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Picture profile 4

Oli Feared sequence caused bullying

2 variations of this shot

Minster gym low lit

Oli sitting down on bench near mirror on bench decorated in box gear
Mid shot of Oli sitting on bench kneeling on knees with hands touching plain
faced zoning out 1 minute
MCU of Olis hands shallow DOF 20 seconds
ECU of scars on Oli hands and knuckles 20 seconds
ECU of Olis Face(Showing Scar and eyebrows) 20 seconds
ECU tracking shot of Olis Right arm showing leopard tattoo 10 seconds
MCU Shallow DOF deep focus 20 seconds
Static MCU reflection from Mirror of Oli 20 seconds
Oli doing up his wraps and tightening it to symbolise the strangling?

Oli picked on by group of bullies

Steadycam shots + tripod 85 mm
Oli Shadow boxing in low lit Gym to symbolise loneliness
Shadow boxing wearing white towel on his head? Towel hanging over the
rope in the corner he walks too to pick up and put on his head
Establishing Wide shot of Oli Shadow boxing in the ring 1 minute
CU of Oli Shadow boxing 1 minute
Circling CU of Oli shadow boxing in ring 30 seconds
Dirty frame from behind boxing bag of Oli shadow boxing 30 seconds
Deep focus of Olis feet moving around on the matt 30 seconds
Oli bent over leaning on ropes sweating from shadow boxing workout with
towel over his head 30 seconds
Shot of Oli feet in Ring corner Shallow DOF leaning back and forth breathing
20 seconds
Oli in ring corner leaning back against ropes with towel on his head back and
forth breathing - 30 seconds

Oli skipping sequence

Oli skipping next to left of the ring (white padding) opposite mirror
Wide dirty from behind pillar next to bathroom of Oli skipping
MCU of Oli skipping
ECU of Oli hands whilst skipping
ECU of Oli face whilst skipping
Reflection MS from Mirror of Oli skipping
CU of Oli face while skipping

Oli boxing bag

Oli doing bag work on bag next to pillar left of white ring corner
Dirty wide of Oli doing bag work from behind bags
MCU looking up of Oli doing bag work (tripod)
CU looking up of Oli doing bag work (tripod)
Reflection shot from mirror of Oli doing bag work
Side MCU of Oli doing bag work ring in background (tripod)
CU of gloves while Oli doing bag work

Cut away to get at Minster

Boxing bag chains + creaking sound
CU of Boxing ring rope
CU of skipping ropes hanging off the wall
CU of Clock on Wall
CU of digital clock
Wide shot of Empty Gym low lit

Amateur boxing Section

PhotoScape at Minster Boxing Gym

Picture taped to edge of ring using boxing tape shallow DOF

o Facing mirror & facing away from mirror
Picture laid on boxing canvas decorated with boxing gear (check list)
Picture stuck on locker in bathroom
Picture stuck on ring corner Shallow DOF
Slider shot of tropies on edge of ring shallow DOF (stabilize in post)
o Decorated with boxing gear (check list)

- Skipping rope / Head guard / Newspaper clippings / Pro licence

- Medals / Boxing tape / Scissors / Wraps / Gum shield / Boxing boots
- Boxing uniform behind pictures / Trophies / Certificates / Gloves
- Changing room locker
St.Marys Boxing Gym sequence
Panning Wide shot from left to right of St.Marys Boxing Gym
MCU of St.Marys
ECU of St.Marys signboard
Amateur footage
Footage of Oli fighting and winning fights

Boxing wraps sequence + trainers

Oli sitting down on bench camera slightly low angle looking up at times
MCU of Oli doing wraps
CU of Oli doing wraps face in shot looking up angle
ECU of oli doing wraps looking up angle
CU tracking shot looking only at chest Oli doing wraps
Wide centre of screen Oli doing wraps then places hands on lap
looking forwards
Side diagonal shot of Oli doing boxing shoes up
Shallow DOF Oli tying shoe lace
ECU of Oli tying shoe lace

Oli Robbery sequence - Sheerness

Oli robbery sequence (look at heather portrait)
Oli walking up a road at night time from left to right

Canted CU of Oli leaving Caravan door at night-time (flip the shot

Reflection of Oli shadow walking
Side tracking MCU of Oli walking
Wide Zoomed in shot of Oli walking up the road away from the camera
Shot looking up into the dark sky
Static MCU Oli looking at cam deep focus
ECU of Oli Eyes
Dirty frame shot of moon

The Glenn Park

Oli overlooking sheerness during Golden hour
Wide shot OTS of oli sitting down looking over at sheerness
MCU of same shot
CU of same shot
MCU of Oli sitting down hands over knees deep thinking
CU of Oli face and hands
ECU of Olis face

Family photoscape
Shots of family in my house

Shots on balcony
Picture stuck to window
Panning across pictures spread across bed
Shot along window ledge

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