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Fix: DSI-Color Camera will not allow the Mono Check box to be unchecked

This problem has come up a few times with folks, so I thought I would post the solution to it
Problem: The DSI-Color Camera (not the Pro) has the Mono check box checked and it is
grayed out so the user is unable to set the camera back to color:
Reason: The DSI-C has an EPROM inside of it that stores information about the capabilities
of the CCD chip. Due to some issue such as a power surge or some other reason, the
EPROM has been cleared and no longer contains the data. Due to this, the software does not
know this is a color camera and as such, forces it into a Mono Mode.
Solution: Perform the following steps exactly as they are detailed here. Once complete, you
should be able to check and uncheck the Mono check box once again:

Make sure the DSI application is closed and the camera is plugged in (If you
have more then one camera, ensure only the one wiht the issue is plugged in. If
more then one have this issue, do them one at a time)
Open a DOS window (in XP that is Start / Run, type CMD and hit enter)

At the DOS command prompt, set the current directory to the directory of the
DSI application (example CD C:\Program Files\Meade\AutostarSuite\DSI or whatever
directory the DSI software is in)


The chip must be registered again by starting the DSI application and telling it
the chip name.


Type the following. Envisage.exe ICX404AK and hit enter (make sure
ICX404AK is in all caps)


When the DSI application starts, it will still have the Mono checked and
grayed out.


Close the Application


Restart the application again normally (or type Envisage.exe and hit enter)


The app should open and the Mono box will be unchecked or checked but not
grayed out (and they can then uncheck it)

Meade DSI Pro II tiene el ICX429ALL chip. El ICX429AKL es para el chip de color.

red dwalf
Posted 26 September 2012 - 08:59 PM
red dwalf

Brown Dwarf

Advanced Members

2,735 posts


Hi, all,
i have a broken Meade DSI Pro Mono which has decided to die for some reason, all i
get now is a few strange lines on the screen before it goes totally black and i get
nothing at all,
so was wondering if anyone has come across anyone that could potentially fix or
confirm that it`s totally nackered, i`ve looked high and low on the web for help but
i`m totally stumped, so if there`s any electronics experts out there that could help,
i`d be gratefull.
SCOPE:- William Optics GT81, Altair Astro 10x60 guide scope MOUNT:- NEQ 6 Pro Synscan with belt drive mod

EYEPIECES:- 21mm Baader Hyperions CAMERA:- Canon 1100D, Atik 414EX Mono, Astronomik LRGB filters + ZWO ASI 120mm
EXTRAS:- Solar filter

My Website :-
In Loving Memory of all those lost to cancer & all those who defeated the beast

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Posted 26 September 2012 - 09:02 PM

Star Forming

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393 posts

Location:SW London

Try different cables to connect at all? Often the weak point.

If not there is a Meade DSi Yahoo group that might be able to assist.
Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2
We have nothing to fear, except fear itself - Roosevelt

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Posted 13 October 2012 - 12:35 PM


New Members

1 posts


It is most likely to be the processor unit I have replaced a few. They are still
available but will require some specialist tools and surface mount rework skills to

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red dwalf
Posted 13 October 2012 - 02:18 PM
red dwalf

Brown Dwarf

Advanced Members

2,735 posts


Cheers for the info, is that repair expensive and is there anyway to test the circuitry
of the board ?
SCOPE:- William Optics GT81, Altair Astro 10x60 guide scope MOUNT:- NEQ 6 Pro Synscan with belt drive mod

EYEPIECES:- 21mm Baader Hyperions CAMERA:- Canon 1100D, Atik 414EX Mono, Astronomik LRGB filters + ZWO ASI 120mm
EXTRAS:- Solar filter

My Website :-
In Loving Memory of all those lost to cancer & all those who defeated the beast

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Clancy Lane
Posted 11 November 2012 - 02:45 AM
Clancy Lane


New Members

4 posts


This sounds like the same problem I had with my DSI 3 so I have sent you a PM with
info on what I did to fix it.
TAL 2, TAL 200K, Meade 127 ED series 5000, Megrez 90, Skywatcher 10"& 12",
Orion RC6, Orion & Skywatcher MN190, HEQ5, NEQ6, Meade DSI 111, Atik 314E,
Canon 40D, Orion SSAG.

DSI Pro II Problem

Started by ijohnb, Apr 01 2008 03:31 PM

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5 replies to this topic





9 posts

Posted 01 April 2008 - 03:31 PM

I read TRKR75's question "my niw dsi" and found it interesting. Only because I set up and found that now I am having the same problem. I connect the dsi and all I get is a black
screen with 2 columns of white horizontal white lines. They look like broken 'bar code' lines. I switched the cable... no difference. So I put my lpi in and tried it. The Lpi works fine!
I don't know if it matters; but I just got MaxIm DL and installed it on the computer. Don't think that would be the problem. What is frustrating is the DSI Pro II worked fine the last
time I used it. Can anyone help?

