A Place of Historic Interest

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A Place of Historic Interest

A Place of Historic Interest

Man has an instinct desire to travel. But if he is not economically sound he cannot move
from one place to another. An Educated well established man wishes to travel to
historical place of which he has read much in his student life. So I have to such a desire to
travel Murshidabad. It is the place of historical place of importance. The chief importance
of Murshidabad is the Hajarduary, a palatial building with one thousand doors. It is an art
gallery, a museum, a library and an armory all in one. The tombs of Sirajuddlah, Mirjafar,
Mirkashim are very attractive. These places on the banks of the Bhagirathi when
illuminated in the evening present a splendid picture. In khashbagh where Alibardi and
Sirajuddlah lie eternal sleep. In this way, the dead history of the by- gone days becomes
living and vocal to me. The entire left a lasting impression on my mind.

Pollution is one of the greatest problems in our society. Environmental pollution has
affected our lives so adversely that millions of people die annually and lot more suffer
continuously. The pollutions are air pollution, sound pollution, water pollution etc.
Rapid industrialization and deforestation are the root of environmental pollution. Smokes
and gases releases from factories, buses, lorries, other vehicles and domestic ovens are
also polluting the air and causing respiratory trouble. Deforestation decreases the amount
of Oxygen in the air, causing damage to our health. Noise pollution is mainly caused by
the bawling horns and reckless use of loudspeakers. Toxic chemicals, metal oils and
household waste pollute water of the earth is potable. But random water pollution makes
the water crisis. Dumping garbage and widespread use inorganic manure and pesticides
create land pollution. All this contributes to the sharp rise of deadly disease and does
incalculable damage to the eco-balance. Government should take a firm step to reduce the
environmental pollution. And the responsibility in this regard is ours to make the
pollution free world.

Education for All

Education for All

It is the matter of repentance that a large number of children of our country are deprive
even of primary education. To get rid of this problem the HRD minister come out with a
comprehensive plan in 2001. This plan is known as Sarba Sikha Abhiyan.The aim of this
mission is all school going children should complete their five year primary education by

2007 and then their three year elementary education by 2010.Before the introduction of
this mission there were several dropouts and a number of students were being decreasing
in the school. As most of the families are poor and below poverty level, they engaged
their children to work as labourer. But the mission has been issued to draw more students.
The features of this mission are new class room, more teachers, grants for books, syllabus
and examination system revised and introducing mid-day meal. But the lack of
motivation among the teachers and the local monitoring bodies are responsible for its
failure. For the successful emplacement of this mission is required a co-ordinate effort of
all involved in it. Then the dropouts will be decrease and the number of students will be

Festivals of West Bengal

Festivals of West Bengal

The people of each state enjoy their festivals to their hearts content. Our West Bengal is
also full of Festivals. The great festivals in West Bengal are Durga Puja, the Kali Puja,
The Rathajatra, the Jagadhawarti Puja, Iduzzuha,Idulfetar, Maharams and Christmas etc.
Recently book fairs and film festivals have become immensely popular. All these
festivals help us to escape the monotony of our daily life and open the floodgate of fun
and frolic. The Durga Puja is the greatest festivals of Hindus.It takes place in autumn, the
seasons of beauty. The Hindu worships the goddess Durga with great devotion.Men and
women; old and children enjoy the puja wearing new and colourful dresses. They forget
their poverty and worries of life.Students worship Saraswati with great devotion for
improvement in academic career. The Idulfetar is the greatest muslim festivals. On this
occasion the muslim boys and girls put on new clothes and visit their friends and
relatives. The Christmas is the greatest Christian festivals on the 25th December, the date
of Jesus Christs birth. On the occasion of festivals the Bengalees forget their caste and
religion and mix together.



Student life is the best periods of mans life. Student life is free from worries and
anxieties. The primary duty of a student is to study and thereby acquire knowledge.
Knowledge gives him joy and power that mould his life and help cultivate the art of
living. Hence, student life is called the seed time of life. He should also form good habits
like early rising and cultivate such noble qualities as punctualities, honesty and

preservance. Again, he is to remember that he belongs to a society that claims his energy
and emotion. In fact, students have great duties towards the society he lives in. They
should obey their parents, teachers and other superiors. They should stand by the victims
of flood, earthquake etc natural disasters. Students are the future citizens of a country.
They should shape their life in such a way as to provide the pride and glory to their

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