Khans of Khazaria in 871 AD
Karelia taken in 873
Saule dies in May 875, leading to a small period of no oposition to Tovtivilas.
Hame and Savo conquered by December 876
Host invasion for Mecklenburg, defeated in 878
Norway is Catholic, Holy war on Jylland to obtain Satakunta - June 878
Battle of Lahti between the forces of Norway and the Empire leads to a
decisive victory for the Slavs, implying their righteous path
The Red Emperor - 880 AD
14th September 881, Satakunta is won.

Strong Dynastic Administration, titles kept within the Palemontis Family. (high
chiefdom of finland)
Strengthening foothold in south of Finland 881-890 (Suomi, Narva)
Creates the Kingdom of Finland 890AD
Holy war for Radimichia - May 891
Holy wars for the North - December 891 - Allow to take Kola and Nidaros

Kola given to Tovtivilas the younger - Aug 892

November 892, death of Tovtivilas. Cirulis I becomes Emperor.

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