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Dr. Alen Alempijevic
A/Prof Jaime Vallsmiro
Dr. Leo Shi






Assignment 1
Self-assessment of Graduate Capabilities

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I understand that if this assignment is submitted after the due date it may incur a penalty for lateness unless I have previously had an
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to which I have collaborated with others, whom I have named.

Statement of Collaboration:



Signature of Student(s) ____________________________________________________________Date_________________________

Self-assessment of Graduate Capabilities

For any overseas Masters level student in a worldwide recognized international university like University
of Technology, Sydney (UTS), there are some definite qualities and standards that he/she must show in
order to demonstrate their graduate capabilities. And there is no better way than the process of selfassessment to do that. Pursuing my Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Management degree in
the field of Telecommunications Engineering at UTS, I must be able to do a proper assessment of myself
to reflect on my previous learning, as well as, to depict my expectations from my current level of studies. I
should be able to make a constructive framework of the level of knowledge I have gained from my previous
studies, how much successful I have been in case of implementing them in the real world, what are the
capabilities that I am still lacking and how I plan to achieve those while pursuing my Masters by
Coursework degree at UTS. While doing this self-assessment, I am going to focus on the UTS FEIT
Graduate attributes as it will give me a proper insight about my current standard as a Graduate student at

I will start with a brief introduction about myself. I am Md. Mazharul Islam. I am from Bangladesh, which
is one of the most over-populated but as well as one of the most beautiful countries in the world in terms
of scenic beauty. I completed my Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
(EEE) from Islamic University of Technology (IUT), which is one of the only three international
universities in Bangladesh and is completely funded and governed by the Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC). After completing my Bachelors degree in 2013, I worked as an Engineering Officer
in the Research & Development section of Grameen Distribution Ltd., which is one of the many companies
that runs on the leadership and ideas of Nobel Laureate Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus, who won the
Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. After working there for almost 1 year, I applied to University of Technology,
Sydney (UTS) to pursue Masters degree and fulfil my lifelong dream of studying abroad. Now, I am a full
time student at UTS and in the 2nd semester of my Masters by Coursework degree and my major is
Telecommunication Engineering.

FEIT Attribute: Needs, context and systems

As I begin to self-assess myself according to the FEIT Graduate attributes of UTS, the first attribute I am
going to focus on is the Needs, context and systems. Being a graduate student, I should be able to reflect
on my capabilities to make a harmonious and successful collaboration between the different factors that
will affect the overall success and effectiveness of any work or project that I had previously done, currently
doing or will be doing in the near future. I gained some idea and experience in this attribute during my job
life back in my country. I am going to elaborate on my experience.
My company was mainly in the mobile handset sales and marketing business and there was once a certain
project where a group of 10 people (including me) was formed by our Managing Director and we were
given a task to launch a mobile handset in the market which would be mostly suitable for the low-income
people but also would attract other customers to buy as a secondary handset and most importantly would
be able to compete with the already existing similar handsets in the market. I was the assistant hardware
and software quality assurance engineer in the team. I had two supervisors who were the chief engineers of
this project and while working under their supervision, I gained some valuable experience and learning
about how to approach for an engineering project while keeping a proper balance between the different

contexts associated with the projects. The main outline of the project was done my by supervisors and I
learned how they built the step by step framework for the project. So, I received the basic learning and
knowledge of approaching an engineering project, identifying the needs, depicting the contexts and
designing a system which would be able to maintain a proper balance between the several complex
behavioural sectors while proving to be a stable system and fulfilling the stakeholder needs. But, I have not
yet applied my achieved knowledge in the real world. It demonstrates that I have not yet completely
mastered this graduate attribute. My plan to enhance my received learning in this attribute to a more
advanced level is by practicing and implementing my learning while working on the individual project of
this Engineering Project Preparation course and later in the Graduate Engineering Project course at UTS.
It will be a suitable opportunity for me to work on a solo project and demonstrate my self-capabilities to
work on a project right from the scratch to the end. Also, I will be doing the Advanced Project Management
course and amplify my capabilities in this attribute furthermore. The timeframe I am planning to do this is
the remaining duration of my Masters by Coursework degree which is another one and a half year more
from now and my expectation while doing so is that I will be able to receive the sufficient and necessary
knowledge and skills which I will be able to put into practice while working on different projects in a
telecommunication industry back in my country.

