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Degree College for Women Haroonabad



Hostel Management System

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Hostel Management System

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Govt. Degree College for Women Haroonabad


Project Title

Hostel Management System

Undertaken by

Kiran Shahzadi, Tahira Parveen,

Sana Shahid, Shumaila Kousar

Supervised by

Miss. Rafia Aslam

Starting Date


Completion Date


Database Used

MS Access

Operating System

Windows 7

System Used

Intel1, 4 GHz

Package Used

MS Word

Front End

MS Access

Back End

MS Access

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We are grateful to almighty Allah the most gracious, merciful and beneficent
who help us in every field of life. By whose grace we have been able to complete
this Project successfully. We express over gratitude and obligation to Miss Rafia
Aslam (Lecturer Govt. Degree College for Women Haroonabad) who did her
selfless and tireless efforts for providing us all facilities throughout this Project. We
feel great honor to express over sincere and cordial thanks to respected Miss Rafia
Aslam for her invaluable guidance, sympathetic attitude, meticulous training, healthy
criticism, deep concern and strong motivation regarding to over problems that we
have faced not only during Project but also throughout the session. She guided us in
critical times and helped us when ever needed. We feel proud to be daughter to
over parents, whose consideration boosts over moral to get the education we are
much thankful to over friends, whole co-operation help us a lot.

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Computerization of HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a system that provides
quick and correct information about the working scenario of the Hostel.

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Chapter # 1
Introduction to project

Introduction to project

Chapter # 2
Development (SDLC)

System Development Life Cycle


Preliminary Investigation


System Analysis


System Design









Chapter # 3

Stages of Normalization
Anomalies of Stages


Fee Table
Hostel Entry Table
Students Attendance Table
Students Records Table

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Fee Form
Hostel Entry Form
Students Attendance Form
Students Records Form
Main Form


Fee Report
Hostel Entry Report
Students Attendance Report

Chapter # 4
Queries & Relation

Chapter # 5

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Our project is about Hostel Management System. In this project we concern
the possible solution to develop the Hostel Management system. In this project we
discuss about three entities related to Hostel Management system. These entities

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are Students, Fee and Attendance. The tables about these entities shows the
attributes, which we used to store the record of these entities.
In the beginning Hostel Management system was based on manual system.
But now it is developed in computerized database system which has many

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2.1 System Development Life Cycle

SDLC stand for System Development Life Cycle it is an organize way to

developing successful system.
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A set of activities or step that is required to develop a new system and replace an
existing system is called System Development Life Cycle
SDLC consist of different phases. These phases are as follows:

Preliminary Investigation

System Analysis

System Design

System Coding

System Testing

System Implementation

System Maintenance

2.1.1 Preliminary Investigation

In this phase, the system is investigated. The object of this phase is to conduct an
initial and finding of the system as follows:

System Identification

System Scope

Alternate Solution

Preliminary Plan

2.1.2 System Analysis

In this phase the current system is studied in detailed to find out how the current
system is work and how to improve it.

2.1.3 System Design

System design phase is used to design the logical model and physical model of new
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2.1.4 System Coding

In this system the actual system is developed. It consists of writer segment and
program. This phase requires a lot f time, effort and budget to develop the complete
system. Single programmer of a team of programmers develops the system using
different tools.

2.1.5 System Testing

Complete testing of the system is very important. It is essential to detect errors and
problem before using the system.

2.1.6 Implementation
A system can be implemented after it has been tested it is also known as system
conversion. It can be performed in any of the following way.

Parallel Implementation

Pilot Implementation

Phased Implementation

Direct Implementation

2.1.7 Maintenance
The system may become less useful if any change occurs in user environment. The
activity of system maintenance may vary depending on the scale of modification and

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Normalization:The process if producing a simpler and more reliable database structure is

called normalization. It is used to create a suitable set of relation for storing data.
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Use of Normalization:Normalization is applied in following situations:

When data is large and scattered.

When there is no defined group of data.

When data is too complicated and redundant.

Characteristics of Normalized Database:A normalized data base should have following characteristics:

Each relation must have a key field.

All fields must contain atomic data.

There must minimum repeating field.

