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The largest target the group set out to bring attention to is

Climate Criminals the Chicago Climate Exchange, the first and largest carbon
market in the United States.
“We want action to save our environment today, we don’t
want business as usual…we have a right to clean air, clean
water and clean land,” Kim Wasserman said Coordinator
for the Little Village Justice Organization. “Each one of
these climate criminals is getting a ticket today on behalf
of the people, we are not asking for money we are asking
them to save or Earth.”

Viands held up the “tickets” that the protesters plan on

issuing along their route from the federal center. The route
included businesses such as JP Morgan Bank, The Chicago
Board of Trade, and Midwest Generation.

According to Mobilization for Climate Justice, JP Morgan

By: Emma Watson Chase is one of the largest funders of mountain top removal
coal mining; Midwest Generation is the owner of Chicago’s
Chicago climate activists from all over hit the streets in a two coal-fired power plants Crawford and Fisk plants, and
protest Monday against local air polluters and the current The Chicago board of trade trades palm oil, which is one of
climate crisis. the largest reasons for rainforest destruction.

Marking the 10th anniversary of the non-violent shutdown “Powerful companies are cashing in on the climate crisis,
of the World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle. taking advantage of public concern over climate change
And just one week to the Copenhagen climate negotia- in order to make a buck. Carbon trading institutions like
tions, people of every age marched for the same cause—to the Chicago Climate Exchange are privatizing the air we
breathe clean air. breathe and handing over the rights to the atmosphere to the
biggest polluters,” said Viands.
“We are trying to raise awareness that carbon trading is
a false solution to climate change,” said Debra Michaud “It’s not so much about the smog itself, but about wha
a protester from Andersonville. “Chicago is the highest t is in the smog, and how it sticks to our lungs. Our air
aspo- rate in the country, we have two coal plants right here quality is the worst,” said Jeff Lucas as protester from Rog-
in our city…We have to get on the streets and fight for our ers Park, “We are taking a tour of all the climate criminals
future, fight for our future generations.” in the city.”

As part of a national protest to bring attention to the UN Local groups comprising the protest include: The Little Vil-
climate negotiations in Copenhagen, Chicago was just one lage Environmental Justice Organization, Pilson Environ-
of nine protests across the U.S today. mental Rights and Reform Organization, Rainforest Action
According to Mobilization for Climate Justice the demon- Network Chicago, Eco-Justice Collaborative, Greenpeace,
strations main points were against cap and trade, carbon Catholic Nuns, students, and a marching band.
offsets and other “false solutions” to climate change.
The groups chants included, “The air is not for sale”, and
“You can’t bail out a dead planet,” said Angie Viands a “ain’t no power like the power of people, cause the power
volunteer from Rainforest Action Network Chicago. Viands of people don’t stop!”
was the representative whom prior to the gathering at the
Federal center, went to attempt to speak to Senator Richard
Durbin and Senator Roland Burris on their cause.

“In this letter we expressed concern about our current

climate legislation, and we called for real solutions to our
climate crisis… we asked for a meeting with both senators,
we were not given a meeting and we were told they would
get back to us.” Viands said.

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