Part A (Long Answer Type Questions) : (15×2 30 Marks)

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Uttarakhand Open University

Economics for Managers MBA/DIM (Model Paper)
Paper Code CP1005
Time: 3 hrs.

Maximum Marks: 60

Part A (Long Answer Type Questions)

(152=30 Marks)

Section A contains 04 long answer-type questions of 15 marks each. Learners are

required to answers 02 questions only.
1. Distinguish between 'change in supply' and 'change in quantity supplied' of a
commodity. (Use diagrams).
2. Why is the consumer in equilibrium when he buys only that combination of the two
goods that is shown at the point of tangency of the budget line with an indifference
curve? Explain.
3. What is impact of global economic crisis of India economy?
4. Explain the monetary policy of India. How far it has been successful for controlling
inflation in India.

Part -B (Short Answer Type Questions)

(54=20 Marks)

Section B contains 08 short answer type questions of 5 marks each. Learners are
required to answers 4 questions only. Answers of short answer-type questions must be
restricted to 250 words approximately.
1. What is managerial economics? Discuss the scope and importance of managerial
2. What is inflation? Explain the different types of inflation.
3. What is monopoly? Discuss the major disadvantages of monopoly
4. Explain supply side economics? Discuss the importance of supply side economics in the
5. Discuss the importance of production function.
6. What is national income? How it is computed?
7. Distinguish between micro and macroeconomics.
8. Explain the cross elasticity of demand and income elasticity of demand

Part C (Objective Type Questions)

(101=10 Marks)

Section C contains 10 objective-type questions of 01 mark each. Learners are required

to answers all questions.

1. The natural rate of unemployment is generally thought of as the

(a) Ratio of the frictional unemployment rate to the cyclical unemployment rate.
(b) Sum of structural unemployment and cyclical unemployment.
(c) Sum of frictional unemployment and cyclical unemployment.
(d) Sum of frictional unemployment and structural unemployment
2. The ratio of the change in the equilibrium level of income to a change in some autonomous
increase in spending is the
(a) Elasticity coefficient.
(b) Multiplier.
(c) Automatic stabilizer.
(d) Marginal propensity of the autonomous variable.
3. Banks can create money
(a) Only by illegally printing additional dollar bills.
(b) By paying interest to their depositors.
(c) By making loans that result in additional deposits.
(d) By offering financial services, such as stick market brokerage.
4. If the interest rate falls, then
(a) Bond prices will remain the same
(b) Bond prices will rise
(c) Bond prices will fall

5. If the quantity of money demanded is less than the quantity of money supplied, then the
interest rate will
(a) Either increase or decrease, depending on the amount of excess demand.
(b) Increase.
(c) Decrease.
(d) Not change

6. Which of the following events will definitely lead to an increase in the equilibrium interest

(a) A decrease in the level of output (real GDP)

(b) The purchase of government securities by the Bank of Canada
(c) An increase in the level of output (real GDP) and an increase in the money supply
(d) The sale of government securities by the Bank of Canada
7. An increase in total production (real GDP) causes the demand for money to ___________ and the
interest rate to _________.
(a) Increase; increase
(b) Increase; decrease
(c) Decrease; decrease
(d) Decrease; increase

8. Which of the following actions is an example of expansionary fiscal policy?

(a) A decrease in welfare payments
(b) A purchase of government securities in the open market
(c) A decrease in the Bank rate
(d) A decrease in the corporate profits tax rates
9. As the economy nears full capacity, the short-run aggregate supply curve
(a) Becomes flatter.
(b) Becomes steeper.
(c) Shifts to the right.
(d) Shifts to the left
10. GDP stands for
a) Gross Domestic Product
b) Gross Domestic Producer
c) Gross Domestic Parameter
d) Gross Domestic Production

Model Exam Paper

Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani
Principles of Management
Paper Code BBA-101
Time: 3 hrs.

Maximum Marks: 60

Part A (Long Answer Type Questions)

(152=30 Marks)

Section A contains 04 long answer-type questions of 15 marks each. Learners are

required to answers 02 questions only.
1. Management is an art of getting things done through others. Explain the statement
with the help of suitable examples.
2. Describe motivation. Describe in detail Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory.
3. Compare the three leadership styles. Under what situations would each style be
effective? Give examples.
4. What do you understand by informal organisations? Why informal organisations
emerge within organisations? Explain.

Part -B (Short Answer Type Questions)

(54=20 Marks)

Section B contains 08 short answer type questions of 5 marks each. Learners are
required to answers 4 questions only. Answers of short answer-type questions must be
restricted to 250 words approximately.
1. How F.W. Taylor and Henri Fayol differ in their approach to management
2. Briefly discuss the concept of PERT?
3. What are the essentials of effective communication?
4. Write a short note on positive and negative incentives.
5. Analyse the merits and demerits of centralisation.
6. List some ways in which a business organisation can discharge its social
7. Mention the steps involved in controlling process.
8. Define Trait theory?