Each table must contain information about a single entity

Each field in a relation must depend on key fields.

All non-key must be mutually independent.

First Normal Form:A relation is in first normal form (1NF) if it does not contain a repeating group.
A repeating group is a set of one or more data items that may occur a variable
number of times of in a tuple.

Functional Dependency:-

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Functional Dependency is a relationship between attributes. It means that
value of one attribute is known. It is possible to obtain the value of another attribute.

Second Normal Form:A relation is in second normal form (2NF) if it is in 1NF and if all of its non key
attribute are fully functionally depend on the whole key.

Full Functional Dependency:A relation R, attribute B of R is fully functionally depend on a but not
functionally dependent in any other proper subset of A.

Third Normal Form:A relation is in third normal form if it is in 2NF and if no non key attribute is
dependent on another non key attribute. It means that all min key attributes are
functionally dependent on primary key.

Transitive Dependency:Transitive dependency is a condition in which an attribute in not part of the

primary key.

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In our database the tables are backend. Since our database is distributed so
we view the database from forms. The people at different computer access the data
through different queries.

Tables:A database table is similar in appearance to a spreadsheet. In that is stored in

rows and columns. As a result, it is usually quite easy to import a spreadsheet into a
database table. The main difference between storing your data in a spreadsheet
and storing it in a database is in how the data is organized.
Tables related to Sales Management System are as follows:

Fee Table
Hostel Entry Table
Students Attendance Table
Students Records Table

Fee Table

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Hostel Entry Table

Students Attendance Table

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Students Records Table

Forms are sometimes referred to as Data Entry Success. They are the
interfaces you use to work with your data, and they often contain command buttons
that perform various commands. You can create a database without using forms by

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simple editing your data in the table datasheet. However most database users prefer
to use forms for viewing, entering and editing data in the tables.
Forms provide an easy-to-use format for working with the data, and you can
also add functional elements, such as command buttons, to them. You can program
the button to determine which data appear on the form, open others forms or reports,
or perform a variety of others tasks. For example, you might have a form named
Student form in which you work with customer data. The Student form might have a
buttons which opens an order form where you can enter a new order for that
customer. Forms also allow you to control how others users interact with the data in
database. For example, you can create a form that shows only certain fields and
allows only certain operation to be performed. This helps protect data and to ensure
that the data.

Fee Form
Hostel Entry Form
Students Attendance Form
Students Records Form
Main Form

Fee Form

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Hostel Entry Form

Student Attendance Form

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Students Records Form

Main Form

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Reports are what you use to summarize and present data in the tables.
A report usually answers a specific question, such as how much money did
we receive from each Student can be formatted to present the information in
the most readable way possible.
A report can be urn at any time. And will always reflect the current data
in the database. Reports are generally formatted to be printed out, but they
can also be viewed on the screen, exported to another program, or sent as email message.

Fee Report
Hostel Entry Report
Students Attendance Report

Fee Report

Hostel Entry Report

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Students Attendance Report

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Queries & Relations

Queries are the real workhorses in a database, and can perform many
different functions. Their most common function is to retrieve specific data from the
tables. The data you want to see is usually spread across several tables, and
queries allow you to view it in a single datasheet. Also, since you usually dont want
all the records at once, queries let you add criteria to filter the data down to just the
records you want. Queries often serve as the record for forms and reports.
Certain queries are updateable, meaning you can edit the data in the
underlying tables via the query datasheet. If you are working in an updateable query,

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remember that your changes are a cutely being made in the tables, not just in the
query datasheet.
Queries come in two basic varieties: select queries and action queries. A select
query simply retrieves the data and makes it available for use. You can view the
results of the query in the screen, print it out, or copy it to the clipboard. Or, you can
use the output of the query us the record source for a form or report.
An action query, we the name implies, perform a take with the data. Action
queries can be used to create new tables, add data to existing tables, update data,
or delete data.

Attendance And Students Query Table & Relation

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Hostel Entry And Students Query Table & Relation

Fee And Students Query Table & Relation

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In conclusion we see new update system, which is better than old system.
Because all the drawbacks of old system. After the implementation of this system the
people can excess the data at different sites through different queries.

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