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The Approximation of the Distance of Two: Chapter 1: The Reception for Joining Clubs is Over Here; Past: 42 days

Volume 5: Chapter 1: Parts 1 and 2
I decided to combine parts 1 and 2 from my personal blog (this is kuu-tsundere btw) so that its all in one place.
Past: 42 days ago
The last day of the Freshman Recruiting Week is specially called the Shinkan Festival, which was on a Friday (tl/n: Shin = new, Kan =
recommendation). This wasnt named after someone. Its only called that way because it seems to be easier to say it that way.
The special week itself continued on for a week.
On Monday after school, the same as with their orientation, the first years were gathered in the gymnasium again. Monday was Student
Council. After that was every other committee. From Tuesday, more and more clubs went up on the stage. They had competed with each
others clubs surprisingly wonderful appeals. Anyway, because of the large number of organizations, the orientation was held for four days.
I expect it to be the same as last years but the recruiting had become boring that the first years were quickly going home. This year, its
because the recruiting side will have to somewhat spy on them. On Tuesday, while accompanying Chitanda, I peeked a little at the
The time allotted to each club is five minutes. Within that time, the Drama Club performed a short skit; the Clothing Research Society did a
fashion show; the Choral Club, along with the Acapella Club, vividly showed the difference of their music, while the extremely sports-minded
Track and Field Club showed a running high jump at the overly crowded mat.
There are also clubs with disadvantages. The Fortune Telling Research Society has only one member.There is a pretense to that person
that I cant seem to like. With calmness in her voice, she roughly explains the history of the Kabbalah. The microphone was quickly put back
after that. I cant say that the Cooking Club was better. No way would they be allowed to start cooking on stage. At the weekend club
recruitment, we will be entertaining you with some wild vegetable dishes so please come, they had stayed to announce. The Go Club
showed a game of Go. I also concluded that it was a failure. Without having a demonstration board, nobody in the audience knew where they
were striking the stones. At least its a good thing that there was a person clearly shouting out where they were hit at; apparently, there are
only two members, no others. Time froze.
Although the Go Club was in an unfortunate situation, that wasnt the case. The five minutes was unexpected and long. Classic Literature
Clubs appeal was set aside to Thursday. Because of the renewal of students, Satoshi and Ibara have been busy that they mostly havent
been able to show their faces in the clubroom. Only on Wednesday was everybody present.
What are we gonna do?
I said. Meaning another five minutes passed without nothing being said. What exactly can we do that will be of meaning?
Anyways, lets do our best, Ibara said without any perseverance in it itself.
Thats true, lets do our best!
If somebody chimed in like that,
What are we doing our best on? is what I would have unfortunately said.
You were just about to say that, huh.
Being the president for the time being, normally I should tell a story that would show the appeal of the Classics Literature Club, but
Chitanda also is being evasive. Of course, Im certain that shes hesitating to say I couldnt figure out what that certain appeal would be.
I think that even if we make Chitanda go up on stage and make people join, somebody will come either way.
Hey, youre just pushing your own responsibilities onto somebody else!
No, Im okay with that.
Chitanda was pacifying an enraged Ibara.
Its because I am aware that it is menial of me to ask a favor like that.
Although Chitandas authority is strong, it is also full of sincerity. Speaking of authority, complete devotion with tricks dont work. If all the
materials of persuasion were gathered here, then Chitandas method also could be used effectively. Unfortunately, the color for her hand had
already been chosen.
Nonetheless, as what Ibara said, I was ignoring my own problems. If I was pulled in front of a herd of first years, I could probably only say
things like Its a club that doesnt do anything but because it has a designated club room, we will welcome you if you want to join.
But if it was left to Ibara, then Ill still be anxious.

