Australia and The New World Order They Won

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Australia and The New World Order

They Won!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
From The Desk
Lloyd T Vance
Cathy Bell
Jim Rodgers
News Today 4 U
Hobart Tasmania
Greetings Fellow Australians

Our American friends and

friends around the World, I have some bad news to report
about the Zionist Jewish Bankers and Corporations push
for their New World Order One World Zio Nazi Fascist
Government these people have won!
Now its only a matter of time before they start all out
World War 111, and attack Iran and or an all out attack
against President Putin and Russia.
To much disgust allot of people held out our last hope that
President Putin and the seems like Anti New World
Order stand he has taken making out he is trying to fight
these people.

But it all seems to be staged politics on the World front, if

President Putin and the Russian people were really against
a New World Order they would help fund our group called
the Freedom Collective and other like Anti New World
Order groups.
Just like the British and French funded and help train the
under ground movement in WW11 to fight against
Germany and the Nazis.
Pride, which part the knuckle head President Putin and the
Russian people dont understand?
This is a War declared by the Zionist Jewish Bankers and
Corporations upon and against the whole 7 Billion people
on the planet, if these people win, which they have and
very much looks like it, the whole human race will be
turned into slaves working for peanuts, and if you try and
dissent against your Government the Police or Military or
Intelligence Agencies will turn up to your door step and
take you away or take you out side to be shot.
So this is how we currently stand dating back to 2012, the
Pentagon came out with this and included these people on
their Terror watch list and declare these people all out

U.S. Army Characterizes

Conspiracy Theorists as Terrorists
Oct 3, 2012
A leaked U.S. Army document obtained by Wired
Magazine characterizes people Frustrated with
Mainstream Ideologies
As potential terrorists, while also framing those who
Believe In Government Conspiracies as violent

U.S. Army Characterizes

'Conspiracy Theorist' as Terrorist
I wish I could say this is a joke people, but these mad
men at the US Pentagon & Homeland Security are
deadly serious.
Remember Peoples Crimes They Have Committed
Frustrated with Mainstream Ideologies
Oh you mean Mainstream Corporate Controlled
Media lying in stories about things?

Oh you mean Mainstream Corporate Controlled

Media inventing stories?
Oh you mean Mainstream Corporate Controlled
Media repeating stories and never investigating
them first and the information?
OH, I see Mainstream Ideologies by calling it this The
US Pentagon has just admitted they know the 3 above
points to be true.
Remember Peoples Crimes They Have Committed
Believe In Government Conspiracies
Oh you mean when an Official story is released by the
Government people smell a rat, something fishy and
go out and do their own investigation, research and
And find out the truth, that the Official story released
is total BS, Rubbish, Crap, Lies and in true fact it was
Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies carrying out
the following.
Staging: - False Flag Terrorist Attacks
Staging: - False Flag Terrorist like Events
Staging: - Fake Terrorism Raids
Staging: - Setting Up Patsys In Terror Plots

Oh I see, Believe In Government Conspiracies by

the US Pentagon accusing people of this, they really
have 3 fingers pointing back saying guilty as charged.
I am sorry my fellow Australians I tried, what is the old
saying what ever happens in America follows suit here
in Australia about six months latter.
Which means Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies
in Australia will be running about arresting people and
locking them up for the same crimes.
Declaring them to be Terrorist and Criminals.
Welcomed to the New World Order people, this is a
sample of what A Zio Nazi Fascist Police State will
look like, there will be nowhere to run or hide.

Awaiting For The Inquisition To

When a country goes down the path of
Staging: - False Flag Terrorist Attacks
Staging: - False Flag Terrorist like Events
Staging: - Fake Terrorism Raids
Staging: - Setting Up Patsys In Terror Plots

When a country goes down this path of creating The

Enemy all the time then in the next breath profess to
have closed down and stop the same things from
They fall into the trap of Creating The New & Next
Enemy all the time, soon all they see is bad men
under every bed, in every wardrobe, behind every

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