KSU 1101 Syllabus - Simmons

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KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 1

First-Year Seminar
KSU 1101 Section 109 Fall 2015
University Village 6138
Mon & Wed 12:30 pm 1:45 pm
Nicole Simmons, M.P.A.
Office: Student Center 261 C
Phone: 470-528-6701
Email: nsimmon6@kennesaw.edu
(For class assignments use D2L)
Office Hours: Fridays, 8:00 am 11:00 am or
by Appointment
KSU 1101 is required for all freshman students entering KSU with fewer than 15 credit hours. The course is
designed to develop college-level skills for academic success by focusing on life skills, strategies for academic
success, connecting with campus and community, and foundations for global learning. This First Year Seminar
course guides students through the transition to higher education. Students with 30 or more credit hours are not
eligible to enroll in any of the four seminars or a Learning Community.
Lynn, K. A. (Ed.). (2015). Foundations of academic inquiry. 7th Edition. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil
Online Textbook: https://courses.hayden-mcneil.com/local/ecologin/



Study Skills: understanding academic strengths; test preparation skills; ability to find items through the
library; diligence in reviewing class notes before the next class meeting; involvement in peer study groups;
note-taking in class; ability to cope with test anxiety.
Academic/Cognitive Skills: improving students skills in writing, reading, decision making, computer
usage, and oral presentation.
Critical Thinking Skills: improving students ability to see multiple sides of issues; identify solutions
to complex problems; evaluate the quality of opinions and facts.

KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 2

4. Connections with Faculty: improving
students understanding of faculty expectations
of students; willingness to seek feedback from
instructors; and communications with
instructors outside class.
5. Connections with Peers: improving students
efforts to get to know students in classes;
ability to meet new people with common
interests; and ability to establish
friendships with peers.
6. Out-of-class Engagement: increasing
students participation in campus-sponsored
organizations; contributions to the success of
campus-sponsored organizations; time
volunteered for worthwhile causes; and
attendance at campus cultural events.
7. Knowledge of Campus Policies: increasing
students understanding of the
college/university rules regarding academic
honesty; the grading system; academic
probation policies; registration procedures; and
financial aid procedures.
Knowledge of Academic Services: increasing students understanding of the role of the academic
advisor; how to obtain academic assistance; how to obtain a
tutor; and available library resources.
Managing Time & Priorities: increasing students understanding of the impact of establishing personal
goals; preparing for tests well in advance; ability to establish an effective study schedule; ability to organize
time to meet responsibilities
Knowledge of Wellness: Improving students understanding of the impact of stress and how to deal
with it, college students sexual issues, the impact of alcohol consumption, the impact of drug use, and the
impact of exercising regularly.
Global Perspectives: Demonstrate an understanding of ethics, diversity, and a global perspective.


Academic Integrity:

Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in
the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the Universitys
policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to
University materials, misrepresentation or falsification of University records or academic work, malicious
removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or
services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled
through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an informal
resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may
subject a student to the Code of Conducts minimum one semester suspension requirement.

KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 3

Academic Honesty:
The high quality of education at Kennesaw State University is reflected in the credits and degrees its students
earn. The protection of high standards of academic integrity is crucial since the validity and equity of the
University's grades and degrees depend upon it. Any student found to have violated any KSU academic honesty
regulation after a hearing before a university hearing panel or before a hearing officer shall be suspended for at
least one semester, unless the student persuades the deciding body or hearing officer that the circumstances of
his or her behavior substantially mitigate the gravity of the violation. These regulations are designed to assist
students in (1) developing appropriate attitudes about, and (2) understanding and following the universitys
standards relating to academic honesty. The regulations protect students by helping them avoid committing
infractions that may compromise the completion of their KSU degrees or damage their reputations.
Plagiarism and Cheating:
No student shall receive, attempt to receive, knowingly give or attempt to give unauthorized assistance in the
preparation of any work required to be submitted for credit (including examinations, laboratory reports, essays,
themes, term papers, etc.). Unless specifically authorized, the presence and/or use of electronic devices during
an examination, quiz, or other class assignments is considered cheating. Engaging in any behavior which a
professor prohibits as academic misconduct in the syllabus or in class discussions is cheating. When direct
quotations are used, they should be indicated, and when the ideas, theories, data, figures, graphs, programs,
electronic based information or illustrations of someone other than the student are incorporated into a paper or
used in a project, they should be duly acknowledged. No student may submit the same, or substantially the
same, paper or other assignment for credit in more than one class without the prior permission of the current
Disruption of Campus Life Statement:
It is the purpose of the institution to provide a campus environment, which encourages academic
accomplishment, personal growth, and a spirit of understanding and cooperation. An important part of
maintaining such an environment is the commitment to protect the health and safety of every member of the
campus community. Belligerent, abusive, profane, threatening and/or inappropriate behavior on the part of
students is a violation of the Kennesaw State University Student Conduct Regulations. Students who are found
guilty of such misconduct may be subject to immediate dismissal from the institution. In addition, these
violations of state law may also be subject to criminal action beyond the University disciplinary process.
30 Hour Advising Requirement:
All undergraduate students are required to have a meeting with an academic advisor each semester until earning
30 semester hours in attendance at Kennesaw State University. These advising meetings are scheduled by the
student prior to registration. These advising meetings are appointments scheduled by the student prior to
registration. Students will not be able to register until they have met with an academic advisor. Appointments
and are made with either a faculty member or departmental advisor in the students major or an advisor in the
Interpersonal Violence Statement and Training Requirement:
As part of the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act, college campuses and universities are now
mandated to have educational and training programs for faculty, staff, and students that address the issues of
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Kennesaw State University will utilize Not
Anymore, an interactive online interpersonal violence prevention program, to meet this mandate.
All new students will be required to complete this educational program prior to registering for their next
academic term. Students who do not complete the program by their registration date will be unable to
register for classes for the subsequent term. Training and FAQs can be accessed at

KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 4

Instruction and Policies:
Class sessions will consist of lectures, class discussions, in-class assignments, group work, written assignments,
video presentations, and exams.
I expect you to attend class and participate regularly contributing to an upbeat discussion. If you miss class, it is
YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. I suggest you trade contact information with a class member
to provide you with information on what you missed. It is also a common courtesy to inform your instructor if
you will miss class. If you miss more than 3 classes, than you will drop a letter grade. If you miss 6 classes you
will fail the course.
Federal Financial Aid Attendance Policy:
Federal regulations governing the disbursement of financial aid require institutions to verify student
attendance/participation in class. Institutions disbursing Federal funds are also required to record the last date of
attendance for students who stop participating in class and return the appropriate funds to the U.S. Department
of Education, based on institution refund percentages. Any actions will be adjudicated through KSUs Office of
Financial Aid.
Missing Exams:
If you miss an exam you have one calendar week to request a makeup exam. This assumes that you have a valid
reason for missing and a makeup exam is at my discretion.
Late Papers and Assignments:
I will not accept ANY late papers or assignments. All assignments are due by the specified date on the course
Disability Accommodations:
Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and reasonable accommodations for persons defined
as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990. A number of services are available to help students with disabilities with their academic work. In order to
make arrangements for special services, students must visit Student Disability Services (located in the Student
Center, Suite 267) and make an appointment to arrange an individual assistance plan. In most cases,
certification of disability is required. If you have any form of disability or impairment and need special
assistance/accommodation, please let me know. I assure you that anything you say in confidence will remain in
confidence. More information about disability services accommodations can be found at the following website,
http://www.kennesaw.edu/stu_dev/dsss/welcome.html or call 470-578-6443.

KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 5

Classroom Environment:
You are expected to show courtesy and respect to your instructor and classmates. Thus, when in class, you
should always:
Engage, participate be an active learner
Avoid chatting when other students, your instructor or guests are talking\presenting
It is rude to read material unrelated to class, sleep in class, put feet on desks, etc
Silence your cell phones or other electronic devices; no texting in class
Laptops\tablets may be used only for the purpose of this course
The instructor reserves the right to ask any student to leave the classroom who repeatedly engages in rude or
disruptive behavior.

D2L Bright Space:

Many of your assignment sheets, schedule, exams, and other information will be available on D2L. All
downloadable files will be in MS Word (.doc) or Acrobat (.pdf). Any files you upload, must be in MS Word
(.doc) or Rich Text (.rtf) format to avoid 30% point deduction or full loss of credit. By enrolling for the course
you are automatically enrolled in the site for KSU 1101. Your login is the same as your individual KSU e-mail
address. It is your responsibility to access Desire2Learn frequently as assignments and/or additional readings
will be loaded or linked
Grading Scale

900 and over

800 - 899
700 - 799
600 699
599 and Below

All grades will be posted on D2L, expect feedback one week after assignment is due.

KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 6

***All assignments will be submitted through Desire2Learn (unless otherwise stated) and are due at the
date stated in the course schedule.



