Sand!: British Forces

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Episode #4
Using TS&TF 20th Anniversary Edition
by Ray Trochim
We now drift from the sands of the Sudan to the dust of South Africa. Its 1879, and a British patrol is
sent out to set fire to some local huts in the area of an advancing British column. Capt. Collenwood is in
charge of the patrol and his reputation for being malevolent makes him a good choice for the task. Can the
British patrol torch the huts and get out in one piece? Or will the Zulus be spending the evening
disemboweling the British dead in hopes the spirit can be set free.
Game setup and details: (Recommended number of players is four. Three British and one Zulu)
British Forces:
1x Mounted leader (Capt. Collenwood) - C&C
1x British lancer cavalry unit (12 figures)
1x British dragoon cavalry unit (12 figures)
1x South African colonial cavalry unit (12 figures) (Frontier Light Horse, mounted Durban Rifles, Natal
Native Police, or what ever is at hand).
British forces must start in the area marked British staring point which is in upper West edge corner of
the board and is 12 by 12 square.
Zulu Forces:
1x Foot leader/Induna - C&C
One Zulu Ibutho: 3x Zulu spear units and a foot leader/Induna (61 figures). These are verteran Zulu units
that carry white shields. The only white shielded units in this scenario.
Zulu forces my start anywhere on the board (concealed or not concealed) but may not set up 30 of the
British starting point.
Zulu reinforcements:
Starting on turn #2 roll 1x D6. On a roll of 5 or 6 a new Zulu spear unit enters the game. Roll again and
check the map to see where they may enter. The roll for reinforcements is done before the movement
phase. If a unit does enter play, it is placed on the board edge and it is moved normally during movement
when the proper move card is pulled.
Victory Conditions:
The British must burn all the huts to win. If three to five are burned then it is a tie. Any other result is a
Zulu victory. If 24 or more British/Colonials are killed or captured (then killed), the Zulus will
automatically win the Scenario.
British and colonial cavalry units have unlimited ammunition for this scenario. All Zulu spear units
unlimited throwing spears. Remember that Zulu units can only throw their spears if they charge their
Major morale rules (loss of highest ranking leader) will not be used in this scenario.
White shielded Zulu units add +1 to their morale chart (Major and Critical/ Pinned)

The rough terrain features are roughly 8x5 and represent tall grass and thick brush. They can conceal
only one unit at a time. The rough terrain will block line of sight and when firing at units in rough these
rough terrain features, treat the unit as a Class III target.
At the end of a move phase and before the firing phase, any mounted or dismounted British trooper
adjacent to a hut and not involved in a close action my attempt to torch that hut. Each figure adjacent rolls
a D6. On a roll of 5 or 6 the hut is set on fire. Any trooper that attempts to torch a hut cannot fire during
the firing phase.
Wounded cavalry troopers: Roll one D6. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 he stays on his horse. Otherwise he falls
off. It will take one full turn for a mounted trooper to pick up a wounded trooper that has fallen off his
The hills can be represented by what ever is at hand.
Only 5 figures can fit in each hut.
The diagram below shows a game table of 5 by 9.

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FLAME - 20th Anniversary Edition

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