Various Modes of Discharging of A Contract Various Modes of Discharging of A Contract

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Various modes of Discharging of a Contract

Discharge of a contract means termination of the contractual relations between the parties to a
contract. A contract is said to be discharged when the rights and obligations of the parties under
the contract come to an end. Modes of discharge of contract
Discharge by Performance
A contract can be discharged by performance in any of the following ways:
(a) By Actual Performance A contract is said to be discharged by actual per-formance when the
parties to the contract perform their promises in accordance with the terms of the contract.
(b) By Attempted Performance or Tender A contract is said to be discharged by attempted
performance when the promisor has made an offer of performance to the promisee but it has not
been accepted by the promisee.
Discharge by Mutual Agreement
Since a contract is created by mutual agreement, it can also be discharged by mutual agreement.
A contract can be discharged by mutual agreement in any of the following ways:
a) Novation [Section 62] Novation means the substitution of a new contract for the original
contract. Such a new contract may be either between the same parties or between different
parties. The consideration for the new contract is the discharge of the original contract.
(b) Rescission [Section 62] Rescission means cancellation of the contract by any party or all the
parties to a contract.
(c) Alteration [Section 62] Alteration means a change in the terms of a contract with mutual
consent of the parties. Alteration discharges the original contract and creates a new contract.
However, parties to the new contract must not change.
(d) Remission [Section 63] Remission means acceptance by the promisee of a lesser fulfillment
of the promise made. According to Section 63, Every promisee may dispense with or remit,
wholly or in part, the performance of the promise made to him, or may extend the time for such
performance, or may accept instead of it any satisfaction which he thinks fit.
(e) Waiver Waiver means intentional relinquishment of a right under the con-tract. Thus, it
amounts to releasing a person of certain legal obligation under a contract.
Discharge by Operation of Law
A contract may be discharged by operation of law in the following cases:
(a) By Death of the Promisor A contract involving the personal skill or ability of the promisor is
discharged on the death of the promisor.

(b) By Insolvency When a person is declared insolvent, he is discharged from his liability up to
the date of his insolvency.
(c) By Unauthorised Material Alteration If any party makes any material alteration in the terms
of the contract without the approval of the other party, the contract comes to an end.
(d) By the Identity of Promisor and Promisee When the promisor becomes the promisee, the
other parties are discharged.
Discharge by Impossibility of Performance
The effects of impossibility of the performance of a contract may be discussed under the
following two heads:
(a) Effects of Initial Impossibility
(b) Effects of Supervening Impossibility
(c) Declaration of War The pending contracts at the time of declaration of war are either
suspended or declared as void.
(d) Change of Law The contract is discharged if the performance of the contract becomes
impossible or unlawful due to change in law after the formation of the contract.
Discharge by Lapse of Time
A contract is discharged if it is not performed or enforced within a specified period, called period
of limitation. The Limitation Act, 1963 has prescribed the different periods for different
contracts, e.g. period of limitation for exercising right to recover a debt is 3 years, and to recover
an immovable property is 12 years. The contractual parties cannot exercise their rights after the
expiry of period of limitation.
Discharge by Breach of Contract
A contract is said to be discharged by breach of contract if any party to the contract refuses or
fails to perform his part of the contract or by his act makes it impossible to perform his
obligation under the contract. A breach of contract may occur in the following two ways:
(a) Anticipatory Breach of Contract Anticipatory breach of contract occurs when party declares
his intention of not performing the contract before the performance is due.
(b) Actual Breach of Contract Actual breach of contract occurs in the follow-ing two ways:
(i) On Due Date of Performance: If any party to a contract refuses or fails to perform his part of
the contract at the time fixed for performance, it is called an actual breach of contract on due date
of performance.

