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Example Sentences for immaterial

.I forget of what particular manufacture it happened to be; it is immaterial
.It can hardly have been immaterial to the case for which it was first introduced
It happened to me oncethe date is immaterial that after a considerable
.absence, I returned to London
.It is immaterial whether we were for him, or against him; wholly immaterial
The nature of the plate or crucible employed appears to be immaterial, provided
.it is a good conductor
There is no bridge my mind can throw from the " immaterial " cause to the
."material" effect
Unseen and immaterial things are usually more feared than are visible and
.tangible objects
.The immaterial in man is the expansive force inherent in him
It is true that this similarity of circumstances needs not extend to such as are
.already known to be immaterial to the result
.It is immaterial how the property was found as long as it was found
so long as the band kept the beat, what they played was immaterial

Example Sentences for metaphysical
.He sought no further in metaphysical systems; he desired no further insight
.Challis understood the question in its metaphysical acceptation
.Fate and metaphysical aid conspire against his virtue and his loyalty
.It "thinks highly of the soul," but in the natural, not the metaphysical, sense
The most remarkable feature of the character of the Persian people is their love
.of Metaphysical speculation
.To other minds, perhaps, metaphysical reasoning will be more satisfactory
Why should she be forbidden to exhibit any other essences than those
?authorized by this metaphysical Solon
.I do not mean to say that they did this with any occult or metaphysical motives
.The object of these metaphysical subtleties is purely theological

These three stages are the Theological, the Metaphysical, and the Positive

.the part of the mind in which preconscious thoughts or memories reside
This is thought to reflect a simple, sensory memory that apparently occurs
automatically in the

Example Sentences for psychical
Certainly all psychical phenomena is a continual coming and going, a producing
.and being produced
I mean by psychical function that portion of the brain in which psychos has its
They both were late in coming to maturity, and psychical ripeness was much
.behind even the physical
.Especially is this true in the case of those who suffer from psychical atavism
.But with respect to psychical differences it was altogether another matter
.I refer to the proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
As to the future of psychical science and opinion, I feel sure that great things are
.now ahead
This proposition may be expressed thus: Everything that is perceived is
I do not feel competent to pronounce upon this hypothesis in the present
.embryonic state of psychical science
I remembered that we lived in an age of 'telepathy' and psychical research

Example Sentences for rational
Though he had no rational reason for expecting trouble he had still his hunch and
.his intuition
Shall he alone, whom rational we call, Be pleased with nothing, if not blessed
?with all
We are experiencing in the world-war a fearful balancing-up with the rational
.intentionality of organised culture
.Enacted institutions are products of rational invention and intention

The natural turn of his temper inclined him to rational society, but in that his wife
.could bear no part
.They are differentiated by the rational and conscious element in them
It will be as rational to knock yourself on the head, because you differ from
.yourself ten years ago
No effort to introduce a fashion of " rational dress" for women has ever yet
They freely and promptly pledged life, fortune and honor in behalf of rational
.It rests upon no rational grounds, and can be traced to no rational principle

Example Sentences for subjective
.But unless he has subjective flowers he cannot have objective ones
.That is about as close as you can hope to time a subjective effect of this nature
The 'primary qualities' do not correspond in this way to an objective world
.radically opposed to the subjective
.He will rise out of his subjective self into the objective God
It is evident that such a decision as this does not rest on valid motives but rather
.on the accident of subjective conditions
.To offer as a reason that the one is subjective, the other objective is nonsense
In belief the subjective conviction is complete, but is recognised as lacking in
.objective justification
.So Brande's telepathic power was objective as well as subjective
But all this is quite possible when we regard time as merely the subjective
.condition under which all our intuitions take place
This subjective mind can see without the use of physical eyes

Example Sentences for ghostly
.This rock in the inner crater was gray, pale and ghostly in the earthlight
?Have the ghostly traditions of this world truth in them at last
.The ghostly past seemed to have gone, and everything spoke of to-day

There was again silence, and, but for the ghostly glare of the snow, all was very
This is a remarkable instance; we often hear of raising the ghostly foe, but we
.are seldom told how it can be done
.At this time all the town was ghostly, and 82 she loved it so
Then the doors slowly opened and there came through them a ghostly company
.that seemed endless
.So here he was, and the Flying Dutchman was not ghostly at all, nor did it fly
.It might have been anything in that ghostly lightbut, at least, it did not move
.Then, from far away, there came the ghostly music of the sistra

