Unit 1,2

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Unit I

Part A
1. Quality can be quantified as _________
(a) Q=P/T

(b) Q=P/R

(c) Q=P/E

(d) Q=P*E

2. ________________ is defined as the degree to which a set of inherent

characteristics fulfills requirements.
(a) Quality

(b) Performance (c) Expectations

(d) Reliability

3. ________________ has the responsibility of identifying the relative importance of

each dimension of quality.
(a) Performance (b) Aesthetics

(c) Reputation

(d) Marketing

4. An intangible characteristic of a product that allows it to maintain its position in a

market is _____________
(a) Economic Factor (b)Niche

(c) Minimum Variability (d) Fitness for

5. The set of values closely clustered around a given value within the specified limits
is called as ___________________
(a) Precision

(b) Accuracy

(c) Conformance


6. ______________ costs are associated with ensuring that defects and non-conformities do
not occur.
(a) Quality

(b) Prevention

(c) Appraisal

(d) Failure

7. Hidden costs can be eliminated by eliminating____________

(a) Internal Failures

(b) Material cost (c) External Failure

(d) Labour cost

8. ________________ suggests a roadmap for planning quality and its implementation.

(a) Ronald Fisher (b) Genichi Taguchi

(c) Feigenbaum (d) Juran

9. ______________ is the sum of costs incurred by an organization in preventing poor

(a) Cost of Quality (b)Hidden cost

(c) Prevention cost (d) Appraisal cost

10. The cost of non-conformance (failure cost) decreases as _______________ improves.


(b) Accuracy

(c) Quality level


11. __________________ was the first to introduce the assembly line as a standard method
for mass manufacturing.
(a) Henry Ford

(b) General motors

(c) Toyota motors

(d) Chrysler

12. Japanese took on the job of improving quality of their products with a _____________
(a)Standard (b) Gauging (c) Missionary Zeal (d) Precision
13. ________________allied with the Quality Gurus and transformed the concept of
(a) Henry Ford

(b) General motors

(c) Toyota motors

(d) Chrysler

14. ______________ was industrialist whose name is given to one of Americas most known
Quality Award.
(a) Ronald Fisher (b)Malcolm Baldrige

(c) Feigenbaum (d) Taguchi

15. TQM is the art of managing the whole to achieve ___________________


(b) Accuracy

(c) Conformance


16. Successful visions provide a succinct guidelines for _________

(a) Decision making (b) Communications (c) Design (d) Testing
17. Quality statements should be written by ____________ with feedback from the work
(a) Manager

(b) Designer (c) CEO (d) Developer

18. The most important characteristics of goals is that they be ________________

(a) Definitive (b) Specific (c) Identical (d) Measurable
19. Quotas should be replaced with _______________ of process control.
(a) Economic Factor (b) Statistical methods

(c) Quality (d) Fitness

20. Annual program is developed along with a ___________________

(a) Design

(b) Plan

(c) Goal


21. Sporadic waste can be reduced by _____________

(a) Quality control (b) Testing (c) Zero defects (d) Error control
22. ________________fixes problems in product, does not improve process.
(a) Renovation

(b) Reinvention (c) Repair

(d) Refinement

23. The planning component begins with _______________

(a) Internal customer (b) External customer

(c) Reputation

(d) Marketing

24._______________ is the most demanding improvement strategy.

(a) Renovation

(b) Reinvention (c) Repair

(d) Refinement

25. ________________ involve the development of new processes and revision of existing
(a) Process Design
(b) Accuracy
(c) Conformance
26. __________________ is the fundamental requirement of success for any organization.
(a) Discipline (b) Training (c) Marketing (d) Efficiency
27. _______________ toolbox includes the 5S for improving workplace effectiveness.
(a)PDSA (b) Kaizen (c) Jurans triology (d) Kaizen Blitz
28. Jurans Triology and Kaizen aim at_______________
(a) Maintenance (b) Disciline (c) Continuous improvement (d) Management
29. Kaizen advocates the usage of seven quality tools for _____________
(a) Management (b) Problem solving (c) Accuracy (d) Maintenance
30. The objective of Seiso tool is to__________________
(a) Clean and inspect


