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Vocabulary for exam

commodity /kmdti/-something that can be bought and sold, especially a

basic food product or fuel
soar /s(r)/-to quickly increase to a high level
glut /lt/-an available amount of something that is more than people want or
glut of: a glut of cars on the market
leap /lip/-to suddenly improve, increase, or progress
trigger /tr(r)/-to make something happen
crude /krud/-a crude substance is still in its natural state and has not yet
been refined for use by chemical processes
sustain /ssten/-to provide the conditions in which something can happen or
Analysts believe present economic growth can be sustained without inflation.

Company Culture
hierarchical /har(r)kk()l/-a hierarchical society or organization is one in
which differences in status are considered to be very important
hierarchy /har(r)ki/-a system for organizing people according to their
status in a society, organization, or other group
egalitarian /lterin/-supporting a social system in which everyone has
equal status and the same money and opportunities
line manager- the manager an employee is directly responsible to

dont bother- dont make the effort

stock options- the right to buy a number of shares in the company at a fixed
price within a certain time period
stif- rigid
dare- have the courage (to)

Clear Vision Trust

frown /fran/on -to not approve of something

perk /p(r)k/-an extra payment or benefit that you get in your job
chant /tnt/-to sing a piece of religious music using a very limited range of
inquiry /nkwari/-a question intended to get information about someone or
There have already been over 300 inquiries from people interested.
intervene /nt(r)vin/-to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop
or change it
entitlement /ntat()lmnt/-the right to receive something or to do something
retreat/rtrit/- the period of time that you spend resting in a peaceful and
private place
drop a hint -say something in an indirect way
Sam keeps dropping hints about what he wants for his birthday.
ordain /(r)den/-to make someone a priest, minister, or rabbi in an official
religious ceremonyation.

fertile /f(r)tal/-a fertile mind or situation is able to produce good ideas or

emerge /m(r)d/-to appear, or to become recognized
grooming /rum/-the process of making yourself tidy and clean
strive for /strav/-to make a lot of effort to achieve something
prudent /prud()nt/-careful, and using good judgment
forefront /f(r)frnt/-a leading or important position
aspirational /spre()nl/-wanting to be successful and have a better job,
home etc than you already have
turnover /t(r)nv(r)/-the value of the goods and services that a company
sells in a particular period of time
outstanding /atstnd/-extremely good or impressive
outlook /atlk/-your general attitude to things
disposable /dspzb()l/income-income remaining after deduction of taxes
and social security charges, available to be spent or saved as one wishes
distinction /dstk()n/-the excellent qualities, skills, or features that
someone or something has
push/p/- a determined attempt to do something
merit /mert/-to deserve or be worth something
joint venture -an agreement between two companies to work together on a
particular job, usually in order to share any risk involved
porous /prs/-a porous substance has a lot of very small holes in it so that
air and water can pass through it
outlet /atlet/-a shop or place where a particular product is sold
hurdle /h(r)d()l/-one of several problems that you must solve before you can
do something successfully
payment /pemnt/-an amount of money that you pay or receive

overdue /v(r)dju/-a payment that is overdue should have been paid before
invoice /nvs/- a document giving details of goods or services that someone
has bought and must pay for
remittance /rmt()ns/-a payment for goods or services that you send by post
undertake /nd(r)tek/-to agree to be responsible for a job or a project and
do it
arrears /r(r)z/- money that you owe because you have failed to make
payments at the correct time
outstanding- an amount of money that is outstanding has not yet been paid
oversight /v(r)sat/- something that you do not notice or think of that
causes problems later


humble /hmb()l/-from a low social class humble

to found /fand/- to start an organization, company, political party etc
to devour /dva(r)/-to read, watch, or listen to something with a lot of
interest or enthusiasm
to dawn /dn/- if something such as a thought or a feeling dawns, you begin
to realize, understand, or feel it
to conceive /knsiv/- to think of something such as a new idea, plan, or
retailer /ritel(r)/-a person or company that sells goods directly to the public
for their own use
gadget /dt/-a small tool or piece of equipment that does something useful

or impressive
income /nkm/-money that someone gets from working or from investing
to swallow /swl/- to make food or drink go from your mouth down through
your throat and into your stomach
crucial /kru()l/- extremely important because it has a major effect on the
result of something


presence /prez()ns/-the existence of someone or something in a particular

to shrug /r/-to move your shoulders up and let them drop to show that you
do not know something or do not care
tumble /tmb()l/-if a price or value tumbles, it suddenly becomes much lower
sink /sk/-to go down in value or amount
poll /pl/-an occasion when a lot of people are asked what they feel about
something, usually by a company paid by a political party, television programme
rival /rav()l/-to be as good as someone or something else
established /stblt/-having existed for a long time, and therefore
recognized as good or successful
flop /fp/-if a play, film, or new product fops, it is completely unsuccessful
vast /vst/-extremely large
distinctly /dstk(t)li/-in a definite and clear way
substantial /sbstn()l/-large in amount or degree
purchase /p(r)ts/-something that you buy

tight /tat/-a tight hold or grip is very firm and strong

hold /hld/-the power or control that someone has over a situation or area
backfire /bkfa(r)/-if a plan or idea backfires, it has the opposite effect to
the one that you wanted
diversity /dav(r)sti/-the fact that very different people or things exist
within a group or place
obscure /bskj(r)/-not known about, or not well known
emerge /m(r)d/-to appear, or to become recognized
marketer /m(r)kt(r)/-someone whose job involves encouraging people to
buy a particular companys products, by deciding the price, type of customer,
and advertising policy

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