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2734 - Possibility of intra uterine insult around 27 to 34 weeks of pregnancy is more likely.

asc - anterior spondylotic changes seen

bgc Bilateral symmetrical basal ganglia faint calcification seen.
BSS - Bilateral spondylolysis of L5 with Grade 1 anterior spondylolisthesis of L5 over S1
seen.( Wide canal sign,incomplete ring sign,spinous process step off sign above the level of
slip with oblique orientation of L5-S1 neural foraminae
CSOM - Evidence of opacification of mastoid aircells, opacification of the middle ear cavity,
peri tympanic region and attico antral region seen with thinning of the ossicular chain and
thickened tympanic membrane representing CSOM with pars flaccida cholesteatoma.
dsnl Deviated nasal septum with septal spur is seen towards the left side with edematous
nasal mucosa and hypertrophied middle and inferior turbinates.
dsnr - Deviated nasal septum with septal spur is seen towards the right side with edematous
nasal mucosa and hypertrophied middle and inferior turbinates.
HIE - Moderate hypodensites are seen in hte periventricular and subcortical white matter
wiith loss of grey white discrimination with minimal involvement of the Basal ganglia and
ILD - Thickening of inter and intralobular septae with reticular and reticulonodular
shadowing, honeycombing and traction bronchiectasis diffusely involving both the lungs.
Possibility of Interstitial lung disease (Usual interstitial Pneumonitis)
Joubert's - There is evidence of hypoplasia of cerebellar superior vermis with abnormal
decussation leading to straitening of superior cerebellar peduncle with molar tooth
appearance of midbrain, bullet shaped fourth ventricle and open umbrella/bat wing of mid
NF - No evidence of focal brain parenchymal injury or subdural or extradural hematoma is

Phtn: There is evidence of periventricular and subcortical hypodensities seen suggestive of

chronic hypertensive small vessel ischemic disease.
NOC - No evidence of active parenchymal infiltrations or central and peripheral type of
mass lesion seen.
NOE - No evidence of Enhancing Exudates and Leptomeningeal and tentorial blush.
NOOR - No obvious demonstrable pathology in Globe, extraocular muscles, retrobulbar fat.
SOF, IOF and orbital apex.
NOS - No obvious demonstrable pathology in Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidneys and rest of
the abdomino pelvic organs.
NOV - No evidence of Dural and cortical venous thrombosis.
NS - No obvious demonstrable infarct or hemorrhage or SOL in brain parenchyma.
OPTIC - Thickening and enlargement of both the optic nerve sheath complex are seen.
PVL - Paucity of periventricular white matter with minimal thinning of the body and the
splenium of the corpus callosum leading to focladilatation and splaying of the body and the
posterior horns of the lateral ventricle.
SCB - scanty air cells with sclerosis of both the petrous temporal bones
SCL - Scanty air cells with sclerosis of the left petrous temporal bone.
SCR - scanty air cells with sclerosis of the right petrous temporal bone.
SLAN - Stomach, small and large bowel loops show normal contrast opacification.vNo
obvious intra or extraluminal growth made out.

PBTC - There is evidence of peribronchial thickening and cuffing with air trapping and fine
tree in bud infiltrations diffusely involving both the lungs representing hyper reactive

Anterior spondylotic changes -asc

Anterior subarachnoid space -ass
Broad based disco osteophytic protrusion bbdop
Broad based disc protrusion bbdp
Benign Intracranial Hypertension bih
Rest of bowel loops appear normal bl
Both internal auditory canal and meati appear normal boi
Brainstem and cerebellum appear normal bs
Bony spinal canal levels bscl
Central and lateral canal stenosis-cal
Concha bullosa noticed on both sides cbsa
Cochlea, vestibule and semicircular canal show no demonstrable pathology coc
Colloidal Vesicular stage of Cysticercosis cvsc
Diffuse bulging annulus dba
Diffuse bulging disc-dbd
Diffuse cerebral edema with effacement of ventricular system, sulci and cisterns dcvs
Disc dehydration seen at all lumbar disc spaces. ddal
Differential Diagnosis -DD:
Diffuse thickening of skull vault. di
DNS is seen towards left side with edematous nasal mucosa and hypertrophied middle and
inferior turbinates . dnsl
DNS is seen towards right side with edematous nasal mucosa and hypertrophied middle and
inferior turbinates. dnsr
Disco osteophytic protrusion dop
DNS with septal spur is seen towards left side with edematous nasal mucosa and
hypertrophied middle and inferior turbinates. ds
Except for prominent cerebellar sulci ex
Except for prominent cerebellar hemispheric and vermian sulci -exv

