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Merry (Western) Christmas from

Siberia (where Santa is not always red!)

By The Siberian Times reporter
24 December 2015

Seasonal greetings from the east of Russia where there are no less than seven different Father
Christmas figures to bring joy to children in winter.

Best known across Russia is Grandfather Frost - or Ded Moroz - often carries a magical
staff. Picture: Anna Permyakova

All of them look old, with flowing white beards, and mostly have long histories, possibly
reaching back to pagan times, but each is distinct, covering their own territory. Intriguingly,
most are accompanied by glamorous snow maidens.
Quite often at this time of year, some of these colourful Russian figures meet for friendly Santa
summits, occasionally in a real ice cave hewn in permafrost, as our picture show. Their
expressions maybe serious, and the cold daunting, but all of them aim to bring happiness and more often than not - gifts to children who are well behaved.
Best known across Russia is Grandfather Frost - or Ded Moroz - who often carries a magical
staff and is frequently accompanied by his Snow Maiden - Snegurochka - assistant. He is the

one who looks most like the Father Christmas so familiar to Western children, yet there are
also key differences.

Grandfather Frost dressed in red or blue is frequently accompanied by his Snow Maiden Snegurochka. Pictures: AiF, MR7, Pikabu

For example, his busiest night is New Year's Eve with presents arriving at midnight as the clock
strikes. He often visits excited children in their homes or at parties before New Year's Eve, and
since the end of Soviet times, he also appears in some flats and houses to mark Orthodox
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day on January 6 and 7.
Usually he is dressed in red but he is sometimes seen in blue or very occasionally white. His
traditional mode of transport is a sleigh pulled not by reindeer but white horses. Over the years,
he has also resorted to the Metro, trams, helicopters and Ladas in extremis. Clambering down
chimneys, though, is not for him.
His appearance in blue is believed by some to be the work of Stalin, who deep in the Soviet
era felt he needed the winter tradition of Santa - abandoned with the Bolshevik Revolution - but
wanted to distinguish it from the bourgeois Western variant, who was unkindly branded 'an ally
of the priest and the kulak'.

Some of these colourful Russian figures meet for friendly Santa summits, occasionally in a real ice
cave hewn in permafrost, as our picture show. Pictures: Planeta Yakutia, Satal Tour

Traditionally, in deep history Ded Moroz wandered around the forest, controlling the frost,
bringing presents to the good, and punishments to the bad. Unlike Santa, Grandfather Frost
gives his gifts openly when he arrives with a big sack of presents. Typically, children need to
show him how good they are, often reciting a poem or singing a song before he hands over the
gifts, assisted by Snegurochka.
He lives not at the North Pole but in the town of Veliky Ustyug, in northern Russia, well shy of
the Arctic. It is here the Russian Post Office delivers his mail, but with this being such a large
country, he has regional residences, for example at Royev Ruchey Zoo in Krasnoyarsk,
Grandfather Frost's birthday is November 18, the coldest day ever recorded in Veliky Ustyug.
The glamorous Snogruchka was originally a character from ancient fairy tales who became
part of the Christmas ritual in the late nineteenth century. She remained when Stalin permitted
Grandfather Frost to return two decades after the Russian Revolution.

Magnificent blue-coated Chyskhaan, aka the King of the Cold and his Sow
Maiden Khaarchana. Pictures:, Victor Li-Fu

Children in Russia's largest region, the vast Sakha Republic in Siberia, are also familiar with
the magnificent blue-coated Chyskhaan, aka the King of the Cold. Every year, in late
September and early October, he makes his way south from the Arctic Ocean to the diamond
region of Sakha, also known Yakutia.
'And with his every step comes cold,' tells native Yakutian, Olga Stepanova. The region can
sink below minus 60C.
At an annual conclave with Grandfather Frost, he hands over the cold each winter. He has two
horns, by legend one from a bull, the other from a woolly mammoth.
'Then at the end January his first horn falls off, and in middle February his second horn,' she
explained. As the snow melts, he floats back to the Arctic in the Lena River before the ritual is
repeated the following winter.
Yet another Santa-like figure is also seen in this region, the coldest in Russia. This is Ekhe
Dyyl, who shares a granddaughter Khaarchana with Chyskhaan. She likes to play with children
but can only do so around New Year - the time when presents are exchanged. At other periods,
she wears a hat that makes her invisible. The bearded Ekhe Dyyl rides a bull, and carries a
sack of presents, while Khaarchana goes around on a reindeer called Buur.

Sagaan Ubugul or White Elder who has a white beard, and carries a stick with a dragon's
head. Pictures: The Siberian Times

Another of the Siberian 'Santa's' is Sagaan Ubugul or White Elder who is seen in the Buddhist
republic of Buryatia. He has a white beard, and carries a stick with a dragon's head.
His duties fall later than the others since the New Year is celebrated according to the lunar
calendar in late January or early February. He invites children and adults to Lake Baikal - the
oldest lake in the world - and the gifts he bestows are health, love, family and wealth to the
deserving. To children he gives candles and sweets.
In the southern Siberian republic of Tyva is a Santa who - like our own - is able to fly over the
rooftops. There is no sleigh nor any reindeer but Sook Irey flies to houses and yurts bringing
gifts to children at New Year.

Sook Irey from Tuva can be accompanied by Tugeni Eneken - Mother Winter from
Evenkia. Pictures: Sergey Tarasenko

'His body, arms, legs consist of ice,' according to one description. 'He looks cold and tired. His
hair, eyebrows, and beard covered with white frost like all the trees and bushes. His clothes
are white, blue, reminiscent of the ice.'
His head wear has 'solar and lunar colours' and signs indicating his extraterrestrial origins.' Yet
while he looks old and worn, he can turn into a young man or beautiful girl, as the mood takes
him. 'But he can not warm anyone. He can only freeze,' according to the Tyva Legend of
Creation. He can be accompanied by Tugeni Eneken - Mother Winter from Evenkia.

Kysh Babayi from Tatarstan is often accompanied by Kar Kyzy - his Snow Maiden. Picture: Kysh
Babayi residence

On the Western fringes of Siberia, in the largely Muslim regions of Tatarstan and Bashkiriya, is
the preserve of the magical figure of Kysh Babayi, dressed in blue and seen by some as a
brother to Ded Moroz. He is accompanied by Kar Kyzy - his Snow Maiden - but also by a
veritable collection of others, notably golden haired Altynchech - a female warrior; Takhir and
Zukhra, described as a Tatar Romeo and Juliet; Ubyrly Karchyk, an old and scary woman;
Shurale, a spirit from the forest; Shaytan, the embodiment of evil; Azhdakha, a flying dragon;
and Batyr, a strong man. Like Ded Moroz, he distributes presents as the New Year dawns.

Yamal Iri presents gifts to childre, spreads positive energy and brings midwinter
happiness. Pictures:

While most owe their origins to old traditions, Yamal Iri - who rides a sleigh pulled by reindeer
and dresses in blue - is a much newer creation. He started presiding over Christmas in the
gas-rich Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous region of northern Siberia as recently as 2007. His
character is, though, based on old legends and he arrives with a drum made from reindeer skin
to drive away evil spirits.
As well as presenting gifts to children, he spreads positive energy and brings midwinter
happiness. He lives in the Arctic, at Gornoknyazevsk village, some nine miles from the city of
Salekhard, on the bank of the Ob River. His traditional costume and boots are made from
reindeer skins and his belt decorated with bones from woolly mammoths.

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