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The objectives of the project are achieved by choosing one simple system to study,

identified the characteristics of the signal and its system properties and understood the signal
behaviour by using related equations or function in a system. In this assignment, our group had
chosen the flight system as our main topic. The speed of a plane is determined by using the
airspeed indicator which is a flight instrument that located in every plane and the speed of a
plane is relative to the air.
From our studies, the characteristic of the equation showed the function of the flight
system. Besides, the flight system has the properties such as memory system, time invariance
system and casual system. A system is said to have memory if the output from the system is
dependent on past or future inputs to the system. A system is called memoryless if the output is
only dependent on the present input. Memoryless systems are easier to work with, but systems
with memory are more common in digital signal processing applications. Causality system is a
property that is very similar to memory. A system is called causal if it is only dependent on past
or present inputs while non-causal is the output of the system dependent on future inputs. Most
of the practical systems are causal. Time invariance system is one where a time delay (or shift) in
the input sequence causes an equivalent time delay in the system's output sequence. When a
system is explicitly depends on t outside of x(t) and y(t), it is time-variant. However, a system
that does not depend explicitly on t is time-invariant. There is an equation used in this
assignment to prove the properties of the flights.
The equation we used to measure the airspeed is as below :
y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n]
y[n] = Air speed of the plane
y[n-1] = Ground speed
x[n] = Wind speed
n = Speed of the distance travelled
N = Speed of the distance before plane take off



(i) To select and study one simple system that surround us by identifying the type
of the signals and its characteristics in the chosen engineering systems.
(ii) To understand signals and the systems properties and behaviour, its can through relate
and integrate the signals equation or function into a system.


Theory / literature review

1. What is flight system?

Performance-based navigation (PBN) is a concept used to describe navigation

performance along a route, procedure, or airspace within the bounds of which the
airplane must operate. The PBN concept defines navigation performance in terms of
accuracy, integrity, availability, continuity, and functionality. These operations provide a
basis for designing and implementing automated flight paths that will facilitate airspace
design, terminal area procedure design, traffic flow capacity, and improved access to
runways. The basic instrumentation is to keep the airplane upright and navigating toward
the desired destination. Long-range navigation over remote and oceanic areas, where
navigation radio transmitters did not exist, was originally accomplished by dead
reckoning and celestial navigation. The introduction of the inertial navigation system
(INS) on airplanes facilitated long-range capability by providing a continuous calculation
and display of the airplanes position. Flight crews could enter waypoints and the INS
would calculate heading, distance, and estimated time of arrival to the respective
waypoint. We may realize there is a difference between GPS speed and the indicator
speed. The GPS application that we open in the phone show the differences value
between the car speed-meter and the GPS speed. The theory same applied in the
difference of aircraft indicator speed and the GPS speed. The below simple diagram may
explained. Hence, the flight have a system that calculate the factors and come out with
the accurate time to reach the destination. The indicator in the aircraft cannot be used to
estimate the time require to reach the destination because the ground speed is difference.

Diagram 1: Explanation of air speed

Diagram 2: Explanation of wind speed

2. Ground speed, air speed and wind speed

The velocity typically displayed on these systems is the ground speed, which is
defined as the speed at which an object travels relative to a fixed point on the Earth's
surface. However, is measured with respect to the velocity of the object through the air,
or its airspeed. The difference between ground speed and airspeed is caused by the
influence of winds on the overall velocity of the aircraft. The relationship between
ground speed, airspeed, and wind speed can be written in the following form:

If the wind moves in the same direction as the aircraft, the term Vwind will
have a

positive sign. If the wind blows in the opposite direction as the planes

motion, Vwind will be a negative number. It is important to understand this

Airspeed is that the speed of

distinction between airspeed and

ground speed.

associate aircraft in reference to the air.

(Think of velocity because the speed at that its

system is about to move it on.) If

associate aircraft is flying with the wind then its ground

speed are increased. Which

means its ground speed are quicker than its velocity. If associate

aircraft is flying against

the wind then its ground speed are reduced. Which means its

ground speed are slower

than its velocity. If associate aircraft is flying through still air (air

with no measurable
wind speed is the speed

wind), then its ground speed and velocity are constant. Whereas
of the wind included the direction of the wind.

