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Linnea Millen

Professor Wertz-Orbaugh
UWRT 1103
February 7th 2016
Hitlers Manipulations
In this inquiry proposal I will be discussing Hitlers main manipulation
tactics that he used to gain supporters, as well as an army that was willing to
kill completely innocent individuals. I am so interested in this topic for one
particular reason: could it happen again? I ask this because Hitler was a
single individual that used his power and rhetoric to brainwash hundreds of
thousands of individuals so would it even be possible in todays society for
that to happen? Secondly, I will also be discussing the people who defied
Hitler, and allowed Jewish people to take refuge in their homes. I believe that
these stories are so important to know because it is easy for people to
assume that during the time of the War that there wasnt any help or
protection for people within the countries that were being attacked.
My Previous knowledge is not very extensive, however; I am aware that
Hitler used strong rhetoric to seize the attention of his audience and
eventually lead them believe the extermination of the Jewish community
would bring them closer to a utopian society. The way that he spoke to the
people made them seem as though they were doing something for the better
of their country, and the world. He played up his position of power, and
convinced people that he was their protector. As far as the people who defied

Hitler, I know very little. I know for a fact that there were people who defied
him, and protected Jewish people, however; I do not know much more than
I would like to learn more about the words that Hitler said to convince
people that exterminating the Jewish community was an okay thing to do. I
believe that the words themselves have to be pretty powerful if he can
convince thousands of people that murdering an entire race/religion is Ok.
What kind of fear factor was played into Hitlers control over people? What
were the consequences for those who defied Hitler? I would also like to learn
more specifically about the German soldiers. Where there any that didnt
want to kill the Jewish people? Were they given any opportunity to remove
themselves from the forces? For my next topic of interest, if you were
someone allowing Jews to take refuge in your home how did this information
get around to them, however; stay secret enough to where you did not get
caught? What would have happened if they were caught? Were there any
Jews that made it through the war in hideout the entire time. Lastly, why did
they not follow Hitler? What made them different from the thousands of his
followers? Overall, I want to understand if in the case that history ever does
repeat itself, could something such as the Holocaust ever happen again? Are
people too educated, or easily manipulated?
I believe that it would be interesting to research these topics from two
different spectrums. One would be to research, and question people who
actually believed Hitler. The people who devoutly followed him, believing

everything he told people. Secondly, researching, and questioning those who

did not believe him, and in fact let Jewish people take refuge in their homes. I
believe that looking at it from these two perspectives would be great fpr
gathering insight and knowledge.
In conclusion, writing this inquiry paper really sparked my interest for
this particular topic. I have so many questions that I look forward to
answering through out my research. I will be able to use this knowledge that
I gain through my research to be able to potentially educate those further of
how the Holocaust truly occurred on a deeper level than just Hitler.
Furthermore, I believe as though I will be able to find a lot of material that
suits this inquiry paper, and will be able to answer my question How did
Hitler seize control of so many individuals, and could and incidence such as
the Holocaust ever occur again?

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