Exam 1 Module 1 (Online)

Exam 2 Module 2 (Online)
Exam 3 Module 3 (In Class)
Attendance and Class Participation



You will be graded on participation with in class assignments and discussions.

Current Issues Presentation












5 minute presentation using PowerPoint on a current issue topic from a

reputable news publication.
Online Discussions (5 discussions at 15 points each)
Discussions will be held on the D2L forum. Per each online discussion topic,
you are required to answer at least one discussion question and comment on at
least two classmates blog entries.
Assignments (8 at 25 points each)
These are take home assignments that consist of reflective papers, assessments,
and activities:
Scavenger Hunt Assignment
Personality Assessment Assignment
Campus Life Activity Log
Academic Planning Assignment
Time Management Assignment
Career Reflection Paper
Budgeting Assignment
Sign Up for a Peer Mentor
Research Paper (5 -8 pages)
You will be responsible for designing an original plan for conducting a
research project on an area of interest.
Group Project
Each group will be tasked with presenting on a community issue and
presenting a solution.
Volunteer Activity
Register with Volunteer Kennesaw and participate in 3 hours of volunteer

KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 7

work. Write a 1 page reflection paper on your experience.




KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 8

Below is a tentative Course Schedule. The Instructor reserves the right to amend the schedule as needed.




Module 1: Strategies for Academic Success & Connecting with Campus Resources
Mon, 8/17

First Day of Class: Introduction to Course, Review


Wed, 8/19

Foundations of Academic Inquiry

Identity Development of College Students

Mon, 8/24

Understanding Yourself as a Learner

Intelligence Theories
Odyssey Peer Mentoring Orientation and Social
***Report to the University Rooms in Student Center
Campus Scavenger Hunt Day Teams
No Class
Learning Strategies for Academic Success
Connecting with Campus Resources
Labor Day No Class

Wed, 8/26
Mon, 8/31
Wed, 9/2
Mon, 9/7
Wed, 9/9

Wed, 9/16

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Library Resources
Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity
Writing at the University Level
Communication for Academic Success

Mon, 9/21

Review for Exam 1

Wed, 9/23

Exam 1

Mon, 9/14

Read Foundations Ch. 1

Class Introduction
Discussion (Online)

Read Foundations Ch. 2

Sign up for a Peer Mentor

Read Foundations Ch. 3

Scavenger Hunt Assignment

Read Foundations Ch. 4

Personality Assessment

Read Foundations Ch. 5

Online Discussion Due

Complete Online by 11:59


Module 2: Practical Competence and Life Skills

Mon, 9/28

Motivation for Student Success

Read Foundations Ch. 6

Wed, 9/30

Online Discussion

Mon, 10/5

Establishing an Academic Plan

Deciding on a Major
Time Management: Maximizing Your Time for Success

Wed, 10/7

Advising and Registration

Wed, 10/7
Mon, 10/12

Last Day to Withdraw Without Academic Penalty

Becoming a Prepared Citizen

Read Foundations Ch. 7

Academic Planning
Time Management
Read Foundations Ch. 8

KSU 1101 First-Year Seminar 9

Wed, 10/14

Discover Yourself Discover Your Career

Mon, 10/19

Occupational Outlook

Read Foundations Ch. 9

Wed, 10/21

Managing Money Through Budgeting

Mon, 10/26

Review for Exam 2

Work on Group Projects
Exam 2

Career Reelection Paper

Read Foundations Ch. 10
Budgeting Assignment Due

Wed, 10/28

Complete Online by 11:59


Module 3: Foundations for Global Learning and Diversity

Mon, 11/2

Economic Recovery in Our Time

Wed, 11/4

Understanding Community Problems

Mon, 11/9

Successful Skills for Diversity: An Open Mind

Social Issues of the 21st Century
Leadership, Ethics, and Citizenship

Wed, 11/11
Mon, 11/16
Wed, 11/18

Becoming a Globally Competent Citizen

Globalization and Framing Our World
8 Ways to Run the Country: Understanding Political

Volunteer Activity Due

Online Discussion
Read Foundations Ch. 11
Online Discussion
Read Foundations Ch. 12
Read Foundations Ch. 13
Campus Life Assignment

Mon, 11/23

No Class - Thanksgiving Break

Wed, 11/25

No Class - Thanksgiving Break

Mon, 11/30

Research Paper

Wed, 12/2

Research Paper Due

Group project work day
Group Presentations

Mon, 12/7

Last Day of Class - Group Presentations

Group Presentation

Mon, 12/14

Final Exam 1 pm - 3 pm (In Class)


Grades Due by 5pm

Group Presentation

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