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Table of Contents
1 - Introduction
p. 2
1.1 What is in the Guide?
1.2 Who is this Guide for?
1.3 What this Guide Assumes
p. 3
1.4 Organization of this Guide
1.5 Tips for Using this Guide

2 - Undergraduate Help
p. 4
2.1 iStudy for Success!
p. 5
2.2 PetMED: Pet Health and Nutrition information
p. 6
2.3 Student Doctor Network (sdn)
p. 7

3 - Interview Resources
P. 8
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3.1 Science Daily

P. 9
3.2 AHPC: The Animal Health & Production Compendium
P. 10
3.3 Journal of Veterinary Medicine
P. 11
3.4 Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
P. 12

Section 1: Introduction

1.1 What is in the Guide?

Within this guide are internet resources that will help the
user become the best candidate for veterinary school. These
internet sources will aid the user in his or her application
process by helping to achieve higher test scores, know the
current events, and know any terms that may pop up during
an interview. This guide takes special care to find the best
resources for the applicants use. The process of being
accepted into veterinary school is hard and stressful.
Creating a well-rounded application with a good GPA,
excellent knowledge of the current news, and the specific
field of choice (small animal v. large animal v. equine) early
makes this process easier overall.

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1.2 Who is this Guide for?

This guide is for anyone in pursuing an undergraduate
degree in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Animal
Science, Biology or any other major at Penn State interested
in applying to veterinary school. You do not have to be a
pre-vet major to apply to veterinary school. As long as you
meet the academic criteria, you can still apply. This guide
can also help those at Penn State who are looking to apply to
medical school as well. Though the application process
differs, most of the process and requirements are the same.
While this guide can help pre-meds, it is not aimed at them
and they should use the guide as a tool, not a primary
source. This guide is aimed at Penn State students because
some of the resources require a Penn State student ID to
have full, unlimited access.

1.3 What the Guide Assumes Users Know

This guide assumes the user has access to the internet.
Without access to the internet, this guide is not as effective.
This guide also assumes the reader knows this guide is a
guide. This is not the only tool out there to use and should
be used in conjunction with other tools. Another assumption
is that the user has a real interest in veterinary school and
the field of veterinary medicine. As mentioned before, this
process is stressful and no one who has a half-hearted
interested should pursue this field. The last two assumptions
are that the user has an undergraduate intellect and attends
Penn State. As stated above, some of the resources require
the user to have a Penn State ID to have unlimited access.

1.4 How the Guide is organized for use

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The organization of this guide is outlined in the Table of

Contents on the first page. The resources are broken up into
three sections. The first section (starting after the
introduction) has resources pertaining to earning good
grades, the second section contains resources directed
towards the interview process, and the last section pertains
to learning about different fields and job opportunities within
the field. Many people think that after veterinary schools, the
applicant opens his or her own practice. This is not true.
There are many careers a person with a DVM (Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine) degree can pursue.

1.5 Tips for using the Guide

At the end of each resource, there are tips on how to use
each one. Read these tips for extra help. Also, use the Table
of Contents for quick access to the resources you need right
away. As stated before, this guide should be used alongside
other resources, such as an academic advisor. The guide
only references a few resources available to those apply to
veterinary school. This guide aims to help the user find a
good place to start the entire process.

Section 2: Undergraduate Help

This section provides three resources to help with improving
grades and obtaining a high GPA. The first is a study tool website
created by Penn State to help Penn State students. The second is
a website that contains an online dictionary. The classes required
for the Veterinary Medicine major contain many vocabulary words
that the student is required to know. This website can help by
providing the terms definition. The third and last resource under
this section is a student forum. This forum allows students to post
questions and receive answers to help the student figure out the
best course of action. Grades, GPA, and shadowing experience are
the most important part of the application. The average GPA for
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schools varies from 3.5 to 3.8. Use these resources for help with
increasing a low GPA.

2.1 iStudy for Success!