Figure 1: Triangle of ground speed, air speed and wind speed

3. Flight system

The flight system can be analyzed by thinking of it as the combination of aircraft

and aircraft speed indicator system. The input to the system is the wind speed and the
output to the system is the ground speed.

Flight system



Figure 2: Block Diagram of Flight system
System properties
There are several basic system properties such as stability, memory, causality,
inevitability, time invariance and linearity. The basic properties which can be found in the flight
system are memory, causality and time invariance.
A system is said to possess memory if its output signal depend on pass or future values of
the input signal. A system with memory is also called dynamic system. Note that v(t) depends not
just on i(t) at one point in time t. Therefore, the system that relates v to i exhibits memory.
Otherwise, the system is consider as memoryless which is also called static system. The system
is said to be memoryless if its output signal depends only on the present value of the input signal.
This equation is memory because the value of the output signal y[n] at time n depend on the
present and two past values of x[n].

A system is causal if the output at any time is dependent on the present or past values of
the input signal. A causal system is also called a non-anticipatory system. All physical systems
are causal. The system is causal, since the present output is equal to the input of 2 s ago. This
system is called ideal time delay. The form of the signal is not altered; the signal is simply

y(t) = x(t - 2),

Time Invariance
A system is said to be time invariant if a time shift of the input signal leads to an identical
time shift in the output signal. This implies that a time-invariant system respond identically no
matter when the input signal is applied. For example.

Test for time

Thus, a time-invariant system does not change with time. A time-invariant system is also
called a fixed system.


1. Time Invariance System
y[n] = Air speed of the plane
x[n] = Wind speed

y[n-1] = Ground speed

n = Speed of the distance travelled
N = Speed of the distance before plane take off
Let the speed of the distance travelled n is
y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n]
If the speed of the distance travelled when plane start to take off N, make x[n] = y[n] =0
for all n<N. To find y[N] = y[N-1] +x[N] --------------------(1)

Before plane take off, n=N there is no ground speed so it is time invariance
y[n] = y[N-1] + x[N]
y[N] = 0 + x[N]
y[n] = x[n]

When plane is flying. n=N+1 and substitute into (1)

y[N+1] = y[N] + x[N+1]
Since x[n] = y[n] for all n<N
y[N+1] = x[N] + x[N+1] --------------------(2)
From equation 2, the plane is flying with air speed, so it is not the time variance since
the y[N+1] x[N+1].

When plane is continuous flying. n=N+2 and substitute into (1)

y[N+2] = y[N+1] + x[N+2]
Since x[n] = y[n] for all n<N
y[N+2] = x[N+1] + x[N+2] --------------------(3)

From equation 3, the plane is flying continuously with air speed, so it is not the time
variance since the y[N+2] x[N+2].

When plane is landed, n=N, there is no ground speed, so it is time invariance

y[N+3] = y[N+2] + x[N+3]
y[N+3] = 0 + x[N]
y[N+3] = x[N+3]

2. Causal System
From equation

: y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n] ---------------(5)

Before plane take off

: y[N] = y[N-1] + x[N] ---------------(5)

Plane is flying : y[N+1] = y[N] + x[N+1] ---------------(6)

Plane is flying continuously
When plane is landed

: y[N+2] = y[N+1] + x[N+2] ---------------(7)

: y[N+3] = y[N+2] + x[N+3] ---------------(8)

For the equation (5),(6),(7),(8),(9)

Present values = ( x[N], x[N+1], x[N+2] )
ass values

= ( y[N-1]y[N]y[N+1] )

So, the equation above can prove that all the equation above is causal system since the
output value y[n] depends on the present and the pass value of the input value, x[n].

