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Conversation Questions Easter

Why do we celebrate Easter?

Do you celebrate Easter in your country? How do you celebrate Easter in your country?
Do you have any special family traditions?
Did the original meaning of Easter get lost?
Do you know the meaning of Easter?
Do you consider it an important holiday? Why or why not?
Do you think it used to be more important than it is today? Why or why not?
What are the 40 days before Easter called?
What special activities or events happen in those 40 days?
Do you observe these 40 days?
What is the Sunday before Easter called?
What is it remembering?
What is the Friday before Easter called?
What is it remembering?
Do you think most people consider Easter time a religious celebration? Why or why not?
How do you think the Easter bunny and hiding colored eggs came to be part of the
celebration of Easter?
Do you think it is wrong to associate religious holidays with other types of things, like
Easter and the bunny?
Christmas and Santa Claus?

How many days do you usually have off for Easter?

Which days, if any, are religious holidays in your country?
What do you know about the origin of Easter?
Does your country have a different name for Easter?
Do people give each other Easter eggs in your culture? Are they real eggs or made of
chocolate? Can you describe them?
Are there any special breads, cakes or other foods associated with Easter in your country?
Do schools do anything special over Easter in your country?
Are the shops open or closed over Easter? How do you feel about the fact that they are
opened or closed?
Many of the symbols of Easter (from the name of the pagan goddess Astarte) are hand-overs
from an ancient fertility religion which celebrated the return of fertility during the spring.
These symbols include rabbits, famous for their reproductive capacity and eggs as signs of
fertility. Does it matter if these pagan elements have been incorporated into Christian
Many countries call "Easter" by an older name of "Pascha" from the Hebrew word for
Passover, since the Christian feast occurs during the Passover time. Does your
country/culture/church do this? How important is the origin of the name versus what is

Passion plays and parades[edit]

Does your region have processions or parades at Easter? Can you describe them? Do you

Some countries/regions have "passion plays" where they reenact the death of Jesus. Have
you been to see one or participated in one? Can you describe it?
In some Asian societies, real nails are used on the cross and people punish themselves with
whips. What is your opinion of this? Does it make them feel closer to the passion of Christ?

Other activities[edit]
What other activities occur at Easter? Are there any special sporting events?
Are there any films which are always shown at Easter?
Have you seen the Mel Gibson film, The Passion of the Christ? What did you think of it?
What have you heard about it?


What are your plans for Easter week this year? Do you have to work?
How do you usually feel at this time of year?
Do you have any family Easter traditions?
What are the traditional Easter traditions in your country? Maundy Thursday / Good Friday /
Easter Sunday / Easter Monday traditions.
5. Are there any traditional foods / drinks for Easter?
6. Do you normally go on holiday at Easter?
7. Do you go to church at Easter?
8. What did you used to do at Easter when you were a child?
9. How have Easter celebrations changed during your lifetime?
10.Have they been influenced by other cultures?
11.Do you give Easter eggs?
12.Do / did you organize egg hunts for your children?

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