Example Sentences for eerie
Deep snow, glittering with an eerie blue lustre, lay heavy on the high boundary
.A Night at an Inn is that peculiar novelty, an eerie and poetical melodrama
Floodlights bathed the wire and cast an eerie glow over the mass of parked cars
.and persons jammed outside the fence
.Very dark and cold and eerie it was there, and he hurried across to his studio
But my passing life, my eerie lonely life, is lived in my Two Dresses and none
.besides, and I need no more
.Then rose a shrill, vibrating sound, as if of eerie laughter
She was frightened by his eerie talk, which grew, she fancied, more voluble and
.energetic as they approached the corpse
.Here is something before unknown to the eerie spirits of the woods
The line went quiet, the eerie silence of a net-connection with no packets routing
.on it
The night sounds of the city hummed in eerie cadences in her ears

Example Sentences for glow
From this time his great problem was the sun, the glow of daylight, the tremor of
.the air upon the earth basking in light

.He took it out of the glow and worked it over on the main-anvil
The quick tears filled his eyes, and a glow, tingling in its warmth, rushed over
They sat down where they could feast on each other's eyes in the glow of the
.In such a glow of pride as possessed me, my misgivings disappeared utterly
.Then, with wonder and a glow of rapturous delight, he felt it lie passive in his
In this cold, far-northern island, it had all the glow and warmth of some rose.crowned garden of a tropical paradise
.This glow, and the imposing figure of the animal, inspired her with fear
To the simple, country-bred girl Lizzie's room seemed a luxurious one in the glow
.of the pink-shaded lamp on the center-table
.The footman's eyes began to glow, almost like a cat's in the twilight

Example Sentences for afterglow
Ike was right about their being sloppy, but the beacon of the afterglow gave the
.bearing straight through
.Those dots prolong the effect of a word or sentence; they lend it an afterglow
The sun sank below the horizon; the afterglow promised to be both long and
.It was about two o'clock, and the afterglow had moved around to the north-east
She never wore a hat, and the red light of the afterglow was turning her rye-hued
.hair to saffron
The sun had just set, and the whole expanse of water was aflame with the
I didn't know you wanted me this morning, Ma," the boy replied, an afterglow of "
.happiness still on his face
.Your experience proves how bright and long is the afterglow if it is only real
.It is the foreglow, which is to the sunrise what the afterglow is to the sunset
The long twilight had set in, yet the afterglow hung brilliantly about them

Example Sentences for intellectual
.Man is to be contemplated as an intellectual, and as a moral being
He will find that he thinks about and understands only his own intellectual
.The rush for intellectual work is more likely to be too small than too great
.He was in the cricket eleven, and he was intellectual very, very much so
What was it that produced this barrenness, this intellectual degradation in
.There was an intellectual grandeur in her look and mien that was impressive
.Therefore Kitty felt that it was vain to apply to her for intellectual sympathy
.The aliens have an intellectual response that is in full truth alien to us
No lofty conceptions, no intellectual system, directed the foundation of these
'.new settlements
The book also entails conventions of intellectual ownership

Example Sentences for primal
Desire, said William Law, is everything and does everything; it is the primal
.The mass of men live not by logic, but by primal instincts and passions
.We must never lose sight of one great, central, primal fact
.This primal mover is immaterial; for its essence is in energy
She gave an inarticulate moana word of that primal language common to all
.creation in its moments of anguish
.Her statement as to the primal cause was 54 purely inventive
She stood him in the white ray of the primal vital heat, to bear unwithering
.beside her the test of light
.The primal impulse of vice and sin is a short cut to happiness
Good or bad, a man must be a man in the primal sense, dominant, savage and

And that must mean that Laotsze was that very same Yellow Ancient of primal

Example Sentences for psychogenic
The detailed recital usually furnishes many valuable clues which make the
.psychogenic origin of the symptoms clear to the patient
Viewed from the newly-gained standpoint, there resulted, first of all, a totally
.new theory of psychogenic disturbances
Since there was no organic cause for the disturbance, the case was clearly to be
.regarded as hysterical, that is, psychogenic

Example Sentences for self
.Despite his self supposed shortcomings, Fairholme was a gentleman
.When the prisoner saw him, however, she made no effort at self control
.Existence demanding more expression of its awareness of self
.There must be the emptying of self, if there is to be the filling with God
That is, it has grown a little and is the Self of to-day plus the added experience of
.the day
You shall have a party for your own self, and all the dancing you want," he "
It would require but little effort of the imagination to believe one's self in distant
.Syria, or some remoter part of Asia
.I dragged my self along; the body was weak, but the heart was strong
This is the reason why it is so important to learn to hear one's self, and to sing in
.such a way that one can always so hear
But Madame and self are not in the habit of creating uproar by our

