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Hybrid Architecture

John K. Murthy
6th semester, department of computer science
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Abstract - Cloud Computing is an important branch of ever

growing computer technology. Hybrid Architecture in cloud
computing plays a vital role, with introduction of hybrid cloud
architecture it became possible to use features of public cloud
like flexibility, scalability, and other along with important
features of private cloud, like, security and increased control on
information stored in cloud. This paper consists of a critical
review regarding Hybrid Architecture in cloud computing.
Keywords Hybrid Architecture, Cloud Computing, Hybrid Cloud.

maintained by connecting them using an encrypted

connection. Sensitive and private data is not stored for long
time in public cloud making it secured in private cloud. Many
multinational companies started using Hybrid cloud as it suits
their growing business with dynamic resource allocation and
invest only on extra resources only when required. Amount
charged by vendors on their services depends on company
usage; so, company can plan their requirements on the basis of
their data analysis, future requirements and pay accordingly.



The hybrid architecture, architecture formed by

combining public cloud architecture and private cloud
architecture is called Hybrid Cloud Architecture; hence it has
both public and private cloud features. Utility of this kind of
architecture is more in comparison with other kinds of
architectures. By using hybrid architecture companies
witnesses reduction in there costs change and computing
requirements due provided facility of easy data exchange
between public and private clouds of an organization under
proper surveillance. This surveillance includes different
permission requirements to complete the transaction. Identity
as a Service is used to provide permissions accordingly. This
security is a key attribute adopted from Private cloud
architecture. For dynamic and highly changeable workloads
Hybrid cloud is a best option to take, works seamless and
easy. Hybrid cloud runs its applications in private cloud and
when, there is spike in resources requirement it can take help
of additional computing resources present in public cloud
using Cloud Bursting technique. Another important aspect of
hybrid cloud architecture is, Organization using Hybrid cloud
can store its important business details like future plans, past
data analysis, staff details and more private data within its
premises under private cloud architecture. This information
stored in private cloud need not to be shared with public cloud
and remains safe with proper control. Companys public data
like its information to its clients, its products details and
more can be stored in public cloud and make public users use
that data without any hindrances. This unique feature of
hybrid cloud architecture makes it a useful for maintaining
data with no conflicts among users and employees. Though
public cloud and private cloud are connected, privacy is


Hybrid cloud Architecture consists on-premises

private cloud infrastructure, which is a big advantage to store
and retrieve data from storage to working environment. This
decreases latency and minimizes access time. This shows a
very big difference if company is required to use a large chunk
of data (all at once), frequently. This approach also helps in
securing data, by not showcasing private data in public cloud
to protect it from any unambiguous attacks. When compared
to public cloud storage, this kind of storage exceeds
computational power and makes more number of tasks
feasible with same interval of time as we have seen decrease
in latency and access time. As tasks are performed in
comparatively less time than other type of architecture, i.e.
public cloud architecture, here company uses less resources or
additional resources only when required, it results in less
payment according to pay-as-you-go agreement. In few days,
or months time interval there may be additional resources
required to accomplish the predicted requirement on basis of
previous data analysis, then company can afford extending
public cloud for that interval of time and continue its
functionality in a safe way rather than affording to extend its
private cloud space which stays idle in rest of the times,
throughout the year. This can be done only if company owns
both public and private clouds and this is available with
hybrid cloud architecture, which facilitates both public and
private cloud architectures and accomplishes this way of
solving same problem with less investment and gives more
productivity. This kind of peak moments at which more
number of resources are required are not faced often but have
a periodicity, some may occur in short interval of time while
others have a big gap in repetition and to handle this situations
the best way is to use hybrid architecture which has chance to

extend public cloud at affordable less price for a growing

company. Flexibility to customize server design as per needs
by a company is achieved by hybrid cloud architecture due to
presence of private cloud architecture on the other end.

A. Compliance
The major problem in hybrid cloud architecture is to
maintain compliance between private cloud end, on one side
and public cloud, on the other side. This refers to
demonstrating and maintaining data in between two clouds
with completely different architecture.
B. Data Redundancy
Maintaining numerous copies of data in different databases
located in various geographical locations is simply called data
redundancy. This is important to be on safe side in case of
failure and restore the data back into normal state. This is
coted as an issue in hybrid cloud architecture because it is
complicated when compared to other cloud architectures.
C. Service-Level-Agreement

Fig. 1. Hybrid Cloud, connecting public cloud and private cloud.



Despite of having many advantages over public

cloud, Hybrid Cloud Architecture also have few
disadvantages. These issues are related to privacy and security
as seen in public cloud architecture. These vulnerabilities are
due to third party interference while data is being travelling
from one network to another. This information is prone to
tapping by any external agent and may also be tampered. This
manipulated data may be used in companys routine and
results in serious problem may or may not be rectified in later
stages. Hence this has a serious effect on companys privacy
on its information. Another issue in using Hybrid Cloud is
time delay, as at both ends of hybrid cloud it requires to
undergo through critical operations in order to keep data safe
from any lose or foreign invasion, it takes additional time to
process the data whenever it moves from one end, public
cloud, to another end, private cloud. If any emergency data
need to be posted into private cloud or public cloud it may not
be possible due to the additional critical processing at both the
ends to protect data. If data posted into cloud is to be updated
frequently, for example, cricket score, and then it needs to be
updated every moment from private cloud to public cloud.
This kind of frequently changing data is not efficiently done
using hybrid cloud. Companies, which do not have big budget
for cloud maintenance may not be able afford this architecture
and maintain its daily requirements as it is to maintain two
services at once and makes companys investment expensive.
These are some of the advantages seen in adopting hybrid
cloud architecture by companies or change companys cloud
architecture to hybrid architecture from other cloud