3. Memory System
For the equation (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)
Pass values

= ( y[N-1]y[N]y[N+1], y[N+2] )

So, the equation above can prove all the equation above is Memory System since the
output value, y[n] is depends on the pass value of the input value, x[n].
Before plane take off

: y[N]

= y[N-1] + x[N]
= 0 + 50mph
= 50 mph

Plane is flying

: y[N+1] = y[N] + x[N+1]

= 50mph + (+130mph)
= 180 mph

Plane is flying continuously : y[N+2] = y[N+1] + x[N+2]

= 180mph + (-50mph)
= 130 mph
When plane is landed

: y[N+3] = y[N+2] + x[N+3]

= 0 + (-40 mph)
= -40 mph

Condition of plane

Wind speed, x[n]

Ground speed,y[n-1]

Air speed, y[n]

Before take off

+50 mph

+50 mph


+130 mph

+50 mph

+180 mph

Flying continuously

-50 mph

+180 mph

+130 mph


-40 mph

-40 mph


Figure 3 : Table of air speed for each condition of plane


1. Time invariance
For time invariance system, if the time delay or time advances of the input signal leads to
an identical time shift in the output signal, it responds identically no matter when the
input signal is applied. In other words, a time-invariant system does not change with time.
We started the speed of distance travelled before plane take off, N, y[N] = y[N-1] + x[N]
is time invariance because there is no speed of distance travelled before plane take off.
Therefore, y[N] = x[N].
But, on the following time, the plane start to fly, y[N+1] = x[N] + x[N+1],
It is not time invariance because the plane starts to take off and the speed of distance
travelled of plane starts to increase.
Therefore, y[N+1] x[N+1].
2. Causal System
It is also called a nonanticipatory system. For causal system, the present value of the
output signal depends only on the present or the past values of the input signal.
Causality is required for a system to be capable of operating in real time.
From, y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n],
Before plane take off:
When plane is flying:
When plane is flying continuous:
When plane is landed:

y[N] = y[N-1] + x[N]

y[N+1] = y[N] + x[N+1]
y[N+2] = y[N+1] + x[N+2]
y[N+3] = y[N+2] + x[N+3]

Since the output value, y[n] is depends on the present and the pass value of the input
value, x[n], the equations is causal system.
3. Memory System
It is also called a dynamic system. For memory system, its output signal depends on pass
or future values of the input signal.
From the results,
y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n],

Before plane take off :

y[N] = y[N-1] + x[N]

= +50 mph
When plane is flying :
y[N+1] = y[N] + x[N+1]
= +180 mph
When plane is flying continuous:
y[N+2] = y[N+1] + x[N+2]
= +130 mph
When plane is landed :
y[N+3] = y[N+2] + x[N+3]
= -40 mph
Since the output value, y[n] at time n depends on the present and pass value of the input
value, x[n]. Thus, this equation is memory system.
4. Error
There is an error occur. When the plane is landing the ground speed of the plane is
decreasing and when the plane had landed the ground speed becomes zero. So there is
difference for y[N+2] when it is flying continuous and the y[N+2] when it had landed.


In conclusion, the objectives of this assignment is achieved with the flight
system. From this assignment we can identify the basic properties in the system
such as the memory, causality and the time invariance. All the basic properties is
recognized and it is related into the engineering system. The equation
y[n]=y[n+1]+x[n] is proven for all flight and the system has the basic properties
such as memory, causality and time invariance.




1. Charles L. Philips, John M. Parr, Eve A. Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms, 4th.
Ed., Prentice Hall International Edition, 2008, pp59 78.
2. Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen Signals and Systems, 2nd. Ed., Wiley, 1999
3. Kota, Sridhar; Osborn, Russell; Ervin, Gregory; Maric, Dragan; Flick, Peter; Paul,
Donald. "Mission Adaptive Compliant Wing Design, Fabrication and Flight
Test" (PDF). Ann Arbor, MI; Dayton, OH, U.S.A.: FlexSys Inc., Air Force Research
Laboratory. Retrieved 03 April 2016.

1. Demon UAV jets into history by flying without flaps. (London: Associated
Newspapers Limited). 28 September 2010. Retrieved 03 April 2016.


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