I never thought of Chi-chan as such, okay? If it was me, I wouldnt have said anything good anyways
By the looks of it, it seems that she knows it too.
If thats the case, then theres only one person left here.
Satoshi made a worried face but his eyes were laughing.
Its okay as long as its appropriate right? If I dont have other plans, then Ill do it. I think that I could waste some time.
And that was Satoshis turn.
Thursdays going to be as good as it gets. Chitanda and you two should decide by Friday. If you plan on using electricity or things like fire,
then you need to turn in an application by tomorrow.
Looking like a committee member who just seemed to forget to mention that, Satoshi got up and left. And later on I learned that the reason
he was busy was because he was elected as Vice Chairman.
And Thursday after school. Fukube Satoshi, who became the representative for the Classics Club, went up on the gymnasium stage all by
himself and said, On the way here, I heard the sounds of the hammers of the Construction Club go Tenkatotta, tenkatotta.I bet a lot of
people are going to be willing to join that club. We are the Classics Club, or something like that with a cleverly thought-out story to break the
ice. (tl/n: tenkatotta sounds like , which basically means taking over the world.) A story mixed with some humor will just about
tempt the first years to laugh. He had talked without any pause or hesitation in exactly four minutes and thirty seconds. As Satoshi exits the
stage, he received scattered and pattering applauses. The Abacus Club that was up next then immediately came out.
Even until now, I cant help but admire my old friends great talent.
Because, at the end of the day, Satoshis talk had completely nothing to do with the Classics Club. One can talk for as long as they need to
even if they didnt talk about their club. A wonderful talent that which one cannot just imitate.
And then Friday. It was sunny.
In front of Kamiyama High Schools building, whether it was the school grounds or the turnaround, there was space for several shrubs.
During lunch break, each club and General Affairs Committee set up their tables there. Because of the shrubs, the tables werent set up in a
straight line. Left and right, several tables bordering on the edge of the curving road came into view.
I went for the Classics Club. Satoshi, being a General Affairs committee member, had work. Although my motto was If I dont have to do it, I
wont, I wont even think of forcing Ibara or Chitanda to do physical labor all the same. I carried over the table and folding chairs as I was told
to as lunch break ended. During afternoon classes, looking down from the window of the classroom, the venue was being built. Dozens of the
tables were being arranged in the school grounds looked like that of a maze. It appeared to have some kind of meaning to it.
Before the bell that signaled end of class, the atmosphere of 2-As classroom became filled with restlessness. Everywhere, there were
whispers from the preparations to being the first being exchanged.
There was also a short-tempered guy wearing an armband with the words certain victory inside the classroom from among us. There was
even a teddy bear on top of the guys table. As to what club hes in, I have no idea. I understand the reason behind their being impatient.
Even with the preparation for recruitment, everything was useless because the first years were going to be getting out of class later. Having a
head start is crucial.
With the bell ringing, it is now after school. My classmates rushed and surged out of the classroom like an avalanche. I bet that the
classrooms of both second years and third years would be a sight to behold. Somewhat reluctantly, I too joined the end of the avalanche.
Posters and banners affixed alongside the tables in the school grounds. Standing and handheld signs appear one after the other. I caught
sight of just Come to the Chemistry Club! A hot reaction between you and I, If you are betting your youth Ah Exactly! Basketball would
be the right choice, If making things makes you happy, if you enjoy dressing up Fashion Club, The blue sky is already dead, learn more
about the truth about history when you join*, One more person, we have 11 already. Soccer club. (tl/n: Originally I
believe this is something called ateji, which in this case, they were using the meanings of the characters and not how theyre supposed to be
pronounced?) The cheering squad was carrying out the clubs flag while the cheerleaders were forming a circle. And over there, from the
Baking Club, the fragrance of black tea began to drift while here, the Tea Club is diligently spreading the mats in preparation for an open-tea
ceremony. And somewhere, with matching headbands, the Broadcasting Club seems to be fired up. After the bell rang, about 10 minutes had
passed as hell broke loose. (tl/n: hell broke loose = loud bang from drums; Oreki was likening it to the sound of drums. Couldnt think of a
better way to phrase it.)
The plan was for recruitment to start halfway towards three oclock and for everything to be cleaned up come six oclock. This madness that
occurs for about two hours at most is nicknamed Shinkan Festival. Shinkan came from Freshman Reception that then became
Freshman Solicitation, which seems similar to this school. (tl/n: Shinkan > Shinnyuuseikangei > Shinnyuuseikanyuu; Kangei and kanyuu
both have kan at the beginning. Play on words I guess.)
While most of the clubs are using one long table, it depends on the number of members, popularity, and something that cant be seen that is
a political factor. There are also clubs that have been assigned with fewer, larger tables. No matter where each club comes from, the
arrangement has been decided beforehand. We have been told that the Classics Clubs is the 17th table. I was searching restlessly for it
Oreki-san, over here,
Chitanda called me with her voice.

I didnt expect much but sure enough, table 17 was in the corner of the venue. On the table was a paper that stood with the words Classics
Club written on it. The brushwork was hurried yet elegant. Although the sign cant be seen much and may not possibly be able to invite
people, we didnt discuss about preparing this thing. While my expression couldnt be read, Chitandas was less troubled as she laughed and
I had to do a temporary sign during lunch break. I wish I could have thought of a cuter one but I couldnt.
So this is Chitandas handwriting huh? Normally the writing should be written more formally but instead, it was unexpectedly written in a
carefree manner. But, as somebody else would say, Its not cute. Although it would have been better if Ibara had drawn a character instead,
whats done is done.
Sitting down on the folding chair, Chitanda still had on her black coat. Her sailor uniforms white color and tie can be seen since the first
button is open. I also was still wearing my white trenchcoat. Although the Shinkan Festival is full of excitement, this years April is still cold. By
turning and looking around, most students were wearing heavy clothing regardless of the promoting so close to each other.
The Classic Clubs assigned neighbors are the Sumi-e Club and the Hyakunin Isshu club (a/n: Sumi-e, or suibokuga, is called ink wash
painting, a kind of art in East Asia. If youve seen the game Okami, its that art style. Hyakunin Isshu lit. means one hundred people, one
poem; a type of karuta a Japanese traditional card game that consists of waka or poems). There is only one person in both tables. I am
forced to pass through the gap to get to the inside of the table with a small hello. With the colored paper that has Classics Club written on it
being in the middle, I sat down alongside Chitanda.
Satoshi isnt able to come to this place. The committee has been very busy so it cant be helped. And then,
As I thought, Mayaka-san isnt able to come.
Is it because of the Manga Club?
It seems to be that way but it appears to be that she wasnt able to go there either.
I nodded silently. I heard that Ibaras situation with the Manga Club is complicated. It would probably be hard to bump into the people at
Manga Club here at the grounds. However, that would only trouble Ibara if she had come. Though it seemed large when I was carrying it,
now that Im sitting infront of it, the table doesnt seem to be as big as I thought it was.
In fact, it seems small.
Although theres only the two of us sitting together, its too close that its a little suffocating. Though it would be better if Chitanda were to
notice and move her chair a little bit Unfortunately, there is no unique way to measure the distance between other people. Shes the type
that wouldnt mind if our shoulders are too close that theyre touching already.
I take a small breath. Lets try to not mind it much then. It wasnt just us who was feeling cramped. For example, scoping the place, it seems
that the panels of both the Photography Club and the Global Act Club are too close. They are starting to promotion in that they are already
buried in their works.
Anyways, as I turn around to face forward, a freshman was being caught without having done any work.
On one hand, the freshman looks nervously with an inquisitive face. They, who had just heavily left the atmosphere of middle school, came
over little by little. With the prey approaching, I have a feeling that somewhere, I heard a sound of somebody licking their lips. The Shinkan
Festival grounds is gradually filling up with false smiles.
The Classics Club cant help but give in either. Come on, boys and girls, come closer. If youre not in a hurry, please look at what we have to
offer. If you are very happy with the Classics Club, the reception for joining the club is over here.
After five minutes, I got tired.
After all, no one can stand still for that long.
I wonder what is it that we could do to be able to catch somebody at least.
I murmured as I watch the new students gradually increase before me. Chitanda slowly put both her hands on top of the other on her thighs
as she laughed without looking over at me.
It would be convenient if we had birdlime with us. (tl/n: (from wiki) birdlime is an adhesive substance used in trapping birds.)
Although I know what the word is, Ive never seen birdlime before. At least I know what a butterfly net is. But leaving that aside,
Wouldnt a mist net be as efficient?
Although you might be right, its illegal.
I wont tell anyone.
Are you the type to ignore the red light in the middle of the night, Oreki-san?
Im the type that doesnt go out at night.

