Equipment List For Resection and Intersection

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Equipment list for Resection and Intersection

For my Intersection and Resection exercise the following are the items of
kit I used to complete the task:

GeoMax Zoom80 Total Station

Leica Circular prisms

Three tripods


PK Nails


Tape Measure

Field book

Leica GPS + Leica GPS Pole

Introduction Statement
Site for the Survey Work: Idmiston, Handcross Road, Plummers Plain,
RH13 6NX
Company: Maltby Surveys
Dates: 18/02/2016
Personnel: Diego Alonso - Surveyor
Nerea Buenavida Assistant
Working on Site:
The work to be carried out on the site involve the use of a total station
(Geomax Zoom80) which will be used to measure distances and angles.
All permanent control stations established during the course of the
survey will be take form of PK nails hammered into the floor
The survey will be carried out by two personnel from Maltby Surveys.
All survey operations will be carried out within the site boundary of the
property to be surveyed, as shown in the aerial image.
All staff involved on this project will wear the appropriate PPE once
arriving on site, which is, high visibility jackets and steel toe capped
The project manager can be contacted at the main office located in
Haywards Heath. Mobile phone numbers of all site staff can also be
obtained from Maltby Surveys main office.

Risk Assessment
Before I carried out my work I had to produce a risk assessment to highlight
and eradicate the chances of any accidents/injuries to myself, my colleague,
the public, or any of my kit at the specific site. During the process of drawing
up my risk assessment I thought of any dangers that could occur and if they
were to occur I thought of how I could make sure to the best of my abilities
these did not happen. Whilst planning my survey I visited the site and carried
out a site walk to plan how to carry out my survey in the safest possible way
and also highlight the main risks which could be a problem. As the survey was
carried out nowhere near a main road the risks were minimalized instantly. The
main risk would be a trip hazard for a member of public either tripping up over
a tripod or an instrument box, which is also a risk for dame of kit. The tripods,
leave the instrument box underneath the tripod when the instrument was
safely placed and screwed on top of the tripod and to also put the stations out
the way as best as possible but not that it would affect the survey, e.g not
putting the station where I would not be able to see the next station.
Activity / Task




Residual risk

General site

Trip hazard of All stations will

tripods and
be attempted
to be kept out
the way as
best as
Boxes will be
left under
tripods when
not needed.

Surveyor &

Members of
the public
tripping over
and injuring
Surveyor and
Assistant bein

General site

Slipping over
in muddy

footwear to be

Surveyor &

Surveyor or
being injured
by slipping

General site

Member of
All stations will
pubblic falling
be kept out
over a tripod.
the way as
much as
possible and
also barrier

Surveyor &

Member of
public injuring
Damage to kit.

Travelling to

Crossing a
road with kit.

Surveyor &

Danger to
Surveyor and
Assistant by
getting hit by
a car. Damage

Stop and look

both ways
twice before
crossing and
ensure youu

are not
carrying too
much kit.
Cross inn a
sensible place.

to kit by
carrying too
much and
dropping it.

Station Three
Station three is located on the main footpath at the top of the bank in ******
Park, it is located tight to the verge and is just before the main path branches
out into three separate directions. The station is marked out using a wax
crayon drawing a small white triangle around it and labelling the station with a
three so if another surveyor needs to use this station it is easy to find and to be
known what station it is. It is also in the form of a PK nail like my previous
station and the nails should all be in the same condition as they were inserted
at the same time so if there are other nails in similar place it should be another
way of identifying this station. There is 24 hours access to the site so access
should not be a problem. There is unlimited free parking on site.



Station Two
Station two was the first station I put in on the site. It is located at the corner of
the footpath. Station two is up tight next to the verge near two small manholes
and opposite a bin. The station is a PK nail in the concrete. I marked it up in
wax crayon with a triangle around the station concrete. I marked it up in wax
crayon with a triangle around the station and marked it with a number two.

Upon receiving my assignment I chose an area that was suitably large enough
for the required process to complete my Intersection and Resection objective.
The area had to be large enough to be able to have 6 stations which were a
reasonable distance from each other and also an equal distance to reduce error
in this exercise. The stations were marked with PK nails.
The instrument was collimated before the exercise began to reduce the chance
of error. I started by travesing the 4 stations of the main loop and when doing
this I booked the horizontal angle, the vertical angle and slope distances. I
completed his in face left and face right and recorded both on my booking
sheets. Upon completing the job and returning to the office I hand calculated
the traverse and the face left and right readings were meaned and adjusted.
After completing my traverse targets were set up on all of the stations and I
observed a baseline to a known station and the angles were read to 2 station to
be fixed. As with the traverse all results were booked and recorded including
the horizontal angles the vertical angles and slope distances. The distances
were recorded just as a check so I could compare my calculated distances. The
same method was used for all stations and completed in face left and face right
As to the resection part of my assignment I set up the instrument on one of the
unknown points and the angles and slope distances were read to the 4 known
stations in the main loop and booked and recorded. I repeated the process from
the other unknown point and booked and recorded the angles and slope
distance to the 4 stations in my main traverse loop.
On the Intersection, the coordinates of the unknown points were calculated
from the main loop stations. There are 3 different techniques to calculate the
coordinates of these points which each were used between two stations, these
processes are calculated by using the sine rule or the bearings formula or an
angles formula. After the coordinates were calculated they were compared and
meaned for the final coordinates.
The coordinates were then calculated for one of the stations for the resection
part of the assignment. As I read all of the angles in the field I could make a
choice for which stations to use in the calculations.
The level for both the unknown points was calculated to complete the
coordinates. The level of the station was calculated using the formula: Station
Level + Instrument Height + Vertical Index Target Height. Vertical Index =
Hd / Tan ZA. This was completed using the field results from the resection part
of the assignment. The method used was the same but the formula had to be
rearranged. All of the levels were then meaned and making sure none were

outside the acceptable tolerances.

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