Life Cycle MGT

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Domain 3: Life Cycle Mgt

Jimmy Ardiansyah
Arkansas – September 22, 2005
Managing Software Quality
„ Capacity Maturity Model [CMM]
Provide strategy for determining the maturity
of current processes and to identify the next
step required to improvement
„ CMM Scale:
Level 1 = Initial
Level 2 = Repeatable
Level 3 = Defined
Level 4 = Managed
Level 5 = Optimized
Managing Software Quality
„ ISO 15504 or Spice (Modification of CMM)
ISO Level 0 = Incomplete
ISO Level 1 = Performed
ISO Level 2 = Managed
ISO Level 3 = Established
ISO Level 4 = Predictable
ISO Level 5 = Optimized
Managing Software Quality
„ ISO 9001: Quality Management
Mandate personnel performing work shell be
properly trained and managed to improve
„ ISO 9126: Software Quality
Six quality Attribute:
1. Functionality of S/W Process
2. Ease of use
3. Reliability
4. Efficiency of resources
5. Portability
6. Maintainability
Steering Committee
„ Identify Critical Success Factor (CSF)
CSF is something that must go right every
time or something that must function correctly
every single time.
„ Scenario Approach is driven by a series of
“What If” questions.
„ Aligning S/F to Business Needs
1. Establish the need
2. Identify the work effort
3. Summarize the impact
4. Present the benefits
Change Management
„ Change Mgt process begins with the
authorization changes to occur. For this
purpose, the methodology should exist for
prioritizing and approving system change
„ Change requests are initiated form end user
as well as operational staff and sys
development staff.
„ Change requests should be in a format that
ensure all changes are considered for action
and that allow the system mgt staff to easily
track status of the request.
Change Management
„ Change Mgt Process
1. Deploying Changes
2. Documentation
3. Testing Changed Program
4. Audit Program Changes
5. Emergency Changes
6. Deploying Changes Back to
Sample of Request For
Change Document
Sample of Request For
Change Document
Managing The S/F Project or
Biz Apps Development
„ The implementation process for business
applications commonly referred to as an
SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) that
begin when individual apps is initiated as a
result of one or more of the situation below:
1. A new opportunity to Biz Process
2. Problem related to Biz Process
3. Opportunity to take adv of Tech
4. Problem with the current Tech
Traditional SDLC Approach
Traditional SDLC Approach
Traditional SDLC Approach
CSF of Traditional SDLC
SDLC: Feasibility Study
„ Concern with analyzing the benefit and
solution for the identified problem area.
„ Typically points are addressed:
1. Define a time frame
2. Determine optimum alternative
risk-based solution
3. Determine approx cost
4. Determine if the solution fit to
the business strategy
SDLC: Requirements
„ Concern with identifying and specifying the
business requirement of the system chosen
for development. Requirement include
description of what a system should do, how
users will interact with a system, condition
under which the system will operate, and the
information criteria the system should meet.
„ One of an important tool in the creation of
general preliminary design is the use of Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Sample of ERD
SDLC: Design
„ Developing system flowchart and ERD model
to illustrate how information will flow thru the
„ Determine processing step
„ Determine data file or Database design
„ Preparing program specification
„ Developing test plan for various level of
„ Developing data conversion plan to convert
data and manual procedures for old system to
the new system.
SDLC: Development
„ Development phase uses the detailed design
that developed in the previous step; begin
coding and moving the system one step closer
to a final physical software product.
„ Key activities includes:
1. Coding and Developing program
2. Debugging and Testing
3. Converting Data
4. Creating User Procedure/Manual
5. Training Selected User
6. Documented
SDLC: Implementation
„ System Certification
„ System accreditation
„ User Training
„ Go Live and Changeover
1. Parallel Operation
2. Phase Changeover
3. Hard Changeover
Parallel Changeover
Phase Changeover
Hard Changeover
SDLC: Post-Implementation
„ Assess the adequacy of the system
„ Evaluate the projected cost benefit and ROI
„ Develop recommendation that address the
system’s inadequacies and deficiencies
„ Develop a plan for implementing the
„ Assess the development process
Alternative Apps
Development Approach
„ Data-Oriented Sys Development
„ Object-Oriented Sys Development
„ Component-Based Development
„ Web-Based Apps Development
„ Prototyping
„ Rapid Application Development
„ Agile Development
„ Reengineering
„ Reverse Engineering
„ CISA Review Manual
„ Jimmy Ardiansyah, MS-IT
Solution Developer @Acxiom Corp.
Arkansas 72801

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