The conversation is becoming too unproductive and I am beginning to feel miserable.

You look like you babysit.
Theres no nearby traffic lights within my neighborhood.
This is really unproductive.
Ive hidden a paperback in the pocket of my coat, just in case something like this happened. The short stories were left half-read. In a
receptionist-like manner and still facing forward, Chitanda said.
When youre free, you may read.
Then finally, Chitanda turned around to look in my direction and smiled softly.
But nobody
No. Please, behave yourself.
Understood. I was just about to return my book in my pocket. Well, if I think about it, one seems to obviously be impossible to read a book
while the other is having a hard time calling out to first years. Even if I were to say that Ill stay as I am, sitting down, then it just get colder
towards the evening. I put my hands behind my head.
When its free time, itll be the same for Chitanda too. Even if her sense of responsibility is strong, because she is neither a stock nor a stone,
she will get bored if nothing happens (a/n: stock nor stone in this case means unfeeling person). I was facing front when there seemed to be
a person who suddenly looked away amidst the bustling promoting.
The person began to disappear. While watching that, I somehow said.
I wonder if places can have curses.
Yes, I wonder if they do,
Was the immediate reply. Id rather not have had the words come out at all. After a while, Chitanda turned to look, tilting her head to the side.
Would you rather not have things like that?
I wonder what she meant by that. Strongly trying not to think about it, I lean back on the folding chair.
I think there are. Like the shopping district, or those beside the big roads. Compared to other shops, those places dont appear to be bad.
Somehow, those kinds of shops get bankrupt easily. And although they are shops, customers never come in. There are places like that, is
what I wanted to say.
Ahh I understand. Places that are always reopening. It does seem weird, but then you forgot that the signs infront of those stores are
replaced, dont they?
That is true. If its just a vacant lot, then you wouldnt know whether there was a building there before.
And then Chitanda urged me to continue with her eyes as she nodded. Avoiding those eyes, I turned my face away a little bit. Dodging the
situation, I rapped the long table using the back of my hand.
I feel there here has one too.
By here, you mean this place?
In a way.
Part of the column of the table is placed along the edge of the shrubs. From the floor plan that was distributed by the General Affairs
Committee, the Classics Clubs place was determined to be in the middle of it. However, when I look at the line of people for quite some time,
it seems that the floor plan was poorly made.
From our point of view, the first years entranceway becomes the backside. The first years who are heading towards the front gate arent
showing any interest in this uproar as it is. To begin with, they couldnt even see the Classics Clubs table. However, I think that if one looks at
something once more and thinks about it, then the surroundings and what is in front of us will slightly work together. If one only wants to see
the flow of people, then this places first impression, I think, wouldnt be bad at all.
I wonder whats wrong with the first years. Their feet arent slowly stopping at all. Chitandas handwriting on the Classics Clubs colored paper
isnt even grabbing any attention.
An atmosphere where its hard to even stop by, we dont have that kind of feel to us, do we?
Staring for a while at the people passing infront of us, Chitanda slowly laughs.

