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Reporte Tarea 1

Teddys Quintero Paternina

IMTR - sensores y actuadores

Prof. A. Marrugo
Dept. Mecatr

Codigo: T000325332
Fecha: 08/02/2016
Universidad Tecnologica de Bolvar

1.5 Passive and active sensors. A passive sensor is one that does
not require external power, whereas an active sensor requires
external power. Identify which of the following sensors are active
and which are passive.
a. Alcohol thermometer (passive)
b. Thermostat in a car (passive)
c. pH meter in an aquarium (passive)
d. Pressure sensor in the lid of a jar (passive)
e. Microphone in a cell phone (active)
f. Water level sensor in a dishwasher(passive)
g. Temperature sensor in a refrigerator (active)
h. Acceleration sensor in a car (passive)

Classification of a sensor/actuator. Consider a fuse for electrical

equipment. It is designed to disconnect at 2 A after a delay of
100 ms. The operation of the fuse is based on heating of a thin
wire. When the temperature reaches the melting point, the wire
fuses. Classify the device in all possible ways.
R/ The device is a passive sensor of I do not contact physicist

1.27 Power loss in optical fibers and the use of dB. An optical
fiber is rated as having a loss of 4 dB/km. Given an input light
power density of 10 mW/mm2, what is the light power density
at the end of a fiber 6 km long?
The loss 24dB
pi = 10
p = 10 log10


10mW mm2
= 10dB
mW mm2

the pout in desibeles was

po = 10 24 = 14dB
the pout in milivattios is

mW mm2
= 0,03981

14 = 10 log10
po = 101,4

1.28 Use of dB in a multistage voltage amplifier. When high amplification is required, it is not usually possible to do so with a
single amplification stage, for a number of reasons. For example,
a simple transistor amplifier is typically limited to an amplification of about 100 or less. More complex amplifiers, such as the
operational amplifier are also limited to reasonably amplifiers are
a necessity whereby the output of one stage is fed as the input
to the next stage. Suppose a high-frequency amplifier is required
with an amplification (often called gain) of 120 dB. Assuming
that individual amplifiers with amplification between 1 and 50
are available, what is the minimum number of amplifiers needed and what are their amplifications? Is the solution unique?
low amplification because of bandwidth requirements. Therefore
con 120dB y rangos de 1v hasta 50v para los amplificadores
120dB = 20 log10


= log10 v
6 = log10 v
v = 106 v
por definicion de logaritmo
loga x = y ay = x
50N = 106 V
Despejando N tendremos el numero de amplificadores de 50 para 106 v
N = log50 106 amplif icadores
N = 3, 532amplif icadores
entnces podemos tomar los 3 amplificadores enteros y claculamos el cuarto como
503 xk = 106



el resultado seran 4 amplificadores 3 de50 y 1 de 8 para amplificar hasta 120 dB
b. esta no es la unica solucion se pueden hecer barios arreglos con 4 amplificadores para
obtener 120dB como por ejemplo 40,40,25,25

The human ear responds to pressures between 2x10 5Pa (the threshold of hearing) and 200 Pa (the threshold of pain) (1 Pa = 1
N/m). Beyond 200 Pa hearing can be permanently impaired A.
Calculate the span of the human ear in dB. B. A jet engine at a
short distance produces a sound pressure of 5000 Pa. An operator must wear hearing protection. What must be the minimum
attenuation of the hearing protector in dB?
A. El span en dB
span=(valor max - valor min)
p1 = 2x10 5pa
p1 = 10 log10

2x10 5pa

p1 = 46, 9897dB
p2 = 23, 0103dB

p2 = 10 log10

span= 23,0103-(-46,9897)
B. Como se enuncia el oido humano puede soportar menos de 200 pa por lo que para protejer
los oidos del obrero la presion maxima que debe soportar debe ser como caso critico menor a
200 pa por lo que la minima atenuacion debe ser.
atenuacion en pascales
atenuacion en dB
po = 10 log10


p1 = 36, 9897dB
la minima atenuacion sera
atmin = 36, 9897 23, 0103dB
atmin = 13, 9794dB

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