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Posted 02 April 2008 - 03:28 AM

I wonder if it is the same problem that I've encountered a few months ago. If it is so, I am sorry to tell Mark that it is not a USB hub problem.
I had to buy a new DSI II. There are many cases similar to this one on the forum. Does your screen look like that?
Ishak Benbanaste
Tekirdag - Turkey
LX200GPS - 14"

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9 posts

Posted 02 April 2008 - 06:23 PM

YES! It looks just like that! Do I dare ask what that means? In for repairs? or what? Did you have yours repaired? If so, what did they say was the problem? If you don't mind me
asking, how much did it cost to repair? Thanks for your help.

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67 posts

Posted 03 April 2008 - 12:55 AM

Hi, ijohnb...
I really can not say what it means but I am sure that it is not good. I still don't know what happened. One possibility is that the MOBO of my PC was faulty. A friend of mine

brought my first DSI ProII from Germany. Since I live in Turkey, the repair option was quite complicated. I've decided to buy a new one
better way if you live in the US.
Ishak Benbanaste
Tekirdag - Turkey
LX200GPS - 14"

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. I am sure that you may find a



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61 posts

Posted 04 April 2008 - 08:59 PM


I read TRKR75's question "my niw dsi" and found it interesting. Only because I set up and found that now I am having the same problem. I connect the dsi and all I get is a black screen with 2
columns of white horizontal white lines. They look like broken 'bar code' lines. I switched the cable... no difference. So I put my lpi in and tried it. The Lpi works fine! I don't know if it matters; but I
just got MaxIm DL and installed it on the computer. Don't think that would be the problem. What is frustrating is the DSI Pro II worked fine the last time I used it. Can anyone help?

Here's the thing, in many many cases over the years that Mark and I have been on the beta testing team this issue has come up, and many many times it has been a power
issue and giving the camera more power via a powered USB hub has solved it. Of course, this is not to say that it will solve the issue for everyone, this issue could be caused by
any of a number of things, for example, Maxim has it's own driver for the DSI cameras and if you try to run the DSI Pro II using Maxim 4.53 or earlier you'll get this same double
dashed bar screen that you're seeing now.
So, for all anyone knows it could be a driver issue after having installed Maxim, it could be a power problem caused by low output from the USB port, a weak or leaky cable, a
cable that is over 12 feet long, a cable that is meant for USB 1.1 & not rated for USB 2.0, or any number of other things that can go wrong with electronic components.
Since your DSI Pro II worked the last time you used it, it stands to reason that something that you've done on your computer between then and now has caused this issue. Why
don't you try using system restore to restore your system to a restore point where you know for sure the camera was operating correctly. It you do this and the camera works then
you'll know for sure that something you've done on your computer caused this problem, you'll then need to use the process of elimination to determine what that something is or
Best Regards,
Matt Taylor
Antique Photons Observatory
Claremore, Okla.
DSI Gallery

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Posted 05 April 2008 - 04:55 AM

And if that does not work, then do this....

1. Make sure the DSI Envisage application is closed and the camera is
plugged in.
2. At the DOS command prompt, set the current directory to the
directory of the DSI Envisage application (for example CD C:\Program
3. At the DOS prompt type the following: Envisage.exe ICX429ALL and
hit enter. The Envisage application starts and everything should be ok
That should force the issue with the software.
Matt Taylor
Antique Photons Observatory
Claremore, Okla.
DSI Gallery


Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working



Joined on 02-17-2008

DSI Pro and DSI Color works ok


Posts 3

Download the Autostar Suite Update 4...........install........then reboot

Points 0

open Suite then open Envisage from within Autostar Suite before Envisage
opens get the following message.............................versions are Autostar
Suite...3.23 and Envisage...5.85

System.Argument Out Of Range Exception:Index And Lengh must

Refer to a Location within the String
Parameter Name:lengh
at System.string.substring(int32 start index,Int32lengh)
at meade.imager.dsi.init imager(string imager name)
When Envisage opens fully then I get the Message "Could not send
command"and no response from DSI's no live mage or anything
Happens on two computors both ran as Admin. Laptop 1.7ghz with 2gigs of
memory Win XP Home never no propblem before.............desktop 4.8ghz
3gigs of memory WinXP Pro
Saved dsiusb.sys from 3.18 version over wrote it with 3.23 version (slight
size diff)still same error

Do I need to search register for string and what do I look for?

Any Ideas anyone?
Post Points: 0

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02-17-2008, 7:37 PM

Re: Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working

Hi, starcruzer
I have not heard of the update causing this sort of problem before...I'm
thinking something else is at work here.

Is the camera being recognized at all? Did you rename it (under the "Color"
dialog) to something long, or with "illegal" characters?

Joined on 02-09-2005 If that's not it, one thing you migh try is reflashing the firmware:
Minneapolis, MN

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HTH - let us know!