Part C (Objective Type Questions)

(101=10 Marks)

Section C contains 10 objective-type questions of 01 mark each. Learners are required

to answers all questions.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Management is the combination of Arts, Science and
a) Character
b) Vocation
c) Dimension
d) Profession
2. Which type of control is most important for effective delegation?
a) Process
b) Feedback
c) Effective
d) Management
3. Who is primarily known for his Time and Motion Studies?
a) Elton Mayo
b) Frank Gilberth
c) Charles Babbage
d) F.W. Taylor
Fill in the blanks
4. Division of labour, authority hierarchy, formal selection, formal rules and regulations,
impersonality, and career orientation are all features of
5. The informal groups communication system is called as .
6. Delegation is a . while decentralisation is the end result.
State True or False

Decision-making is a primary part of the managerial process.

Henry Fayol's contribution is classified into ten industrial and management principles.
'Span of control' is also referred to as span of management.
In decision- making under conditions of risk, the consequences of a particular decision cannot
be specified with certainty.

Model Exam Paper

Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani
Human Resource Planning
Time: 3 hrs.

Maximum Marks: 60

Part A (Long Answer Type Questions)

(152=30 Marks)

Section A contains 04 long answer-type questions of 15 marks each. Learners are

required to answers 02 questions only.
1. What is Human Resource Planning & its importance? Explain HRP in India.
2. What is Recruitment and what are the steps involve in it? How is it different from
3. Define the term Placement. Distinguish between Transfer, Promotion &
4. Discuss the process of Training and Development and also explain its importance?

Part -B (Short Answer Type Questions)

(54=20 Marks)

Section B contains 08 short answer type questions of 5 marks each. Learners are
required to answers 4 questions only. Answers of short answer-type questions must be
restricted to 250 words approximately.
1. Differentiate between Job description and Job specification.
2. What is Demand Forecasting in context of HR?
3. What is Induction?
4. Explain Succession Planning
5. What is Human Resource Audit?
6. Explain the importance of Multi Skilling?
Write a note on
7. Factor comparison method.
8. Job Rotation

Part C (Objective Type Questions)

(101=10 Marks)

Section C contains 10 objective-type questions of 01 mark each. Learners are required

to answers all questions.

Choose the correct answer.

1. HR Supply is provided from external resources when; (Easy)
a) HR Supply>HR Demand

c) HR Supply<HR Demand

b) HR Supply=HR Demand

d) All of the above

2. HRIS stands for? (Easy)

a) Human Resource Identification Science

c) Human Resource Information Science

b) Human Resource Information System

d) None of these.

3. Demand for human resources and management is created by

a) Expansion of industry
c) Shortage of labor
b) Abundance of capital
d) Consumer preferences
4. Wide range of abilities and attributes possessed by people are called as
a) Management
c) Human Resources
b) Entrepreneur
d) Intreprenuer
5. Which one of the following is an internal source of recruitment?
a) Media advertising
c) Promotion
b) Campus interview
d) Reference
Fill in the blanks
6. __________________ is a negative process while ___________________ is a
positive process.
7. ____________________ is the planning for the future personnel needs of an
State True or False

8. Training is necessary for only the new employees.

9. Promotion makes an employee eligible for training.
10. Organisations should pay for the value of the job but not for the value of the person.

Model Exam Paper

Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani
CODE: MM2203
Time: 3 hrs.

Maximum Marks: 60

Part A (Long Answer Type Questions)

(152=30 Marks)

Section A contains 04 long answer-type questions of 15 marks each. Learners are

required to answers 02 questions only.
1. Outline the salient features of Howard Sheath Model of consumer decision making, with

2. How perception of a consumer contribute in consumer decision making?

3. What do you understand by extensive problem solving, limited problem solving and
routinized response behaviour ?

4. What is Attitude? Is it possible to change attitude of consumer, explain.

Part -B (Short Answer Type Questions)

(54=20 Marks)

Section B contains 08 short answer type questions of 5 marks each. Learners are
required to answers 4 questions only. Answers of short answer-type questions must be
restricted to 250 words approximately.
1. Why is it important to study consumer behavior?
2. Define reference group.
3. What is Absolute threshold?
4. What are different elements of consumer learning?
5. How do you manage customer satisfaction?
Briefly discuss the following:
6. Benefit Segmentation
7. Emotional Motives
8. Learning model of consumer behaviour.

Part C (Objective Type Questions)

(101=10 Marks)

Section C contains 10 objective-type questions of 01 mark each. Learners are required

to answers all questions
Choose the correct answer.
1. Which does not come under the basis of Market Segmentation? (Easy)
a) Geographic

b) Demographic

c) Psychographic

d) Caste

2. Which type of involvement indicates an on-going interest in the product category?

a) Enduring involvement

b) High involvement

c) Medium involvement

d) None of these

3. When individual deliberately searches for information about product before purchase,
it is called :
a) Intentional learning

b) Unintentional learning

c) Forced Learning

d) None of these

State True or False

4. Organisational buyers totally depend on consumer demands.
5. Higher the value of purchase, lengthy is the negotiation process.
6. Attitude towards any product/ brand has nothing to do with the final act of purchase of
that product.
Fill in the blanks7. ________ gradually leads to brand loyalty.
8. Attitudes with________ of involvement are relatively easier to change.
9. Lack of customer ________ leads to extinction of brand.
10. _____________ model is also known as Systems model.

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