An agreement made between cloud vendor and company is

termed as Service Level Agreement. This consists of all the
rules and regulations followed by vendor in providing cloud
services. Hybrid cloud architecture as both public cloud and
private cloud within it, so agreement needs to be specified and
signed, accordingly, with proper knowledge of the conditions
designed and services provided to avoid any clashes in future.
D. Security
Security Management is to be done in both public and
private clouds. This security consists of different components
like authorization, authentication and identity. These
operations to be carried out through out the way where data is
carried from public to private cloud or vice versa, Auto
migration and Dynamic migration are two methods followed
by companies to migrate their data from one cloud platform to
another, so security also becomes a important and complex
task to perform in repeated fashion during migration from one
cloud architecture to another.


Hybrid cloud has various applications for many

companies in their Information Technology infrastructures. As
discussed earlier, hybrid cloud have both private and public
clouds benefits combined to make use of best features in more
productive way this architecture have a important role in
today business world.

Architectural flexibility
This Hybrid architecture encourages using
workloads only where they are most
sensible with performance requirements

enhancements that dedicated servers can

only offer.

Technical Control
Personal root access to any individual can
be entertained with this architecture and
customized network segmentation is
possible where it is required in the
architecture (Logical segments, Physical

necessities it becomes difficult to maintain

requirements. To solve this problem and
give peace of mind to company mangers,
hybrid architecture is provided with both
public and private cloud architectures to
serve companys requirements in multiple
dimensions (called single throat to chunk
or single person to hug).

Utility Billing
This is a desired feature, allows company to
rent the necessary resources only during
spike period (expected earlier), while the
remaining time only base configuration
payment is made.

Fostering Innovation
It helps in development flexibility and
research to achieve goals and test various
optimized techniques in setting up or tear
down cloud servers by developers.

Technical Predictability
combinations about requirements of a
application in its developing phase to make
it a stable application, but in production
company should have a clear number of
resources required, so company many prefer
using required private dedicated servers to
accomplish the tasks planned. Anyway, it
can take help of multi-tenant cloud servers
in spike interval (peak times) with the help
of Technical Predictability.

Often auditors have displeasure with multitenancy and require completely specific
solutions for many feature of a companys
hosted infrastructure. These requirements
can be achieved with the help of network
security and compliance between dedicated
hardware and cloud.

Peace of mind
As company grows in market its
requirements vary with change in plans and
operations, so, for increasing and changing

Fig. 2. Hybrid Cloud computing and its benefits.


Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Architecture

Hybrid cloud Architecture is made with bunch of benefits;

few of them are already discussed in above sections of this
paper. This architectures benefits list goes endless, but the top
of them can be shown as in fig 2. As mentioned in December
2014 Computerworld article written by Sharon Gaudin, 23
percent of overall growth in Cloud computing is estimated in
2015, while 50 percent increase in YOY in Hybrid Cloud
computing. This article shows the rate at which cloud
computing is growing and also the importance of hybrid
architecture among all cloud platforms. Hybrid architecture
has a vital role in todays business world because of these
above-mentioned benefits that made companys work easy
and achievable. Speed is an important and known factor in
cloud computing, this is comparatively slow in public cloud
due to its nature of reaching and serving number f people with
no bias on geographical measures. The same factor, speed, in
private cloud is much better due to its local availability, with
in reach, and makes computing with less latency. In Hybrid

cloud company can put its all important and frequently

required data in private cloud for better security and decreased
latency time, while other data with less importance is stored in
public cloud, making less investment and improved, focused
management. This approach is only possible if company owns
both public cloud and public cloud which may lead to increase
in coast, but with hybrid cloud which is a combination of
public and private cloud in one serving, makes it possible at a
reasonable investment and easy for maintenance as dealing
with one cloud vendor is easy than maintaining multiple


At present there are a numerous Hybrid cloud Vendors

are available. Among these all these popular companies
depending on their services and services provided by them,
three vendors became first choice to many Multi-NationalCompanies (MNC), with their identification of their own
brands and Quality of Service (QOS), they are:

Conclusion to this paper regarding my topic, Hybrid

Architecture in cloud computing (Hybrid Cloud Architecture)
is in favor of adopting Hybrid Cloud by MNC (Multi National
Companies), because every company has a great deal in
keeping their data securely and operations as fast as possible
(minimize latency). A hybrid cloud also helps in taking; the
additional resources during peak times with less payment in
public cloud and nicely integrate it with private architecture.
Compliance between private cloud and public cloud is the key
feature of this architecture to make security and data transfer
with less operations on data at both public cloud end and
private cloud end. For maintaining two kinds of data, one for
public use and other for only development and research or
company plans which is private, company should be able to
afford both widely separate architectures and this makes it a
highly coast effective task for any organization so, hybrid
cloud serves in both purposes and becomes an essential utility.
Instead of maintaining many vendors, it makes possible to
complete same task with one vendor called single throat to
chunk or single person to hug).

1. Amazon Web Services.




This term paper is out into its perfect shape due to a great
support and kind help from everyone, importantly including:
Teachers, Friends. I like thanking my Teacher Anupinder
Singh for giving this wonderful topic and helping me in
completing this paper with his immense support and guidance.

Fig. 3. Amazon

2. Rackspace (OpenSatck).

In completing this paper I have referred various sources,
they are all mentioned below:
[1] Barrie Sosinsky, Cloud Computing, reprinted in 2015.

Fig. 4. Rackspace

3. Google.


Fig. 5. Google


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