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Chapter Three :

Quantitative volumetric analysis :

Titration : one of the quantitative volumetric analysis , it used to
determine the
analyte by find the volume of standard reagent
(solution) required to completely react with it () .

aA + bB


where : A = titrant (st. sol.)

B = titrate (analyte)
a,b = no. of moles

Note : Explain the conditions of titration (for students) .

Equivalent point : The point in which the amount of standard sol.

Is chemically equivalent to the substance that is to be
End point : is based upon the physical changes that occur in a
solution in titration method . the end point detection including
change in color , electrical potential , current and conductivity.
Best titration , when that the volume difference between end point
and equivalent point is small. (when the end point is exactly same
the equivalent point) .
Primary standard : a highly purified substance that required as a
reference material in titration , and the accuracy of volumetric
analysis is dependent on it .
Primary standard should be includes :
a) Highest purity.

b) Stability.

c) Absence of hydrate water.

d) High equivalent weight.

Standard solution :
known exactly.

Is the solution whose its concentration is

There are two ways for prepare standard solution :

1) Directly , by dissolving a carefully weight quantity of pure
reagent and diluting to an exactly known volume .
2) Indirectly , by titrating a weighed quantity of pure substance
with the reagent solution .
Standard solution should be :
a) Remain stable for months .
b) Rapid and completely react with analyte .
c) Observed satisfactory end point .
d) Balanced chemical equation .

Types of titration reactions :

1) Acid-base titration(neutralization titration):
HA + OH-

H + B

A + H2O


2) Precipitation titration :

Ag + Cl


3) Complex formation :


+ 4NH3


4) Oxidation-reduction reaction :


MnO4 + 5Fe

+ 8H

5Fe+3 + Mn+2 + 4H2O

Calculation associated with titremetric methods :


aA + bB


where : A = titrant (st. sol.)




1) no. of m.moles of A :

m.mole A = MA . VA

2) no. of m.moles of B :
m.moles of B = MA . VA . R

3) weight of B :
m.moles B =
mg of B = MA . VA . R . M.wt. B

4) percentage of B :

x 100

EX. Calculate the percentage of Na2CO3 in 1gm of sample

dissolved in water and titrated with standard sol. of 0.1M HCl ,
volume of HCl required is 36.5ml ?
Na2CO3 + 2HCl


+ H2O + CO2


% Na2CO3 =
mg of Na2CO3 = MHCl . VHCl . R . M.wt.



mg of Na2CO3 = 0.1 x 36.5 x 106 x 0.5 = 193.45 mg

% Na2CO3 =

x 100 = 19.345 %

EX. Calculate weight of acetic acid found in 5ml of vinegar titrated

with 0.1M of NaOH , vol. required = 35ml , M.wt. acetic acid = 60 ?



mg CH3COOH = MNaOH . VNaOH. R . M.wt. CH3COOH . R

mg CH3COOH = 0.1 x 35 x 60 x 1 = 210 mg

Dilution calculations :
M1V1 = M2V2
N1V1 = N2V2

EX. Prepare 250ml of 0.05N HCl , from a sol. of 0.1N ?

N1V1 = N2V2
0.1 x V1 = 0.05 x 250
V1 = 125 ml

Back- titration :
In this type of titration , when the reaction is slow and the end point
is not clear and when we need to determine analyte like B , it is
convenient or necessary to added an excess amount from A ,
and the excess amount will be determine by back-titration with a
second (another) standard sol. like C .

aA + bB products + excess of dA

R1 =

excess of dA + pC products

R2 =

mg B = [NAVA - NCVC] x eq.wt. B x R1

EX. 10ml of 0.05M EDTA was added to a sol. contain zirconium

ion Zr+4 , the excess of EDTA was titrated with a sol. of 0.05M of
bismuth nitrate BiNO3 , and the vol. was 208ml . calculate weight
of Zr in sol. ,
A.wt Zr = 91 ?

EDTA + Zr+4

Zr+2-EDTA + excess of EDTA

excess of EDTA + Bi+3

Bi+3- EDTA

mg of Zr = [(10x0.05) (2.8x0.054)] x 91 x (R1=1)

mg of Zr = 35.9 mg

EX. 50ml of 0.1N FeSO4 is added to a sol. of MnO2 , then the

excess from FeSO4 was titrated with a sol. of 0.08N K2Cr2O7 .
calculate percentage of MnO2 ? wt.of sample = 200mg , M.wt.
MnO2 = 87 , vol.of tit. = 16ml.


+ 14H

2Fe+2 + MnO2(s) + 4H



+ Mn


+ 2H2O + excess of




excess of Fe

eq.wt. MnO2 =

+ Cr2O7

2Cr+3 + 6Fe+3 + 7H2O

= 43.5

mg FeSO4 = 50x0.1= 5 mg
mg of excess FeSO4 = 16x0.08 = 1.28 mg
mg of FeSO4 equivalent to MnO2 = 5 1.28 = 3.72 mg
% MnO2 =

x 100 = 80.8%

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