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Pulse amplitude modulation(PAM) is the transmission of data by varying the amplitude (voltage)
of the individual pulses in a regularly timed sequence of electrical or electromagnetic pulses[1].
Although it can be any number for the pulse amplitude for the PAM but the number normally
some power of two so it can resulting the digital output signal. For example, in 4-level PAM
there are 2^2 possible discrete pulse amplitudes; in 8-level PAM there are 2^3 possible discrete
pulse amplitudes; and in 16-level PAM there are 2^4 possible discrete pulse amplitudes[2].
In some PAM systems, the amplitude of each pulse is directly proportional to the instantaneous
modulating-signal amplitude at the time the pulse occurs. In other PAM systems, the amplitude
of each pulse is inversely proportional to the instantaneous modulating-signal amplitude at the
time the pulse occurs. In still other systems, the intensity of each pulse depends on some
characteristic of the modulating signal other than its strength, such as its
instantaneous frequency or phase[3] .
PAM is only one of several forms of pulse modulation. Other methods include varying the
durations (or widths), the frequencies, the positions, or the intervals of the individual pulses in a


We have done the experiment by using the simulink. First of all we construct the circuit based
on figure 1.

Figure 1

We use the same value of amplitude for message in every difference experiment which
is 2 volts. We also used the same value for canstant in every experiment which is 0. For pulse
generator, the value that we used for amplitude are same which is 1 volts however the period
are difference which are 0.25s, 0.125s and 1.25s. The reason that we used difference values of
period because we want to see the effect to the output when we change the period values at the
pulse generator. We will cover the result in 3 parts which are for scope 1,scope 2 and scope
3.For scope 1, the graph that we got for every experiment are same. This is because the scope
1 shows the graph for the message. The result that we got for scope 1 in every experiment was
shown in figure 2 .

figure 2

For scope 2, the graph that we got are difference. This is because the scope 2 shows
the product of message and the pulse generator. The message just be a guide for the amplitude
of the output however it does not effect the prequency of the graph. We used the difference
values of time for the pulse generator in every experiment. So, the graph for the scope 2 for
every experiment shows the difference frequency per one complete cycle because the theory
state that the number of frequency in one complete cycle depends on the values of the

The result for scope 2 in every experiment was shown in figure 3,figure4 and figure 5.

Figure 3: 0.25s

Figure 4: 0.125s
Figure 5: 1.25s

For scope 3, the graph was present in the form of spectrum. For every experiment. The
distance between the spectrum are difference. In simple, when we increase the number of
period(time), the distance between the spectrum are increase because the formula state that
frequency=1/time . So when we increase the time, the frequency will decrease. Base on the
result that we got, the distance between the spectrum is increase because the graph shown
volts*time graph means that when the frequency decrease the time is increase. The result for
scope 3 was shown in the figure 6,figure 7 and figure 8.

Figure 6: 0.25s

Figure 7: 0.125s

Figure 8: 1.25s




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