I think that the main problem is us not calling out to them however
In the grounds, every club was fluttering about, calling out to the first years. Oh! You seem like you like quizzes! I know that youve been
looking for the Quiz Club, right? Then, heres the first question! Lets have an English debate! Your grades in English will certainly go up! It
will normally go up! No, no! From the rule, from teaching! Its easy to remember! If you remember the movement of gold and silver, then
thats as good! Do you suck at cooking? Thats okay! Because the Cooking Clubs going to help you turn your bad cooking into great ones!
If you stop by our clubroom, we might cook something up for you! Astronomy Club! The Astronomy Clubs right over here! Stars are what
we love. Love Planet! However, you wouldnt normally be able to see the sky. If you noticed from both of our sides, the Sumi-e club and the
Hyakunin Isshu club are actively challenging students passing by.
Somebody silently complained Wont someone at least stop by? That person may have possibly pulled a muscle a bit.
But on the other hand, Chitanda also said.
I think it is simply because of whats directly opposite of us that we are at a bit of a disadvantage, right?
As she said that, she pointed it out with her eyes.
That is, along the road, infront of the willing students is a large-scale event that seems to have grown. On a banner, it contained the letters
We ___ tea time In addition to this years western calendar, panda and cat mascots are now embroidered with beads. The banner is
The black teas aroma drifted. On the table were two thermoses, paper cups, the club recruitment forms and a pen. The athletic people would
drink straight from gold-colored kettle that lay on their table. On the edge of the table, there lay a tabletop stove. It seems that that shiny
kettle can easily be filled with ten-something liters. At the moment, the stoves fire isnt on.
And something looked out of place. On the edge of the opposite side of the stove stood a pumpkin. An armful of orange pumpkins were cut
out to represent the eyes and mouth, much like a Halloween pumpkin head. Does Halloween happen during April?
On the inside part for the staff were two female girls. They only had an apron on top of their sailor uniform. And yet, they were full of high
spirits that they seemed to be repelling the cold. Sandwiched in the space between the stove and the pumpkins, they were showing off with a
Now lets eat! Beloved cookies-! Okay, lets do this!
Theres no strange drugs in it. You ate it. If Iyou eat, you lose. You want to join us? Look, you didnt put it in. I cant help it, I want more to
join our club! The club recruitment form is over here!
Yes, these are the cookies we mentioned. Because you wouldnt want it to choke you, please also drink this black tea
While saying that, the thermos was lifted and the black tea was poured into the paper cup.
Ah! You there! You seem like you love cookies!
Ah, thats true. You have a nice-looking cookie face. Please have some. Oh, no reason at all so please have some.
I think Ive seen those two from somewhere. Wonder who they are? But it seems that I dont recognize their faces at all.
Surprisingly, they prepared a lot of cookies. They were distributing each and every one of them. I dont know if that kind of promoting is
successful but numerous students are stopping by.
The Baking Club?
Yes. People are being attracted over there. It seems that the Classics Club is being completely overlooked, right?
Using their own food, those unfair guys are trying to lure in others. Next is theyll be thinking of messing around with their neighbors since
theyre the gracious elites. Chitanda looks suspicious. Her eyes are set still on the Baking Clubs table, not even stirring an inch from it.
Dont tell me I said in a timid voice.
Eh, ah, what is it?
Chitanda turned her head around in a surprised manner as I tried to ask.
By any chance
Do you want a cookie?
Slightly thinking about it, Chitanda said with a serious face.
Itd be a lie if I said I didnt want one.

Ill go get one if you want.

Thank you very much. But no, leaving that aside
Thinking it over again, she turned to look at the Baking Club again.
Dont you think theres something weird about them?
Tempted to do so, I looked at it again one more time. The high-spirited pair. The thermoses, paper cups and the club recruitment forms. The
tabletop stove, kettle, pumpkins and cookies.
Well, in terms of something weird, there doesnt seem to be anywhere that seems so. Before long, all I know so far is that the high spirits of
the Baking Club seems weird.
However, with the exception of one or two things, there is something that seems strange.
That is true. Weird.
I carelessly spoke. Chitanda suddenly turned around. Due to the small tables, with her sudden movement, I could feel her closeness so
much that I had unconsciously pull back.
Eh? Where does it look weird?
Where- You said it so yourself! That theres something weird.
Or would It is weird. Just the Baking Club itself, its already weird sound better for an advanced mind game?
Giving the cookie distributing activity a sidelong glance, Chitanda murmured.
That is true but the truth is, for a while, I cant figure out what it is thats weird. Thats strange, is what I thought but its frustrating.
Ah, maybe its that-
Please wait!
I stopped. I swallowed the words I was about to say.
Dont tell me yet, please. Because Im still thinking about it right now. Yes, somehow, Ill know what it is.
Although there were a lot of things to be said, I couldnt say anything at all. While I think that some things are unusual, I could closely see
Chitandas profile as she looks at the Baking Club.
Before long, her eyes settled on one thing.
Its the pumpkin. That pumpkin feels a little out of place.
The eyes drilled into triangles into the orange-colored skin, the jaggedly cut mouth. No matter where or how you look at it, although its a
traditional Jack-o-lantern, I very well know the feeling when I keep an eye over there.
After that, however, she began to elaborate.
That kind of pumpkin is unauthorized in Japan Its different. Its a garden variety of the Pepo pumpkin (tl/n: Pepo pumpkin has orange
skin, pumpkins in Japan are usually green I believe).
Is that so?
Although that pumpkin is an autumn squash, if it were preserved as long as needed, its still strange that it hasnt decayed at all.
I see.
Its not a common commercial crop. I dont think theres any family in Kamiyama Town that grows those.
Thats surprising.
But then, you could normally purchase them at the supermarket. Is it domestic, or is it imported
Why dont you try to considering them as farm products instead!
That doesnt seem to be where the problem is. Up until now, Ive neatly missed the mark. But as I kept my silence, it seems like it was the
wrong thing to do.
Chitanda was muttering a few words before finally letting out a small sigh.
Its no good anymore! I dont understand. I give up! Im curious as to why that pumpkin is here

She coyly looked a little apologetic.