Example Sentences for subliminal
But I introduce the case here simply as suggestive of the momentary domination
.of the subliminal over the supraliminal self
.My subliminal self knew what was going to happen, and was on the job, that's all
.But usually the subliminal self is considered as purely automatic

.This subliminal self (in modern terminology) has many forms

.Geley, Dr., his hypothesis of subliminal consciousness, 434
Chitta" means the same subconscious mind or subliminal self which is the "
.storehouse of all impressions and experiences
When the conscious material is exhausted we come to the dreams, which furnish
.us with the subliminal material
When he recovered from his shock of subliminal ecstasy, his first thought was of
.the trouble he was storing up for Eleanor
To some extent at least the abeyance of the supraliminal life must be the
.liberation of the subliminal
They have the power of revealing what might be called the subliminal sex.consciousness of the race itself

Example Sentences for cerebral
The consciousness is absolutely insensitive with regard to the dispositions of the
.cerebral substance and its mode of work
.See Cerebral mechanism Cosmogony and genesis of matter, 188
The cerebral vesicle which represents this is a plain cavity without true
.subdivision into ventricles
See Cerebral activity and consciousnessof the eye, 88instinct as, 176-7of
And now, by some abnormal mode of cerebral activity, the trance-speaker won
.strange sympathies from his auditors
Wherefore it was covered by a peel or skin which met and grew by the help of
.the cerebral humour
Anteriorly it opens widely into the cerebral rudiment, and posteriorly into the
.ventricle of the mid-brain
.Thus color is a cerebral sensation only, and grass is not green
It calls for a fuller development of the association tracts and fibers of the
.cerebral hemispheres
.Hemiplegia is usually the result of a cerebral hemorrhage or embolism

Example Sentences for hyperactive
In hyperactive children the arms must first be restrained by holding them tight in
.our hands
We must stimulate the apathetic and the sluggish; we must moderate the
.hyperactive ; we must correct paresis, tics, etc

Example Sentences for mental
.And the minute you get mental discords no stand against fear is possible
.Hyperboreans have a mental disease which renders them liable to suggestion
They absorbed her atmosphere and after each followed a period of mental
These transcendental notions were the beginning of the mental outfit of
.They are suffering from a mental disease of discouragement and loss of hope
.The living woman was no longer the figure in the mental picture
.And the dishabille extended to his mental operations as well
Nor has man changed in his mental susceptibilities as the centuries have
.In 1832 he was transferred to the chair of Mental Philosophy
.It is now for us to endeavour to form a mental picture as to how this is done

Example Sentences for scopic
I did not process the underside of the barrel under the scopic sight, did not get to
.this area of the gun

Example Sentences for psychogenic
The detailed recital usually furnishes many valuable clues which make the
.psychogenic origin of the symptoms clear to the patient

Viewed from the newly-gained standpoint, there resulted, first of all, a totally
.new theory of psychogenic disturbances
Since there was no organic cause for the disturbance, the case was clearly to be
.regarded as hysterical, that is, psychogenic

Example Sentences for psychological
.It is less "literary" than psychological, less psychological than physiological
.This was the psychological moment for which his guests had been waiting
His state of mind on waking is a psychological condition with which we are all
.It was a psychological struggle which appealed to him, and that thoroughly
The report written on this occasion by the Secretary of State is a psychological
.document both interesting and revealing
Could not this warning which you received be accounted for from a psychological
.I wish to study you from the psychological and other points of view
.The " psychological " had arrived for sounding the note of revolt
The psychological side of education sums itself up, of course, in a consideration
.of character
.In this bust we see the psychological functions of the brain

Example Sentences for spiritual
.Armstrong spoke of him in later years as his spiritual father
.My mother, caring little for this life, lived in and for the spiritual
.That, again, is primarily and essentially a spiritual unity
.The newness consists in moral and spiritual characteristics
.Her spiritual energy was like her physical energy that night on the mountain
They stood in awe of his spiritual power, and their good feelings were won by his
.invariable serenity and kindness
The spiritual midwives and prophetesses at the hour of birth are familiar in
.mrchen as Fairies, and Fates, and Mr

