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Government strategic actions to achieve Moratorium 2017 which declared in

Moratorium policy road map 2017 as follows:

A. Short Term Period
1) To review holistically the policy and regulation as well as mechanism of
assignment and protection of Indonesian housekeepers in abroad
including PPBMIS evaluation, administration process, recruitment and
2) To review holistically the placement country and to ensure Indonesian
housekeepers merely assigned to country that has Foreign Labors
Protection Regulation and System.
3) To establish a moratorium for country that has not guaranteed Indonesian
housekeepers rights, particularly Middle East country that has Kalafah
system and to have negotiation pertaining to improving employment
4) To improve economics and education in Indonesian housekeeper area of
origin in order to encourage them not to work abroad as housekeeper.
B. Mid Term Period
1) To increase the assignment for formal job in abroad for Indonesian labor.
2) To search labor sources of formal job in other countries
3) To synchronize education program with formal job market.
4) To assure the Indonesian housekeepers assignment only to country that
has Foreign Labors Protection Regulation and System
5) To discontinue permanently the assignment to countries which violate
Indonesian housekeepers rights
C. Long Term Period

1) To stop fully and permanently Indonesian Housekeepers assignment

to abroad. Based on interview conducted in Immigration office of
the first class Malang and Labor office Singosari Malang, some
explanations could be analysed are following:
1) In resolving the labor problem, we need to relate it with the less number
of job vacancy in Indonesia. If Moratorium 2017 is realized in the future,
then there will be an increasing rate of jobless in Indonesia every year.
The territorial policy itself has multi perception to this kind of policy. For
this case, moratorium is considered being able to lower society welfare
due to a lot of people hang up their fate to be Indonesia migrants labor
There will be a lot of Indonesian people lost their job due this
For this reason, it needs government action to decrease the rate of
jobless in Indonesia through alternative policy to increase their income.
Government also has to understand the condition of placement country
or those countries that have bilateral cooperation in labor so called as
G to G such as Japan and Indonesia that have had an agreement
through MoU.

Government must be serious to suppress any practices which loss the

migrant worker, such as Kartu tanda kerja luar negri (KTKLN), passport,
training, and assignment that result to they have to bear additional
cost. If Government policy pertaining to Moratorium Indonesia 2017
terkait Penghentian Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Sektor Domestik is
established in 3 years ahead, this period is considered not a long period
for a policy which affects a lot of people as the number of Indonesian
labor is about 512,816 people

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