Im curious!
If it was any other day, I would have thought that this was a nuisance.
Chitandas everlasting curiosity is not only troublesome to my energy-saving principle but also to the Classics Club. Now that I think calmly
about it, even though I solved most of them, it doesnt benefit me. But even if that was the case, I wonder why I still associate myself with her.
I myself dont know why. I think its probably because of Chitandas big eyes.
However, Chitanda saying that she was curious at a place like this, it doesnt seem particularly troublesome today.
Anyway, I should be allowed to be able to read a book while Im here in the inner side of the table since I cant just get up and leave
immediately. After all, since all I could do is just sit here, talking about something wouldnt be such a bad thing.
That is, what Chitanda said seems to clear up most of the identity of a feeling that somethings a little off. This conversation is unlikely to last
long. I said.
That pumpkin is big, right?
Chitanda titled her head to the side.
As it is of the Pepo kind, then it is particularly large
How I phrased it was bad.
Theres an armful of them, isnt there? At least theyre considerably bigger than this colored paper, which is the Classics Clubs sign.
Pointing to the visually colored paper, finally, she appears to have nodded her approval.
That is true. Theyre big.
Its placed on the edge of the table. And on the opposite side is the tabletop stove. And yet, in the space between the two, those two people
from the Baking Club were able to distribute the cookies during the commotion. But then, for our table, it becomes cramped with just two
people sitting side by side.
Eh! Was it cramped?
As I thought, she still hasnt thought of that.
However that may be. With the interruption in the crowd where a gap appeared, in the position to see from a slight distance, I wonder if I
wouldnt be able to grasp its sense of distance. The answer to Chitandas question is simple really.
The table that the Baking Club is using is larger compared to ours. During lunch, I went out to set up, thats why I know. Several clubs are
using larger tables. You didnt know that there were tables with different sizes. Thats why you have that uncomfortable feeling, am I right?
She let out in that voice.
But Chitandas facial expression didnt perk up.
The table is large. I could see that from the distance between the stove and the pumpkin. Someone wouldnt have realized it from that. But
thats now what I was curious about So why would they put a pumpkin there?
Why and how did it arrive, huh? Thats a difficult one.
Is there a reason to putting ornaments? There doesnt seem to be anything wrong with Halloween decorations when giving out cookies.
Dont they have a sense for seasons?
Chitanda is sending a glance at the Baking Club.
Let me phrase my question a bit differently. What happens when there is no pumpkin over there?
Saying that, I tried to imagine as it is. From the table that has a tabletop stove and a kettle on top, what if I remove the pumpkin from it?
Surprisingly, Im feeling clear-headed.
That is true.
And then, turning around to face me, she slowly emphasized and said.
If that pumpkin wasnt there, then the Baking Club would have more space to use, dont you think so?

I had a feeling she was going to say something like that.

By placing a decorative pumpkin, the Baking Club narrowed their own space. Yet the girls dont look particularly cramped.
Then that means that theres still some extra left of the Baking Clubs space. Nevertheless, the Baking Club was assigned a larger table.
The Baking Club doesnt deserve that large table. Is that what you wanted to say?
Chitanda gave a small shake of the head.
Thats not what I wanted to say. Just that, the Baking Club would still be able to use a table the same size as ours. Yet why were they
assigned a larger table?
It was the General Affairs Committee that appointment the location assignments. Of course, they were also the ones who appointed which
clubs get large tables. For example, since the Brass Band Club is a big club, then they need to use a larger table. Thats not unnatural.
However, the Baking Club isnt a big club. Actually, theres only two people doing the promotion at the moment.
Possibility number one. With an abundance of large tables, the excess was given to any club that needed it originally. And then the Baking
Clubs turn came.
Do you think so?
For the time being, she presented me a straightforward question to the words I just said. I was at a loss for words.
"That seems to be the case. If that is true, then that would just be weird since the Photography Club and the Flower Arrangement Club has so
many people in it.
I had seen the Photography Club be buried in their own works. Chitanda pointing out the Flower Arrangement Club was worse. The result
was a gorgeous flower arrangement work neatly lined up on the table. Compared to the flower arrangement, the Photography Clubs works
look more like a jungle. What matters though is the fact that the faces of the Flower Arrangement Club couldnt be seen. They probably didnt
even think of preparing one work per person. By the looks of it, the arrangement doesnt seem to be enough for them. Besides, I was
thinking that theres not much larger tables to begin with.
There are a lot of clubs that have large tables that prepared displays. At the Baking Club, they can put up with a regularly sized long table.
That should be true as long as they operate normally. Then?
Possibility number two. The Baking Club has some connections in the General Affairs Committee. They bribed them or something like that
and wrested a large table.
The Freshmen Solicitation is survival of the fittest. Between those who took their time and those who aimlessly didnt take any measures, it is
a foolish argument. The question is seeing the vanity of the cold sense of the world. Chitanda had a bit of a sad look in her eyes but soon
That way, those two from the Baking Club wrested a large table
To put their pumpkins on it.
Its no good. Fundamentally, theres a contradiction. If you dont effectively utilize something, then theres no point in wresting it.
Dare I think about it, if the Bakery Club is using the large table, then its unfair for the club that was going to get that table in the first place.
That may be possible. Meaning, the Baking Club harassing somebody for the securement of a large table is only a hypothesis. That theory
wont do either. But a plausible theory isnt far from the truth (a/n: lit. theres a gutter/ditch between a possible theory and the truth). I dont
believe in that kind of story where logic wins and Chitanda does too, right?
Lets cross out that theory. Possibility number three.
As a matter of fact, I was secretly thought if this one would likely be the answer. I had cited two already. Well, this is just to kill time.
I tried to gather in as less words as I could.
The Baking Club is using a specific device and because of that, they had to turn in a request. For the sake of safety, they were assigned a
large table to use that has wide space.
That is?
Its a situation wherein you have to request before you use something and there is something that fulfills that.
Its fire. The tabletop stove.
Hearing that, Chitanda thinks it over in her head as she looks at the Baking Clubs table once again.