Problem solving and design

The next FEIT attribute I will be focusing on is the Problem solving and design attribute. As a graduate
student, I should demonstrate the capabilities of implementing different problem solving methods for
different problems, outline segments, frameworks and/or procedures to meet the needs, demonstrate my
research abilities while outlining the framework, integrating different concepts for alternative solutions for
the problems, provide simulated results to show the accuracy of the design that has been made and finally
display my capability to assess answers for proficiency, adequacy and maintainability. For this attribute, I
already have attained the knowledge and skills from my Bachelors study while working on my final year
thesis but again have not yet applied them to the real world.
During my Bachelors, I had to do a final year thesis on a particular topic. I, along with my two other
classmates, did a thesis titled Breast Cancer Ultrasound Images Analysis & Auto-Segmentation of
Lesions. We developed a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system that could detect the cancerous lesion
in the BUS (Breast Ultrasound) images automatically. The algorithm that we made was able to come up
with a Region of Interest (ROI), which not only eliminated human intervention but was also highly accurate.
Entropy information along with a rule based approach called Rule of third was used to obtain the ROI.
For edge detection, the algorithm used external energy filtering and the concept of threshold. We did our
thesis under the supervision of one of our Professors who guided us throughout the whole thesis. During
our thesis, we visited different Cancer Hospitals in Bangladesh and collected sample breast ultrasound
images for testing with our developed algorithm. Our developed algorithm worked on the sample ultrasound
images but we never applied our developed algorithm in any real cancer institution. The main reason for
that was after my bachelors, I shifted my interest to Telecommunications Engineering for my Masters
degree. Thats why I was never able to work with real time ultrasound images and implement my received
learning into practice. While doing this thesis, we devised a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system
among many other available systems to detect the cancerous lesions. CAD is a computer operated
methodology and it eliminates the possibility of human error. We designed the algorithm in MATLAB and
simulated our test result which proved to be effective. While developing our algorithm, we went over
several journal papers to have a clear understanding of the other works that had already been done for our

problem. So, I believe Problem solving and design is one of the attributes that I have already attained but
have not applied to the real world practice because of shifting my interest to telecommunications
engineering field for higher studies.
Also, I have done the Judgement and Decision Making course in my 1st semester at UTS. By doing that
course, I got a fair concept and learning about creating comprehensive discerning choice guides in light of
advanced distinct hypotheses of judgment, decision and choice in different organizations. The
methodologies for administration science, choice analysis and judgment investigation were displayed, and
models of individual, gathering and key choice making were critically evaluated. But again I havent yet
applied my received learning into practice. In addition, I have done the 4G Mobile Technologies course
in my previous semester and did an independent research work on a particular topic. The task weighed 20%
of the subject mark and I achieved satisfactory mark in the assessment.
My plan is to do a solo project/thesis in any emerging telecommunications topic during the remaining
duration of my Masters degree at UTS, which is another one and a half year more from now and my
expectation while doing so is to further enhance my already attained level of learning in this attribute and
provide myself with a scope to apply my received knowledge into real world practice when I go back and
work in any telecom industry in my country.

Abstraction and modelling

The next FEIT attribute I will be depicting is the Abstraction and modelling attribute. My current level
of attainment in this attribute is that I have attained the necessary learning but have not yet applied it.
During my Bachelors, I had to do a final year thesis on a particular topic. I, along with my two other
classmates, did a thesis titled Breast Cancer Ultrasound Images Analysis & Auto-Segmentation of
Lesions. We developed a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system that could detect the cancerous lesion
in the BUS (Breast Ultrasound) images automatically. The algorithm that we developed was able to come
up with a Region of Interest (ROI), which not only eliminated human intervention but was also highly
accurate. Entropy information along with a rule based approach called Rule of third was used to obtain
the ROI. For edge detection, the algorithm used external energy filtering and thresholding. The novelty of
our work was that for accurate ROI detection, it is sometimes crucial to perform some pre-processing steps.
One of these steps is removing noise such as speckle noise. Speckle noise removing algorithms are time
consuming and complex. So if there were a way to avoid the step, the lesion detection and classification
process would actually be very effective and efficient. One of the novel features of our work was that it
could bypass the noise/speckle removal step. This is because we used a textural feature called entropy for
selecting ROI from a BUS image. We approached the problem by going through several journal papers on
our topic and made a literature review first. From that, we outlined our proposed model, designing the
model and analysing the operation of our developed model. We developed an algorithm in MATLAB
software, we also used the ultrasound scanner machine while taking sample ultrasound images from
different cancer institutes in our country. We took BUS images with cancerous lesions and extracted the
ROI from them and then from the ROI we finally detected the lesion boundary through CAD process. The
results that came up were quite accurate and they matched with manually detected lesion boundary by the
radiologists. But we certainly had some limitations while doing our work. Sometimes the ultrasound image
quality was not good enough to be read by our developed algorithm. But our developed algorithm was
accurate 9 out of 10 times. So while doing this thesis, I believe I got a fair command over the Abstraction
and modelling attribute. I believe my current level of attainment for this attribute is fairly good.