Facet joints and unco-vertebral joint appear normal. fa

For follow up scan to assess the present status fos
Ganglio capsular region -gc
Haller cells noticed on both sides hcb
If necessary MRI can be recommended. ifn
(Wide canal sign, incomplete ring sign, spinous process step off sign above the level of slip
and oblique orientation of L5-S1 neural foraminae). inc
In comparison with previous study, the present study shows ins
Both kidneys are normal in size, shape, axis, position and contrast excretions. -kib
Left paracentral disc protrusion-lpcdp
Mild asymmetry in size of lateral ventricles seen with subtle dilatation of left lateral ventricle.
Minimal bulging annulus-mba
Minimal bulging disc-mbd
Mild age related cerebral and cerebellar shrinkage noticed.-mccs
Middle ear cavity and ossicular chain appear normal.-meoc
Mild asymmetry in size of lateral ventricles seen with subtle dilatation of right lateral
Mild effacement of ventricular system, sulci and cisterns seen. mildef
Mild osteoporosis of entire vertebral column seen. mildos
Mild dilatation of third and lateral ventricles seen with periventricular leukoaraiosis. - mildpv
Maxillary infundibular type mit
Minimal mucosal thickening mmt
Moderate dilatation of third and lateral ventricles seen mot
Mild prominence of third and lateral ventricles seen. Sulci appear normal mp
Mild dilatation of third and lateral ventricles seen mt
No evidence of aneurysm or AVM seen.-naavm
No evidence of focal parenchymal injury or subdural hematoma or extra dural hematoma
made out-nf
No obvious demonstrable major vascular occlusion in circle of Willis-nmj
No obvious demonstrable signal changes in mesial temporal regions.-nms
No evidence of active parenchymal infiltrations or central or peripheral type of mass lesion
seen noc
No evidence of destructive or sclerotic pathology - nods

No evidence of enhancing exudates or leptomeningeal or tentorial blush seen noe

No evidence of fracture/subluxation-nof
No obvious demonstrable signal changes in cervico thoracic cord, conus medullaris and
cauda equina-noiscc
No obvious intra medullary signal changes in entire spinal cord.-noissc
No obvious demonstrable pathology noob
No obvious demonstrable pathology in cervico thoracic vertebral column and cord.-noocv
No obvious demonstrable pathology in cervical cord and CV junction. noocvj
No obvious demonstrable discitis / osteomyelitis. noodo
No obvious demonstrable pathology in lower thoracic cord, conus medullaris and cauda
equina nerve roots-No obvious demonstrable pathology in lower thoracic cord, conus
medullaris and cauda equina nerve roots
Lower thoracic cord, conus medullaris and cauda equina nerve roots lcc
No obvious demonstrable pathology in nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx -noon
No obvious demonstrable pathology in SI joints and hip joints.-noosi
No obvious demonstrable pathology in middle ear cavity, ossicular chain, cochlea, vestibule,
semicircular canals, both internal auditory canal and meati.-noozi
No obvious demonstrable pathology in liver, spleen, pancreas, adrenals, GB, kidneys and rest
of abdomino pelvic organs.-nos
No evidence of dural or cortical venous sinus thrombus seen. nov
Nerve root exit zone, cisternal and canalicular portions of 7th and 8th nerve complex appear
normal nr
Nerve root exit zone, pre ganglionic, ganglionic and post ganglionic portions of 5th nerve
appear normal.-nrg
No obvious demonstrable infarct or hemorrhage or SOL in brain parenchyma ns
No evidence of stone or SOL or perinephric pathology seen. nssp
Partial empty sella is seen - pa
Post operative changes-poc
Previous CT is available for comparison prc
Right paracentral disc protrusion-rpcdp
Rest of the sinuses appear normal.-Rssa
Scanty air cells with sclerosis of both petrous temporal bones seen.-scb
Scanty air cells with sclerosis of left petrous temporal bone seen.-scl
Scanty air cells with sclerosis of right petrous temporal bone seen.-scr