.They work, undergoing the fatigues of physical and spiritual growth

The monks were the "regulars" who formed the spiritual nobility and not the
.ruling class in the hierarchy
.He had to adjust the claims of churches to spiritual authority

Example Sentences for divine
.His fatherhe was a part of myself, he could divine my every thought
.Jim and I have often discussed the divine origin of the New Englander
.It would have to reign by divine right, like the Jesuits in Paraguay
.If one were thoroughly wise and good, this would be a sort of divine lot
.Certainly we have no pledge of special immunity from Divine Powers
Depend upon it, this happiness is too subtle and too divine a thing for our
.It is easy to divine what questions were discussed at these audiences
If I had moments of dislike for the divine Bianca, I had no moments of liking for
And, under the Divine promise, we do not wonder at that, when we see what sort
.of mother they had
?But who shall tell what divine hand soothed her burning forehead

Example Sentences for angelic
.She looked round with eyes widened by their angelic candour
.And her face looked so angelic that he could not help believing her
The world's queen, the dazzling idol of the ball-room, is not my blue-eyed,
!angelic Irene of old
The atmosphere was, indeed, electric with the presence of God and the angelic
The angelic Thomas Aquinas commented on him, and many others followed the
.saints steps
Was it possible that she could ever look at him with that angelic expression of
?weakness and surrender
.But I am not an angelic wife, Clara, and so the 'worst of it' will not apply to me

.We may love the martial, or the angelic, or the political temperament
At last, in evil moment, the most angelic, sylph-like form came all too near our
.friend who wore the bangle
.I believe in so doing, as well as in the sweetness of your angelic heart

Example Sentences for unbalanced
Unbalanced appreciations of these two factors in human justice lead to divergent
.moral and social theories
How many innovators have been regarded as insane, or as at least unbalanced,
The architects of his own time regarded Ruskin's opinions as dictated by wild
.caprice, and almost evincing an unbalanced mind
?Would it be the act of an unbalanced mind or one of the most supreme sanity
To be constantly running from one extreme to another shows an unbalanced
!Woe to the artist who falls into the quagmire of unbalanced intuition
There is much that is wholly sound and good in Chartism; but it is unrelieved and
?Had the strain of the past few weeks unbalanced the professors mind
It is conceivable that an unbalanced diet of this kind may not provide a
.sufficiency of all the vitamines
Unbalanced by the shove, he stumbled over the Apache whom he had knocked
Example Sentences for psychotropic
Psychotropic drugs can be used by themselves or in conjunction with

Example Sentences for strung
On it are strung covenants; from it dangle the names of covenant-breakers, and
.close to these latter hang the names of avengers
.They were made of tiny islets, strung together like the beads of a necklace

.Why, it strung along till dawn begun to break, and still he never come
.Uncle Eb had dusted and strung it and glued its weaker joints
.We got the backbone apart and strung the hindquarters on a stake
The soldiers were so mad they strung him up 16 and thrashed him nearly to
Some were in favor of hanging the five, while others insisted that only two of the
.brothers should be strung up
.His heart was chill with fear, but he had strung his will not to let him give way
Horace straightened his back, and, though in great fear, strung himself for
And yet the Indians used to bring them to us for sale, strung on a stick

Example Sentences for unstable
As a jailer he was in close touch with facts and knew by experience how unstable
.in these days was any man's power
.Man in sooth is a marvellous, vain, fickle, and unstable subject
Hence Napoleon was driven more and more to trust to the advice of the rash,
.unstable King of Naples
The world had become a thing of hideous flux, unstable as when first it was
Matter in an unstable condition tends either to explode or to grow or to
.Moral standards are as unstable as the shifting sands of the sea
The hills and mountains of Scotland have long since passed through this phase of
.unstable equilibrium
.We can see here very clearly how unstable a thing polytheism is
An unstable social equilibrium had been already converted by pressure into a
How expositive is all this of the unstable fashion of Mr. Ruskin's temper and

Example Sentences for frilly

.Elena was lying on her bed in a frilly, lacy, clinging thing of rose tint
.The slices of ham he cutsthey never do have frilly looks with holes in between
The small iron bed was hidden by a canopy of frilly lace and a coverlet of
.transparent, delicate mull with an underslip of blue
.Not the kind you have on note-paper, but a frilly thing on his head
In the shade of the hood, with the frilly clothes, it seemed to him lying with its
.head downhill
It was a very pretty room, very fresh and frilly with white dimity and with much
.pink and pale lavender
To her new-fangled dress, frilly about the hips and tight below the knees, June
.took a sudden likinga charming colour, flax-blue
A maid answered the door and took his carda maid in a frilly apron and black
.uniformneither a butler nor a slatternly Biddy
He watched Barbara and Emma folding Emma's wedding dress, a long white,
.frilly thing, between clean curtains
She came down soon, wearing a loose, frilly, wrapperlike garment which hid her