I also did a course titled Transmission Systems in my previous semester at UTS. In that course I had to
do a Wiki assignment where I did some research on a particular transmission system, find out its working
methodology, design of the system, analyse important characteristics of the system, collect information
data and finally find out the operating point of the system by applying my gained fundamental knowledge
with the help of collected information data and doing basic mathematics.
I believe I can further master this attribute by doing a solo project at UTS. My plan is to do the Engineering
Graduate Project course in any of my upcoming semesters, do some research and literature review and find
out a suitable emerging topic in current telecommunication sector and do a project or thesis of my own. I
intend to do this within the remaining duration of my Masters degree, which is another one and a half year
more from now and my expected level of attainment is that I would be able to master the ins and outs of
this attribute and apply this knowledge when I go back to my country and work in any telecom industry.

Communication and coordination

Communication and coordination is the next FEIT attribute that I will be focusing on and demonstrate
my level of attainment. Its very important that engineering graduates have the ability to communicate
properly and effectively while working in a group so that the task on hand is a success. My understanding
is that, in any workplace, when a project is devised, a certain number of people are brought together to
work in a group and make the project a successful one. The workgroup will consist of people with specific
skill in specific disciplinary. For example, while setting up mobile phone tower at a particular place, the
possible workgroup will consist of telecom engineers, civil and construction engineers, electrical engineers,
a supervisor to supervise the entire project, a manager to administer the project, a person who will handle
the financial issues and so on. If there is a lack of proper communication between these people, the project
will never be a success no matter how much money and effort has been put into it. So, graduates should be
able to communicate in such a way which will result in fruitful outcome for the project. I believe I have
strong attainment of this attribute as I have received the proper knowledge and put them into effective
practice into the real world. I will elaborate on this.
During my Bachelors, I did a thesis in my final year (previously mentioned). I worked in a group of three
people. We developed a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system and an algorithm to detect cancerous
lesions in breast ultrasound images. While doing the thesis, it was very much needed there was a proper
and effective communication between the group members. We regularly sat together to discuss about the
progression of our thesis, individual findings on the thesis, the drawbacks we were facing, how can we
solve those and proceed to the next stage etc. and so on. Our thesis proved to be successful and effective
communication and coordination was one of the biggest factors behind it. At several stages of our thesis,
there were lots of disputes between us regarding any topic. One of us wanted to proceed in a certain way
and another one wanted to take another strategy to problem solving. It also happened that one of us wasnt
understanding anything that the rest were up to and continuously raised questions and doubts. What we
used to do is that we would sit together, note down each and every person in the group is facing and talk
about those until they were resolved. We discussed in such ways which were appropriate for all of us,
understandable to all of the people in the group and most importantly relevant to the problem. I believe that
I received strong command over the Communication and coordination attribute while doing so and I got
the chance to apply my received learning and knowledge in this attribute later in my life.
I have already mentioned previously that I have a job experience of almost one year in a company run on
the leadership and ideas of Nobel Laureate Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus. Every year, we celebrate a