Chuck Reese
CDIP Certified: Nebula, Galaxy, Solar System, Stars & Clusters Imager
CDIP Mentor: Nebulae & Solar System Categories
For information on the Certified DSI Imager Program, see:
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02-18-2008, 4:59 PM
Joined on 02-17-


Re: Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working

You know what the DSI Pro is fine after upgrade ............But you might be
on to something I think it is named DSI-C or DSI-Color wonder if the "-"
has something to do with it but if is DSI-C or -Color wouldnt the earlier
version be affected? I will check later and get back and check into the
firmware. Tks alot.
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02-18-2008, 5:37 PM

Re: Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working

Hey man your a life is what i did

Joined on 02-17-2008

Checked name it was DSI-C but ok in version 4.0

Upgraded....came up the error mentioned


Tried changing name wouldnt change it................. version


Posts 3

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Down graded back to 4.0

Changed name to DSI COLOR it accepted the change

Went ahead and did the firmware reset

Upgraded back to 5.85

Checked it is OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am almost certain it was the "-" and not the firmware Wish I done the name
change and checked first to be sure but when you said "illegal" characters I
knew that was it even though it was ok in version 4.0. Again thanks
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04-23-2008, 8:10 AM

Re: Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working

Hello !

Joined on 04-23-


Posts 4

Points 0

I got some problems about Meade Dsi Imager Pro II

Monochrome CCD (chip:ICX429ALL ).
I saw
and tried.
But it did not work for me.
My problems like this but my CCD is Monochrome CCD

(chip:ICX429ALL ).
System.Argument Out Of Range Exception:Index And Lengh must
Refer to a Location within the String
Parameter Name:lengh
at System.string.substring(int32 start index,Int32lengh)
at meade.imager.dsi.init imager(string imager name)
When Envisage opens fully then I get the Message "Could not send
command"and no response from DSI's no live mage or anything.
I need your help.

----------------------------------------Chien-Wen Wu ()
Department of Physics
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Kaohsiung 804
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08-29-2008, 6:31 PM
Ali Killen

Hi All,

Joined on 08-28-


Posts 2

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Re: Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working

I would be extremely grateful I for your help with

this problem, I was given my telescope and
camera as a birthday gift from my family (yep it
was one of the big ones) and seem to have run in
to trouble from the start trying to get the camera
to work. After leaving it for a while I have searched
online and found that a lot of you seem to have
had the same trouble. I had at that stage built and
rebuilt my PC 5 times trying all combinations of
thing to get the camera working before I stumbled

upon your good advice. I have followed it to the

letter and must be almost there, however I cannot
get to rename the camera in order to reset the
flash memory on the camera.
Any help you could provide would be extremely
I have a meade DSI II Colour CCD Camera Sensor
ICX429AKL and I keep getting the following
sequence of errors. I know that some of you folk
have faced this challenge before me and have
succeeded in getting your camera back to good
working order, so fingers crossed. Unfortunately I
cant get the envisage software to allow me to
reset the camera name. Is there another way to do
this, is there a separate utility available for
resetting the camera memory ?
Here is the sequence of events that occur after
applying the commands envisage.exe ICX429AKL
or by going directly from autostarsuite after
applying those commands.
Yep the dreaded initial error.
Then the cannot connect / send command error
The new error that occurs when I try to click on
CTRL to reset the camera.
After another click on the CTRL button I get to the
CTRL screen itself, however no matter what I set
the device name to it simply does not get applied
and stays DSI1h. I dont pretend to understand
why this name is upsetting things, however if you
could help me re-gig it to something that works I
would be most grateful . Especially as I can then
get to show the family some nice pics that I have
taken with their kind and generous gift.
Thanks for you time and effort on this folks, it is
greatly appreciated. Ali.

Post Points: 0

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08-29-2008, 6:42 PM
Ali Killen

Re: Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working

Attachment: Meade DSI II Colour CC Camera Problem.docx

ooops sorry folks the pic's did not stick to the posting, please see
attached files.

Joined on 08-28-2008

Thanks Ali.


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09-02-2008, 10:20 PM

Re: Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working

Hi, Ali
I responded on the Meade_DSI's an additional though triggered
by some later posts there - I would recommend you ensure you are updated
to the latest & greatest version of Dot Net as that seems to generate a variety
of otherwise unexplainable errors. Your current camera name does not appear
to be a problem to me, I think it should work.

Joined on 02-09-


Minneapolis, MN

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Chuck Reese
CDIP Certified: Nebula, Galaxy, Solar System, Stars & Clusters Imager
CDIP Mentor: Nebulae & Solar System Categories
For information on the Certified DSI Imager Program, see:
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09-02-2008, 10:22 PM

Re: Upgrade to 4.0 and DSI COLOR stops working

Hi, Chien-Wen Wu
One must substitute the correct chip name for the mono camera...did you
do this?

The camera must be connected when you issue the command

It is best to be in the target directory when you type the command...less

typing = less chance for errors

Good luck!

Joined on 02-09-2005 Chuck

Minneapolis, MN

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Chuck Reese
CDIP Certified: Nebula, Galaxy, Solar System, Stars & Clusters Imager
CDIP Mentor: Nebulae & Solar System Categories
For information on the Certified DSI Imager Program, see:

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