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ID Number:
WDSCI 305. Weed Ecology
2nd term exam
2nd sem 2015-2016

Is it real? Is it real?
Write 1 if the statement is true and 0 if the statement is false.

1. Allelophathy came from the Latin word allelos which means together and
pathos which means suffer.
2. 2,4-D is an effective herbicide to control the spread of Echinochloa colona
and Rottboellia cohinchinensis.
3. 2,4-D, which is manly based on salts are not volatile; thus, has the tendency
to linger in the soil and applied plant parts for a long time.
4. Off-barring is plowing or cultivating in a way that the soil is drawn towards
the plants, usually in between the furrows for the purpose of killing the
5. Most herbicides during the Green revolution came from the surplus chemical
warfare agents employed by the combatant nations.
6. Direct seeded rice faces greater competition over transplanted rice.
7. Allelophatic substances can be present only in select and specific parts of the
8. Cyperus rotundus can be classified as dryland perennial weed species.
9. Eleusine indica can be useful in assessing Potential Hydrogen levels in the
soil. Its presence can be a strong indicator of soil pH levels of above 6.0.
10.Imperata cylindrica secretes allelophatic substancres on the soil. Thus, it not
only hinders the crop growth through allelochemicals but also indicates a
hard and thick top soil profile where plant roots have difficulty to penetrate.
11.Cannabis sativa is a weed species that is classified under the genera of
Canabaceae which is commonly known as Cannabis.
12.Weed species growing on disturbed environments should be called stresstolerators rather than ruderals.
13.Agrichemicals such the DDT have been banned in agricultural used due to
environmental and human health issue. One of which is the Biomagnification
wherein mercury concentrations increases as it is ingested above trophic
levels (or food chain).
14.Saccharum spontaneum also known as talahib can be an indicator of toxic
concentrations of organic substances in the soil.
15.Contact herbicides act faster than systemic herbicides.

16.Before one should control weeds, factors such as plant classification and
feasibility of control measure must be carefully considered.
17.A common weed is a weed species that can be controlled with the normal
field control processes.
18.The Philippines has one of the most strict quarantine laws in Asia.
19.Cultural control practices are direct control measures that reduce population
and increase crop growth.
20.Hypoxia is the condition experienced by weeds with the absence of oxygen
due to flooding.
21.Proper timing and optimum level of water in lowland rice will inhibit the
establishment of weeds.
22.Butachlor, pretilachlor, and oxiadiazon are all pre-emergence herbicides.
23.Classical biological control involves the outright introduction of control agents
in a given area.
24.Conservation augments the inherent phytotoxicity of organisms by abruptly
increasing their population.
25.R.A. 9271 is the Quarantine Act of 2004.
26.Tolerance is the evolved capacity of a susceptible weed population to
withstand herbicide application and complete its life cycle when herbicide is
used at normal levels

Can you name them??

1. 5 Advantages of Biological Weed Control

2. 5 Considerations for weed management

3. Types of herbicide based on selectivity

4. 5 methods of weed management

6. Classification of herbicides based on mechanism of action

7. Herbicides based on application

8. 4 Examples of cultural control practices

Deeper stuff. Answer the questions with discernment, you may still ask
them many years from now. (5pts. each)

1. What is the difference between selective and non-selective herbicides? When

do you use selective? Contact?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of biological weed control?

Would you recommend its use? Why?

3. As weed scientists of the 21st century, should you recommend the use
chemical control? When and Why?

4. Is it practical for the Philippine agricultural system to mechanize our

planting/pest control operations considering the large potential workforce in
the provinces?

5. How would you connect national issues such as the ongoing armed conflicts,
Kidapawan Massacre, the horrors of poverty and lack of education in the

rural/urban areas to our subject? To agriculture and your education as a


We must win when we deserve it, by elevating reason and the dignity of the individual, loving justice and the
good and the great, even dying for it.
Jos Rizal, El Filibusterismo

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