Example Sentences for mind
Then, observing his stupefaction and the return of doubt to his mind, she hurried
.I made up my mind while I heard you talk I'd get a few things off my chest
.Many have been the conjectures as to what did Mohammad hide in his mind
.Perhaps you are sorry you are so ugly, and it's always on your mind
.I thought I knew what was on his mind ; my tongue grew large in my mouth
.When a man has made up his mind to die he is not afraid of anything
.The sooner we collect the sooner we'll hear what's on your mind
.It is evident that his own importance swells often in his mind
.And seriousness struck its roots deep into her mind and heart
It was not only in his book, but in his mind, that orthodoxy was united with

Example Sentences for consciousness
.The consciousness of recent misconduct filled her with extreme dread
? Whatever becomes of such things, in the long intervals of consciousness
.Riley's eyes had opened in a sudden movement of consciousness
.The same knowledge is our refuge from our own consciousness of weakness
.Slowly the involved sentences burned their way into his consciousness
.But the standard applied to the defendant's consciousness is external to it
!Gone now was the consciousness of strength, the dignity of the patrician
It is necessary that the field of consciousness should be not only free, but
.Sister Agnetia's voice swam unctuously into her consciousness once more
.Conscience is our consciousness of the ideal in conduct and character

Example Sentences for genius
This would mean "the genius of Bhubanmohini" if that be taken as the author's
.The press has noticed the emanations of her genius, and we add our testimony
.But, in the folk-songs, all the qualities of her genius have contributed
!So powerful is genius, when it is invested with the glitter of affluence
.Genius has not hesitated to borrow bravely from history and legend
.Galton estimated the number of men of genius in all history at four hundred
.Bonaparte, after all, was a great general, and a man of genius
.She had developed the rarest of all gifts among womankind, a genius for silence
.In the commonest conversation he showed himself a man of genius
.But it is only for genius to order, distribute and compose, in the other

Example Sentences for instinct
.Only the instinct had survived, but the instinct had conquered

.Reason or Instinct operate also to Society, in all Animals, v.109

The person came and stood over me, and somehowby instinct, I supposeI
.became aware that my visitor was a woman
You could know my office by instinct, and be hanged, which you have slandered
.most abominably
He was searching always for some feasible crossing, for his instinct led him
.always to get over any barrier
.After all, he was not worth arguing with, and a liar by instinct
When Biddle fell, Amos, with the instinct of the mariner, had rushed towards the
.unmanned helm
.Down somewhere in a girl's heart lies the gambler's instinct
His instinct was merely to remain there, like a watchdog, and never take his eyes
.off her till the time came for him to spring
Yet is that instinct of the conscience which resists every argument really a

Example Sentences for intellect
She showed grace and energy in every movement and intellect and force in
.every glance
Not all Plummer's wealth could save him now, nor all his intellect and cool
.Mind was here, passions, but grasped by the strong hand of intellect
.His intellect, the lesser faculty, was absorbed by his imagination
.He believed in the rule of character, as indicated by intellect and property
.The intellect is of slower development than the body, and takes longer to decay
Their visitor's manner was that of a gentleman; his countenance and
.conversation were those of a man of intellect
.The merits, the features, the intellect of her son were for her those of a divinity
Locomotion becomes feeble and tottering, the voice harsh, the intellect obtuse
.and powerless, and all the senses blunted
.No more deadening system for the intellect could possibly have been devised

Example Sentences for psyche
.Psyche approached it timidly, and presently found courage to enter
.Nobody ever painted anything better than your Cupid and Psyche
!How freely Psyche breathed, in the innocently white glowing fire
.And you know we shall be in mourning," said Psyche to her brother "
The beautiful fable of the winged deity's love for Psyche, is the most pleasing of
.those related of him
.Of course this isn't all mine; it includes ma's and Psyche 's
And the features of the pale young girl at length appeared more closely in
.Psyche 's countenance
.This Psyche is emerging from her garments and she holds in her hand a lamp
.Psyche, however, instigated by her envious sisters, disobeys the injunction
.And, as Psyche was, they were always sorry for it afterwards

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