DSP - 5

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1.Multirate signal processing

2.Speech compression
3.Adaptive Filter
4.Musical sound processing
5.Image enhancement.
1. Multirate signal processing:


Speech compression
Speech processing is the study of speech signals and the
processing methods of these signals.

The signals are usually processed in a digital representation, so speech

processing can be regarded as a special case of digital signal processing,
applied to speech signal.
Speech processing can be divided into the following categories:

Speech recognition, which deals with analysis of the linguistic content of a

speech signal.
Speaker recognition, where the aim is to recognize the identity of the
Enhancement of speech signals, e.g. audio noise reduction.
Speech coding, a specialized form of data compression, is important in the
telecommunication area.
Voice analysis for medical purposes, such as analysis of vocal loading and
dysfunction of the vocal cords.
Speech synthesis: the artificial synthesis of speech, which usually means
computer-generated speech.
Speech enhancement: enhancing the perceptual quality of a speech signal by
removing the destructive effects of noise, limited capacity recording
equipment, impairments, etc.

Speech signal processing refers to the acquisition, manipulation, storage, transfer

and output of vocal utterances by a computer. The main applications are the
recognition, synthesis and compression of human speech:

Speech recognition (also called voice recognition) focuses on capturing the

human voice as a digital sound wave and converting it into a computerreadable format.

Speech synthesis is the reverse process of speech recognition. Advances in

this area improve the computer's usability for the visually impaired.

Speech compression is important in the telecommunications area for

increasing the amount of information which can be transferred, stored, or
heard, for a given set of time and space constraints.

A voice signal has the frequency range of 300 to 3000Hz.It is sampled at a rate of
8 kHz and the word length of the digitized signal is 12 bits.
The redundancy present in the voice signals can be reduced by signal compression
and coding.


Removal of silences. There are normally silences between words and

sentences, and even small silences within certain words. These can be
reduced considerably and still leave an understandable result.

Increasing speed. The speed can be increased on the entire audio track, but
this has the undesirable effect of increasing the frequency, so the voice
sounds high-pitched (like someone who has inhaled helium). This can be
compensated for, however, by bringing the pitch back down to the proper
The same number of words can be compressed into a smaller time, and thus
reduce advertising costs, or more information can be included in a given
radio or TV ad. Another advantage is that this method seems to make the ad
louder (by increasing the average volume), and thus more likely to be
noticed, without exceeding the maximum volume allowed by law.
The effect of removing the silences and increasing the speed is to make it
sound much more insistent, possibly to the point of unpleasantness.

Speech compression

3.Adaptive Filter:
Linear Filtering will be optimal only if it is designed with some knowledge about the
input data.If this information is not known,then adaptive filters are used.The adjustable
parameters in the filter are assigned with values based on the estimated statistical nature
of the signals.So,these filters are adaptable to the changing environment.Adaptive
filtering finds its application in adaptive noise cancelling,line enhancing,frequency
tracking,channel equalizations, etc.

An adaptive filter is a filter that self-adjusts its transfer function according to an

optimizing algorithm. Because of the complexity of the optimizing algorithms, most
adaptive filters are digital filters that perform digital signal processing and adapt their
performance based on the input signal. By way of contrast, a non-adaptive filter has static
filter coefficients (which collectively form the transfer function).
For some applications, adaptive coefficients are required since some parameters of the
desired processing operation (for instance, the properties of some noise signal) are not
known in advance. In these situations it is common to employ an adaptive filter, which
uses feedback to refine the values of the filter coefficients and hence its frequency
Generally speaking, the adapting process involves the use of a cost function, which is a
criterion for optimum performance of the filter (for example, minimizing the noise
component of the input), to feed an algorithm, which determines how to modify the filter
coefficients to minimize the cost on the next iteration.
As the power of digital signal processors has increased, adaptive filters have become
much more common and are now routinely used in devices such as mobile phones and
other communication devices, camcorders and digital cameras, and medical monitoring
Block diagram
The block diagram, shown in the following figure, serves as a foundation for particular
adaptive filter realisations, such as Least Mean Squares (LMS) and Recursive Least
Squares (RLS). The idea behind the block diagram is that a variable filter extracts an
estimate of the desired signal.