Sinonasal inflammatory disease-sid

Stomach, small and large bowel loops show normal contrast opacification. No evidence of
intra or extraluminal growth made out. slan
Loss of cervical lordosis (muscle spasm) -lclm
Soft tissue spinal canal sts
There is block at both omu tbbo
There is evidence of te
Thickening and enlargement of both optic nerve sheath complex seen.-tebo
Thecal sac and nerve roots-tnr
Tentorial and posterior parafalcine subarachnoid hemorrhage.-tpsh
Arnold Chiari Malformation Type - acm
Enthesmopathy and syndesmophytes, arthropathy, rudimentary, aplastic
Prussaks space
CLASS-I AFS uterine-Mullerian duct anomaly (MAYER-ROKITANSKY-KUSTERHAUSER Syndrome
syndesmophytes enthesmopathy
1. T1W hypointense signal lesion which is hyperintense in T2W / FLAIR sequences with
diffusion restriction involving left ganglia capsular region and corona radiata could
represent acute infarct ( lenticulo striate branches of MCA territory).
Soft tissue lesion opacifying the right middle ear cavity, epitympanum including Prussaks space
attico antral region with erosion of bony margins of tympanic cavity and complete destruction of
ossicular chain could represent CSOM with pars flaccida cholesteatoma.
Disruption of opposing end plate of lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae with intra and endplate
nuclear herniation could represent Schmorls node formation
The study shows wedge shaped pleural lesion seen in left anterior lingula and both lower
Mild dilatation of centralized pulmonary vasculature noticed on pleural thrombo embolism
Shrunken liver parenchyma with irregular surface gross subgaleal hematoma seen. dilated
portal veins and extensive collaterals in splenic hilum with non visualization of splenic

vein grossly enlarged spleen representing cirrhosis liver portal hypertension and
There is evidence of wedge shaped areas noted in intra inferior aspect of lower pole both of
spleen and splenic infarct.
Above findings could be manifestation of cirrhosis liver portal hypertension splenomegaly
infarct with collaterals and septic emboli pneumonitis in both lower lobes and porta
pulmonary hypertension.
Paucity of periventricular white matter with minimal thinning of body and splenium of
corpus callosum leading to focal dilatation and splaying of posterior horns of lateral
Acromio clavicular - acroc
All above findings could be a manifestation of - alla
Bronchiectatic changes brch
Bronchiolitis obliterans brob
Bilateral sacralization bsr
Concha bullosa noticed on both sides cbsa
Coraco clavicular corac
Diffuse osteoporosis of entire vertebral column seen. domv
Faint calcification of both globus pallidum seen. fgb
Intra endplate nuclear herniation ienh
Infundibular stalk is centrally placed. insc
In rest of brain irb
Mild asymmetry in size of lateral ventricles seen with subtle dilatation of left lateral ventricle.
Moderate dilatation of third and lateral ventricles seen - mot
Mild dilatation of third and lateral ventricles seen milt
Mild dilatation of third and lateral ventricles seen with periventricular leucoaraiosis. miltp
No obvious demonstrable pathology in acromio clavicular and coraco clavicular joints.
No obvious demonstrable discitis / osteomyelitis. noodo
Anterior and posterior lobes of pituitary gland appear normal. noop
(Right > Left) r>l
(Left>Right) l>r

