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Usable Security in Practice: Collaborative Management of

Electronic & Physical Personal Information

Laurian Vega
Center for Human-Computer Interaction
2202 Kraft Drive
Virginia Tech, VA, USA
study and understand how socio-technical systems manage
Keywords security practice.
H.5.3 [Information Interfaces & Presentation]: Computer
Responding to the need for research in this area, my research
Supported Cooperative Work, Theory & Models, Organizational
question is: how do socio-technical systems that use sensitive
Design; K.5.6 [Management of Computing & Information
personal information manage work-practice breakdowns
Systems]: Security and Protection
surrounding the implicit and explicit rules of process? I have
further broken this down into three sub-questions:
Traditionally, electronic and physical security was conceptualized · What are the implicit and explicit rules surrounding how
as rules, locks, and passwords. More recently, security research medical practices and childcares handle sensitive personal
has explored how security is part of a larger socio-technical information?
system [8] that involves people using technologies and their · What breakdowns happen when the explicit and implicit
environments to create safe praxis. When examining security as rules are not followed?
one part of this system, or as a supporting mechanism, issues of
· How are breakdowns accounted for, negotiated, and
trust [6], privacy [2, 4], and negotiation start to appear: trust,
managed in socio-technical systems where sensitive personal
because interpersonal relationships are relied upon to work
information exists?
effectively together; privacy, because people are working with
information or details that are sensitive; and, negotiation, because 2. METHODOLOGY
the rules or standards that groups are working within encounter
I will be focusing on breakdowns in the practice of explicit and
breakdowns or instances where rules are not clearly defined [7]
implicit policies through the lens of Activity Theory. Implicit and
thus requiring changes to be mediated.
explicit policies are the cultural norms that exist in the socio-
In my dissertation studies I focus on one type socio-technical technical system to support work practices. Dourish et al. [5] go
system in two instantiations. The type of socio-technical system I as far as to emphasize the importance of both explicit and implicit
will be studying is one in which groups coordinate and manage guarantees in their definition of security: security is “the ability of
their clients’ personal information through physical and users to express and rely upon a set of guarantees that the system
technological mechanisms. The two instantiations that I will may make, explicitly or implicitly, about its treatment of user data
explore are childcare centers and medical centers. In childcare and other resources” (p392, emphasis added). By focusing on the
centers workers care for and manage the enrolled children and breakdowns that occur with explicit and implicit policies I will be
also the enrolled child’s personal information. In medical centers able to study how socio-technical systems manage system
workers manage the patients health along with the patients health perturbations. This management of perturbations is an intrinsic
information. The use of two areas allows for generalization across strength of human-mediated security systems, and one
similar work environments while also exploring different characteristic that technical systems fail to properly incorporate
dimensions (e.g. routines, legislation). [6].
The problem with security policies is that they are often only Pending approval from the Virginia Tech Institutional Review
secure in principle. They are seldom secure in practice” [4]. Board, month-long active-participant observations will be
Practice is what happens in the moment; it is the activity; it is employed. For these I will be volunteering half days of work at
what is actually done. There is a tension that exists between work both a childcare and medical center. The pilot data and resulting
practice and security. There has been a plethora of research that data from the month long observations will form the basis for the
has demonstrated that when security policies or mechanisms are overall findings of this study. Daily observation logs will be kept
not appropriately designed to support work practice, security along with audio recordings and appropriate pictures of
breaks down (e.g., creating work-arounds such as writing representative artifacts. Key parts of the audio recordings will be
passwords on post-it notes, or as was observed in the pilot studies transcribed verbatim. Breakdowns will then be coded to produce
– shouting passwords) [1, 3, 5]. When a breakdown occurs, an emergent understanding of how the socio-technical system
though, in a social system, workers do not stop doing work. They employs security in practice. The use of observations and
create special cases or methods that allows them to continue – interviews from key stakeholders should provide a complete story.
sends in the policies. In this sense, social systems are intrinsically
flexible. When we start to think about electronic systems, the 3. PILOT STUDIES & RESULTS
reverse is true: electronic systems work according to pre-encoded, Four pilot studies were conducted to explore security issues
deterministic rules. It is for this reason that there exists a need to involved in the practice of collaborative sensitive information
management: 12 interviews of childcare directors, 13 interviews
of medical center directors, follow-up interviews with 4 childcare reproducible. Understanding what information is going to be kept
directors, and two to three observations in 4 childcares. All in what space or form, and who has access to those instances is
interviews and observations were transcribed. All participants something that is determined by the function of the information
were from the southwest area of Virginia. All directors were and also the context surrounding the information use.
recruited through a comprehensive list of all area businesses; the
response rates were 55% for childcares, and 26% for medical 4. CONTRIBUTIONS OF RESEARCH
practices- not including the hospitals. This work will benefit the security, the usable security, and the
trust community within human-computer interaction by detailing
Three sample findings in regards to explicit and implicit policies
a deep exploration of how communities manage explicit and
that govern the collaborative management of sensitive information
implicit policies. The results from this body of work will be a set
are: Human-mediated Access Management, Community of Trust,
of properties that will help the design community to create
and Information Redundancy.
technology and tools to support secure work practice.
