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Robert Gamable

English 9 Block 4X

March 10, 2015

Odysseus: A Fearless Hero

A hero is someone who puts his or her life on the line to save someone elses life,
other lives, or for the greater good of mankind. Heroes come in many forms, from
policemen/women, firefighters, and the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces,
to our loyal pet animals. One of Greeces most beloved heroes is King Odysseus, the
protagonist from The Odyssey by Homer. This epic poem describes the experiences of
Odysseus as he makes his way home after twenty long years of fighting in the Trojan
War. He and his men face many perils on their way from Troy to Ithaca. Odysseus faces
more challenges when he returns home. Homer decided to make Odysseus an epic hero
because Odysseus possesses many heroic traits, such as curiosity, loyalty, and bravery. He
proves his heroic status because he always remains brave and fearless, facing any
challenge with a desire to win.
Odysseus exhibits his bravery several times during The Odyssey. One example is
when he and his men land on the island of the Cyclopes. Odysseus curiosity kicks in; he
wants to explore the cave. While his men do not want to go in the cave, Odysseus is
fearless and refuses to leave. The Cyclops ends up eating a few of the men. Being only
human, Odysseus' bravery was tested to the extreme when Odysseus, a mortal, stood up
to the Cyclops, a one-eyed, immortal giant. With the help of four of his men, he stabs
the Cyclops in the eye:
straight/forward they sprinted, lifted it, and rammed it/deep in his crater
eye/So with our brand we bored that great eye socket/while blood ran out around the
red hot bar./Eyelid and lash were seared; the pierced ball/hissed broiling, and the roots
popped. (1056 lines 331-340).

Robert Gamable

English 9 Block 4X

March 10, 2015

Not many people would have the nerve to try to stab a creature that is between fifteen and
sixteen feet taller than themselves. Not many people would have the courage to remain
around a creature that just devoured his friends, either. Another example of bravery
shown is when Odysseus returns home to Ithaca to find dozens of suitors in his home,
disrespecting his home and Penelope. He is angered by this, and with the help of Athena,
Telemachus, Eumaeus, and other faithful servants, kills all of the suitors:
While he had arrows/he aimed and shot, and every shot brought down/one of his
huddling enemies/And Odysseus looked around him, narrow-eyed,/for any others who
had lain hidden/while deaths black fury passed./In blood and dust/he saw that crowd all
fallen, many and many slain. (1110-1111 lines 1522-1534).
This is an epic moment because Odysseus is making a heroic stand against an enemy that
greatly outnumbers him in order to defend home and honor against those who have
scorned and abused him and his family. The suitors knew that Odysseus was married and
had a family. They were not expecting him to return. But, they were sadly mistaken.
Odysseus did not back down.
Heroes risk their lives every day to keep us safe. They go through many trials and
tribulations. They possess many great qualities, such as curiosity, intelligence, and
loyalty. The most important quality of a hero is bravery. Odysseus displayed bravery
throughout The Odyssey, from the time he leaves his family to go fight in the Trojan War,
through the ordeals he has to face with Circe, the Sirens, and the Cyclopes, to the
disrespect he faces when he returns home. It takes a special person to face so many
obstacles and still remain strong. Some people will fall under pressure or just give up.
Odysseus let nothing get in his way. He fought the good fight. He is brave. He is a hero.

Robert Gamable

English 9 Block 4X

March 10, 2015

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