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March 2016

Pez Maya

Tour de Tulum 3 raises money for Fiji

Key Objectives
- Raise awareness through reaching out for donations
- Direct impact through the providing of funds to those affected by the storm

The third annual Tour De Tulum was different this year as all the funds raised were donated to Fiji after
the devastation caused by Cyclone Winston. Tens of thousands were reportedly left homeless after the
most powerful storm to make landfall in the southern hemisphere hit the small island nation earlier this
year. The Pez Maya volunteers and staff pulled together and managed to raise an astounding $2414.40

GVI has as its key objectives Awareness, Impact and Empowerment, which inspire the work done at all
GVI projects. The very nature of a disaster such as Cyclone Winston, that is to say unexpected, made this
achievement different from most in two key ways: firstly, the money raised was not intended for the
project which raised it, and secondly the achievement was based on the core values rather than a set of
key objectives.
It was decided that the
money be sent to Fiji
rather than spent on
the work of the hub in
Mexico as the need for
help was much higher
and the situation more
dire there. The team,
volunteers and the Pez
Maya as well as some of
the Playa de Carmen
office staff, aimed to
through the use of Figure 1. Devastation of Cyclone Winston by Robert McKechnie retrieved from

GVI 2016.1

social media to share a Just Giving account created for the event. Through continuous effort and the
generosity of those who donated, the team managed to raise $2414.40 USD, which was to be spent on
providing daily food rations, medical supplies, drinking water and blankets and sleeping mats for those
whose lives were turned up-side-down by the massive storm.
The event was not only a success in terms of the money raised, it was a success in terms of excitement,
team work and bonding and a scenes of adventure. The event began at the Pez Maya base in the Sian
Kaan Biosphere Reserve and saw the teams (five including a staff team) cycle to Tulum trough the mindblowingly beautiful reserve. Along the way there were a number of challenges set for the teams which
included photograph and video challenges as well as a spicy taco eating challenge.

The going was tough in the sweltering

heat and the high humidity but all the
participants pushed on and helped
one another along, morally as well as
physically. The culmination in Tulum
saw all participants cross the finish
The team which received the most
donations, and finished first, were
given a prize by GVI in recognition of
their hard work.
Figure 2. Participants on the move

Although the day itself was full

of laughter and smiles, the
greatest feeling of joy felt by
those who were involved came
from knowing that they were
helping make a difference to the
lives of others. A huge thank you
must be given to all the
participants and those who so
generously gave!

Figure 3. The taco challenge

GVI 2016.1

Figure 5. Everyone at the end

Figure 4. The winning team

If you would like you read more about this monitoring project please visit .

GVI 2016.1

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