narrowing the spinal canal and slightly indenting the thecal sac. nst
narrowing the spinal canal and slightly indenting the thecal sac and nerve roots nstn
nscn - narrowing the spinal canal and slightly indenting the cord and nerve roots.
lateral canal stenosis lcs
bilateral facet arthropathy bfa
bilateral facet arthrosis - bfas
Schmorl's node formation snf
Horse shoe kidney hsk
No obvious demonstrable pathology in paranasal sinuses. nop
No obvious demonstrable signal changes in mesial temporal regionsnms
Tentorial and posterior parafalcine subarachnoid hemorrhages. tpp
Minimal bulging disc mbd
Mild cerebral and cerebellar shrinkage. mccs
Brachial plexus brachi
Bronchiectatic changes brch
Bronchiolitis obliterans brob
Bony spinal canal levels bscl
Bilateral sacralization bsr
Chronic Atrophic Calcifying Pancreatitis and sequalae. cacps
Central and lateral canal stenosis cal
Chronic calculus cholecystitis with acute exacerbation ccc
Central disc protrusion cdp
Coraco clavicular corac
Cavum septum pallucidum and cavum vergae seen. cpvm
Chronic parenchymal liver disease cpld
Corona radiata and centrum semiovale crcs
Colloidal Vesicular stage of Cysticercosis cvsc
All above findings could be a manifestation of alla
Anterior aspect of aao
Posterior aspect of pao
AP diameters in mms apd
Bronchogenic carcinoma bca
Bilateral facet arthropathy bfa
Bilateral facet arthrosis bfas

Bilateral hypertrophic facet arthrosis bhfa

Diffuse bulging annulus - dba
Diffuse bulging disc dbd
Degenerative changes noticed in vertebral column. dcv
Diffuse cerebral edema with effacement of ventricular system, sulci and cisterns dcvs
Diffuse thickening of skull vault. di
Diffuse osteoporosis of entire vertebral column seen. domv
Except for prominent cerebellar sulci - ex
Except for prominent cerebellar hemispheric and vermian sulci - exv
Facet joints and unco-vertebral joint appear normal. fa
Focal atrophy with gliosis fag
Faint calcification of both globus pallidum seen. fgb
Fungal colonization fuco
Complete rupture of ACL from femoral attachment site with hyperbuckling of PCL
representing grade III ACL injury. g3i
Globe, extra ocular muscles, retrobulbar fat, optic nerve sheath complex, SOF, IOF and
orbital apex appear normal. gor
Gallstone disease gsd
Hypoxic ischemic brain damage hibd
HRCT sections of both petrous temporal regions were also studied HRCT sections of both
petrous temporal regions were also studied
Horse shoe kidney hsk
Intra endplate nuclear herniation ienh
In rest of brain irb
Increased transradiancy & decreased broncho pulmonary vasculature itdb
Left paracentral disc protrusion lpcdp
Mild asymmetry in size of lateral ventricles seen with subtle dilatation of left lateral ventricle.
Mild cerebral and cerebellar shrinkage. mccs
Middle ear cavity and ossicular chain appear normal. meoc
Mild effacement of ventricular system, sulci and cisterns seen. mildef
Horse shoe kidney
No obvious demonstrable pathology in acromio clavicular and coraco clavicular joints-nooacj
No obvious demonstrable discitis / osteomyelitis. noodo

Mesial temporal sclerosis - mts

No evidence of congenital anomalies nocan
No evidence of regional lymphadenopathy or distant metastasis. noel
Infundibular stalk is centrally placed. insc
Increased transradiancy and decreased broncho pulmonary vasculature itdb
Kindly rule out metabolic etiology kmb
Maxillary infundibular type mit
Faint calcification of both globus pallidum seen. fgb
Ground glass shadowing ggs
Haller cells noticed on both sides hcb
Hypoxic ischemic brain damage hibd
Diffuse osteoporosis of entire vertebral column seen. domv
Excision biopsy can be recommended. ebio
Focal atrophy with gliosis fag
Chronic parenchymal liver disease cpld
Colloidal Vesicular stage of Cysticercosis cvsc
Concha bullosa noticed on both sides cbsa
Chronic Atrophic Calcifying Pancreatitis and sequalae. cacps
Brachial plexus brachi
Bilateral hypertrophic facet arthrosis bhfa
Minimal facet arthrosis mfa
Acromio clavicular acroc
Mild hepatomegaly with diffuse steatosis changes seen mild hepato
If necessary MRI can be recommended. - ifn
In comparison with previous study, the present study shows ins
Previous CT is available for comparison - prc
All above findings could be a manifestation of alla
MR Spectroscopy SVS 30 and 135. 13530
Possibility of intra uterine insult around 27 to 34 weeks of pregnancy should be considered - 2734

