The Wildlife Forecast - Here Comes The Sea, Faster Than We Thought

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Here comes the sea,

faster than we thought

held in Florida in January tells us on the endangered Florida key deer
otherwise. and other plants found only in that
“Since 1930, the sea has risen 10 part of the world, according to Noss.
By Patricia Behnke
inches in Florida,” said Reed Noss, a Wildlife and habitat managers
Florida Fish and Wildlife biology professor from the Universi- may have to rethink where they put
Conservation Commission ty of Central Florida and organizer their efforts sooner than thought. of the event. “And 80 percent of Why spend millions of dollars on
southeastern Florida’s flood-control habitat that might not be here in
My love affair with water began structures are failing because of sea 100 years? Money and resources
when I walked on my first Florida level rise, according to the South might be better spent elsewhere.
beach at Bahia Honda State Park in Florida Water Management Dis- That’s why it’s crucial that land
1975. I stood in the shallow water trict.” planners at all levels of government
at the park, small waves lapping at Harold Wanless of the University start now to plan for what appears
my ankles, and watched the most of Miami suggested to the partici- to be an uncertain future.
spectacular sunset of my life. The pants that “a rise of four or five feet Dr. Thomas Eason with the
next day I snorkeled in those same by the year 2100 is more likely, with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
waters and met the beautiful fish higher levels possible,” according to tion Commission presented infor-
that make Florida famous. a press release from UCF. mation at the conference on what
My first trip through the Ever- The conference, sponsored by the wildlife managers must consider as
glades brought me a deeper appreci- Florida Institute for Conservation climate changes and human popula-
ation of water and Florida’s wildlife, Science, marked Florida’s first inter- tions shift and grow. Eason warned
from the alligators sunning them- disciplinary meeting on the impacts that sea level rise will put increased
selves on the edge of canals to pressure on public lands to be
the white ibis poking for bugs used for human needs.
in the muck. “Imagine the last wild panther captured, “This means wildlife will
And now, that could all with zoos the only remaining refuge for not only face direct impacts
become something known only from sea level rise, but they also
from the writers and artists
the homeless cats.” will have to contend with indi-
and photographers who will –Dr. Thomas Eason rect impacts from how people
leave the records of a once- respond as well,” Eason said.
upon time. I’ve heard it over “Imagine the last wild panther
and over again in talking to captured, with zoos the only
the people who study such things: of sea level rise. The event brought remaining refuge for the homeless
Florida is one of the most vulner- together geologists, oceanographers, cats.”
able states when it comes to climate ecologists, biologists, anthropolo- So what do we do? We let the
change. Mostly they mean we are gists, archaeologists, engineers and managers manage and the scien-
vulnerable to “sea level rise.” planners. tists research and monitor. Individ-
Here’s my simple view of what’s “It is crucial to bring these ex- ually, we become careful stewards
happening and will continue to hap- perts together because they all hold of the environment through our ac-
pen: when water heats, it expands, a piece of the puzzle,” Noss said. tions to slow down the process. For
and the water temperatures are “Florida stands to lose more eco- me, this means buying an alterna-
rising. Adding to the vulnerability nomically and biologically than any tive-fuel vehicle when I purchase
of Florida is its very shape, sur- other state in the country; yet it has my next car. Using less energy and
rounded on three sides by the water done the least to prepare than any becoming less dependent upon
that has reached a figurative boiling other coastal state.” foreign oil sources is good for our
point. A report released in December in economy, our air and our wildlife.
And that’s one way climate Nature warns about the speed of the Then we all can continue our love
change causes sea level rise; of Earth’s shifting climatic zones. This affair with Florida and its natural
course, there is the melting polar ice impacts wildlife because the ecosys- resources for a little while longer.
that will contribute as well. Most of tems where they live are changing,
us envision that happening some- forcing wildlife to change their hab-
time in the nebulous future, but the its now. Shrinkage of habitat in the Contact Patricia Behnke at
news that came out of a conference Keys already is having an impact

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