Type: Study Help

Access: Free
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iStudy for Success is a website containing tutorials to help users

learn how to take better notes and grades. There are also tutorials
available for life skills and career skills. This tool is useful to
students because if they notice they are failing in a certain area of
school, they can turn to these tutorials. High school is far different
than college so taking notes is going to be different as well. To
address this area, watch the tutorial on how to take better notes.
Not only will taking notes need to change, but also the way the
user studies. To improve study habits, address the study tips
tutorial. If test taking anxiety is a problem, there a tutorial
addressing this issue too. There are also other links given on other
ways to tackle anxiety and where on campus you can go to get
additional help. Veterinary schools look at the applicants GPA
first. The applicants GPA can either make or break them so it is
important to develop good skills in this area as early as possible.

These tutorials are videos. Make sure you have headphones
if you are in a quiet area.
If you cannot find the help you need here, form study groups
or talk to any of the following personnel:
o TAs
o Professors
o Advisor

2.2 PetMED: Pet Health and Nutrition

Type: Online Medical Terminology Dictionary
Access: Free
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PetMD is a website approved by veterinarians that provides health
terms and more. There is an extended search area to the left of
the site where you can select the type of animal you are focusing
on such as dog or cat. After the species is picked, the information
can then be sorted into breeds, e.g. dog golden retriever. Another
nice feature is the information can be sorted into one of the
following categories: diseases, pet care center, topic center, or
vet dictionary. This website can also be used as an online
dictionary for medical terms and procedures. Every class in the
veterinary major requires knowing certain vocabulary terms.
Sometimes, the term the professor provides is not detailed
enough or is too confusing. Use this site to clear away any
haziness from lecture. Some medical procedures are not
discussed in detail. This site is also useful for providing the
definition of the procedure as well as what the procedure entails.
This website is free and anyone can access it whether you are a
pet owner or a veterinarian. There is an option to register with the
site but registering is not necessary. There is even the option to
chat with someone online through the site. If the answer is not
provided, then use the chat to ask a real person in real time.

Use this dictionary for any terms are presented class that are
unknown or confusing.
Use this dictionary as a word of the day tool to learn terms
every day.
Still having problems with the definition? Use the chat tool
under ASK PETMED to talk to a veterinarian who can narrow
down the information.

2.3 Student Doctor Network (sdn)

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Type: Student Forum

Access: Free, though need account to create a post

This website is a non-profit forum designed to help students
become doctors. Students of any age or any range of degree
(undergrad, grad, or postgrad) can create posts on this page to
either give advice or seek advice. An account is needed to post a
thread or to reply to someone elses post. This forum allows
aspiring veterinarians to connect with each other. Many people
have the same questions or concerns. Use this forum to address
any concerns that may pop up, such as if the lower level of
organic chemistry is sufficient enough or any qualms about the
interview process. Most students have problems in the same
areas. This website resource can help the applicant to connect
with others who either succeeded or failed and why they either
succeeded or failed. You may struggle in organic chemistry and
that is okay. Use this forum to see what resources there are to
improve your understanding and therefore improve your grades.
Your options are not limited to just the Pre-Veterinary forum. Use
the search bar located at the top right corner to search for other
key words. There is also a Pre-Medical forum that is available.


Register with the site so you have the ability to make a comment or a
Do not be afraid to post your own thoughts. These members are going
through the same process.
If you find these answers are not sufficient, talk to your advisor

Section 3: Interview Resources

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This section provides different resources to aid you in the

interview process. During the interview process, the panel of
veterinarians and the admissions board will ask you different
questions. These questions can range from current events to
different techniques that will be used as a vet. The interview is
the hardest part of the entire application. Until this point, you are
only a piece of paper and a GPA. Use this section to help build
your fountain of current knowledge so you can ace the interview.
The interview will either make or break you.

