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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name: Cynthia Hammond

Activity Title:

Number of children participating at one time: both individual and group. Ages: 3-5

Ohio Early
Learning &

Domain: Language and Literacy

List at least 1
standard that
is addressed
by this
activity. Write
out each
and exactly,
as published
in ELDS.

answer questions about the book, teach them how to re-tell or re-enact familiar stories,

Strand: Reading
Topic: Reading Comprehension & Fluency
Standard Statement: In my lesson plan I intend to teach students how to both ask and
identify characters as well as topic of the text they are reading and engage in group
reading with purpose and understanding.


In my lesson these kids will not only read regular books such as Brown Bear Brown
Bear, What do you see? As well as using a site called Story Bird to create our own
book. We will both create a book as a whole class as well as individually create our
own. We will discuss and ask questions as well as have the kids ask each other
questions to gain more of an understanding. The kids will re-tell the book in their
own way to show me what kind of understanding they took from it.


This will take a total of 2 hours and 40 minutes, being they are younger the classes
will be broken up in 4, 40 minute classes.


What preparation is needed?

The preparation needed for this is computers in the classroom as well as the books we will
be needing, we will also need to print out any work sheets I use for the class such as story
maps and questions about the books we read. I would also need to prepare the poll/survey
I would be giving the class online in class.
What materials will be used?
The materials that will be used are paper work sheets, computers for a few sites I will be
using with the class as well as highlighters and pencils.
How will the learning environment be set up?
The classroom will be set up with each kid having their own tablet at their desk to use.
Along with that I will have my own computer set up in the front of the room and in a spot
everyone can see. We will have the books we will be using on the desks and the papers as

Instructional Procedures:

This lesson will be broken up into 4 days, each day being 40 minutes long. While they are only 35, this length is necessary because they do not read nor write as fast as the older kids may.
Day 1:
First 10 minutes: Introductory activity- Students will receive a handout which will have a one
paragraph short story followed by three questions with multiple choice answers. This will serve
primarily to warm them up to the next story we are about to read.
The rest of the day, the next 30 minutes we will read a story together as a class. We would start
with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? I would then ask the students a few questions
and see what their answers are. After that, I would have them ask me any questions they may
want and also ask each other questions about the book. This would be the first day of
introductions to reading and getting to know the book.

Day 2:
First 10 minutes of class would be spent answering questions about the book we read the day
before, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?
The next 10 minutes the class would be spent re-reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you
After reading it for the 2nd time and discussing it for 2 days I would then start asking the kids to
write down in their own words what this book is about, what happened in it and who did it? I
would end the class collecting the papers and telling them we will pick up the next day.
Day 3:
The first half of this class I would spend going over what they said the book was about the day
before. I would ask them who the characters are and what they did. I would ask them what
happened in the book and why they think it happened that way. I would do this in the form of the
survey/poll that I created in which I would see how many kids thought the same way. We would
discuss why they felt the bear felt a certain way or not.
The second half of the class we would spend on Storybird creating our own story. We would do
this as a whole class. Picking the pictures and the words together. Together we would create our
very own special story and discuss this story. Talk about the characters we picked and why we
think our characters acted a certain way.
Day 4:
The first 10 minutes we would spend splitting the class up in groups of 4-5 people.
The rest of the class each student would create their own book and read it aloud to the people in
their group. The other group members would get to ask them questions about their book and
why they wrote about that. What made them name their character that and what made them
write the book they did. This would give them a few other ways to think about reading and
readings purposes.

This is the site I got the standards I addressed in my lesson plan from. This could be very
beneficial to many people because it helps you to understand what you should be learning and
where you should be with it at this point.
Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated
(changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students:
My lesson plan could be changed or altered to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students
in many ways. I could add a more challenging book in for them to read alone and ask them more
challenging questions than I would ask someone else. The story they create on their own can be
as simple or complex as they would like so I could give them standards they need to meet for
their story whereas the rest of the class has none.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling
with the material:
If one of my students was struggling with the material I could give them a few more of the
beginning activity sheets I gave in the beginning of class on day 1, it gives them a shorter story
along with already prepared questions. So before they got to the big story they would have more
opportunity to practice and understand.

Vocabulary: characters
Group reading
For teachers

Print outs of short stories

Books for students

For students


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