For the sake of using that, the Baking Club came to use a large table. Using fire in a narrow space is dangerous, right? The only place that
you could place a stove at is a large table. Thats why they placed the pumpkins, to help balance it out. Doesnt this make sense?
And with that explanation, the truth about the pumpkin is revealed. Though I had some trouble thinking of it, with this, Chitanda should also
be content.
And with that thought, I am content. Chitanda was staring at the Baking Clubs table and as usual, the Baking Club members were still
continuing to distribute the cookies and black tea.
During that time, I became a little nervous. Chitanda slowly turned around.
Indeed, thats amazing is what I want to say but
I looked at the same thing Chitanda did. The thermoses. The paper cups. The tabletop stove and kettle.
That. Gas. Burner. Is. Not. Being. Used.
At the moment, nobodys using the fire. That I could see.
However, from what was just said, Chitanda still wouldnt let case go.
What are you saying? Although its not being used at the moment, itll be used later on.
At the moment, they are pouring the black tea from the thermos into paper cups. However, if they continue with the distribution, sooner or
later, theyll run out. At that time, then theyll have to boil some water with that stove.
Even a kindergartener would know the answer to that!
Suddenly, Chitanda brought her face closer. I met her upturned eyes. Big eyes that could see through you, even down to the deepest part of
the heart.
Oreki-san, just now with what I said, you thought I was stupid, right?
Thats not-
So you thought I was stupid?
Even a kindergartener would have thought that to be an understandable reason.
Leaning back as she moved forward, Chitanda wryly says.
Just because I didnt say anything about it doesnt mean I didnt think of it. Watch and youll understand.
Chitanda has good eyesight, smell and hearing. She might also have good taste. With the five senses, I wonder if I didnt notice something I
should have.
I dont see anything.
Its the same thing as what Oreki-san is looking at.
It doesnt mean Im sulking about it. With that, I try looking for it. I considered looking closely myself.
Something that would never be of interest to somebody.
That kettle is brand new, huh? Rather than new, maybe it hasnt been put on top of the fire even once.
But just because its new doesnt mean I can be sure that it wont be used later on. While Chitanda glanced and smiled, it is unlikely that
shell say anything. If thats the case, then is it something else?
The Baking Club are distributing the black tea. Theyre pouring the black tea from the thermos into the paper cups. Supposing that they run
out of tea, then, of course, theyll have to boil some more.
No, thats not it. You cant boil black tea if you dont have something.
Ah, I see. Even if the Baking Club boils water over there, then thats all they can do as its useless.
I know. The thing you were talking about, its the tea leaves, isnt it?
Thats right.
And Chitanda seemingly puffed out her chest.

The Baking Club is distributing cookies with black tea. If theyre only boiling the water and not using it for making black tea, then it doesnt
make sense. Yet they dont have any tea leaves on that table. They might have brewed the tea at a different location beforehand. The tea
then must have been transferred to the thermoses, right?
Though I admit that her five senses are impressive, I hardly thought of Chitandas insight was excellent. Although I dont think that Im
frustrated with her getting ahead of me, I tried to find one fault in it.
The tea leaves may have been placed inside the thermos. If you pour in hot water, soon itll become black tea. If not, then they can just
continue with putting it in the kettle.
Oreki-san Dont tell me, youve never brewed tea?
I couldnt say anything.
The truth is, its just as she said. As it is, I prefer coffee but I never drank tea other than when I occasionally buy them from the vending
machine. Not to mention brew something, not even once. With the feeling like I was confessing a crime, I couldnt say that.
If you do it that way, it will steadily become bitterer. Thats why you use a teapot with a tea strainer. You brew with one tea dispenser at a
time. Even if a tea bag is used, a certain amount of time needs to pass before you pull it out.
Is that so?
It is.
So thats how it is. Though I cant say anything since Im not well-informed about it, I do know that there are no tea leaves for brewing tea on
top of the Baking Clubs table. If we assume that the thing prepared inside the thermos is tea, then that means that they brew the tea at some
other place, which makes what I said earlier invalid.
Im becoming more and more curious about this.
And if its like that then the Baking Club prepared the stove but they didnt intend to use it from the start. Seeing that its not being used, just
like with the pumpkin, it was only a decoration.
I think a little.
But yet, seeing the stove over there, the only possible reason you could think of is that the Baking Club asked permission to use a stove and
for safety measures, they were assigned a larger table, right? Thats weird. That is unlikely to address the use of that stove. Then that
means What does that mean?
It makes you wonder, right?
It had surprisingly become a bother. Although I associated myself with the Shinkan Festival because I thought it would only be a waste of
time, I wonder if it wont have a long lasting effect on me. Driven by such anxiety, I suddenly looked away from Chitanda. At the same time,
Chitanda also took her gaze away.
And then, before my eyes, there was a person standing.
Although its spring, they had darkish tanned skin. Hair that was cut short. Indeed they does seem active and brave, but I cant say the same
for her looks and appearance. If you dont look at the sailor uniform peeping through the voluminous blouson with the zipper down, then
youd wonder whether she was a girl or a boy. Chitanda and I saw her nearly at the same time. I was not only belittling the fact that right now,
we are in the middle of the Shinkan Festival, but also that nobody would be coming at all. I wonder since when has she been standing there.
Catching us off guard with not saying anything, she put her hands inside the pockets of her blouson as she gave a small bow.
Hello, nice to meetcha.
And then, with a grin, she laughed.
Chitanda quickly came to her senses.
Ah, uhm, are you perhaps somebody who wishes to join the club? I am Chitanda, the Classics Club president.
The girl with the blouson laughed as she answered. Thats not what Im here for, but when I look around at all the clubs, they talk about interesting things.
Call me Oohinata. Im a first year.
I dont recognize that name. Since Chitanda doesnt sound familiar, it is an unusual surname. If I heard a name like that, I dont think Id be able to forget
it. However, even if I do say so myself, such a method is unreliable, given that Im not good at remembering peoples faces or names.
But I think Ive seen her face somewhere before. If Im recognizing a first year, then theres only one reason.
Kaburaya Middle School?
Turning to look at me, Oohinata laughed in an extremely glad way.