Applications of adaptive filters

Noise cancellation
Signal prediction
Adaptive feedback cancellation
Echo cancellation
1.Active noise control (ANC) (also known as noise cancellation, active noise
reduction (ANR) or antinoise) is a method for reducing unwanted sound.

2.Linear prediction is a mathematical operation where future values of a discrete-time

signal are estimated as a linear function of previous samples.
3. The term echo cancellation is used in telephony to describe the process of removing
echo from a voice communication in order to improve voice quality on a telephone call. In

addition to improving subjective quality, this process increases the capacity achieved through
silence suppression by preventing echo from traveling across a network.
Two sources of echo have primary relevance in telephony: acoustic echo and hybrid echo.
Echo cancellation involves first recognizing the originally transmitted signal that re-appears,
with some delay, in the transmitted or received signal. Once the echo is recognized, it can be
removed by 'subtracting' it from the transmitted or received signal. This technique is generally
implemented using a digital signal processor (DSP), but can also be implemented in software.
Echo cancellation is done using either echo suppressors or echo cancellers, or in some cases

4.Musical Sound Processing:

5.Image Enhancement:

Edge enhancement is an image processing filter that enhances the edge contrast of an image or
video in an attempt to improve its acutance (apparent sharpness).
The filter works by identifying sharp edge boundaries in the image, such as the edge between a
subject and a background of a contrasting color, and increasing the image contrast in the area
immediately around the edge. This has the effect of creating subtle bright and dark highlights on
either side of any edges in the image, leading the edge to look more defined when viewed from a
typical viewing distance.
Effects of edge enhancement
Unlike some forms of image sharpening, edge enhancement does not enhance subtle
detail which may appear in more uniform areas of the image, such as texture or grain
which appears in flat or smooth areas of the image. The benefit to this is that
imperfections in the image reproduction, such as grain or noise, or imperfections in the
subject, such as natural imperfections on a person's skin, are not made more obvious by
the process. A drawback to this is that the image may begin to look less natural, because
the apparent sharpness of the overall image has increased but the level of detail in flat,
smooth areas has not.
Edge enhancement applied to an image can vary according to a number of properties.

Amount. This controls the extent to which contrast in the edge detected area is enhanced.
Radius or aperture. This affects the size of the edges to be detected or enhanced, and the
size of the area surrounding the edge that will be altered by the enhancement. A smaller
radius will result in enhancement being applied only to sharper, finer edges, and the
enhancement being confined to a smaller area around the edge.
Threshold. Where available, this adjusts the sensitivity of the edge detection mechanism.
A lower threshold results in more subtle boundaries of colour being identified as edges. A

threshold that is too low may result in some small parts of surface textures, film grain or
noise being incorrectly identified as being an edge.
In some cases, edge enhancement can be applied in the horizontal or vertical direction only, or to
both directions in different amounts. This may be useful, for example, when applying edge
enhancement to images that were originally sourced from analog video.
Viewing conditions
The ideal amount of edge enhancement that is required to produce a pleasant and sharp-looking
image, without losing too much detail, varies according to several factors. An image that is to be
viewed from a nearer distance, at a larger display size, on a medium that is inherently more
"sharp" or by a person with excellent eyesight will typically demand a finer or lesser amount of
edge enhancement than an image that is to be shown at a smaller display size, further viewing
distance, on a medium that is inherently softer or by a person with poorer eyesight.
For this reason, home theatre enthusiasts who invest in larger, higher quality screens often
complain[citation needed] about the amount of edge enhancement present in commercially produced
DVD videos, claiming that such edge enhancement is optimized for playback on smaller, poorer
quality television screens, but the loss of detail as a result of the edge enhancement is much more
noticeable in their viewing conditions.

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