Human-mediated Access Management. In the case of
A second benefit from this work will be the conceptualization of
childcares, there are instances when teachers or parents want to be
security as more than rules. The application of the Activity
able to look at a file. One director said, “When a teacher comes in
Theory framework provides a lens for examining how groups
and wants access to a file they have to come through me first and
internalize and externalize the constructs of security, trust, and
they have to tell me their reason basically, you know, why do you
privacy. Activity theory literature on breakdowns will provide
need to go in there?” This director is explaining how she monitors
additional methods of analysis to the security literature.
access to the files in a method that is more than simply checking
Additionally, there has been a dearth of research studying how
access rights to information. She is additionally checking the
groups manage and coordinate security and put these constructs
teacher’s goal, which extends into managing information privacy.
into practice. This work will add to that body of literature and
The director’s function is to mediate the information seeker’s goal
in a way that is flexible, negotiated, and determined in a case-by-
case fashion to best balance the need for information for work 5. RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY
with need to keep information private.
I have found that research needs to be balanced between
Community of Trust. To balance the need for access to theoretical and practical. I have tried to balance studies of
information with the need to keep information secure, technology in relation to constructs like trust and privacy in theory
communities of trust emerged within the centers we studied. One but also in real-world situations for my dissertation. I also believe
aspect of security that we asked about was the use of passwords. in continuous discussion and reading to stimulate new ideas and
Computers, when used for accessing patient information, were encourage knowledge. Last, research needs to be only one part of
generally in the director’s space, or the doctor’s office. Of those a researcher’s life. A researcher should have additional interests to
medical centers that used electronic systems, only seven (29%) prevent single mindedness. My work on recruitment and retention
had individual passwords. When asked why, a director said, of women in science and engineering along with my continual
“They can access anything. That’s their job.” This statement efforts to balance work and life reflect this belief.
emphasizes that to be able to do the work required for the job
security access needs to be relaxed on the basis of trust. Another 6. RELATED PUBLICATIONS
example comes from the locking of physical filing cabinets. It is This is a short list of related publications. Please see my website
the official policy that filing cabinets containing files should be for a full list of publications.
locked when the director is absent: “[files are] all kept in here in a [1] Thomas P. Moran, Tara M. Matthews, Laurian Vega, Barton
cabinet that's locked when I’m not here and the door is locked as Smith, James Lin, Stephen Dill. “Ownership and Evaluation
well.” The use of a key was, however, never observed. of Local Process Representations”. Published in the
Information Redundancy. Beyond the physical file containing Proceedings of INTERACT 2009, the 12th IFIP Conference
information about a child or patient, there is information kept in in Human-Computer Interaction, August 24-28, Uppsala,
other locations. From a security perspective having only one Sweden.
instance to protect is the simplest case. When information, [2] Peggy Layne, Laurian Vega. ADVANCE Portal Website. A
however, becomes dispersed to better support individual practice, poster and presentation presented at 2009 Joint Annual
security becomes more difficult to manage due to numerous Meeting: Innovation and Leadership through a Diverse
access points. In both medical and child practices there were STEM Workforce, June 8-11th, Washington D.C., USA.
instances where information was outside the file and distributed in [3] Laurian Vega, Yeong-Tay Sun, D. Scott McCrickard. “Trust,
the environment. These include having a physical and an Learning, and Usability”. A poster to Grace Hopper
electronic file, having a file for billing and a file for medical Celebration of Women in Computing, September 30 -
history, having files for one patient between two medical centers, October 3, Tucson, Arizona.
having information on hand in different spaces, and having [4] Gregorio Convertino, Dennis Neale, Laurian Hobby, John M.
electronic copies stored in an off-site location. One director Carroll, Mary Beth Rosson. "A Laboratory Method for
explains duplicating information in multiple office locations, “We Studying Activity Awareness." In Proceedings of the third
fax patient information back and forth... That happens hundreds of Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction, p.313 -
times a day…. Always with the big disclaimer this is medically 322, Tampere Finland, October 2004
protected information, and this is intended for so-and-so only.”
She explains that someone then files the appropriate information 7. REFERENCES
and the remainder is shredded. This duplication of information [5] Adams, A. and A. Blandford, Bridging the Gap Between
functions to make sure that information is ready at hand when Organizational and User Perspectives of Security in the
necessary for work and ensures that if the information is lost it is
Clinical Domain. International Journal of Human-Computer [10] Flechais, I., J. Riegelsberger and M.A. Sasse. Divide and
Studies, 2005. 63(1-2): p. 175-202. Conquer: The Role of Trust and Assurance in the Design of
[6] Adams, A., A. Blandford, D. Budd and N. Bailey, Secure Socio-Technical Systems. in Proceedings of the 2005
Organizational communication and awareness: a novel Workshop on New Security Paradigms. 2005. Lake
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Communications of the ACM. 1999. p. 40-46. context. Conference on Human Factors in Computing
[8] Bellotti, V. and A. Sellen. Design for Privacy in Ubiquitous Systems (CHI'07). 2005. Portland, OR, USA: ACM Press,
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Supported Cooperative Work. 1993: Kluwer Academic health management practices of individuals with diabetes.
Publishers. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMOBILE international
[9] Dourish, P., E. Grinter, J.D.d.l. Flor and M. Joseph, Security workshop on Systems and networking support for healthcare
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Everyday, Practical Problem. Personal Ubiquitous Rico: ACM.
Computing, 2004. 8(6): p. 391-401.

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