And nodded. Shes a person with clear expressions.

I see.
As far as it goes, shes equivalent to a kouhai.
Although I thought I should say something about Kaburaya Middle School, I kept silent as there was nothing in particular I wanted to say or hear regarding
From the side, Chitanda said, Since the recruitment is only for the time being, how about it? We the Classics Club, that is, we do a lot of things.
We do a lot of things; thats a good one.
But it seems like itd be difficult. Its things like reading Chinese characters, right? If its Japanese though, Id probably like it.
No, thats too much. Of course, if you want to do that then you can.
Hmm But
Although Oohinata listened absent-mindedly, she suddenly crouched down, bringing her face close to Chitanda.
My friend often says that you should finish the things you start. So senpai, in the end, whats the deal with the pumpkin?
What, she overheard?
When did you start listening?
She tugged on her lips as she thought it over.
From when you were saying, if you want a cookie, its okay if I go.
Thats not from the beginning, is it!? Chitanda almost raised her voice to a scream. Looking at her, I could clearly see her cheeks turning red.
Didnt you hear everything? Thats so embarrassing.
I wondered what was said that she found so embarrassing.
Reacting to such an unexpected response, even Oohinata recoiled a bit.
Uhm, Im sorry. I didnt mean it like that. Its just I stopped because I was curious about what happened to the pumpkin. And then it was because the
story was steadily moving forward. I dont think that those people even thought that much about the purpose of the pumpkins. And also,
She quickly bowed her head.
Im sorry.
No Its okay, but While saying that, Chitanda covered her mouth with her hand as she coughed. Oohinata looked awkward as she kept her head
bowed a moment longer, but quickly returned to normal.
So Whats wrong with the pumpkin?
I understand with Chitanda, but why is this first year burning with curiosity about it? Thats what I thought, but in any case, seeing as weve come this far
already, theres no turning back now. I thought back to where we left off.
Im pretty sure it was at the point where they werent expecting to also use the gas burner. And because they are using a large table, they thought to use a
lot of pumpkins as decorations. And since they requested to use a tabletop gas burner, they were assigned a large table. But in fact, the gas burner isnt
being used. Thats whats weird. Was this the place?
I said looking over at Chitanda, who looked down and didnt even answer. It seems she was really embarrassed. Ever since Chitanda joined the club, shed
brought various problems to us, but Id never seen her act like this. What was it that she minded so much?
If we take this into consideration, what happens?
In the clamor of the surroundings, with a voice that wont lose to the noise, Oohinata said,
Those people, they had originally intended to use the gas burner, for reasons other than brewing black tea. But then later on, they changed their plans, not
needing it anymore. But since they said theyd be using it, they decided to put it there for the time being.
I see.


As soon as I heard her reasoning, it hit me. It seems she was listening really carefully to our story. Although I couldnt say that she hit the mark.
But in order for those guys to put out sweets and tea, they would have needed to decide on it in advance. At least, it means they didnt decide on it today.
They were sure then of bringing black tea and sweets to the Shinkan Festival. In addition to that, to think they had a plan for using the gas burner, I cant
approve of that.
You dont know that. If they had the tea and ingredients ready, they could still be on time if they decided it today, right? If they prepared everything in the
morning, wouldnt they be ready to bake during lunch time?
Indeed, the Baking Club might have had a few ingredients on hand for the cookies. But thats not where the problem was. I raised my arm to point over at
The cookies, yes. But they wouldnt have been able to prepare that banner if they had only decided today.
On the hanging banner that said We ____ tea time on it, beads had been used to embroider the words. Making such an elaborate thing during their spare
class time would have been difficult.
If they decided to do a tea time before the Shinkan Festival, then they could take the time to make something like that.
Oohinata looked unsatisfied.
Well, but, now that you mention it, it would be difficult.
At the sight of that expression, I think I failed. Because I dont really have an obligation to clarify anything to Oohinata, I could have quickly said
something like thats possible instead. As an advocate of energy conservation, I made the wrong choice.
Well then, uh
I thought for a moment. Although Oohinata didnt consider the pumpkin being the only thing that was strange, she was quite enthusiastic about this
mystery. And though she told us earlier about finishing what we started, that was probably just her personal belief all along.
Not thinking of anything else, Oohinata bitterly glared at the Baking Club.
For the most part, Ive decided that such bad people-
And I said, Calling them bad people is mean. Even so, Ive eaten those guys sweets.
Did you go and get some when they were distributing them?
They were offering them during the Cultural Festival. Well, why did you just call them bad people?
After intently looking at the Baking Club once more, Oohinata puffed up her chest and said, A friend was saying that since they dont have their nametags
out, theyre definitely shady people.
I wonder. Regardless of the occasion, we are not excused from walking around without our nametags on, so I had Oreki Houtarou dangling from my
chest. Or was that some kind of metaphor? While I was confused as to how I should answer, Chitanda suddenly lifted her head up.
Thats it!
Eh, wh-what is?
What Oohinata-san said. Youre amazing, thats what the problem really is!
Surprised, Oohinata stepped back. Chitanda, please dont startle the innocent first-year.
What do you mean by that?
Chitanda turned her intense gaze to me, seeming to have a question for me.
The pumpkin being put there is whats strange.
Thats why were talking about it.
No, thats not what I mean. What Im saying is this, Chitanda said as she pointed. On top of our table is a single piece of promotional material, a colored
paper with Classics Club written on it.
I had thought that there was something wrong; something that the Baking Club was missing.
To the enthusiastic Chitanda, from the side, Oohinata seemed to timidly ask, Uhm Just now, you said the word seika-ken, but what does that
abbreviation mean? (tl/n: Seika-ken, or Baking Club, is short for Baking Research Society.)