A Contract is said to be discharged when the rights and obligations created by it come to an end.
A contract may be discharged in the following modes:1. Discharge by performance Discharge by performance takes place when the parties to a
contract fulfill their obligations arising under the contract within the time and in the manner
prescribed. Performance may be actual performance or attempted performance.
2. Discharge by Agreement or Consent A Contract comes into existence by an agreement
and it may be discharged also by an agreement. The following are modes of discharge of a
contract by an agreement
a) By Waiver Waiver takes place when the parties to a contract agree that they shall no longer
be bound by the contract. For eg. A an actor promised to make a guest performance in the film
made by B. Later B forbids A from making the guest appearance. B is discharged of his
b) By Novation (Explained in detail in the next answer)
c) By Rescission Rescission of a contract takes place when all or some of the terms of the
contract are cancelled. It may occur by mutual consent or where one party fails in the
performance of his obligations, the other party may rescind the contract.
d) By alteration Alteration of a contract may take place when one or more of the terms of the
contract is/are altered by mutual consent of the parties to the contract.
e) By Remission Remission means acceptance of a lesser fulfillment of the promise made, Eg.
Acceptance of a lesser sum than what was contracted for, in discharge of the whole of the debt.
f) By Merger Merger takes place when an inferior right accruing to a party under a contract
merges into a superior right accruing to the same party under the same or some other contract.
For eg. P holds a property under a lease. He later buys the property. His rights as a lessee merge
into his rights as an owner.
3. Discharge by impossibility of performance If a contract contains an undertaking to
perform an impossibility, it is void ab initio. As per Section 56, impossibility of performance
may fall into either of the following categories

(i) Impossibility existing at the time formation of the contract This is know as precontractual impossibility. The fact of impossibility may be
a) known to the parties Both the parties are aware or know that the contract is to perform an
impossible act. For eg. A agrees with B to put life into dead wife of B, the agreement is void.
b) unknown to the parties Both the parties are unaware of the impossibility. The contract
could be on the ground of mutual mistake of fact. For eg.A contract to sell his house at Andaman
to B. Both the parties are in Mumbai and are unknown to the fact that the house is actually
washed away due to Tsunami.
(ii) Impossibility arising subsequent to the formation of the contract Where
impossibility of performance of the contract is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the
parties, the parties are discharged from further performance of the obligation arising under the
4. Discharge by lapse of time The Limitation Act, 1963 lays down certain specified periods
within which different contracts are to be performed and be enforceable. If a party to a contract
does not perform, action can be taken only within the time specified by the Act. Failing which
the contract is terminated by lapse of time.
For eg. A sold a gold chain to B on credit without any period of credit, the payment must be
made or the suit to recover it, must be instituted within three years from the date of delivery of
the instrument.
5. Discharge by Operation of Law A contract may be discharged independently of the
wished of the parties i.e. by operation of law. This includes discharge
a) By death In contra
ct involving personal skill or ability, the contract is terminated on the death of the promisor. In
other contracts the rights and liabilities of a deceased person pass on to the legal representatives
of the deceased person.
b) By insolvency When a person is declared insolvent, he is discharged from all liabilities
incurred prior to such declaration.
c) By unauthorized material alteration of the terms of a written agreement Any
material alteration made by a party to the contract, without the prior permission of the other
party, the innocent party is discharged.

d) By rights and liabilities becoming vested in the same person When the rights and
liabilities under a contract vests in the same person.
6. Discharge by Breach of Contract A breach of contract occurs when a party thereto without
lawful excuse does not fulfill his contractual obligation or by his own act makes it impossible
that he should perform his obligation under it. A breach to a contract occurs in two ways :a) Actual Breach When a party fails, or neglects or refuses or does not attempt to perform his
obligation at the time fixed for performance, it results in actual breach of contract. For eg. A
promises to deliver 100 packs of ice-cream to B on his wedding day. A does not deliver the packs
on that day. A has committed actual breach of the contract.
b) Anticipatory Breach Anticipatory Breach is a breach before the time of the performance of
the contract has arrived. This may take place either by the promisor doing an act which makes
the performance of his promise impossible or by the promisor , in way showing his intention not
to perform it.

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