special day called Social Business Day. All the companies of Grameen group take part in this event. The
purpose of this event is to bring together different kinds of people from all part of the world and share ideas
of social businesses to create employment opportunities around the world. Last year, I was tasked with a
specific responsibility in the event. I was made the coordination manager of a group that consisted of 20
people belonging to different nationalities and different fields of work who came from all over the world
to take part in the event. My duty was to manage and coordinate this group for their entire stay in
Bangladesh and take them to visit the already existing social business projects around my country. From
the moment they arrived in Bangladesh, I took over their responsibilities. I arranged for their
accommodation, I made a schedule of their everyday activities, took care of any special needs and finally
took them on a tour. When we arrived at our destination, I had to manage accommodation for everyone in
a residential hotel. But problems began to rise while allocating rooms. Almost all of them had different
criteria for their rooms and it was proving to be very difficult for me to manage everyones needs. I also
had to keep in mind the budget allocated to me for their entertainment on the tour. So, I sat down with
everyone in the group and I explained the situation and the constraints to everybody. Still, most of the
people were unhappy. So, I went to one by one and explained again. It is worth mentioning that all of them
were from different countries, different level of work, different sectors, different cultures etc. So, I had to
manage and coordinate with each one of them accordingly. And after effectively communicating with
everyone, we could finally arrive at some mutual solutions for the problem. And for the rest of the tour, I
did the same whenever any problem arose. While doing this, I believe I was able to amplify my received
knowledge furthermore and manage a strong attainment over the Communication and coordination
attribute. But I believe there are still some scope for me to develop my current attainment to a much more
matured stage. Thats why I want to do all of the project management related courses, specifically
Leadership and Responsibility course in my upcoming semesters of my Masters degree which have a
remaining duration of another one and a half year more from now. My expectation is that I will receive a
much more advanced learning in this attribute, specifically about the identification of the suitable project
management methodology as per the situation and successfully applying it.
Also, I am thinking of joining the Peer Networking Group where people from different nationalities,
different cultures and different religions work together and do loads of good stuffs for the university. It
would be a good platform for me to practice my effective communication and coordination attribute.
Because when we will be working on any task, unless there is effective communication between all the
team members, the task will be a failure. Every team member must communicate in a way which will be
suitable and relevant to the task at hand, understandable for the rest of the audience and most importantly
will be fruitful for the task. I also plan to join a couple of clubs at UTS. The best thing about joining these
groups is that I will be involved in an environment where there will be students from different disciplines,
all of them having diverse cultural thinking. I will be able to fill in as a viable part or pioneer of differing
groups inside of a multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-social setting. My intended timeframe for this
is the remaining duration of my Masters degree which is one and a half year more from now.

Professional practice within global context

The last FEIT attribute I am going to focus on for the self-assessment is the Professional practice within
global context attribute. I believe this is the attribute I have least attainment of. Although I had one year
work experience in my country, but all the people in my workplace were from Bangladesh. I didnt had the
opportunity to work in a culturally diverse global environment. Sometimes I had one or two instances of
meeting people from different countries who came to our office for business purposes. I have managed and
coordinated people of different nationalities and cultures, but I think that doesnt completely fortify my
attainment for this attribute. And my expected level of attainment for this attribute depends on whether I
will be working in Sydney after completing my Masters degree. Provided that I get the opportunity to work
here, then my expected level of attainment for this attribute is that I acquire the necessary knowledge from
my Masters degree at UTS. I would try for internship programs at different Sydney based companies that
hire students. This would give me a scope to work in an international and multi-cultural environment in
Sydney. Also, to get a much more better understanding of global perspective at workplace, I will be doing
casual student jobs available in Sydney where I would have to work in a team where most of the people are
from different countries and cultures. It will be a suitable work environment to understand the cross-cultural
issues and get familiarized and be aware of the rules, regulations, and requirement to work in an
international workplace. This will help me to great deal when I complete my Masters by Coursework
degree from UTS and go to work in my field of study.
As previously mentioned, I am also thinking of joining the Peer Networking Group where people from
different nationalities, different cultures and different religions work together and do loads of good stuffs
for the university. It would be a good platform for me to practice my effective communication and
coordination attribute. Because when we will be working on any task, unless there is effective
communication between all the team members, the task will be a failure. Every team member must
communicate in a way which will be suitable and relevant to the task at hand, understandable for the rest
of the audience and most importantly will be fruitful for the task. I also plan to join a couple of clubs at
UTS. The best thing about joining these groups is that I will be involved in an environment where there
will be students from different disciplines, all of them having diverse cultural thinking. I will be able to fill
in as a viable part or pioneer of differing groups inside of a multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-social
setting. My intended timeframe for this is the remaining duration of my Masters degree which is one and
a half year more from now. My intended timeframe for attaining this attribute is the remaining duration of
my Masters degree and its another one and a half year more from now.
In conclusion, I would like to state that, for most of the UTS FEIT Graduate Attributes, I have received the
necessary knowledge or skills throughout different phases of my educational or professional life. I managed
to apply some of the received learning into real world practice, some I couldnt. So, my current level of
attainment for all the attributes is in the moderate stage and my I am expecting to enhance these attributes
to a much more matured stage after completing my Masters degree from UTS. I want to achieve this
through different activities (doing different courses, solo projects, joining different clubs at UTS etc.) which
I have mentioned in the above paragraphs and my intended timeframe is the remaining duration of Masters
degree which is around 1.5 years more from now.

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