As she said it, thats when I finally noticed. I see. Something that the Baking Club should have but doesnt. Geez. I didnt notice it because I had
thoughtlessly grown accustomed to Kamiyama High School. If I looked at the high spirits of the two, Id immediately understand it because of the Baking
Research Society. However
I see. Theres no sign. They also didnt put Baking Research Society on the banner on that table.
Thats right. To be able to invite people, a sign is extremely important. Its because they dont have that one thing that clubs are supposed to take out and
show here. Since for some reason they put pumpkins instead, Im curious!
With the Baking Research Society in mind and ignoring the nodding Oohinata, I thought. Was it a mistake? No, thats unlikely. If they got fired up about
the Shinkan Festival enough to make those banners, then itd be stupid to not put their club name anywhere.
Then, was Oohinata right? That is, because the Baking Club is shady, they couldnt display their names. And as for the shady part? Is that a shady thing
for a person to do in the first place?
Considering that, is there any relation to turning in the application to use the gas burner and yet not using it?
The sounds of many voices yelling reached my ear. The Quiz Club, Debate Club, Photography Club, Flower Arrangement Club, Astronomy Club, and of
course, the Baking Research Society.
At Chitandas call, I came back to reality. Somehow, I think I found it.
The reason why there are pumpkins there is because that table isnt the Baking Research Societys place, I abruptly declared.

Of course, since I omitted a ton of things, Chitanda gaped at me.

What do you mean by its not their place?
That is I guess Ill start from the beginning.
Staying silent, I put the story together.
Its like this.
A club turned in an application for the use of a tabletop gas burner, and so was assigned a large table. However, today, the club using the table doesnt need
a gas burner. Why is that? Because the club that turned in the application for the gas burner wasnt the Baking Club.
Then that means
Chitanda covered her mouth with her hand.
That they stole it?
That optimistic duo from the Baking Club? No, thats not it.
They were exchanged; the place where the Baking Club was originally assigned and the place of the club that requested the gas burner.
If this is the case, then it becomes even though they turned in an application for a gas burner, the day they need it they arent in a position to use it. Since
the Baking Club didnt plan on using a large table, they brought the pumpkins as placeholders. The other point is that they dont have a sign to put out. Its
because the Baking Club used the assignment exchange for their own convenience and without the knowledge of the General Affairs Committee. Its no
wonder they couldnt put out their clubs name.
Immediately doubting the believability of such an explanation, Chitanda shook her head.
Well then, doesnt that mean that the club that originally planned on using that table just lost it? Why is that?
Directly answering that question, I gestured with my hand at the dozens of clubs overflowing and standing around, surrounding the grounds.
In the midst of all of this, there is a club that should be using a gas burner but isnt.
No, even if you say it in such a roundabout way
From the side, Oohinata teased, A club that uses fire, no matter how many there are, there cant be that many, right?
Youre seriously underestimating the diversity of clubs at Kamiyama High School.


You dont know what the clubs will do. If you make one mistake, the Classics Club may be responsible for entertaining the school with pork miso soup and
tempura bowls. That said, well, youll be drastically reprimanded for sure. (tl/n: give them food to appease their anger is what hes trying to get at)
Chitanda murmured, Ah Thats right, how could I have forgotten?
She had also seen the orientation at the gymnasium. As Chitandas memory is better than mine, her remembering it isnt a mystery.
Its the Cooking Club, right? They said that theyd be treating everyone to edible wild plants.
I nodded.
That Cooking Club would probably have cooked some dishes for the freshmen. Actually no, they dont have anything to serve. Just the day before, they
were saying if you come by the clubroom, well make something for you, in order to invite the students.
And werent they having problems with the ingredients during that time?
The edible wild plants? So if the Baking Club were given the large table, then the Cooking Club could concoct something else that would be suitable.
Concoct something Please at least say with the available ingredients, they might be able to make something.
With the available ingredients, they might be able to make something.
Chitanda glared my way.
Thats not what should be said. Itd be a bigger problem. They simply cant treat the freshmen to any cooking.
I wonder how removing the bitter taste wasnt enough. Because of that, the food couldnt be eaten.
Its going to be the same thing, isnt it? Itd be better if they threw it away and used fresh ingredients. Even if we suppose they used up everything, that
doesnt mean they need to give up a large table. Itd be fine if they just filled the space by properly setting up cookware or something, like what the Bakery
Club is doing.
Even if they exchanged tables with the Baking Club, the Cooking Club would have to cover up the failure they committed. When people pass by, if the
Cooking Club put a stove on the table and made that mistake, people would think I wonder why the Cooking Club would put out a stove and not serve any
food. Wagering concerning this is okay. Its the same with the Baking Club; the Cooking Club couldnt put out their sign either.
As Oohinata had said, only shady people dont put out their nametags.
Before I knew it, my voice was getting smaller. It must have been difficult to catch my words in the midst of the surrounding clamor, as Chitanda brought
her face closer. Incidentally, Oohinata too bent forward in curiosity, her sun-tanned face coming nearer.
In a hushed voice, it was Oohinata that asked, Theres no mistake that could be that bad. Its bad of me to say this but at most, that was about the clubs
homemade dish right? Its impossible, what kind of mistake could they make, a mistake so bad theyd have to cover it up no matter what
If she cant help but think about it, then I suppose its better if I sugarcoat it.
A food that one cant handle. Theres definitely one mistake that can absolutely destroy a real stores business.
That is, dont tell me
I nodded, and executed in a still voice.
Its food poisoning.


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