(c) Clean and order arrangement

Part B
1. Define Total Quality?
2. Define Quality?
3. What are the Dimensions of Quality?
4. Give the Basic Concepts of TQM?
5. Give the Principles of TQM?
6. Give the Obstacles associated with TQM Implementation?
7. Define Quality Costs?
8. Give the primary categories of Quality cost?
9. Give the typical cost bases?
10. How will you determine the optimum cost?
11. Define Quality Planning?
12. Give the Objectives of TQM?
13. What are the various quality statements?
14. Give the basic steps to strategic quality planning?
15. What is a quality policy?
16. What is a mission statement?
17. What is a vision statement?
18. What are the important factors that influenced purchases?
19. Difference between Customer and Consumer?
20. Define Customer Retention?

(d) Sort

Part C
Explain the various dimensions of quality with examples.
What is quality cost? Explain the techniques used for Quality cost?
Explain the quality cost model.
Explain the Evolution of TQM?
Explain TQM frame work.
Explain the barriers to TQM implementation?
Explain the Demings Philosophy?
Explain the benefits of TQM.
List Jurans roadmap for planning for quality and its implementation.(U) (6)
Outline the PDSA Cycle with suitable example of your own.(U)
Explain in detail the significance of quality from customer point of view? Give
suitable examples?
12. What are customer perceptions of quality? Explain?
13. Explain the significance of dimensions of quality?
14. Discuss various factors that should be considered in focusing on customers?
15. What is the strategic quality planning?
16. Explain the steps involved in conducting a typical PDCA cycle for a small scale
17. With examples from your branch/ specialization, distinguish between chance
variations and variations due to assignable causes?
18. Label the elements of 5S (R)
19. Explain how Kaizen focuses on Quality improvement.
20. Explain the steps involved in implementing the continuous process improvement.
21. What are the strategies to be followed to achieve continuous process
22. Explain the Juran Trilogy
23. Explain PDSA Cycle with a neat sketch
24. Explain the problem solving method for process improvement
25. Differentiate between Kaizen and Innovation on various criterias
26. How can every one be involved in improvement activities (Kaizen Philosophy) ?

Part A
1 One who instills purpose, not one who controls by brute force defines
a. Quality controller

(b) Leadership

(c) TQM manager

(d) Developer

2. ________________can substantially reduce paper work.

(a)Documentation (b) Planning (c) MBWA (d) Inspection
3. ________________is the driver for the TQM engine.
(a) Quality Council (b) Leader

(c) Organization

(d) Customer

4. Quality leaders emphasize improvement rather than _____________

(a) Collaboration (b)Maintenance

(c) Competition (d) Prevention

5. Quality council continually monitor the cost of ___________________

(a) Poor Quality

(b) Accuracy

(c) Testing

(d) Products

6. ___________________ can be sustained only by maintaining a favorable

comparison when compared with competitors.
(a) Customer Loyalty (b) Customer complaint (c) Customer perception (d)
Customer Satisfaction
7. ________________ are secondary characteristics of the product or service.
(a)Documentation (b) Planning (c) Features (d) Inspection
8. ________________ is proactive.
(a) Feedback (b) Complaints (c) Quality (d) Service
9. ______________ should genuinely care for their customers.
(a)Internal Customers (b) Front-line employees (c) External Customers (d)
10. Customer retention is more powerful and effective than ___________________
(a) Customer complaint (b) Customer perception

(c)Customer Satisfaction


11. ___________________is one approach to improve quality and productivity.

(a) Employee Involvement (b) Customer complaint (c) Customer perception (d)
Customer Satisfaction

12. Herzbergs job-related factors were labeled _____________.

(a)Motivators (b) Dissatisfiers (c) Features (d) Services
13. ________________ combines tasks horizontally so that the employee performs a
number of jobs sequentially.
(a) Job rotation (b) Job enrichment (c) Job enlargement (d) Job satisfaction
14. ______________is defined as a group of people working together to achieve a
common objective.
(a)Motivator (b) Organization (c) Satisfaction (d) Team
15. _____________ team is non-voluntary.
(a) Process Improvement (b) Cross-functional (c) Natural work

