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Went to court as an observer yesterday (March 3, 2016).

I wanted to testify against my rotten, drug

addled brother, Craig, but the opportunity didn't arise.
Prior to the hearing I (loudly) lambasted Craig to the ADA (assistant district attorney) accusing him of
drug dealing, smuggling and every illegal drug related act I knew of.
The judge sat behind her bench, silent, pretending not to listen. The ADA was shocked and blown
Craig's attorney missed this.
When Craig's attorney showed up Craig hustled him out of the room for a conference. No doubt Craig
pleaded with him to not let me testify.
When court opened the ADA asked for a continuance due to newly discovered information (me.)
Craig's attorney entered a written plea of no contest to prevent witnesses. The judge agreed to continue
with the hearing and the ADA acquiesced. I later found out that Craig was to have walked with a smack
because he claimed this was his 1st DWI offense. Because of the plea he received more than a slap on
the wrist.
I lambast Texas for many things. Being soft on drug dealers and DWI are not among those things.
Maximum sentence in New Mexico, with the fourth DWI becoming a felony, is 18 months! DWI
consists of drugs and alcohol.
What Craig got as far as I heard was: 1 year supervised probation with 24 hr. call for alcohol and drug
testing, one year no driving, one year no alcohol or drug- if so agreed to jail time and community
I met with the District Attorney afterward. I additionally informed of Craig's pedophilia, HIV, AIDS
and warned him to not let Craig near children during his community service. I gave him information
relating to known advances to 10 year olds (no names here to protect the victims.)
Craig and his attorney (Mr. Clueless- Jeffrey Van Keulen) lied to the judge. They claimed Craig had no
local (Alamogordo) connections and that this was Craig's 1st offense for DWI. Neither of these claims
was true. 2nd or 3rd DWI and lots of real estate connections locally. I informed the D.A. of these facts as
Remington (Charles Craig of Las Cruces) tried to confront me outside the courtroom. He wanted to
know what I said about him. I asked him where and to whom. He didn't know. I asked him if it dealt
with him driving Craig around with Craig's luggage containing illegal drugs- but I had said that to him,
in court. Remington (as always) was clueless. I went to high school with him- 1965. Yeah, we are both
Craig wore a jacket lettered Four Queens across its back. I laughed. Craig is truly a flaming fag
and here he is advertising himself! Amazing.
The D.A. was great!
All for now.

I forgot- Craig wouldn't talk to me outside and flipped me off

repeatedly as he slunk away (look at his pronounced stoop

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