Anterior aspect of aao

Posterior aspect of pao

Allergic Broncho Pulmonary Aspergillosis abpa

Chronic Atrophic Calcifying Pancreatitis and sequalae. cacps
Rest of bowel loops appear normal Rest of bowel loops appear normal
Bronchiectatic changes brch
Bronchiolitis obliterans brob
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation ccam
Chronic calculus cholecystitis with acute exacerbation ccc
Central and lateral canal stenosis cal
Superior sagittal sinus sss
Supra spinatous tendon sst
Benign Intracranial Hypertension - bih
No obvious demonstrable pathology in cervico thoracic vertebral column and cord.
No obvious demonstrable pathology in lower end of femur, upper end of tibia, fibula,
quadriceps tendon, patella, patellar ligament and cartilages. nook
No obvious demonstrable pathology in lower end of tibia, fibula, calcaneum, cuboid,
navicular and cuneiform. noof
Cavum septum pallucidum and cavum vergae seen. cpcv
Lateral canal stenosis lcs
Chronic parenchymal liver disease cpld
Corona radiata and centrum semiovale crcs
Diffuse thickening of skull vault. Diffuse thickening of skull vault.
Diffuse osteoporosis of entire vertebral column seen. domv
Excision biopsy can be recommended. ebio
Except for prominent cerebellar sulci - ex
Except for prominent cerebellar hemispheric and vermian sulci - exv
Facet joints and unco-vertebral joint appear normal. fa
For follow up scan to assess the present status fos
Fungal colonization fuco
Complete rupture of ACL from femoral attachment site with hyperbuckling of PCL
representing grade III ACL injury. g3i
No evidence of hemorrhage or SOL or midline shift seen. nom

No obvious demonstrable pathology in lower end of tibia, fibula, talus, calcaneum, cuneiform
cuboid and navicular nooa
No obvious demonstrable pathology in acromio clavicular and coraco clavicular joints.
Globe, extraocular muscles, retrobulbar fat, SOF, IOF and orbital apex appear normal nooor
Anterior and posterior lobes of pituitary gland appear normal. noop
Pancreatic, head, neck, uncinate process, body and tail regions appear normal. No evidence of
acute or chronic pancreatitis changes seen. noopan
No obvious pathology in globe, extraocular muscles, retrobulbar fat, optic nerve sheath
complex, SOF, IOF and orbital apex. noor
No obvious demonstrable pathology in middle ear cavity, ossicular
chain, cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals, both internal auditory canal and meati. nooz
No obvious demonstrable pathology in petrous temporal bones. nopt
No evidence of tethered cord or tight filum terminale seen. nott
Nerve root exit zone, cisternal and canalicular portions of 7th and 8th nerve complex appear
normal -nr
No evidence of abnormal vascular loops adjacent to 5th, 7th and 8th nerve complex. nr5
Nerve root exit zone, pre ganglionic, ganglionic and post ganglionic portions of 5th nerve
appear normal. nrg
Anterior and posterior limbs of both adrenal glands appear normal. nsa
No evidence of stone or SOL or perinephric pathology seen. nssp
Ossicular chain appears normal ocan
No obvious demonstrable pathology in ossicular chain, cochlea, vestibule and semicircular
canal, both internal auditory canal and meati. ocbn
Ossicular chain appears normal. Cochlea, vestibule and semicircular canal show no
demonstrable pathology. Both internal auditory canal and meati appears normal. osb
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. pah
Peri bronchial thickening and cuffing - pbtc
Periventricular interstitial edema pie
Periventricular white matter pwm
Splenium of corpus callosum scc
Superior sagittal sinus sss
Supra spinatous tendon sst
Supra spinatous tendinitis ssts

There is block at both omu - tbbo

Thickening and enlargement of both optic nerve sheath complex seen. tebo
T1W hypointense signal lesion which is hyperintense signal in T2W / FLAIR sequences
involving tfl
Terminal ileum and caecum ticm
Terminal ileitis and mesentric lymphadenitis timl
Transmural thickening of terminal ileum and caecum - ttc
The study shows T1W hypointense signal lesion which is hyperintense in T2W / FLAIR
sequences without diffusion restriction involving - ttd
Vertebral hemangioma seen at - vert
Wallarian degeneration and atrophy wdeg

There is evidence of peribronchial thickening and cuffing with air trapping and fine tree in
bud infiltrations diffusely involving both the lungs representing hyper reactive bronchi.

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