(d) Self-directed

16. ___________________is a financial reward and recognition system that results

from improved organizational performance.
(a) Involvement (b) Gain sharing (c) Appraisal (d) Ranking
17. _________________ is the sum of all labor costs for the week including fringe
(a)Team goal (b) Appraisal (c) Team cost (d) Services
18. ________________ should be viewed as a positive way to get employees
(a) Performance Appraisal (b) Responsibilities (c) quality (d) satisfaction
19. ______________is defined as a group of people working together to achieve a
common objective.
(a)Motivator (b) Organization (c) Satisfaction (d) Team
20. _____________ team is non-voluntary.
(a) Process Improvement (b) Cross-functional (c) Natural work

(d) Self-directed

21. JIT keeps __________________ costs to be minimum.

(a) Appraisal (b) Error (c) Inventory-related (d) Production
22. ____________ has suggested ten principles to ensure quality products and services
and eliminate unsatisfactory conditions between the customer and the supplier.
(a) Dr.Karou Ishikawa (b) Ronald Fisher (c) Genichi Taguchi (d) Feigenbaum
23. ________________ enables the resources and knowledge of each partner to be
combined to eliminate an adversarial relationship.

(a) Shared Vision (b) Trust (c) Long-Term commitment (d) Job satisfaction
24. ______________has the track record of customer satisfaction and organization
(a)Customer (b) Organization (c) Supplier (d) Team
25. _____________should be viewed as an investment, not an expense.
(a) Inspection (b) Training (c)Team Approach (d) Recognition

Part B
1. To implement TQM what is the change expected from the workforce?
2. What are the points a leader has to keep in mind when handling his people?
3. What are the three most important characteristics of a leader in a TQM company?
4. What is the role of the Coordinator in a Quality Council?
5. Senior Management must find time to reward quality and celebrate this success
in the organization. Why?
6. Why is Customer Service difficult to Quantify?
7. What are the factors influencing perception of quality?
8. How will provide good customer care?
9. What is the best approach to resolving Complaints?
10. How will you select and get the best out of front line people?
11. Look at each element of Customer Service and write how it is connected to
Customer Retention.
12. Why Employee Retention = Customer Retention?
13. What are the key aspects of motivation?
14. Can you motivate by empowering alone?
15. What are the characteristics of a successful team?
16. What are the stages of team development?
17. What is the difference between a Cross functional team and a Self-directed Team?
18. Give one example of a Self-Directed work team.
19. What is the difference between Recognition and Reward?
20. Can we introduce a system of Rewards and eliminate giving Salary?
21. What is the role of Performance Appraisal in any company?

22. How is Performance Appraisal done in a TQM company?

23. Relate product Quality and Productivity to Employee Involvement.
24. Why did the need for partnering with Suppliers arise?
25. Ishikawas Principles of Customer/Supplier Relations. Examine each principle and
mention the consequence if not followed.
26. How is Sole Sourcing different from Single Sourcing?
27. What are the factors influencing a make or buy decision?
28. What are the 10 criteria for selecting a Supplier?
29. What is the purpose of Supplier Rating?
30. What are the objectives of Performance Measures?
31. Rank the objectives in order of importance.
32. Why should Measurement Metrics not be developed by Senior Managment?
33. When should we use Indices instead of actual percentages?
34. Give an example of a measure that is not desirable?

Part C

Explain the principles of TQM.

Explain customer perception of quality.
Explain about service quality in various sectors.
List and explain the five levels in Maslows theory and relate it to customer
5. Describe Herzbergs dissatisfiers and motivators.
6. Explain the process of resolving customer complaints.
7. Explain the elements of service quality.
8. How can the employee be empowered.
9. Explain about the different types of teams in detail.
10. Explain the characteristics of successful teams.
11. Explain the role of team members
12. Explain the team problems and their solutions
13. What are the stages of team development?
14. What are the barriers to team progress?
15. Explain about recognition and reward.
16. How can the performance appraisal be improved?
17. What are the criterias to be followed in selecting the supplier?
18. What are the eight criterias required for supplier certification?
19. What are the techniques used to present performance measures?

20. Explain the basic concepts of performance measure and mention the area required to
measure the performance.

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