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Women Are Still Being Oppressed By Men and The World.

Britains men and women of today find themselves arguing over the petty inequalities
of whos going to wash the dishes in the evening or how the housework is not equally
divided. However, our generation has bigger things to worry about; every hour 48
women are raped in the Congo and not believed, accumulating to 1152 women a day.
This shocking statistic shows us that we need to change the way women are treated in
throughout the world.
It has always been widely known that the women of Congo are badly treated, however
when three different public health researchers drew up a survey their findings could
not have been more shocking. The figures showed 12% of women had been raped at
least once and 3% of women across the country were raped between 2006 and 2007.
About 22% had also been forced by their partners to have sex or perform sexual acts
against their will. It is hard enough for these women to even admit that they have been
raped but to then be chucked out of their own homes by their own husbands, for
apparently deserving it, is completely unjust. No woman ever looks to be sexually
assaulted. No woman ever wants to be raped. This kind of behavior must stop as it is
completely unjust; however this is just the tip of the iceberg for the women of the
However, this shocking sexist behavior is not just reserved to developing countries;
we see it every day in Britain. Think to the recent election of the new Pope, no women
were allowed to vote or give an opinion on their great new head of their faith. This
shows the Catholic religion to see women as unimportant beings whose thoughts do
not matter. Women have no right to choose who their new leader is because only men
are able to become Cardinals. By not giving women an opinion is making them seem
worthless Views like this are what are keeping societies like this back from
progressing into what should be a very equal 21st Century. It is time for Catholic
women to show their strength. It is time for them to use their feet and walk away from
their unjust Church. It is time for us to stand up and break the cycle.
It is not only the Catholic Church that can be seen to be demoralizing women
however; the Muslim Burqa is a clear symbol of the oppression of women within their
religion. Although many Muslim women claim to enjoy wearing the Burqa there are
many reports to claim that that is not the case. This cloth, covering the whole body
except the face and hands must not be tight as to show their womanly body shapes to
men because that is only reserved for their husbands and not to tempt other men into
making advances on them. In extension, they are claiming that women must cover up
because it could tempt men into making these sexual advances on them. They are
trying to tell women that if a man happens to like them it is their fault for not covering
their own bodies up. Thoughts like this are completely absurd because men are in
control of their own emotions and actions. If man rapes a woman that was his choice.
She was not asking for it. She did not deserve it.
Women are oppressed by covering themselves up in the Muslim faith, but here in
Britain, where women have the right to wear what they like, are now being criticized
for doing exactly that. Last year, one of our own MPs made the shocking exclamation
that women who decided to wear short skirts and heels on a night out are asking for
it. Once again we are back to the subject that not a single woman out there would ask

to be raped. If these comments continue it will set Britain back about 100 years. It
shouldnt matter if a woman is off her face and lying naked on a bench that man
takes it upon himself to rape her. Rape should not be about finding blame for anyone
but the rapist; it is completely ridiculous that it can even be interpreted in any other
Here in the UK we live in what we assumed was a very equal world. However, under
examination we find that that is most definitely not the case. Women of this world
need help or the grotesque ways of the oppressing man will have their way, and
females will forever more be at the bottom of the scrap heap. Something must be

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