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3.1 Science Daily

Type: News Source
URL: main site -
URL: veterinary news
Access: Free
Science Daily is an online news source. Current scientific events
are reported and published on this site. The site covers
discoveries in the fields of physical, biological, earth and applied
studies. There are also videos and images available. There are
tabs at the top of the website that allow you to narrow your
search down further. Some of these tabs are health, enviro
(environment), and tech (technology). The second provided link
gives access to current articles in the field of veterinary medicine/
animal health. This is important because veterinarians, like
doctors, need to remain up-to-date with the advancing world. The
people interviewing you during the application process will ask for
your opinion on current issues. They will be asking you current
event questions such as How do you feel about animal cloning?
It is important to do research on current events so at the time of
the interview process, you will be prepared when they start asking
Stick to more current news. These are the questions the
interviewers will ask.
Think outside the box. The questions will be more medical
based. The will probably ask about a new procedure rather
than the recognition of a new breed of dog.
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Use the search bar to find specific news articles.

3.2 AHPC: The Animal Health &

Production Compendium
Type: Online Database
Access: Free. Full Access through Penn State University
AHPC is a multimedia tool that brings together different types of
science-based information. This information aids with decisionmaking in animal husbandry and food production. This
information is sourced from experts and is edited by independent
scientific organizations. The AHPC is part of a series of collections
covering animal and plant production and pests and disease. This
site is mostly free, but to gain all the information Penn State has
available the user must go through Penn State Libraries Database.
This online database allows the user to search for what he or she
wants specifically. There are also datasheets available, abstracts,
full text of journals, and a glossary. There is also a library so the
user can see everything the site has to offer. Use this tool to gain
additional information on different procedures and events. During
the interview process, the panel (interviewers) may you to
compare a new procedure to an old procedure. This database can
help you gather information about specific procedures and see
how the procedures were used in context.

Use specific search terms
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Do not just focus on small animals. There is a high demand

for large animal veterinarians. Gather information about
different animals.
If you are running short on time, you can just search for an
abstract. Abstracts give a brief summary of the paper and
will give you the general ideas.

3.3 Journal of Veterinary Medical

Type: Professional Journal
Access: Limited. Some sections from the journal are open to the
public. Full journal is available online, print, or both for purchase.
The Journal of Veterinary Medical Education (JVME) is a scholarly
journal. This journal is peer-reviewed by the Association of
American Veterinary Medical Colleges. JVME is available
internationally and provides research, different discoveries about
veterinary medicine, and the exchanges of the ideas between
these colleges. The journal prepares veterinarians to perform their
professional duties to the best of their abilities. The journal also
discusses the needs of society allowing readers to know what is in
high demand in the profession. The areas of focus include but are
not limited to best practices and educational methods in
veterinary education, recruitment, and training. Veterinary
faculties from across the globe are encouraged to participate. The
tabs at the top of the page help the user navigate through the
website. The user can locate specific parts of the journal or
different resources available for either the authors or the readers.
This journal will help you understand what is currently important
to the veterinary colleges. This information can help you narrow
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down specific topics they may focus on during the interview

process. Once you figure out this information, you can then look
up different articles and news stories that are related.
This journal is compiled by the veterinary colleges to which you
are applying. This gives you an idea on what the college of choice
is specifically focusing on.
This journal allows you to see what these colleges see as
important in todays veterinary medicine
Allows you to stay up to date with what are the best practices.
You will have a better understanding of what practical work you
may learn in veterinary school.

3.4 Catalog of U.S. Government

Type: Government Database: Report published by government
URL: specific article
Access: Free
The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications is a tool for
electronic and print publications from the legislative, executive,
and judicial branches of the U.S. government. There are three
options for searching through the publications. These options are
basic, advanced, and expert. There are also options to save
publications to a personal library for easy access. As stated
multiple times (because this is HIGHLY important) you will be
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questioned in front of veterinarians of the school about current

events. These events could be government based. This catalog
will allow you to gather current information before the interview
so you are better prepared. The specific document chosen focuses
on Veterinary Services Careers Program. Veterinary Services is a
government organization that hires veterinarians to work for
them. This work could focus on either large animals or small
animals. The document discusses the values of the company and
how the company works. This document provides information on
the training program so new employees have an easier transition
into the federal working world.
Know specific search words to use such as veterinary or
animal medicine
Use the browse tool located at the top of the page to create
a more narrow search

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